What is the most aesthetic die and why is it the crystal d4? It's simple, elegant and it actually fucking rolls.
What is the most aesthetic die and why is it the crystal d4? It's simple, elegant and it actually fucking rolls
not a true platonic solid; so no care.
Plato is dead
does it double as a deadly caltrop for when you need to flee a bad gaming session? no?? then it's inferior to the standard d4
Have you guys noticed that different people roll their dice differently? I had a player who would throw his dice straight down at the table from like two feet in the air. It was fucking bizarre and they always went everywhere.
Yeah. I personally set my dice on the table and then beat the table like a rabid fucking ape.
>not building a Rube Goldberg machine, setting your dice in it, smashing it with a sledgehammer when they're halfway through and seeing the results from there
>not placing your dice inside a closed box, shaking it so you don't know the result, and then diverging into 20 different realities to account for all possibilities simultaneously
Not just divergeing your campaign into alternate realities for every possible dice roll thus eliminating the need for dice.
Holy shit, my sides. You fucking killed me!
Dude, where do I get one of these?
I've been playing a wizard for a while and this is too theme-appropriate to pass.
Seems too ambiguous. Almost better for it to be sequential because with that you can argue either high or low.
Either that or it needs to be on a taller spinner with more deviated numbers
Just look at whichever number is closest to the table and subtract it from 21
It could rest between the numbers quite easily, not to mention that even in the Pic, 4 and 9 are pretty damn close to the table.
We all know wizards are faggots and will try to argue the highest possible roll.
>90 degree angles
>Sides with more width than height
D10s are nice, crystal ones too. I use them a lot for Firebolt.
Maybe they've become mundane from being used so much, but icosahedrons are pretty cool.
Compared to regular d4s they roll well (but then just about anything does). They're kind of shitty dice--worse than all the regular dice other than d4s--but they aren't absolutely terrible.
>90 degree angles
d6s work okay.
>Sides with more width than height
Yeah, that is a significant flaw. If you made them cubes, like in the pic here, they'd work much better.
i shake my dice in a cup. everybody acts like i'm an idiot but it's better than skimming them over the table and onto the floor every other roll
>what is fine motor control?
>Name dropping.
This isn't /b/
>not lurking before posting
I would argue that the d12 is the most aesthetically pleasing die.
I use a dice cup but only for shaking the dice, when I actually roll it I let it go on the table pretty much the same way as hand rolling.
what does that make me?
If you think there is something more elegant or fair than pic related - you are fucking retarded
Hey, I remember you.
And his memes are still great.
Cute but it makes me think of monopoly desu
Also I'm dyslexic at reading large amounts of dots at once
one cool cat
A cupkek. Do you yell YAHTZEE too?
The only way to really roll is to put all of my dice inside my host's milfy mommy's vagina or anus and rape her live then have her creampie the dice all over the table.
It only goes up to 6.
Doesn't that mean you rearrange letters?
How would that even work for dice.
Actually thinking about it now I never count the dots I just see shapes.
Omg, fucking brainlets.
Instead of 6+4+2 dmg roll, he sees 6+2+4 dmg roll. Get a brain, morain.
Yeah but what if you roll lots of them at once. That's like 36 dots
Don't look at them as dots you count, look at them as lines or shapes. A single dot is 1, two dots on opposite ends of the die is 2, a diagonal line across the face is 3, an even square is 4, an X or + is 5, and an uneven square is 6.
PolyHero dice. the Wizard Set. They're due to be doing kickstarter deliveries soon, which means they'll likely have things in stock in their webstore soon. Pic related is the main set, the hat is an extra.
>Uneven square
Is that what they're calling rectangles these days? Fucking Common Core bullshit
I'm a fan of d12s and d8s.
These are my shit and I don't care if they're Chessex garbage
Is it out of line to ban chessex crap at my gaming table?
I do give warnings for first offenses though.
...The fuck?
YThe most aesthetic die is the star dodecahedron.
Hey fuck you, faggot. Chessex are cheap, widely available, come in plenty of colors, and roll just like any other die.
>rolling a d4
Flick it as though you were flipping a coin. It surprisingly doesn't go everywhere.
For what reason?
Because its le pleb tier
but why though
Because I'm in the US; if you can't afford 15 dollars on a good 7 set of polyhedrals then I don't want you at my table since you're obviously stupid. Poor=stupid. Usually the chessex guys are the same assholes that fumble around with their gifted ipad because they only own pirate copies of the books.
You sound like a tremendous cunt and I'm glad you're not my GM.
What the fuck is wrong with chessex dice?
Most worthless die. If you can't figure out how to read a die20 as a d10 then you shouldn't be gaming.
What is bad about Chessex? I like their dice alot.
Those are incredibly ugly and no doubt wildly inaccurate for randomization
But user two d10s = a % roll. Dont be a faggot
they are neither ugly nor inaccurate. what makes you think they're any more inaccurate than standard dice? and why do you care about accuracy in the first place?
>But user two d10s = a % roll.
No shit. and two d20's can do the same thing. Stop being a brainlet.
This is bait. I refuse to believe a human being can be this retarded unintentionally.
>not caring about actual randomness in a product created only for that purpose
So you still need more dice. So what's the fucking difference? This is a bizarre prejudice to harbor, friendo
>So you still need more dice.
No. Brainlet. You already have to have d20's; there is no need for d10's if your game requires d20's to play.
...But why use a d20 when a d10 does the same job more intuitively?
>more intuitively?
