Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1912: "Ugh" Edition

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Multiplayer Jumpchain is a joke but if you could bring along any other Jumper on equal footing with yourself into your chain who would it be

Fucking stop with this retarded bullshit.

Potatoes is discouraged for a reason. Stop bringing it up, you utter mong.

Tell me about your pocket dimensions Jumpers, what's the best vacation spots?

Go make potato salad if you want multiplayer so much faggot

Yoro so I could steal his anal virginity. Or Heavens for the same reason.

Which other jumper would you like to spend time with in a pocket dimension?

Absolutely none of you. Ya'll are assholes, creepers, or monsters of varying flavours, and the last thing I need is an ADDITIONAL source of paranoia because of somebody backstabbing me for that extra power boost.

>hijacking another question to force your literal magical realm into it
Thanks for outing yourself as a shitposter so soon.

My alt jumper silly, that's why I let him move in

The demon birthing nests, of course!

Bancho so I can redeem him with the D.


What weird things have you made? Not powerful, necessarily. Just weird enough to be very difficult for ordinary people to understand.

I went back and redid my Soul-Eater build so I could have 9-Inner Worlds in Infernals. I'm reasonably sure that it doesn't actually benefit me in any way, but I'm just really into the idea of inner worlds.

Each world follows some broad themes of things that interest me, and are filled with 1st Circle Demons that are appropriate for the thematic. I used Geneforge magic to fill them with non-demonic forms of life as well. 2nd and 3rd circle demons can either move between the worlds freely, or simultaneously exist in all of them.

For example there is a city at the "center" of the worlds, wherein sits one of my Fetich souls. He is a massive building in the center of the city, and exists in all nine worlds at once.

The demon unbirthing nests

If Heavens is out there, can the Evil Pieces in the new jump still be used to companion people?

No, but the Bio-injector from Symbiote can.

Is the DC Occult jump an update to what used to be called the DC Mystic jump?

I think blue feather, bio-injector, and that top level power in Dies Irae are the only things that can turn people into companions. Well the last one just turns people into part of your power but close enough.

No, but Cracker Jack's working on Marvel Cosmic at the moment. Pretty sure the DC Mystic jump would cover stuff like Wonder Woman and other high fantasy-tier scope stuff rather than postmodern magic-type stories like Constantine and Swampy

I'm very fond of Nomanisan Island, from the Incredibles jump.

Just saw the Incredibles 2 teaser. Hyped.

Now I'm going to have to check the drive. My copy of Mystic from last year and my copy of Occult from this year are practically word for word on the first page, and share a lot (but not all) of perks, items, etc.

Really? Well, that's a shame. I was using that from the old jump and I just noticed that the new one doesn't mentions it. There is also the marriage contract from Kantai Collection, by the way.
DC Mystic was split into the Justice League Dark and the DC Occult jumps

I take that in every chain. Having an island property in each jump that carries over modifications is great for running off to whenever I don't care about the setting enough.

Justice, I don't think we'd get along, and I think we would even annoy each other with what we are doing even if we were trying to avoid each other, and my motivation to pick him is weak. But I think it would be fun to tease him, and as far as I remember of his builds we mostly pick things that would either be good to work together with, such as genetic abomination stuff, or things where we would be complimentary him picking physical power and direct ability while I go for more magic and special powers.

From what I can remember DC Mystic is more along the lines of Wonder Woman, Captain Marvel, possibly the New Gods and the other more Mythological heroes as well as maybe digging into the more Meta stuff like The Trinity and the DC Multiverse

DC Occult is mostly Vertigo stuff with Constantine, Zatanna, Timothy Hunter, The Endless, Lucifer, and the assorted Avatars like Swamp Thing and Animal Man

Ah, thanks. Drat. Mystic had the Lasso.

No, DC Mystic was split into three jumps. One of which hasn't been made yet.

JL Dark is based on a specific comic run, DC Occult is based on the overall magical scene in DC, and there was going to be one more based on the mythic people like WW and Captain Marvel.


