What are some interesting underwater encounters?

What are some interesting underwater encounters?

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shark-riding sahuagin patrol/raiders
storm/ocean giant(s) with a herd of whales, giant magical trident optional, throwing rocks are skipping stones
dragon turtle/eel lives amidst ship graveyard it created, the treasure of which is guarded by the ghosts of the drowned
giant crabs that roam the abyssal floor eating carrion from above
giant seaworm hydra that lives near smoky volcanic vents
floating underwater coral "castle" (looks weird because every direction is "up"), full of either undead or a magically water-free interior home to living beings, magically lit, rides underwater currents
leveled fire giant pirates with rings of sustenance and amulets of adaptation who use a massive metal submarine to raid distant areas with very little warning, use bags of holding to maximize loot/cargo space, has various spell defenses on outside via glyphs of warding and magic mouths, spell turrets and summon monster (aquatic) traps


Not entirely underwater, but close. The players have to walk past a body of murky water. There's a Roper hidden underwater. It grabs all the weakest looking characters and drags them under the water.

>Sunken Treasure
There's a pile of treasure hidden in a sunken ship. The players try to retrieve it. They fight some underwater enemies. When they get to the treasure, they find three treasure chests. One is a mimic.

>Underwater maze
There's an underwater maze players have to navigate.The players can't make normal maps (parchment and ink don't do well underwater) so there's a good chance they get lost and drown.The maze is full of traps and enemies who will attack the players and try to kill them or sabotage their breathing apparatus.

Dire bobbit worms.

Or worse, bobbit worm hydras.

>Dire bobbit worms.
>giant seaworm hydra
thats what I meant here

black people that can swim

Agent 47 with scuba gear

how is it not in shock? niggers hate water unless it comes in a melon.

The actual reason is that black people have slightly more dense bones and a bit more mineral content in their bodies iirc. It's why a lot of top-end athletes are black (among other reasons). Black people just don't float as easily as others.

That's impossible, all humans are exactly the same.

it also has to do with them evolving a fear of water due to flash floods in africa and water being something you don't want to swim in there

they also have a higher center of gravity, which helps with running but makes it harder to swim

Giant mantis shrimp
>fast as fuck
>can see 13 colours
>hits so strong the impacted object's temperature rises to 3000ºC and produces light

>>hits so strong the impacted object's temperature rises to 3000ºC and produces light

If we're talking pathfinder a Qallupilluk lawful evil vain and easily offended with the ability to turn other humanoids into slavishly loyal grindylows reefclaws, bunyips, merrow, or scrags.

Giant hammerhead shark which uses its very long and barbed tail to grab victims, even above water. A shark that fishes you.

A school of fishes which throw themselves against enemies, using their sharp beaks to be as projectiles. Suicide living javelins.

Have D&D5 stats for both if interested.


>can see 13 colours
I'm not sure you understood the part of the BuzzFeed infographic you undoubtedly pulled this from

They have more types of rods/cones/whatever then humans do.


Also, according to wikipedia, the punch's shockwave and heat can be enough to kill its prey even if it misses

grindylows are squid goblins, reefclaws are crawfish eel things, bunyips=evil seals and merrows and scrags are sea ogres and trolls respectively.

I have high bone density and can swim just fine, stop talking shit


>Hate children
>Desperately want to make this ogre a mama
Wat do?

dehumanise yourself and turn to bloodshed

Giant or humanoid versions of ancient sea creatures, like those from the Cambrian or sea scorpions. They're weird and creepy as fuck.

I feel like those difference can't be that explicit as to have a really visible deference, can they?

What ever it is, it'll have either small boobs or massive boobs.


Spawn-hungry, stacked mermaids. Surprise fishsecks.

Does anything about her look eldritch to you?

Well, unless you're a complete sociopath, chances are you will like your progeny even if you don't like kids in general - it's some psychological imprinting thing.

When you are competing against people who've received training, physical attributes begin to make a difference. Any featherweight boxer can beat the shit out of any stranger in the streets due to training, but will get his ass beaten by the heavyweights.

There's also outliers.

>I feel like those difference can't be that explicit as to have a really visible deference, can they?
the bone density thing, no, but the center of gravity, yes
measure where their belly buttons are on their bodies, and black people on average will have them higher up

Water is just the backdrop.

How do you figure?

Seacows. Always seacows.


Well, she's not real, so no matter wat do you'll get the same result.


It's because they don't go to pools as children. Poor whites are also bad at swimming.

This shit was always kind of weird to me. It seems to be an African-American exclusive thing though, as many legit Africans (especially those living near the coast like in Senegal or on islands like Cape Verde) are pretty decent swimmers. Considering the more inland parts of the US aren't exactly known for having high concentrations of black people (as opposed to the East Coast and California), this strikes me as odd. What makes African-Americans different from... well, African Africans? Or is there also a difference between for example black people from LA and the ones from Detroit? And since we're on the subject, if poverty is the defining factor then why don't we see the same phenomenon with Latino's in the US not being able to swim?

I hate black people too but can we just have one thread where we don't talk about them?

A deep water Jew.
>bubbles angrily

Is this the logic of people who never go outside and get all their world experience from the internet think?

>citation needed

We fought one in a recent campaign. I bested him in single combat, but he got away with my soul afterwards.

On your won? Damn, son, you have to be like, literally unable to feel pain just to tackle with one.

street sharks

Because Latinos have to swim to get into the country, duh.

