/cyoag/ - CYOA General

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>no starting question

What sort of build do you typically go for as your first option? Magic? Money? Political power? Immortality?
What about combat? Weaponmaster, mage, brawler, tank?

Magic is everything and therefore always the best pick

>What sort of build do you typically go for as your first option?
I like to punch things so hard they explode
>What about combat?
My fists

Luck builds if the cyoa is non combat oriented, otherwise the closest thing to an immortal mage I can get, powers focused on whatever seems the most interesting with chronomancy and necromancy being the normal goto if none of the options stand out.

Money > waifu > maybe immortality depending how depressed I'm feeling at that moment
I don't care about adventure unless it's forced on me by the CYOA, I want an income that's enough so I never have to work and I want love. Don't need anything else.

If I'm forced to do combat, I tend to go for really strong fists > unkillable > speed. Other option is to pump everything into fire magic and survivability, then live inside a perpetual explosion.

Good taste.

What's with you and Veeky Forums cancer tier shit like starting questions? Are you doing it for the (You)s?

Personal power, always. Even in CYOAs that aren't heavy with conflict, like back-to-school ones and the like. If such a build is impossible, like on certain "comfy" ones, I don't play them.
Combat depends on the magic in the setting. If it's Vancian trash I stick to melee, if it's more freeform I go for battlemage.



This is too vague. I can't get a good grasp of what I can accomplish.

literally the first time I've ever done it

PPP+ when

Immortality is always priority one right?
After that it's dimension hopping (for the death of the universe).

After that, it's about having enough power to build an empire.

It's magic, just wiggle your finger and declare yourself a winner

satuday boys

heres a question for you, would you take exact immortality


I do it for free baby


>tfw slept through Friday and didn't realize it

Well, fuck.

One of my favorite CYOA's personally

dont worry, you didnt miss much


You should have posted the good RWBY cyoa, let me help you


>the good RWBY cyoa
then why didnt you post it?


Mutation is so much weaker then Manipulate Form simply due to a stupid stipulation it's not even funny.

Just 24 hours of my life, but you're probably right.

who is the artist of the images that was used in this?

Jlullaby I think

All I see are squishy midgets

Terms of Contract:
>Vow of Purity, Hygiene, Fitness, Devotion, Frugality, Kindness, Wealth, Effort, Health, Fate, Truth, and Fortune.

Spirit Avatar:
>Surreal Avatar


Body Modifications:
>Atypical Height x8 (she will be roughly 96 feet tall)

Mind Modification:
>Fetishism (you know damn well which fetish)

Souls Modifications:
>Otherworldly Soul (Wolfgirl)

My life would be a living hell trying to provide for her at first, but it would all be worth it in the end.


>What sort of build do you typically go for as your first option? Magic? Money? Political power? Immortality?

I find a way to get the powers of immortality and seduction so I can sleep around forever.

Top right of the first page

Purity, Hygiene, Kindness, Health, Fate, Truth, Stability, Devotion. 8 points.
Complex Avatar.
Kind, Hardy and Playful.

Tanned look, white hair, blue eyes. 23 years old.

Exceptional Fitness x1
Rear Change x2 (larger)

Hobbyist x2 (Reading, video games)
Fetishism x2 (Anal)

Magic x1 (Fortune magic)

Physically optimal girl, shares some of my interests (and will hopefully develop her own), shares my main fetish. Has slight fortune magic to make life a bit easier for us and an affection boost to let me acclimate to my vows easier.

too soon dude

thank you

>What sort of build do you typically go for as your first option? Magic? Money? Political power? Immortality?
I tend to try to become an ageless cute little girl and then get nice miscellaneous stuff
>What about combat? Weaponmaster, mage, brawler, tank?
Not sure what the proper name for Warrior/Mage hybrid is but is that.

>Not sure what the proper name for Warrior/Mage hybrid is but is that.
Battle mage, you dunce.


>What builds do you make?
Magic and immortality are the most important components for rape builds. You want magic to be able to rape people and protect yourself from the consequences and you want immortality, because if you die you can't continue to rape.

>what sort of build do you go for
whatever suits my fancy at the time, though it is almost always very thematic and gimmicky. i tend to steer clear of waifushit/sexual shit or anime out of preference.
doing the same thing all the time is boring.

Complete inmortality is usually too expensive though.

the closest thing would be the priestess in this CYOA, as a character based on that description has sort of moved into a lot of my fantasies on a recurring basis, but she isn't really a waifu as she's closer to one friend in a circle of other fantasy friends

I dont know if the waifu comparison really works here, she's more of a fantasy-scenario centric friendship character that I often imagine in various such scenarios, but not an "actual friend" that I would imagine having in my actual real life

Artificer, I don't want to live without the Internet and she seems chill

>Weird Fey waifu that will turn you in to a little girl
>Arbitrarily locked behind roll shit
Fuck you i invoke sartre.

Anyone that invokes Sartre is a salty cuck without a cause.

>What sort of build do you typically go for as your first option? Magic?
It depends of the CYOA and the theme, I usually go for the powers/perks, and for brawler build. Also the obligatory waifu

Are you defending rolling?

I invoke Sartre to make this user a sissyboy who lusts for Tokhaar's abuse.

I invoke my cock into your ass.

I invoke your ass in to your cock

I feel like this would cause a similar result to dividing by zero.

Time to drown out the shitposting.



It's too late user I have already started.






Anybody have the DLC for this one?








turn it into a pdf, holy fuck


>implying anyone reads pdfs

>unironically wanting more of a wall of text CYOA
The absolute state of /cyoag/



>this is your brain tainted by waifus and shitposting


What do you even do in PPP+? Is it a waifu picker?


It's the cyoa I'm posting but bigger.


wtf is this spam. can we just go back to shitposting instead

Spam is shitposting, sperg.









>No Past, Strange Land
Age & Gender:
>17, Male
Starting Location:
>Beacon Academy/Vale
>Blank Slate
>Chi Bullshit: The ability to use aura to enhance physical abilities, produce a one hit kill on an enemy if all aura is used, or produce raw energy blasts.
>Boundless Strength, Endless Energy, Unrivalled Agility, Unwavering Precision, Exemplar of Intelligence, Bastion of Will.
>(Melee)Spiked Kusarigama Chain, Weight Enhancement/Masterwork
>(Melee)Paired Kanabo, Weight Enhancement/Masterwork/Stylish.
>Scroll, Armor, Survival Gear, Outfit, Grappling Hook, Parachute and Landing Gear. Pocket the last 90 Lien
>Fated, Outcast, Agro Magnet, Second Rate, Hunted.
All of which for Energy Points.
Gifts/Talents Bonus round(100 Points):
>Paragon of Beauty, Survivalist, Infiltrator, Bladesmaster.
>They Come at Night(main story bait), The Hounds, The Stand.
>Lutz Eisenblut, Damn Mnyama, Luc Sang
Bro(plus fun backstory for conflict), Waifu/team mom, brooding medic I take the piss with.
Fun straightforward bossfight. Plus my own Roman. Good times and violence for all.
Emerald, Cinder, Neo, Neon.
The entire reason I am an outcast is I fuck way too good...and why people were coming after me. Rumor game too strong.

>30 pages
For what goddamn purpose

What the fuck is this autistic shit?
Who in their right fucking mind can sit there and post something over 30 fucking pages long?


Reminder that Decadence is best girl.