In the Arms of an Angel Edition
Discuss the lore of the Warcraft franchise and its application in and around traditional games.
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In the Arms of an Angel Edition
Discuss the lore of the Warcraft franchise and its application in and around traditional games.
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Everything the Forsaken do is justified in the keeping of their homes.
something something 4 factions something something
Anything interesting with Druids?
I used to play that in the game, not much happened I guess.
The Emerald Nightmare raid was a bit of a let down.
what is the emerald dream?
>>the Alliance: humans, elves, dwarves, later gnomes (hero classes: Paladin, Mage, Necromancer)
>>the Horde: orcs, trolls, tauren, later goblins
(hero classes: Shaman, Blademaster, Warlock)
>>the Sentinels: night elves, keepers/dryads, draenei, later worgen (hero classes: PotM, Druid, Arcanist)
>>all undead non-playable to avoid making the dindu nothin' inexcusable evil shitshow with current Forssaken.
>>also an option: Cartel with gnomes, goblins and worgen.
>>more races like mogu, pandaren, vrykul, ogres added later if necessary.
They had almost all of it setup as of WC3 and they still shit the bed just because they didn't have faith in their brand and its potential, it's pathetic is what it is.
To answer a question posed in the last thread, I don't hate gnomes in lore nearly as much as I hate their playerbase. I think they're fairly boring and tonally dissonant, but I could take them or leave them.
But gnome roleplayers grind my fucking gears, if you'll pardon the pun. It's like they all have a Napoleon Complex over the fact that they're a joke race. They're some of the most jingoistic fuckers you'll run into Alliance-side, and over what? Supplying their allies with shoddy planes and an irradiated city they still haven't retaken?
Why Worgen in the cartel?
How are dwarf roleplayers?
Mogu don't serve the Old Gods, they're Titanforged along with humans/dwarves/gnomes and their ancestors, and also those panthertaur people that everyone forgets.
Sounds terrible, like all attempts to make smaller factions. Good job.
Illidari would be a good faction. Belves, naga, dranei/broken, and maybe something like arrakoa or netherbandageguys.
Sylvanas as raid boss sounds fun
Never saw a lot of them, they seemed fairly insular. The few I ran into were alright, though. Of course, results may vary based on server, guild you encounter, etc. Nevermind the fact that I haven't RPed on retail in a few years. I was around on Wyrmrest Accord up until WoD, which I quit midway through.
The Emerald Dream is basically Azeroth in its most primal, natural and basic state, effectively the blueprint or "factory reset" version of the planet. It is the source of power for all druids.
Elf genocide when? Elves are the source of all of Azeroths woes
>attract the attention of the Legion, cause the Sundering
>teach humans Magic, enabling even more demons to come to Azeroth
>co-create Guardians, thus enabling medivh
>their sunwell aids in the resurrection of Kel'Thuzad
>create false World Trees that strengthen the old gods
>major drivers of the faction war
>Forsaken, most evil playable faction, are lead by an elf
Zul'jin was right. Elves must be removed
>They had almost all of it setup as of WC3 and they still shit the bed just because they didn't have faith in their brand and its potential
Blizzard wants things to be neat, tidy and balanced.
Which is a problem when it comes to making an interesting setting in an mmo.
Not a problem if you want to make a profitable mmo though obviously.
Are Warriors and Rogues the only two classes that do not use some form of mana?
What's funny is that gnomes are one of the easiest races to roleplay. Just exhibit (scientific) curiosity about anything you're interested in.
Also hunters if you squint hard enough. Monks use inner energy, so they may count as well.
why'd you ask?
It's probably an arcane dimension created as part of the Titan's ordering of Azeroth. You'll notice Draenor doesn't have an equivalent.
