Is it too late to get into table top gaming these days? Over is it overrun by normies as well like every other facet of geekdom?
Just a question
If you enjoy tabletop gaming, then get into it. Who cares what the rest of the world is doing?
One of the lovely parts about tabletop is that you choose who you play with. It doesn't matter if the whole community is cancer; if you can find 4 other dudes who like the game and aren't reprobates, you can just act like the cancerous community doesn't exist.
Essentially, no, it's not too late to get into tabletop. You just have to be more careful.
Of all hobbies, this concern about other people playing it who aren't """fit to play""" is the absolute dumbest shit
If you have a problem with normies playing tabletop, then don't play with them you fucking troglodyte
If you do want to play with less normies, try playing more obscure RPGs or boardgames. This will probably intensify the amount of neckbeards and grognards you encounter.
You can't be serious OP. You're meant to play these games with your friends at home.
You have to go out of your way to play with the community wether they're good people or not.
Thanks for reminding me of that okay movie. Might just watch it again.
If you're not into it already, then you are a "normie" stop trying to be a hipster and enjoy the stupid game, or don't, I don't care.
2bh, I'm just looking for other (older) weirdos/shutins/outcasts to do an activity with and table top gaming seems to be the last thing that isn't overrun.
Just because other people like a thing that suck doesn’t mean you can’t like it.
I’m not going to stop liking jojos if someone is a fan and annoying.
Is being overrun by people who take showers really a bad thing?
you got something against baths nigga?
Then you'll have a safe bet if you go for Historical Wargaming or RPGs that don't feature on TV shows or revolve around a Fantasy setting.
They're all Model Railway tier of old white beta excellence.
You shouldn’t worry or care what other people do or think about you because nobody actually thinks about you.
Where are these 'normies' ?
Playing with their friends, same as anyone.
If you join a public group and there's a fat gross neckbeard with a waifu on his graphic tee, a plain looking female with a bunch of nerd stickers on her laptop, and a normal looking guy who's moderately fit and has clean hair... who's the one you really wish wasn't there? Veeky Forums posters will overwhelming complain about the latter two. But that's only because those vocal anons are often falling into that first category.
Say 'Pickle Rick'
You'l know who then.
>But that's only because those vocal anons are often falling into that first category.
Yeah, but like, you don't want to be the bottom of the bottom. I mean, if I show up to a group where it consists mostly of normies, I'll be the "quiet guy". In a group of neckbeards and landwhales, I'd be another guy.
>Just because other people like a thing that suck doesn’t mean you can’t like it.
I have a whole other rant but that's another thread and another board.
Flames of War: Where Old Wargamers Go To Die
Tabletop groups are extremely secular, especially RPG groups. Find a group that fits and play with them. It'll take some work but you need to keep looking.
You sure you're using the right word?
There is nothing more "normie" than getting involved in a hobby because of your perception about how socially acceptable it is to be a part of it. Gaming doesn't need people like you in it.
>You sure you're using the right word?
Yeah no shit
gaming doesn't need anything. its a verb. it is not a person with wants and desires.
>There is nothing more "normie" than getting involved in a hobby because of your perception about how socially acceptable it is to be a part of it.
Also you join a hobby because YOU find it fun. If you join it because its cool or not then you might as well not, cos its your time your wasting on rather pointless social posturing.
>Actually playing and not watching streams
But you don't play either, so fuck off.
>cos its your time your wasting on rather pointless social posturing.
I'm not posturing, like I said, I'm just looking for other (older) weirdos/shutins/outcasts to do an activity with.
No, he was right *tips fedora*
Seriously though, shouldn't it be "insular"?
>If you enjoy tabletop gaming, then get into it. Who cares what the rest of the world is doing?
If you do something everyone else is doing then how will people know what a cool, distinctive and unique individual you are?
Personally, I'll take normies over hipsters like OP.
He's saying that OP is a filthy hipster who refuses to do something that too many other people are doing.
I really should've worded the OP differently.
No, I think you said exactly what you meant.
>No, I think you said exactly what you meant.
If I did then you wouldn't have interpreted it as me being a hipster. Who cares now, the thread is fucked.
>Is it too late to get into table top gaming
> is it overrun by normies
You do realize the more people get in to the game, the better your chance for access? Complaining about more normal people getting in to it is like complaining about more burger shops opening around in your area when you only had McDonalds at the start.
Hipsters don't like being identified as such. It makes them like other people.
when it comes to RPG specifically, I rather play with new "normal" people than oldschool gamers
also, who the fuck would wants gaming to remain a neckbeard-only hobby? the other day I was hanging with some older guys on a gaming event, and they were complaining how back on their time they were all considered nerds for liking RPG and other tabletop games, while now we can even get hot non-gamer chicks to join a tabletop game during the event (though she didn't even accept me on facebook #sad )
I just don't want to join a group and turn out to be a spastic among normies.
>the other day I was hanging with some older guys on a gaming event
Like how old?
I play AL and it's honestly pretty bad.
But then again, I only ever got interested from listening to early Acquisition or whatever it's called, so I'm certainly part of the problem. Granted, I never had people to introduce me.
But now, luckily my DM holds a workshop after the session to give pointers on DMing, so hopefully I'll be able to start my own game soon at my house. The only problem there is they're even worse when it comes to being normies.
How the fuck do people play with other players without being forced to play with the absolute worst people?
>also, who the fuck would wants gaming to remain a neckbeard-only hobby?
So that they're not out of touch with the rest of the community?
>How the fuck do people play with other players without being forced to play with the absolute worst people?
First, you make/maintain friendships.
Then, you play with them.
This mostly works great. Though you may discover some people, despite their respect for their friends or general goodness, will powergame, suck at reading rules, or want to do inane shit in an RPG.
When it's not them, when it's a fictional character, their true desires can be quenched.
Upside: talking to them about being gay fuckin' players is easier.
Downside: near-impossible without repercussions to omit them from gameplay sessions, let alone outright reject them if they can't fix their shit.
Normies are by far better players than the typical geeks. Not being autistic about the littlest things and actually caring about hygiene are incredibly valuable.
This is not a problem. Even if the hobby is 99% 'evil normies', just join the group of the remaining 1% grognards.
It's not like the hobby being popular is going to drive 'true tabletop fans' out of their own groups.
Only if you were going to play D&D. There is plenty of small games that would make you "unique" and the only one in the area who heard about them.
>I'm worried that I'll run into a bunch of mature, mentally balanced people in my gaming circle
fear not, young user
The normies are all playing 5e D&D, if you have any taste at all they won't be a problem.
Most groups don't want a spastic. Why would they?
>I need people who will appreciate my power level
Sounds like something a hipster would say.
I doubt it.
>Like how old?
idk, 35~40, people married and shit
>So that they're not out of touch with the rest of the community?
what you mean? I just think its a good thing normies can be included on such activities more naturally now a days
>people like this thing, Dose that mean i shouldnt like it?
Hipster scum. Dont decide if you enjoy something based on other people. "normies" will be everywhere, So you cant really avoid the hobbies they invade.
Just avoid D&D and "rules-light" or "narrative games".
>tfw category 3 and most concerned about the woman
Women cause problems. Even full-blown autists can sometimes be tolerable when women aren't around.
>(though she didn't even accept me on facebook #sad )
> #sad
You remember when World of Warcraft and all the EverQuests guys called it an end of a era?
Its never too late to join up, you may never know the joys of the old school, but before you know it, the thing you started with is considered the 'golden age' that all the Gorgnards yearn for.
>I'm nostalgic for 3.5, like the guys who played 2.0 back then.