Brainlet. I guess your kind is why they invented a d10.
Why use d4 when we have d8?
The answer is consumer capitalism.
I think you can simulate all rolls with a d6 and d20.
Might have to ask Veeky Forums to confirm this.
But it's explicitly true. Rolling a d20 as a d10 is a 2 step process. Rolling a d10 as a d10 is a one step. The latter is more intuitive to the former. You might consider it unnecessary, but that's just you being weird.
not the user you replied to, but I actually own a few 20 sided D10's. No idea what the fuck they are from, got em in a 1lb grab-bag.
I like to give them to players i think are cheating for a few rolls and see if they notice before calling it higher than it can go
>Rolling a d20 as a d10 is a 2 step process
But it explicitly is.
With a d10 you roll the die, look at the number, and have the result.
With a d20 you roll the dice, look at the number, halve it and round up, and then you have the result.
It adds an extra step. And, when you're rolling a lot of dice, there's value in simplifying things as much as possible, so you can put all the thought and complexity where it actually matters. Is it a hard thing to do? No, but if it's entirely unnecessary to do it, then why not use d10's and slim your game down a little?
at that point isn't a roller app more intuitive since it does the math instantly for you (for most apps)
Sure, and roller apps are pretty cool things. But, even now, you can't always assume everyone will have their own smartphone available, and some groups have particular rules about digital devices in play. Plus, there is something tangible and fun about physical dice.
In dicepool games where you do a degree of dicepool manipulation, moving dice around or adjusting numbers, it's also easier with physical dice than with a digital setup.
>but I actually own a few 20 sided D10's
Your suppose to roll them with a d6 and if the d6 rolls high (4,5,6) then your d20 rolls High (11 -20) otherwise it rolls low (1 - 10) or you can color in half the numbers as DnD Holmes states.
>halve it and round up, and then you have the result.
>there is no need for d10's if your game requires d20's to play.
why not just buy a d24 and use that for every roll then?
...How else would you do it? Assuming you're not using some bizarre dice which isn't at all common.
Converting a regular d20 into a regular d10 is a matter of halving the result and rounding up.
I guess you could subtract 10 if it rolls over 10, which achieves the same result but is a bit more arbitrary, and suffers the exact same problem I mentioned above. There's no advantage to it, you might as well just roll a d10. You might have a point if d10's were somehow niche or uncommon, but they're the third most common kind of dice used, with a lot of systems entirely relying on them.
You're a brainlet. stop posting.
What if I'm unwilling to overpay for something that can be bought cheaper and with the exact same final result? Because if I can buy a dice set for 2 bucks, why spending 15?
So you don't have an argument and were just trolling? Cool, thanks for the heads up.
True randomness matters solely when you are unable to guarantee the equal probability of all possible outcomes by using preset rolling conditions.
Or, if worded more simply, true random dice matter only because there are ways to intentionally/unintentionally cheat them.
If you roll those dice in the image in a specific way (specifically, spinning them on their long axis of symmetry), they produce equal probability of different results.
Only when I miss or critically fail a check due to rolling ones 5 times in a row. So very rarely, so far it has happened only once.
I was using it as an excuse to post the picture dude don't get your spleen in a twist.
I own their previous polyhero set, and they roll fine. They have rotational symmetry and are balanced properly. They're basically just slightly fancier looking cylindrical dice, for the most part.
>...How else would you do it? Assuming you're not using some bizarre dice which isn't at all common. Converting a regular d20 into a regular d10 is a matter of halving the result and rounding up. I guess you could subtract 10 if it rolls over 10, which achieves the same result but is a bit more arbitrary, and suffers the exact same problem I mentioned above. There's no advantage to it, you might blah blah blah blah blah
>not just thinking of a random number between 1 and 20
If you can't handle simple math, don't play D&D
That's why I said you have to roll them in a specific way (spinning on the long axis of symmetry) to emulate true random results, as is the case with all cylindrical dice.
>i'm a brainlet thus you are trolling.
Look dumbfuck, You ignore any leading number if it is two digits; no algebra involved. I know that is waaaay too fucking hard for you. Thanks for ruining my day knowing people like you exist in the world.
heres an example:
20 = 0
19 = 9
18 = 8
10 = 0
7 = 7
This is fucking complicated. If you want a D6, just roll a D20 until you get a result between 1 and 6. If you want a D10, just roll a D20 until you get a result between 1 and 10. Fuck
The fuck???
I literally described that in my post. It's still less efficient and intuitive than rolling a d10.
But cylindrical dice work fine rolling normally, as long as they have enough force to go through a full rotation.
rerolls waste time.
...That is not "halving the result and rounding up," dude.
Read the whole post again.
>complicated ways to use a 20-sided d10
The more fun way is to mix one in with your loaner sets, and when someone needs to borrow a d20, wait to see how long it takes them to realise they grabbed a d10 instead.
Actual quote "Man, this d20 sucks! I haven't rolled above a 9 all... wait a minute, zero?"
>rerolls waste time.
That's why I roll five to seven D20s at once. There is a much higher chance that at least one of them will be between 1 and 6 if, for example, I am rolling D6 for fireball damage.
Also not "Subtracting 10 from the result if it rolls over 10," duder.
That's still algebra, no algebra is involved.
You'd still have to ignore leading digits.
20 - 10 = 10 that's not over 10 so you wouldn't subtract 10. You'd then have to ignore the leading digit if you're rolling percentile.
Just ignore all leading digits on a two digit roll. Easy.
Still less intuitive than rolling a d10