Essentially the power of the Dream makes an iterative dictation of life progression in reality like the differential in a numerical method. Living organisms are generally compelled to adjust their behaviors and properties to the position they have in the Emerald Dream. Whic is also why if the Emerald Dream is corrupted, living organisms connected closely to their position in the dream almost immediately go insane and mutate. Most sentient races (as well as certain invaders such as the Old Gods and the Orcs) can and do however deliberately deviate from the Dream's design and the consequent dynamic between their actions and the laws of nature is what defines the state of life on Azeroth.
Just remember that the power over the Dream was GIVEN to Ysera by titans. The "Natural" laws of Azeroth are not natural in the sense of being the default state of things. Azeroth would've been just primordial elementals smashing each other if it wasn't for the Black Empire, and the Black Empire would've never fallen without the Titans.
Hunters used to use Mana, now it's Focus. DKs use Runic Power, if I recall.
Were you people aware that not only were there 4 emerald nightmare portals, each with their own dragon (like that place in duskwood), but that they also removed them for some fucking reason?
There's one in duskwood, one in hinterlands, and 2 in kalimdor, each with active-looking portals but no more dragons.
Apparently those portals were originally put there because back in vanilla they wanted the Emerald dream/nightmare to be a level 55ish zone
what about alliance (human, dwarf, blood) vs horde (orc, troll, tauren) vs sentinels (night, later draenei and worgen) and forsaken being neutral?
Did the Sethekk in BC not use the enslaved Anzu to assault the Emerald Dream?
So what's the population of the various factions? I read somewhere that there are over a million humans but only something like 50k orcs. Has blizzard released any numbers?
In lore it seems like mana is mostly an arcane thing and only mages would use it. I think it's used as a generic magic resource as gameplay convenience more than anything.
All classes use magic in some form except maybe warriors.
I think it's because gnomes are treated as a joke and roleplayers take their characters very seriously so they get asspained.
Yes, some of us were even there to fight them back then. They had big plans for Emerald Nightmare, even an unfinished zone. That's far from the only thing you could find in Vanilla if you dug hard enough, though.
The Alliance used to have an advantage, but at this point don't bother asking. The numbers change as the plot demands.
The dragons were killed off in a knaak novel
Sounds like a good way for alliance to vastly outnumber everybody else.
Rage, Energy, Focus, Chi, and Runic Power. Is Runic Power internal or external? I don't remember if it was the DK using their abilities which generated Runic Power or vice versa.
They outnumber everyone by the virtue of being allied to the dwarfs
They got CORRUPTED and were put into the Emerald Nightmare raid. You could have fought them again in their original location as part of this year's anniversary event if you wanted, with scaled-up loot for your level.
(You) are terrible.
Gilneans have two modes. They're either in it entirely for themselves, or they're squarely loyal to the faction that looks out for them. So depending on how they're introduced or if the Cartel is playable it's either Sentinels or Cartel.
Unless Pandaren.
How needlessly complicated and not true to the Gilneans whatsoever.
Alliance (human, dwarf, dranei)
Horde (orc, troll, goblin)
Ancients (nelves, furbolgs, treants)
Undead (forsaken, ghosties, nerubians)
Illidari (belves, naga, broken)
Fuk ;_;
I remember having been like 12 during BC and getting killed by it
good times.
Apparently he was assaulting Azeroth's Emerald Dream, since it's defended from Moonglade. It's all very strange. There's certainly no mention of the Emerald Dream having a Draenor part and an Azeroth part.
So are these Valk'yr proper parts of the universe or are they terrible abominations?
The ones from Northrend seemed to be working for the Lich King and making undead stuff, but the ones in Stormhiem seem like proper servants of an afterlife.
>nerubians and nagas
out of the question. they're not bipedal.
>furbolgs, treants, broken, ghosties
who the fuck would want to play at those ugly fuckers?
How have the Sethekk learned about it then? They never have been to Azeroth
It looks exactly like the post you quoted desu except with no hero classes, goblins or gnomes?
Why do you care so bad if there are more people playing one faction over another? Is it better to have non-cohesive shit like Forsaken and Belves in the Horde - which has ultimately murdered the core properties of the faction - as long as you get your numbers high?
