How did your perception of 40k has changed, now that he's back?

How did your perception of 40k has changed, now that he's back?

No problems with bringing the Primarchs back, but killing Cadia, ripping a giant through the milky way and the introduction to Mary-sue Cawl Marines just fucking reeks off below shit-tier writing. If I was doing GW I'd hype a "Return of Primarchs" advertised with real scale space marine and chaos space marine minis (just a literal upscaling of moulds) realease plastic SOB, give a Mordian Iron Guard as a 3rd IG kit along with a set of conversion heads that fit all IG kits allowing for a greater array of simple conversion. Release similar upgrade kits for Templars, DA, BA, Space Wolves, and other SM factions to true-scale. CSM would see a Legion Codex (BL, NL,WB,IW & AL), a Renegades Codex (RC and others) and a Deathguard, Worldeaters, Emperor's Children and Thousand Sons codex (each with God specific Daemonkin rules to go with Renegade Codex). Obviously give the xenos some love as well.

Honestly I think most fa/tg/uys could do a better release or update than GW at this stage, I say most because unfortunately we do have a share of retards and I wouldn't want them having control over a waffle iron let alone an IP I love.

change mordians to steel legion and you have a plan

>chance to sculpt one of most iconinc primarchs , and introduce him to 40k
>this is the best thing they came up with

Change them back and he has a better plan.

The main thing about a lot of the Gathering Storm lore is that it undercuts a lot of the themes of 40k. The last throws of a stagnant dying empire, ten thousand years of jingoism and xenophobia in the making. Gone is the power of science and reasoning, etc. etc. But Bobby Ultra-Grills comes back and his old mate has some Angel 2.0 design and a couple legions in the shed and we're good to go! It's raising the stakes for cheap thrills, ignoring the reasons that the Status was Quo. But you can't just indefinitely go on raising the stakes, and if you're burning parts of the setting to raise them, sooner or later you have nothing to fall back on and no meaningful way to raise them.

At least FW has you covered for a good Rob Goolies sculpt. Reggie doesn't have a sculpt in either system.

Him, no. The Primarius Marines, yes. It's a hot injection of bullshit that serves as a reminder that we're here to sell toys. It's the same kind of feeling that I get from a Transformers series when they have to get a new set of transformations mid season.

I get it and it's clearly working out for GW but it's pretty stupid.

What was the point of introducing the Primaris marines in the first place? Why not just release new true scale sculpts for the standard marines? And why do the Primaris boxes not have more special and heavy weapons options? Where has the flexibility in armament and equipment gone?

Primaris lack special and heavy weapons because if they had them there'd be little reason to take normal tactical squads.

Which begs the question of why they were introduced in the first place. Why not just scale up the old marines and be done with it?

Because of Matt Ward, most likely. On the other hand, probably following the AoS trend with Storm casts and Sigmarine instead of making true scale models for old shit. That's GW's logic for you.

Probably because people would have complained about their models being obsolete. Now they can say they aren't forcing anyone to buy new models, whole gradually moving in that direction

more interesting.

finally stuff happens that seems to have some impact.

It's shit now.
We don't fucking need primarchs. Fuck them. They should've just stayed as legendary beings

This is fine, but GW sees your idea and thinks
>If we update the Space Marines and render the old ones obsolete, we'd be losing on all the potential money from the old kits. So instead we make NEW range so people will continue to buy the old marines AND the new ones.

A lot of things can be explained by simple greed.

I'm pretty pessimistic about this whole thing. When I visited the webstore a couple days ago, I saw that the Rhino was out of stock completely (it has returned yesterday though) and thought abouth wether this was the first step of phasing out the oldschool marines. Would it make sense for GW to do so? Not from a financial standpoint, since they can now sell old and new marines at the same time.
However, if they were to completely phase out the manlets, they'd need to rush out new boxes for the Primaris marines ASAP, thus rendering the then outdated batch of old Primaris sets obsolete for the most part, due to their lack of diverse equipment options.

This whole thing seems to me as if it's pretty badly thought out at least from a fluff perspective. If that cretin Ward had a hand in this, I'd not be surprised.

People bitched and whined that the story was stagnant. They wanted advancement knowing full well the debacle of fantasy end times. Be careful what you wish for.

Shitting on the fluff, which has long been the best part of their product outside of Duncan, does long term damage verse the money grab.

>just a literal upscaling of moulds
That wouldn't be real/true/art/whatever scale, though, it would just be bigger models. True scale means using either bigger bodies with GW heads or smaller heads with GW bodies to give the models proper human proportions.

I think they're trying to reach younger consumers, to whom the fluff is not really that important as long as they can point their fingers to someone and say "they're the best"

People who are retarded want retarded things.

