Why cant Veeky Forums build its own universe like /co/?
They're /co/ventures to our Veeky Forumsuilds?
Why cant Veeky Forums build its own universe like /co/?
They're /co/ventures to our Veeky Forumsuilds?
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Veeky Forums is full of creepy fucks who would ruin it.
Also, because I'd rather work on my own thing than invest in some design by committee shit shoot.
Because Veeky Forums is all about building your own stories. /co/ can collaborate on something like that because, for the majority who aren't involved, they still enjoy the experience of reading about it in the same way they enjoy comics as a whole.
Traditional games of all sorts are an interactive medium, with the experience of being involved being a key part of the process. There are secondary media, like the various streamed RPG campaigns or battle reports, but they're fundamentally different to the actual experience of playing, which isn't something we could really capture.
I know, but it's Veeky Forums what would expect? We would just have to shift the shit, smut and /d/ from the gold.
It's been done in the past, but modern Veeky Forums hates original content, and shits on any that appears.
To be fair, though, the Unified Veeky Forums Setting was kinda shitty.
Comic book universes are a hodge podge of garbage and good stuff already so it works in their medium.
in a Veeky Forums universe you can't just throw everything into it and still have it work to the same capacity.
Their JoJo universe is the most autistic thing ever.
My favourite setting > yours
Is the reason why, no such thing as cross over fun, just endless dick waving at who or what is better.
It's like that old saying "too many cooks in the kitchen" except with GMs.
Mods will port it to quest without it being a quest.
Veeky Forums can, but like every successful Veeky Forums project what this really means is that a single user or small group will eventually branch off and do the actual work after the idea guy rush wears off and the rest of the user masses forget about it. Then on the off chance something actually comes to fruition, its home board will claim it despite only marginally taking part in the project.
If this is this something you really want to see happen you're going to have to take the reins and do most of the legwork yourself.
Veeky Forums's OC well has kind of dried up.
That's not how Night Shift happened, though.
>inb4 "but that's shiiiit"
>Why cant Veeky Forums build its own universe like /co/?
We've done that several times. We even helped get one oublished, Engine Heart.
Any such Veeky Forums universe would be poisoned by 40k to the point that is would just be 40k fanfiction instead of being its own thing. And if by some miracle it wasn't that way at the start, the bitching about it not being 40k enough would be nigh endless until it was corrected.
Design by committee is always shit.
>We've done that several times.
Yep. And this thread is full of the negative nancies who are why we don't do that anymore.
Firstly, /co/'s universe is garbage.
Secondly, Veeky Forums is far too creative (or, too many creative posters) to distill to a few characters and some cringey "adventures".
Thirdly, board culture is well and good, board wankery is bad.
We did
Unless you mean a brand new universe. That would require fun, and the anti-everything fags chased all the fun guys who get shit done away.
Given how Veeky Forums is liquid autism, that works perfectly.
We already have a fuckton of different settings though. It's just that settings are a fad, and get passed over quickly for a new one.
And anons can barely ever get their act together, let alone make something coherent.
Cestree is the only one still getting content and only normies who visit the board for nerd cred actually like her.
Veeky Forums doesn't have a thematic monopoly in its content to quite the degree /co/ does with capes. The last time people tried to make a Veeky Forums version of /co/lette, it fell flat on its face because fans of High Fantasy, Low Fantasy, Sci Fi, 40k, etc. all wanted their hand in the pot.
>Mods will port it to quest without it being a quest.
How is Veeky Forums supposed to do anything relating to board culture, when it keeps getting it's heart ripped out by mods, who systemically remove or separate board culture?
You still see Cultist-chan on occasion. And pretty much any Veeky Forums OC is below normie-radar, especially one that's not tied to a particular game like Cestree.
>b-but muh normies!
Generally speaking, I'd say we have a bunch of naggers on the board that tend to decry anything that isn't their brand of traditional games, even when that's such a broad and general meaning. Also, there comes a time when people have to actually sit down and create OC, not just spitball ideas, which is where most projects break down.
People like to say "keep it in thread, it'll die otherwise", but threads are not a sustainable place to consistently test mechanics, focus down the details when you're getting new tidbits from every other user, and other nitpicky stuff that's better suited for a controlled discord environment.
>How is Veeky Forums supposed to do anything relating to board culture, when it keeps getting it's heart ripped out by mods, who systemically remove or separate board culture?
If Veeky Forums ever experiences a homebrew renaissance, it will probably get moved to /ic/ or something.
If the demon hunter threads are anything to go by, they won't
'cause I'm here to kick ass and suck dick.
And I'm all out of ass.