>Trump's wall will only work as an evolutionary barrier to illegal Mexicans entering the country
>Trump's wall will only make the surviving illegal Mexicans bigger, stronger, smarter and meaner over time
>Voting Trump was a mistake

We just have to electrify the water.

What if they'll evolve to counter that?
>Oye mi rubber nen

No woman would ever consent to be impregnated by you, so why do you care?



>Black people just don't float as easily as others.


>Dire bobbit hydras

No too late the evil has escaped Pandora's box I'm going to put my players through this

James Cameron inside a robot


>Think the name Bobbit Worm is just a funny coincidence
>They're actually named after Lorena Bobbit

Someday I wish I become famous enough to have some horrible sea creature named after me

Bobbit worms are named after a real-world woman who cut off some guy's dick. In fantasy land, presumably they'd be called beartrap worms or guillotine worms or something menacing, assuming those exist in fantasyland.

...I roll to seduce.

Possessed Diving Suits.


Pick ONE

>you see this during dock patrol

For a second there I thought you said cock patrol.

"Sir, you got some weird shit happening near your dick."

"Anything serious?"

"Nah it's just one of them fish people, don't worry. Get back to spanking the one eyed monster monkey."

The guillotine was named after a doctor who suggested cutting someone's head off was more humane than breaking all their limbs on a wheel.

Ah that's all a load of shit, they don't swim in America because their fucking parents don't teach them.

People seem to get black people the world over confused with black people in America.

it's because inner cities don't have pools, or at least not ones you'd want to go to, so they don't learn to swim.


Back to /pol/ with you.

Why are giant/strong races so cute

My friend is actually a marine biologist. If she ever discovers anything I'll put a vote in for you user.

>the faggot louse
>the 56% fish
>the cockgobbler crab

Seriously though God bless, that's an admirable goal.

Nips call it "gap-moe"

Something cute is cuter than cute if it shares traits with things usually not considered to be cute

Roll to check for traps.

You should encounter a toaster underwater in your bathtub

Let's be honest here, it'd be way too much work, and render way too much of the language off-limits, to excise every last word that comes from a real-world person or place name.

Better to just steer clear of those that are *flagrantly* referential (eg, probably no English muffins or French toast if your setting doesn't have England or France), and handwave the less obvious ones if anyone happens to hit on them. Language is arbitrary as fuck, so sheer fucking coincidence is always a valid excuse. Hell, you could even make it based on proper names in-setting, just different ones. Maybe the guillotine is named for the country of Guillot where it was invented, and Guillot happened to have a notoriously decapitation-happy king named Bobbit at one point.

So a hydra is basically a giant lizard head x~5 + regen.

A bobbit worm strikes me as a little more terrifying for seasoned players.

like terminator killbots?

it has as much or more to do with acting against type as just being offbeat. a cute killbot is just a cute robot. a killbot that gets all puppy dog eyes at the thought of murder, or who's all sunshine and smiles while in the act of raining hellfire is when you hit gap moe.

>Poor whites are also bad at swimming.
Poor white, can confirm.


Do you think if, somehow humans gained the ability to perceive colors beyond our visual wavelength, that they'd seem obvious in retrospect?

Doesn't make sense because violet makes a perfect trip over to red. And those are both opposite endings of the spectrum.

You damn fools. Black people generally can’t swim as they tend to live inner city. With no pools.

Haha, nice roleplaying user! I'm kind of seeing the charm of this homebrew race. Just be sure to write "strawman" on your character sheet, ok?

What is it that you think a straw man is?

Underwater spelunking mission in Adeptus Evangelion, with two of the players needing to carry a hefty nuclear reactor while they trotted down to the bottom of the ocean to find an immobile, spawning angel. It attacked them with hundreds of hit-and-run sharks, and everyone was basically reliant on this one reactor else they'd run out of power... And the angel was smart enough to target the one thing they kept protecting- the reactor.


Somebody already creampied her. She's full of seamen.

Atlantis... as seen on Stargate.
A squidman/illithid/Kurt Eichenwald ninja clan fighting an underwater war against merfolk pirates.
Time crystal formations that make the nearby tides and currents run backwards.
A Planar Barrier Reef.
Lobster-men that set traps for humans on beaches.
A house made of light.
Dire barnacles have attached themselves to a sea dragon's nuts. Your task is to remove the barnacles without killing or castrating the dragon.

The last time their ancestors got on a boat it ended badly for them.

Become a deep sea biologist. There's a load of horrible deep sea fish named after their discoverer, such as Sloane's viperfish, Murray's sea-devil and Saccopharynx lavenbergi (whiptail gulper eel, but the scientific name is Lavenberg's gulper eel after its discoverer).
Granted, these days to get a species named after you you have to be a pretty big deal in marine biology. It seems naming everything after yourself is more frowned upon now than in the 1800s.

>the freaky biomechanical ships respond surprisingly well
>turns out they weren't trying to capture the party because they wanted to hurt you, but because they were lonely and wanted a captain
>just don't talk about leaving

>Not a Fucking cosmic Great Old One Elder Evikl Bobbit worm that has snares in local extradimensional space to Eat Deities and make them vanish without a trace
>Combines the worst of a Bobbit worm, Ringed Worm, and Portal abuse

The entire Deep One horror thing is namely down to the fact that they're literally an entire species selling themselves as Male prostitutes to repopulate their species.

That, and technically being part of a literal cuckold propaganda scheme.


