World Magic Cup 2017

Top 8 Finalists for Day 3 are now decided:

USA btfo'd by Wales' supreme sideboard tech in the final round.
Discuss the games that happened, the teams you're rooting for and so on.

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bump for drama-free thread

Where can I watch the tournament coverage? Where can I find the schedule and how many formats are recorded?

Will Travis Woo be participating? Or did the SJWs get him banned from playing?

>USA btfo'd by Wales' supreme sideboard tech in the final round.

DEETS Is the official hub albeit updated kinda slowly. Coverage can be found by just going to Magic's official twitch VODs at >/magic/videos/all and all of day Two is currently being rerun on that channel as well.

UB Control sided in Deadeye Trackers against UW Gifts, which would otherwise be a horrible match-up for it and managed to utterly dominate Gifts that way.

Woo is a pariah in the mtg community. He'll probably have to find something else to do.

In related news, I'm not spending one more dollar on magic product or event fees that directly support WotC until they officially denounce twitter mob justice.

>Deadeye Trackers
i thought that was known tech? i mean it's in every BX list at my shop.

Being known doesn't stop it from being supreme.

Why? Because he privately shared his opinions on the "hotness" of women? Like how is that a crime and implying girls don't do the exact same thing all the time.

>In related news, I'm not spending one more dollar on magic product or event fees that directly support WotC until they officially denounce twitter mob justice.
So you quit buying MTG alltogether?
Good for you. Haven't bought anything since the first Innistrad set.
Shadowaifu has completely replaced MTG for me desu senpai.

I already don't support WotC for their disappointing card printings, gutting promos, and discontinuance of event decks and clash packs. This particular event is just another nail they're going to have to pry out of my coffin if they want me cracking boosters.

I don't even think he participated. He was just a mod of the private FB community, which was made in the first place to contain the more vulgar parts of the other, public FB community he is a part of. Unless I'm being told wrong about the details, it seems that he's merely a scapegoat of outrage culture.

He didn't post that image, nor did he keep overview on that community. It was meant to be a containment bay for trolls and memesters and the like.

Not him, but I'm exploring more Jap games. If I wanna do EDH, I'll just print out cards to use as proxies with friends.

Rate my meme deck.

>Not playing dragon decks

I guess this World Cup wasn't very Timmy friendly.

Competitive tournaments tend to be that way.

I really enjoyed Italy bringing Pummeler back and sweeping with it.


Love this, too. Honestly, it is so refreshing to see this after all of the men on here recently harassing and bashing sprankle for no reason, not to mention defending Travis for praising nazism.

Take this shit to your fucking containment board.

I got multiple 24 hour timeouts on SCG for saying "I'd spankle that Sprankle" whenever she came up on screen. Then I got a permaban for saying """"emma"""" :^(

reddit, you mean?

So is it the official policy now that anyone who voted for Yonwald Krump is to be excluded from participating and/or socially shamed?

Why not play games together instead?

>another thread ruined by shitposting

>I already don't support WotC for their disappointing card printings, gutting promos, and discontinuance of event decks and clash packs. This particular event is just another nail they're going to have to pry out of my coffin if they want me cracking boosters.

Same here. I've quit Magic numerous times over the decades, but it's always been over getting simply bored before, or some petty aesthetic quibble (like the new card frame during Mirrodin, or the other new card frame during Future Sight). This is the first time I'm quitting because I think WotC has become downright evil (or at least supporting an evil mob culture) and giving them money would be morally wrong.

>I got multiple 24 hour timeouts on SCG for saying "I'd spankle that Sprankle"

The real problem with the internet isn't that it's full of idiots, it's that it's full of people with zero sense of humor.

They're like post-WW2 sergeants who have left the army so go around plaguing society with their attitude.


Fucksakes. This is abominable. It reflects on Hasbro that they are allowing this from their employees. They are attacking their own customers instead of encouraging us to buy products.

post decks
>WU gift
>4color energy

>UG pummeler
>esper control

>temur energy
>UB control

Nigga there's like 3 dragons in standard, maybe 4 if you include bolas

>4 Color Control (really just yet another Energy deck)
>Mardu Vehicles

>Sultai Energy
>WU Gift

Kinda seeing a pattern here...

>tfw a regular at my LGS was one of the four undefeated on day 1 of English nationals then didn't win a game on day 2

>tfw a regular at my LGS is currently undefeated in the Cup

It's a small format. Fucking of course you are.