Stop liking what I don't like: The Thread

One would think that if they were trying to get the youglings on board, they'd adjust the price to accomodate their new target audience's financial constraints. Instead of that, Primaris boxes sell for $10 more than old marines.

Matt Ward knew. He paved the way. He tried to warn us, to show us what was coming. He only wanted to help us prepare for what GW was going to do.

Instead of appreciating him and the great work he attempted, we hated him and mocked him, turned him away in our ignorance. Now we get what's coming to us.

Too many codices in your idea, get lost.

This. The true spirit of 40k would have something like:

>robute wakes up
>tries to get ahold of the situation
>can’t naviagte the beurocracy
>high lords won’t even meet with him
>chaos everywhere
>Eldar pledge to help but it ends up being a trick
>eventually Robute labeled some kind of mutant and some imperial factions are chasing him to kill him
>he leads some crusade somewhere that doesn’t even matter

GW should just revert to text to speech lore and be done with it.

Where chaos is beatable, the imperium is slightly improving, and the game still has its aesthetic

That it was quite clear that they were going to do an Age of Sigmar, but they were scared of the pushback.

Could just be a load of noobs to the hobby in the last six months buying a lot of cheap troop bricks

God I fucking hate that word is regards to 40k. The events of the series span literally more than the galaxy and over thousands to tens of thousands or more years depending on how you look at it. There are hundreds of books and more fluff than you can shake a stick at. When your setting is so fucking huge it's near impossible to not deal in anything other than exceptions. Get over yourself.

Awful. I quit around the time of 4th edition, and would probably be thinking about getting back into it now but it's turned into something that resembles 2nd edition where a handful of overpowered vehicles & special characters are what matters, and it's completely destroyed the /yourguys/ aspect as everyone buys the overpowered Primarchs & Special Characters.

It's killed the idea of 40k being semi-realistic armies in a sci-fi setting fighting wars.

Gulliman and the other Primarchs & super special characters should have never been usable on the tabletop.

I would have moved the story along not by bringing back the likes of Gulliman, but perhaps by killing him off and introducing new characters to move the story along. Maybe Abaddon gets Sith'd and replaced by a different kind of chaos lord. Maybe the Dark Angels deepest secrets get discovered and Cypher dies in the process and now the fallen are a new type of chaos faction. Celestine heroically gives her life to hold the line somewhere. Gazgkul & Yarrick meet their final end in battle together against resurgent Tyranids. The Eldar suffer another calamity but this time it doesn't result in a "fall" but a rebirth and change to their lore. And think of ways to change & move along the other factions. Shake things up. Hell, have someone fuck up the Emperor and have him reborn, and have him takeover the Sisters and rebuild them primaris style instead of just changing Marines.

The Primarchs & Primaris Marines reminds me of the shitty Star Trek reboots. Instead of taking the existing rich storylines & history and moving forward, they fucked it up and turned it into alt-history or went back to more prequels.

The past is the past, it should have died.

I really want the first time the Tau learn about him and start calling him "The Gue'la Emperor".

also what would Space Marines Tau auxxiliaries would look like ? would they keep the pauldrons ?

40K has never felt smaller

> fucking up your entire setting because a vocal minority of retards don't understand what 'create your own stories means'.

> stop having opinions.
Neck yourself.

> being this fucking clueless
The whole point of 40k, since day fucking one, is that in a huge galaxy of infinite worlds and wars, the efforts and events of any individual or story are a blink in the storm and utterly irrelevant. Now we have RG and his buddy cawl changing the very fabric of the setting and its major participants.
Christ. Fucking newfags.


I know a lot of kids that spend a lot of their parents money on this.
Actualy I think that young people are more likely to spend money than normal adults, considering that they don't really have much to do with their free time.

There’s nothing stopping you from playing like that. The two guys I game with and I play stories we make up on our own. We make up scenarios, characters, whatever we want. 40k is a great ecosystem for friends with an ounce of creativity, just stop playing pick up games with weird autists and netlists on a felt table with three terrain pieces.

The problem is that the number of potential enemies greatly reduced. Now there are only a handful of friends to play with.

Nothing wrong with different Codices, and different rules as they do with Space Marines every edition. Especially if each release comes with new minis. If you think to many codices makes things complicated then you're a pleb who should stick to wow and the pre-painted minis of X-wing.

Never wished for it. Last time they tried this, they retconned the 13th black crusade to be beginning at the time of setting BEFORE they did permanent damage to the setting. That time they managed to keep it true to the themes of 40k at least.

Truest post on Veeky Forums right now.

This, and there's no support. I'm just glad we didn't get full Sigmar'd so the minis will still be there. And Sons of Antaeus have never had more support.

This! I've given up trying to explain to a lot of new fags and retards why the idea of "moving the story forward is shit and goes against the idea of 40k, and what makes it great as a setting.