From beginning to end, describe the undoubtedly complicated mess that is your love life.

Give me two hours and at least fifty pieces of chalk to map this shitter out.

>Want to go to Dies Irae early to get Gladsheimr
>But doing so would mean being in great danger and not being able to companion everyone that I want

Can be a problem in some jumps though because it is conspicuous and can cause issues in jumps like a Practical Guide To Evil or Greek Myth where it will attract a lot of powerful attention. I prefer the Archipelago from How To Train Your Dragon.

But user, I'm a happily married monogamuggle. I don't even have Clark's problem, I gave my waifu superpowers of her own.



alright then.


I had a fling with my landlady in my first jump, and my stalker had a weird rival thing going on with me...don't know if that second one really counts, though.
I am still working on my build for my second jump, but I plan to amass a harem of non-human christmas cakes eventually.

How often do you give out not native Powers, Magic, or Technology to people in your jumps?
And how well has that worked out for you?

I'm pretty much considering doing pic related but I think what's left of my better judgment is trying to warn me against it


I'm just turning over in my head how to do the Revelation Space jump. The current structure is to split the perk trees into "Factions" and "Histories".

Six factions are Chasm City, Demarchists, Conjoiners, Ultras, Colonists and Digital Entities.

The histories I have penciled in are Sleeper (Drop in), Enforcer, Technician, Researcher, Dillitante/Leader - maybe split Dillitante and Leader, and maybe merge Technician and Researcher, depending how I feel about the perks.

However, the setting stretches a very long span of time, and though most of the factions and roles don't change too much, partway through the main timeline two of the factions (Chasm City and Demarchists) undergo a fairly dramatic change in 2510.

I was hoping to let jumpers choose when they wanted to insert, but I might have to split those two backgrounds further into pre- and post-2510, or set a specific jump start date either in 2500 or 2511.

Other jump-makers, how do you handle backgrounds that change during the events of the plot? Any advice?

Danger sense and good luck perks, they're not just for combat.


Fairly often with technology and quite well. I have patents and powerful technopathy so it is really hard for people try to use my technology against me successfully.

Pretty well. Key is to keep it simple and low-powered.

Sulu .oO (aw crap)

Seriously, I suggest safety interlocks; lots and lots of safety interlocks.

I feel bad about always forcing my companions into whatever setting I feel like, so I've made a pact with my benefactor. Starting at my fifth jump, instead of me choosing the jump we're doing, a random companion who hasn't gotten the chance to choose a jump yet gets to decide where we going.

Could you guys give me some recommendations what the following people might want to jump?

- A group of adorable movie buffs who are also into survival and tanks
- A fighting and honor obsessed Samurai
- A mischievous science nerd
- 2 happy-go-lucky roman legionaries who are best friends but haven't been to any other world yet


Jumps with a soul mate would be better I imagine.

it's not complicated, we are a monogamous couple

Depends on the setting.

J.C Avatar it is a bad idea to give them their own FTL. It is a good idea to fabricate a FTL Carrier ship under my control to taxi them from place to place.

>From beginning to end, describe the undoubtedly complicated mess that is your love life.

Well main chain's pretty easy. Had a few one-off flings, married for love, then discovered a lot of companions were developing the hots. So far it's been managed quite stable. Sort of.

... The son's chain has turned into an illegible scrawl of diagrams, complicated and eldritch geometry, and at least fifteen betrothals he wasn't aware of, on top of at least three different sworn oaths and two godly beings.

And he's just a boy. He's just a poor boy trying to find his way through the universe and his Benefactor-sister's making this more awkward than she should but even she doesn't know.

>phaser on a ring
I mean, is that /really/ much better than a phaser that you can hold in your hand?

