Playing a half orc right now but i'm thinking of other characters just in case and I seem to want to go back to half orcs
Orc Art Thread
prob gonna stop dump soon
now i go like a gentleman into the night
I love that pic so much. Especially the poster in the back!
>Der fault in da starz
whoi did i got to be born an orc
whoi not an elf or sumtin
Why is captcha such fucking shit lately
what is y'alls view on magic user orcs?
Oh shit, I forgot the best one.
I approve
Thank you, you finally gave me a proper reason to hate Half-Orcs.
I request lewd orcs!!!
I got doubles. Now I demand lewd orcs!
It's for KEK!
Where can I get more Paladin Orcs?
I remember some comic about a barbarian, with massive man pecks. His muscles where so tone and smooth, his pecks stuck out a great distance and he ran around topless. Nothing wrong with a man being topless.
His chest looked kinda like pic related. But he was a guy so they where pecks not boobs. Meaning SFW.
I don't know if I want to see some orc men like that. But I also kinda do. Either it'll be a laugh or a new fetish. We will see.
The internet?
Goddamnit that is cute.