I swear we've had an influx of Nu-male, hipster newbies in the last 3 years who like to pretend they have a deep knowledge of tabletop, but don't, yet will double down with the denialist tard screeching when someone points out that they're wrong/dont know their shit. If these fuckers got their way everything will be dumbed down to make them feel less stupid, whilst every setting is a mixture of shit stolen from WoW and Saturday morning cartoons coupled with "current" cultural references and "ironic" humor that nobody actually finds funny.I just wish these faggots will move on so we can go back to Making Our Hobby Great Again!

I was a big fan of the mini dexes/supplements they released in last edition. Not a standalone but a nice and viable addition to the main codex. The Fleshtearer's mini dex comes to mind. Would be cool to see codex supplements for the founding chapters and their most important descendants. For example if they were to release an Imperial Fists minidex that includes Crimson Fists and maybe even Black Templars etc., it would add alot more distinctiveness to each chapter. Chapter tactics are nice but not enough in my opinion. There's to much cool stuff in the fluff that gets ignored.

I don't think it's the group you think it is. I think it's the people who kinda like 40k but just aren't that into it, and don't quite get it. There's a lot of them out there. There's nothing wrong with that, until the company dilutes its unique IP catering to them (which is dumb because they're going to like it about as much regardless most the time).

Except then you go zillions of years without updates.

>Responding to polbait buzzword using grognards

Also, for GW's part, they learned from HH that it is basically impossible for them to make people happy.
They went into detail with The Beheading, people complained. Horus Heresy, people complained.
What if they did the Nova Terra Interrugnum? People would STILL complain, because their headcanon is now getting made null and void.
So rather than have to argue and read the fine print of 30 years of past lore that may or may not even be applicable, they went forward to make new lore that eliminates a portion of the bitching about "You did (insert event) wrong!!".
I mean, fuck, GW even acknowledged that nothing they do will make people like the type you find on Veeky Forums happy. Why bother, at that point, trying to please people who exist to complain?

I may be that grognard but it doesn't change the fact that what I'm saying is right, no denying the influx of hipster gamers into the hobby in general. All you gotta do is look at the burning tyre heap that is MtG currently and see what they bring to a community by dumbing it down and bringing in their shit, a complete clusterfuck of infighting, petty backstabbing and warring tribalism. For the record I don't think the /pol/ fags are that much better. For me I'm just bitter this shitty culture war I've been avoiding has spilled over into tabletop.

Less moribund, but less shades of grey and less uncertainty.
It is now anime.

>the type you find on Veeky Forums
Why do you think tg argues so much? In fact, does very little except argue anymore?
There's no 'type' that posts here. Everyone does. And we all assume that everyone else is like us and so we get mad or defensive when we see a different opinion here, because the one thing we have in common is that we're all gross territorial nerds.

Fuck off for the most part we are happy. What we aren't happy with is churning out shit as fast as you can, instead of actually putting in quality work.

The issue with the Horus Heresy isn't the telling the stories around it. It's the inconsistencies from BL writers whilst telling it. On that matter having guys like Nick Kyme sit on a faction and not let others near it. Forgeworld's HH is awesome, but BL has become a bloated anus full of worms churning out below quality shit.

You know what I've seen zero lore complaints about? Kastorel-Novem. Or any of the 40k FW campaigns. They're interesting, feature a small slice of 40k, and have meaning without raising the stakes to a level where it can't be sustained.

>any of the 40k FW campaigns
Tau anything.
Shut your mouth, user.

I don't mind the arguing so long as it goes somewhere creative, infact I love it when it does. But so much of it is "FUCK YOU UR WRONG".

I mean by all means disagree, but let it be known why you disagree and don't shut down others creativity in threads by shitting on them. Nothing pisses me off on Veeky Forums more than that.

Pandering to different audiences has been the thing for a few years and it's totally going to burn out. MTG event attendance is at the lowest it has been in years, and standard is selling horribly. They'll figure out that non-core audiences don't buy as much and switch back.

That being said, I don't really understand what your beef with faggy young newbies is. Consider this:
We all acted like we knew more than we did when we were new.
Looking like a Tumblr girl is stylish right now. What did the nerds think of your ripped up jeans and metal shirts in the 90s?
You and I both were probably pieces of shit when we got corrected on rules in the beginning. Maybe still are.

All things considered, the worst that GW has done is a few retcons and fluff developments to bring a new line of models into the setting. They're not even must-buy models, their profiles kinda suck. If that's it, then comparing them to WotC/Hasbro feels a bit melodramatic.

>The Game
It cemented my perception of the power creep and focus on deathstar units that had put me off playing since 6th ed came out. 40k wasn't fun for me after the final few 5th ed codices were just blatantly better than anything else that had come out up to that point. I stopped playing shortly thereafter. I did play a couple 6th ed games, but disliked the rules changes, overwatch in particular (coming from a guard and space wolves player that's saying something) and generally how overpowered everything was becoming, my own units included.