>- A group of adorable movie buffs who are also into survival and tanks
Little Soldiers
>- A fighting and honor obsessed Samurai
Mucha Lucha, One of the jumps set in historical japan, One of the jumps based around friendly youkai (e.g Golden Sky Stories)
>- A mischievous science nerd
Symbiote, The Pretender, Sherlock Holmes, Anno 2070, TOME, EVE Online
>- 2 happy-go-lucky roman legionaries who are best friends but haven't been to any other world yet
They wouldn't be familiar with most properties but they should be familiar with Comedy and think it is safe enough so Comedy Jump.

I know right, they should have a phaser in their eyeball.

Is post-reset JoJo an alternate timeline/reality?

So what is there to do in Warframe, besides muder-hobo space ninja-ing?


Your Warframe, also fishing.

... is there context to this image?

Conduit of the force allows you to grant an entire universe the force at once. Doing so is usually a very good idea.

J.C. Avatar? Oh gawds no, I wouldn't give them FTL even as a taxi service.

It is the quickest and most humane way to get them off Pandora.

Thanks for the recommendations! A lot of these are really fitting, I can totally see my tanksquad loving Small Soldiers and Scooby-Doo as well. Also looking forward to jumping settings I'm unfamiliar with and having my friends take the lead for once, especially in the fields of science I'm not very versed yet.

>2 roman soldiers suddenly thrown into modern comedy
I love this

It's called Dark Widow, the context is that the girl saying that is trying to get the other girl to join her harem, and have her children through some kind of science/magic. Also she's a spider.

I meant quickest humane way. Killing or brainwashing them all would be quicker but less humane.

Kicking and screaming back to Earth, where you tell them to stop acting like locusts or you'll play pest control?

It is a bit late for that. There are 20 Billion people on Earth living off algae farms. I'd just move a tonne of people to new colonies and enforcing birth limits.

enforce birth limits*

>It is the quickest and most humane way to get them off Pandora.
But the quickest and most humane way to put the story down is to burn the world from orbit, without removing anyone.

It is a super bare bones version of a Green Lantern ring that only has the capabilities of a phaser and personal life support force field

But that still means that Starfleet can go around with a ring that allows for offense, defense and life support instead of just carrying a phaser and nothing else with them to a possibly hostile planet like every member Starfleet ever

>Green Lantern ring
>and personal life support force field
>Green Lantern ring

>just carrying a phaser and nothing else with them to a possibly hostile planet like every member Starfleet ever

I wonder how many more red shirts would have lived if they brought a fabricated 10 foot pole to poke things with.

Or you could point to the Sun and say "Energy crisis? You have a source of power in your own front yard that can power your planet for billions of years, sufficient technology to exploit it since over two centuries ago, and you claim you have an energy crisis? No, what your species has is a management crisis, and quarantine until you get your shit in order."

It only has the energy blasts, force field and life support
It can't do constructs or flight of any kind and the energy blasts are only on the level of a phaser due to the limitations of the replicators used to produce them
Also it doesn't run off willpower so you can't just will it to do better

It is a super basic knockoff of a GL Ring but still a substantial improvement to the standard equipment a member of Starfleet would normally carry

They need unobtainium to power the anti-matter reactors that let their starships approach the speed of light on their long journeys.

To which they would probably reply "Oh sure, if we pad literally every surface area with solar panels we might just be able to keep a small portion of our overpopulated planet's electronic running, except during winter and any severe storms. Seriously, do you expect sunlight to just magically replace all the funcitons of nuclear energy, gas and oil? If only there was some kind of transdimensional wizard who could build a Dyson Sphere-like megastructure around the sun to directly channel it's electromagnetic forces into useful work and then generate portals that can almost instantaneously transport it safely to Earth, but while we're playing pretend we might as well think about what giant blue cat puss feels like!"

You could set up as a trader. Get behind one or more of the major factions or Syndicates. Build a house on Ceres or Mars and start a family. Dedicate yourself to wiping out the Infested. Catalog the new species that have emerged on Earth. Go fishing or mining. Make Earth safe for widespread settlement by civilians. Recover lost Orokin knowledge. Become an Ayatan art dealer. Try to unite the various warring factions. Bring the moon back. Make a dyson ring. Become a fashionframe designer.