>A bunch of forced meme waifus created and pushed by a single person
Fuck off. The OC may well have dried up, but that shit is not, nor has it ever been representative of Veeky Forums.
I don't know what makes Demon Hunter Veeky Forums different from Field Kit, Mages Guild, or the space one
Most of it was cringe anyway
We need less people like you.
There is, but it sucks and nobody cares to use it
This. I have a life out of Veeky Forums. Sounds like an excuse for lazy fucks to be the "idea guy" they always dreamed of being.
>It's been done in the past
Wut? You talking about all the 40k lore with angry marines and shit?
This. /co/c or whatever they call it is a big collective circlejerk of the most boring "NERRRDY" shit.
And having seen what passes for content creation here by venturing into the draw threads, Veeky Forums's wouldn't turn out any better.
Damn, he's one wise motherfucker.
The mods haven't been alerted to it yet. The moment they look at it, it will be gone. Because "bluh bluh quests"
No, he was right.
The number of people who don't like Ribbonfag's waifus are uncountable.
>A bunch of forced meme waifus created and pushed by a single person
Loli Daemonette was made by Chink, Cultist-chan was first drawn by Mr. Culexus, Cestree and Ribbon are by Ribbonfag, Noh and Sandwich are from storytime threads, Blue spawned from random 40k thread, and Macha is from a video game.
Well it isn't as if /co/ ever finishes what it starts. Veeky Forums has had some better luck with projects, though admittedly with subsets of the board coming together for their particular interest, as pointed out.
Not sure if this is a heretical statement or not, but honestly I feel as if a good deal of the cooperative spirit of Veeky Forums was cut out to create /qst/. Oh sure the quality was all over the place (often depending on whether you were into whatever any particular quest was about) and a lot of them were full blown fetish (but no surprise since this IS Veeky Forums), still the spirit of this place feels diminished these days.
Maybe I've just gotten old and cynical.
So really we'd need a gonzo kitchen sink like Rifts or Gamma World to accurately convey Veeky Forums.
Pointing out that OC on Veeky Forums dropped to almost nothing at the same time that quests were banned from Veeky Forums is heresy.
OC dropped around the time of Nazimod. It was then, and a long time afterwards, that the mods had a strict "No Board Culture" policy enforced on Veeky Forums. Next to nothing survived that period, and nothing really grew from that point either. It's only around since Hiroyuki came along that this was relaxed on Veeky Forums, and we're actually slowly, very slowly, seeing a slight return of Veeky Forums board culture.
The quest ban is so relatively recent and so inconsequential, that only the newest of newfags would suggest what you just did.
>let's make Veeky Forums even more cancerous than it currently is by emulating /co/
no thanks
To be fair, out latest set are big boob little girls which turned a lot of us off it
Nigger, Veeky Forums builds it's own "universes" every day. There's so many different settings and genres on display here that encapsulating it all into one is both unnecessary and futile.
>It's only around since Hiroyuki came along that this was relaxed on Veeky Forums, and we're actually slowly, very slowly, seeing a slight return of Veeky Forums board culture.
Ah, that explains why Mages Guild, et. al. were all moved to /qst/ last month and TowerGirls keeps getting moved to /trash/.
There's still stuff being made on Veeky Forums, but it's likely just not in a thread that interests you so you'll never find it.
People gotta remember that original Veeky Forums was both much lower in population size and had a much narrower focus on games. 40k, Mtg, and 3.5 D&D were the majority so if you made something that covered one of those 3 games, especially 40k, it'd get noticed.
Now we live with a much larger Veeky Forums and a golden age for tabletop games. We got wargames of all shapes and sizes flourishing and a fuckload of rpgs to choose from. Magic still has a stranglehold on card games but a few LCGs are holding on and Magic has grown so large it needed to fracture into threads for every format. Take a look around user and you're bound to find some stuff you've overlooked.
If all the cool people left after Nazimod why the fuck are you still here after all of these years?
>What is Dungeons the Dragoning 40k
>What is the Unified Veeky Forums Setting
>What is CATastrophe
Newfag detected, go to 1d4chan if you actually give this much of a shit.
OP means a collective not individuals making their own things and then showing off
Mages Guild was online roleplaying, so it really does belong in /qst/. Also, it had become very insular and repetitive, and I hope you're not trying to use it as an example of Veeky Forums OC.
And, TowerGirls still has its general here.
Online roleplaying doesn't make something a quest.
We have a bunch of stuff like DtD, towergirls, and a bunch of other stuff.
I think it’s mainly due to the fact that most of us have our universes and would rather work on their own rather than a group project.