>The Lore
Absolutely bereft of creative merit. It completely destroys the themes and established lore in favour of powerwank and faction favouritism. The "good" factions have been sidelined and combined in favour of adding more Imperium factions. The Imperium's character has been altered and the themes of stagnation xenophobia are gone now that they build new tech and work with the eldar. All the major "villain" factions have been sidelined in favour of chaos, didn't the tyranids and the Orks of Octarius, one of the major looming threat plotpoints in the lore get handwaved as "the eldar fixed it offscreen"?

I was always one of the people who argued that advancing the storyline would end terribly and I was completely right. The new stuff is terrible. The models are awful, the ideas are the bad kind of silly and the tone of the setting is unrecognizable.

Suffice to say, that as a 3rd ed veteran who invested thousands of hard earned dollars and hours as a teenager, I have not played 40k in at least four years, and I will likely not be picking it up ever again sadly.

Hey I will admit to being a new fag, and that baggy ripped jeans were shit. But I'll never denounce Metal and hair metal t-shirts.

Sure, most of us can agree that the 90s were a mistake. But you understand what I'm getting at, right? The role of older generations is to be disappointed in younger ones, and younger generations exist to disappoint older ones.
That's some circle of life shit.

Taros is shit on regularly because T'au exist in it.


Yes and no, as someone doing a psych honors ATM there are key generational differences between you and I and the post 9/11 generation (those who did the majority of their growng up after9/11). The major being that when it comes to adapting to the social and work environments. We are more likely to seek to learn the rules in place and modify our behavior to adapt, where as the post 9/11's seek to modify their environment or task to adapt, which is the major cause of current issues for the post 9/11s. There's a whole lot of research going on at the moment but the current group are very different. We have more in common socially and behaviorally with the group coming up under them, and the groups that preceded us (boomers, early Gen X).

Take the helm, army, and pack from Nu-girlman and attatch it to better-girlyman. Personally I would have still given him the sword, but this conversion is still fucking awesome.

That's.... actually a pretty good looking model user. Looks better than either one imo and I like the outstretched gun over the sword. Should've still given him a sheathed sword on his belt tho and should've used a bigger base. Feels crowded as it is there

>The Imperium's character has been altered and the themes of stagnation xenophobia are gone now that they build new tech and work with the eldar.
I think many people underestimate the effects that video games had on 40k. Many details which people complain about the imperium (imperium eldar alliance) can be traced back to Dawn of war and its sequels and their plot. Because imperium had to be the protagonist fation on those games, its inner logic started to shift more closely to the one of generic human sci-fi faction, instead of retaining its gargantuan space-feudal empire one.
Reminder that imperium would be pretty damn amazing as FPS villain faction. Fire warrior 2 when ?

Meh, nobledark > grimdark. Real life is grimdark enough, thanks.

Yeah, if I wasn't a filthy traitor, I'd try my hand at that in a heartbeat. He looks exactly as I pictured him in the books. Maybe give him some honor-guard with third party roman helmets.





I just saw it as GW giving us a high action phase. They want to try bring in new blood. I think it's misguided. They should be cutting prices, and quit putting huge amounts of detail on every miniature.

maybe if they dropped the fucking prices instead of raising them people would be more interested

I've had migraines like that.

I'm not a fan of it, as it pushes this idea that he's a "main character" of 40k, when I don't think it should have main characters and villains, it's a setting.
Still, I did like the character development they gave him.

remember when the said plastics and finecast would lower the fucking prices, and all we see is price hikes. troops should be $20-25 and a HQ should be $10-15 dependinp on all the options they give you. Space marine commander should be in power armour and enough bits to make a captian, chaplain, or psyker. Let them make money off nonessential.I have played since 95. I have decided to switch to Necromunda. I just can't keep up and all the people that ask about my toy soldiers that want to try are turned off by the price. Two buddies bought Goliath gangs for necromunda. $40 is a great price to get people into gaming. No one wants to spend hundreds on a game that requires another player in the age of video games.

This to be honest. All these named special characters who do something makes the setting vastly smaller. I remember when I was still playing with a guard army, I often fielded the Al'rahem because what else was cooler than an entire outflanking platoon ? I didn't have the model, so I just used some standard officer (not Vostroyan sergeants, those were commissars for my combined squad melee blobs) with some made-up lore I actually never bothered to tell anyone. It's not that you have to use certain character to get the rules you want, it's how new lore seems to revolve around those characters. It's kind of depressing how Guillman is around everywhere and seems to be involved in every backwater campaign imaginable (often against himself, too).

It's understandable that they want to move lore along, but there are so many better options than Guiliman wakes up from his 1000+ year nap to singlehandedly cruise around imperium to hold it up.