Either it's BC writing as usual or they learned enough from the Cenarion Expedition to try something nefarious.
Val'kyr are creations of Odyn because he was mad that fucking organic half-elemental dragons would be blessed by the Titans. They were to create a perfect army of undying warriors for him to use to protect Azeroth
I thought about making a bingo sheet for these threads, but then I realized that half the squares would be bitching about factions/races and the other half would be retcon fanfictions.
Ok, hot shot. Explain the Gilneans to me, then.
Why change what has worked since vanilla?
Do you like WoW lore? Cause it sounds like you like WoW lore, faggot.
I would want to. Hell, if a faction gets too many players then either give that faction more races, or give exp boost that lasts for x amount of exp while a faction is under-populated.
Why are treants a player race in this instance? They're nearly all druidic or arcane constructs and don't really seem to possess higher will unless they're one of the ancients, and no player race should ever be two stories tall.
shoving together nelves with worgen/draenei doesn't sit right with me. the ties between those races were a cheap convenience to justify them being part of the alliance, no different from what happened with the forsaken and the horde.
WC3 draenei should be with the blood elves and naga, or the WoW version of draenei should be with humans and dwarves. as for worgen, if the nelves go back to being feral xenophobes (which they should) they ought to have more traditional allies. the night elf shit in the worgen's background is unnecessary but even if it's kept intact they are more natural allies for humans or forsaken.
>Warcraft lore threads are full of people who hate Warcraft
This explains everything
At least with the Forsaken that was the whole point. The Horde is a bunch of niggas that don't like each other persay, but they'll take what they can get.
I hate what Warcraft has become. I used to love it.
Bruh, I would play broken/lost ones in a heartbeat. I love savage, beaten down survivor races.
I have a certain nostalgic attachment to Blizzard's Setting, yes. I think it could have been handled better, but there are worse examples of franchise mistreatments out there, like AoS
What should we talk about instead then?
Actually, I just remembered something.
>wc3 was very sucessful
>sc2 was sorta successful
>it's been 15 years since wc3
>wow is using an over decade old game
>wow has been on it's decline for years
>there's a gamemode to go along with the new expansion, where it's 20 players with some rts mechanics
What I'm saying is that in 6 years or 2 expansions they're going to make a new game somewhere along the lines of planetside, dark age of camelot, or guild war's RvR.
>the ties between those races were a cheap convenience to justify them being part of the alliance, no different from what happened with the forsaken and the horde.
Pretty sure that the Worgen curse was implied to have been vaguely night elf in origin for a long time, with the exception of Argual's servants in Silverpine.
>Night elf feral xenophobes meme
Not the case as of the ending of RoC. The Night Elves should be their own faction because they should be ABLE to be their own faction, strength wise, not because of this stupid meme.
i dont hate it. i liked classic wc a lot and wow until wotlk. you can call me a nostalfag. i dont mind.
I mean this kind of teant
But yeah honestly I'm just grasping at straws for what should be a night elf ally, and entirely forgot about tauren.
>entirely forgot about tauren.
Everyone else does
You could also have an entire savage races faction in Kalimdor comprised of centaur, harpies, quilboar, etc.
Best and comfiest times I ever had were 1.12 right before BC hit.
Have you ever played a game called Warcraft 3: Reign of Chaos? Or Warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne?
inb4 WC3 oldfags get out ree is the new 3.5 oldfags get out ree meme
and then have eastern kingdoms equivalent for gnolls, troggs, and kobolds?
Come to think of it, it always felt weird killing quilboars. Centaurs look like something that could easily run down and destroy a village and almost genocided the tauren, but quillboars look relatively harmless and are organized enough to have multiple permanent-looking settlements.
Correct. The worgen curse was tied to the Scythe of Elune, a night elf artifact.
Without magic, the planet would be orc central.
Still the second best place on the internet for lore discussion behind Scrolls of Lore.