> Overpopulation, nuclear warfare, pollution, environmental terrorists, significant deforestation, world hunger, ozone depletion, resources depletion, water shortages, and overhunting of what is left of Earth's very few still living animal species are the main things that are slowly consuming what is left of the once beautiful planet.

J.C Avatar Earth is fucked even without the energy problems.

You left out "so they can find more unobtanium."

Over the idiot's corpse, to the remaining executives, "Or you could build space-based solar power transceivers, which you've had the technology for since the late 20th century, and use that to provide the power necessary to synthesise oils and plastic from algae farms, which you figured out how to do in the early 21st century, and your population wouldn't be such a big problem if you bothered to provide and educate people about contraceptives, which you've had in various forms since before your Roman calendar.

Breed kubrows

They also need unobtanium to power their mag lev trains.

>provide and educate people about contraceptives
Like that stops anyone. That was tried in africa and nobody used them.

>You left out "so they can find more unobtanium."
I left out "So they can colonise new worlds"

Damn that is a big.... dog?

>educate people about contraceptives

The non-Chinese would start laughing at you.

Africa has more problems to solve than just a lack of contraceptives. There are far too many businesses with a vested interest in Africa remaining Africa.

It needs to be burned to the ground simply because they use the term "unobtanium."

Like, who does that.

What scientist discovered this magical mineral-element and dubbed it "UNOBTANIUM." And why wasn't he laughed out of the fucking auditorium with that name.

Well I assume it would have been more effective if a certain campaign hadn't used condoms like image related

Its an rngineering term for something that perfectly solves all their problems. I actually liked it.

yes, future space dog, remember to Regularly give it genetic stabilizers so that doesn't Die.

Save refugees,Help out colonists,play the Sacred stock market,Selling accessories, lots of science.

The history in J.C Avatar goes like this

Superconductivity was discovered in 1911 by Heike Kamerlingh Onnes, who was studying the resistance of solid mercury at temperatures close to absolute zero. it proved to be useless because of the logistics of cooling large amounts of material down that far. Further efforts proved futile, and frustrated researchers finally termed their goal "unobtainium." (The spelling was later changed to "unobtanium" to conform to the chemical element naming, even though unobtanium is a compound, not an element.)[2] There matters stood until the first unmanned exploration vehicle reached Alpha Centauri System and discovered deposits of a room temperature superconducting substance on an Earth-like moon named Pandora - unobtanium had been obtained at last.

The executives: "Who's going to build the transceiver production facilities, where are we going to build them when we're already critically overpopulated and up to our eyeballs in pollution and exactly how is synthesising oils and plastics supposed to solve the energy crises WITHOUT killing us from even more pollution in the short term? I don't know if you've noticed, but most of the world operates ont he free market. And the free market doesn't exactly respond quickly, even in the face of imminent extinction"

oh and don't forget dogs get that big In real-life,

If I created a new element in the lab that was a complete pain in the ass to make, I would likely name it unobtanium, both to denote that it's a pain in the ass, and to try and trick others into experiencing my suffering.

Unobtainium can be replicated in a lab. That and how it says Fuck You to physics is why they want it from Pandora so badly.


Stock market runs on a 4 year delay which is why trump is able to claim obamas success in the dow as his own. They could retool in 4 years.

Hell they could have retooled while everyone in Avatar was in cold sleep. The people don't know because they are light years from home and biased.

>The people in the film*

Jumper: "You're going to build them, in orbit, the same way you build your interstellar sublight transports. And actually I've noticed that your so-called 'free' market can respond very quickly once enough self-important people find the motivation..."

A second executive's corpse hits the floor.

Jumper: "Do you feel motivated, yet?"

They were using plants from pandora to clean radiation from earth in an effort to open land again, they had also started using pandoran plants to generate power cleanly. It was said that pandora was the key to healing earth, all they needed was to unobtainium to be able to get there in a reasonable timr period.

Bait? Bait.