Plus group projects are the worst projects.
>Also, it had become very insular and repetitive
I'm curious as to where you choose to draw the line between "fun shared board culture" and "insular and repetitive thread that's badwrongfun". Should Stat-Me threads be put on /qst/?
>There's still stuff being made on Veeky Forums, but it's likely just not in a thread that interests you so you'll never find it.
I wouldn't say it's died out but the spirit has definitely diminished. Personally I do enjoy the various niche setting threads, as in, "What do you like in scifi setting?" "Space combat: cool vs realism" Mythology building. Stuff like that. Fun to see what people come up with and post ideas of my own. People liked stuff, hated stuff, said they were going to use/steal stuff for their own work...but nothing collaborative ever came out of any of it. Last time I felt like I was having a ton of fun on Veeky Forums was an Urban Settings thread, the creepy underground/subway edition. Posting various pictures and coming up with ideas for them. Kind of SCP lite shit but still a lot of fun and there were definitely some interesting game ideas to be found.
And of course while there's a lot of raw creativity around Veeky Forums but whether it even needs to be directed to a community project is a matter for debate.
For that matter should "Let's make our own Space Marine/Guard Regiment" using random dice rolls and tables be /qst/?
Honestly online roleplaying should be put in qst.
So no.
>For that matter should "Let's make our own Space Marine/Guard Regiment" using random dice rolls and tables be /qst/?
Veeky Forums only has the dice feature because moot gave it to us for use in quest threads.
So yes.
It fits the /qst/ thread model more than it does the Veeky Forums model. Veeky Forums is your typical Veeky Forums imageboard, with its major role being sharing information, discussion, and conversing about the board's topic. We discuss roleplaying games, not roleplaying, and online roleplaying threads just end up forming into insular cliques, not unlike long-running quests.
/qst/ is a unique board, and it actually makes sense to try and expand the strict definition of a quest to include more freeform roleplaying. It seems like the main issue with /qst/ is the amount of traffic it doesn't have, and having more forms of online roleplaying there would increase the number of users there.
But really, we should stop discussing this, because there's no point in derailing yet another thread.
>I think it’s mainly due to the fact that most of us have our universes and would rather work on their own rather than a group project.
Culture definitely has something to do with it too. You can compare something like /a/ and /co/; even though /a/ is somewhat larger than /co/ on Veeky Forums, you wouldn't ever expect /a/ to make something collaborative like /co/, because there is
a) a fundamental distrust of all things western or western-made, including OC
b) a much smaller tradition or culture of unified settings or crossovers.
In the case of Veeky Forums, it's simply that the posters who go on Veeky Forums mainly want to be able to create or tell their own stories in their own settings. Even if a bunch of content creators can agree to something to which they all feel some sense of personal investment, it doesn't interest most of the board and it'll just become a general like towergirls.
I won't deny that some of it is the removal of group projects like quests, but i think most of the difference boils down to culture.
Plenty of /a/ sings although I suppose it's not quite the same thing. Or on similar scale.
I'm honestly surprised at how large Veeky Forums is. I thought we were way more irrelevant than that.
I’m pretty sure Veeky Forums is ~1000 people.
Hey! That’s like a small town.
My god. To think that /co/ would be as long as /a/ if we still had /mlp/ still with us.
I like the non-cape side of the setting.
We have around 1000 people browsing it at any point in time, but a total population of more than 15,000 people.
Let's have a look at the last time this was tried, with the Veeky Forums Unified Setting:
A race of Welsh Corgis that stand upright. They are anthropomorphic in the sense that they talk and act like humans, but they are not given human body proportions and still retain many of the cute mannerisms that real world welsh corgis have, much more dog than man.
The race that parodies most of the other races and the setting in general. Doobies believe that they are the master race, but they are universally despised and are considered quite ugly by the other races. They receive penalties to all their actions, but have ungodly regeneration that makes them very hard to kill.
Based loosely on the Burmecians from Final Fantasy 9, the Faestir are a race of Queen-shittingly British rat people living in quiet, determined desperation. There is only one city left on the planet they can call their own.
Occupying a few islands (and a lot of ghettos) they are the only race with access to boom jelly. The goblins make use of their ingenuity and relatively advanced technology to become fantastic pirates. Goblins have a major hate-on for undead; this is because in ancient times their civilization was cast down by a necro-storm caused by their overuse of necromancy.
A race of militaristic shark-wolf-raptor people that nearly conquered the world a little more than a century ago, now they try to rebuild their foreign relations through strict laws on their own people while continuing to honor their old battle-loving ways.
