>As a DM, it's your guys' job to entertain me.
How would you respond to this? Just heard it after a session last night.
A DM's Role
>How would you respond to this?
"If you want to passively sit back and be entertained, go read a fucking book. This hobby is about cooperative storytelling, if you're unwilling to at least provide a framework for our adventure then you can leave and I'll take over as DM. If not, suck it up like a big boy".
I mean, it's the job of everyone at the table to entertain everyone else.
I'd jut kick the person. They obviously don't get Tabletop RPGs.
He's kinda right
How much am I paid for that "job"?
Well I didn't vomit on him.
Job is what you're paid for.
You don't understand the concept of sarcasm and humor, do you?
No more than it's your job to entertain me FOOL.
You want to DM a session go right ahead WORM.
Thought it was rubbing me the wrong way. Just had to confirm I'm not crazy.
Oh he was serious.
Where do I send my timecard to? I have like 2,000 hours built up over the last 10 years
by crawling up on the wall and loudly hissing
Well, he's not wrong, exactly. It's everyone's job to entertain everyone else. We're all here to have a good time, players and GM included. He's obviously not having fun as a GM, so why doesn't someone else take over for a while?
Power grab. See's it as a slight. Probably for the best though, we've already started the shift to me and one other guy in our group with "one-offs" that are turning into full fledged campaigns
Its ok for the DM to have fun
Just him saying
>i want to be entertained
doesnt give me a lot of room for interpretation, can you give more examples?
>run Souls campaign
>constantly refer to players as "FEEEEEEEBLE CURSED ONES"
stealing this.
I'm going to run the game I have fun running. I might change things inorder for my player to have more fun but I will not run something I do not enjoy because thats what a player want's.
It's a two-way street.
well, are you getting paid to dm?
If you're not then no that is not your job.
You're just a few people who have decided to meet and entertain eachother.
It's as much his job to entertain you, as your job to entertain him.
Give him a handjob next time he's too bored.
Can I play in your group.
I would rape the DM
This was the DM talking to the players. The OP is a player, and was quoting his DM.
Anyone with that mentality on either side of the DM screen is a retard.