What's your character's favorite pie?

What's your character's favorite pie?

Pootang pie

He prefers cheesecake, since pie is crap.

Shepherd's pie

Pork and apple.

Steak and Kidney

>Aasimar 'lock (celestial patron)
Lemon meringue pie, 'though he likes sweets in general.

>Dwarf cleric (nature deity)
Meat pies with lots of mushrooms; more mushrooms than meat, really.

Kitsune Cream Pie

That's a pie only in name.

Any berry pie tho

Fuck that pecan pie looks good as fuck.

For my Shadow of the Demon Lord characters:
>Orc Gothi
Either meat pies or cranberry pies
>Faun Berserker
Cherry pie.
And for D&D characters:
>Half-Elf Paladin
Blueberry pie or pumpkin pie


I'm cutting you cunt, why do you do this to me?

Meat pies. With human flesh


Beholder Pie

key lime pie

>spacer biotechnician turned backwater merc - shepherd's pie
Hell yes it does.

Side note, how do you anons pronounce "pecan?"

>Eating pork
You're a filthy swine.

Pie made from the fatty meats of a giant salamander.

This actually came up in my current Shadowrun game. My decker loves strawberry rhubarb, though it's not like she's had very many pies to know if it's her favorite.



If I'm referring to the nuts by themselves, "pik-ahns"; but I always call it "pee-kan" pie. I have no fucking clue where that came from.

Straight up prison food.

Slightly different, it's a derby pie. So it's got chocolate chips and bourbon.


Fuck I love pecan pie; can't believe I'm married to a woman who doesn't. Thanksgiving is a bitch if I don't aggressively push the pecan agenda.

We'll I'm trying to play the most stereotypical Scottish mountain dwarf in all the realms so I Guess steak and kidney pie? That or haggis pie.

pee can