The self-titled masters of PROGRESS! The Toltecatl try to gather as much tech as they possibly can, though they are not that great at mimicking it. Either that or they just don't want to. Physically, the Toltecatl resemble lizards.
Giant lobster farming dark elves that are split between the civilized nobles and more tribal commonfolk that resemble the Ashlanders of Morrowind.
Now you know the real reason Moot separated the two. Only one brand of cartoons can reign supreme!
>TowerGirls keeps getting moved to /trash/.
holy shit there is justice in this world
You dumb fuck, that's not true at all, and there's hundreds of other uses for dice on this board.
Now, can you shut up about quests already, before you get another thread deleted thanks to your butthurt?
You know, maybe, just maybe if we stopped crying at what was lost and started rebuilding with what we have, we can recover that fabled (it was before my time you see) golden era I so often hear about? (I pressume those were the times of things like the lamia paladin?)
Yeah, i would say it's something like /twg/. There are very dedicated people contributing there, but half of /a/ doesn't know /a/ sings or /a/ draws exists, and some significant part of it probably wishes it didn't.
Compare it to something like /sp/'s relationship with the Veeky Forums c-p, practically everything /mlp/ does or /g/'s wiki.
Though the fact that I struggled so much to come up with relatively large, board-uniting projects such as these indicates just how rare something like the /co/ unified setting even is on Veeky Forums.
Holed up in their mighty fortresses, the dwarves mostly keep to themselves while fighting off Elephants and Carp, when they're not getting distracted by rhesus monkeys.
Criminals, mercenaries, anything that pays the bills.
A federation full of politics and religion. Also, barbarians.
Cutebolds, completely innocent little guys with a lot of heart.
>Holed up in their mighty fortresses, the dwarves mostly keep to themselves while fighting off Elephants and Carp, when they're not getting distracted by rhesus monkeys.
/co/ was once a very chill board. To combat the "Veeky Forums is hate" of the earlier days we made ourselves into "/co/ is Love" and had many cooperative projects.
Hey, we're talking about years ago when that shit was still fresh. Don't hurt yourself sperging out.
If you feel the is a deficiency of community built content, make a thread to create some.
When one subject overwhelms a board to the detriment of everything else, I don't think it's wrong to partition them. /co/-/mlp/ and /a/-/jp/ are two cases where it was merited.
But you have also cases like /int/-Veeky Forums-/news/-/bant/, where /int/'s just been steadily gutted because past events go to current events go to and shitposting goes to /bant/, leaving mainly the regional generals.
That's why i'm still divided over the Veeky Forums-/qst/ split, simply because it's hard to deny that quests were overwhelming the board. The problem is that removing quests and nothing else has not given current Veeky Forums contributors any new or real reason to work together on anything.
Well, duh. Unified Setting was the pinnacle of bored, half-assed unoriginality regarding the 'boring races' coupled with autistic devotion to furry OC.
>simply because it's hard to deny that quests were overwhelming the board.
I'd deny it. I'm no quest guy (I once participated in a dumb joke quest one afternoon, and that was it) but they were rarely more than 10% of the board, and even then it still took three+ hours for a dead thread to finally roll off. If other threads lacked prominence, it wasn't because they were being pushed off.
Some of the old stuff Veeky Forums and /x/ would come up with together was really fun.
Then Veeky Forums got kicked to fuck and /x/ got murdered.
The problem with saying "Go do it yourself" about something meant to be collaborative should be obvious with a bit of consideration.
did we really put sergals in there after we explicitely tried to avoid fur-faggotry with the Corgyn? Sergals pretty much exist for fur-faggotry.
This. The problem is when we try to collaborate, shitposters often overrun it for shits and giggles.
I think he's talking about shitshows like the Unified Setting for Veeky Forums and Lenore aka 1000 fa/tg/uys Fall from the Sky aka Veeky Forums Island aka Veeky Forums City.
Somebody has to start a thing for other people to contribute to it.
Start it yourself then. And tell others what you did, maybe we can get something rolling then.
And what if /qst/ is another board? Does it mean cross-communication is impossible or forbidden? Tell people to search what's yours there, and people there to do likewise here.
And if you fail, because you will, just try and try again until something sticks.
Removing quests has no relation to providing an incentive for Veeky Forums's contributors. It's a seperate issue with next to no correlation, and quest content has largely always been seperate from not only the rest of the board but from all other quests as well.
Now, if you want to talk incentives, I'm all ears, because I'd love to see more Veeky Forums OC, but quests really have no place or impact on that discussion.
allowing phone posting was a mistake
As a person who likes to browse 1d4chan, I can tell you that reading through the unified setting shit is boring and uninteresting.