It's incredible how fucking shitty the story forums and mmo-champ are. I don't understand anyone who tries to post on them seriously when they're both full of lorelets, retards, and shitposting.
Sort of.
I just played custom games, but I've watches through all of the cinematics and cutscenes a couple of times on youtube.
I assume you're referring to the orcs stopping the tauren from getting wiped out? Wasn't that before the orcs killed cenarius and probably a few druids?
>You will never be kidnapped and raped by a harpy
Hey, I get you. I think the writing has been steadily declining since TBC, and got practically irredeemable with WoD. But you can only have so many threads of unending negativity in a row before it gets old, y'know?
WoW makes up for over half of Warcraft's lifespan. Literally, WC1-TFT was 9 years, WoW is around 12. At some point you just have to let things go and work with what you've got. Although I'll still pretend Chronicles never happened.
Wrong. Without Magic, orcs wouldn't even be here. Elves are, in this way, also responsible for the Horde and the human genocide it comitted
night elves could've perfectly been a third faction by themselves. just make the druid a unique class and we're ready to go.
Its people dragging their own morality into the setting
And worse other settings.
>Hurr durr, warhammer fantasy is dark fantasy but Warcraft is high fantasy.
>Derp warhammer fantasy means the good guys always lose and finish last while in warcraft the good guys win.
>poster is a blood elf DK.
Sure, I'm not the four factions guy, I'm just tossing shit into the wind here.
As for quilboar, the reason we killed them is because they're actually massive assholes. I don't recall a lot of their lore beyond matriarchy, Agammagan, thorn shit. The orcs rocked up and started shit with them when they settled Durotar, but the quilboar are kind of a malignant influence wherever they are. All they ever do is spawn giant thornsnarls that make the land uninhabitable and kill outsiders because they rock the kind of xenophobia that makes trolls look reasonable.
You'd be surprised the level of variety you can get out of these threads, from explaining shit to newfags to just nostalgiafagging hard. As for the lore decline, I solidly agree, but unlike a lot of people here, I think it was still tolerable (aside from a few places) until... MoP, probably.
It was concurrent, but the tauren realized that the Warsong were not responsible for becoming corrupted. Cairne himself helped thrall to redeem hellscream and aided him against the human aggressors
Maybe redeemed satyrs or something?
Also, tauren only became druids after the war, when malfurion took hamuul as his apprentice
why are there so few rogues?
Would redeemed satyrs not transform back into elves? The guy from the cata questline did
this is the first time i post something bitter. i usually spoonfeed then and now.
Well, they allied with the Scourge, so they can't be completly misunderstood dindus
hmm, I wonder why there's so many female night elves?
I bet that it's because of the majority of elves in wc3 being female, because the males are too buy sleeping.
I can't think of any other possible reason.
Does anyone else find male orcs and taurens too beefy?
I play females for both since they're still brawny, but don't look hulk huge.
I am writing a paper, so could you tell me something about Gnome mating habbits, Veeky Forums?
I won't actually hold that one against them since they clearly had no idea what they were inviting into their doorstep. WeWillEnslaveTheQuilboar.mp3 and all that.
>Only races with more females than males are night elves and gnomes
Somehow, I'm not surprised.
fucking harpies, when are they gonna be playable?
>extra damage against male players and npc
They're garbage right now.
courtesy of reddit
I think Blizzard themselves once wrote something about flirting with gnomes.
I'm surprised that Blood Elf Mage isn't up there.
They probably use lots of toys.
Blood elves were the first Horde paladins, and the only other alternative is taurens. Anyone (except taurens) can be a mage.
To be fair, you need a very high IQ to play mages
>it's all humans and elves
Not even surprised, although almost every least played being either a panda or a monk is nice.
in w3 males were either bear or crow druids plus the demon hunter hero unit. the rest of the army consisted of female night elves or some magical forest beasts. demon hunter should've been developed way earlier
if we're gonna have 4 factions, we might as well have like 10 factions desu
of course outside of WoW you can realistically have 100 factions to customize