Since my net worth crossed $100k due to bitcoin, my fear of knocking someone up has increased dramatically. While I only have sex with condom in the first place, with the women I fuck with now I almost exclusively cum on their tits to make sure there can't be an accident.
I'm 32, what's the game plan from here?
Since my net worth crossed $100k due to bitcoin, my fear of knocking someone up has increased dramatically...
get more money. Is your plan to live off of 100k? That is nothing.
the key is to give them the wrong name :)
my mom said make them sign a contract LMAO
You know that some roasties take the cum from used condoms or maybe from their tits if you cum on them and put it in their pussies?
I live in a 55m2 flat and make $3000 / month after taxes, of which I need maybe 1400. I never needed money in the first place, it's just lying around so maybe I eventually I invest in startups for my friends. I was more asking how to proceed with the Tinder sluts. I feeling a bit autistic never going in hard in fear of cuming too early, but I really don't want to get fucked in terms of alimionies etc.
if they sleep at my place?
okay well I'm not that level of paranoid.
I'm also not Beckenbauer and don't speak about my gains. I didn't even buy nice clothes yet.
If anything, trading and crypto has made me even more sloppy
keep all your FIAT and crypto in monaro, nobodys needs to know you have anything, also freeze your sperm get desexed, cum where ever you want. unfreeze the sperm when you actually want kids, infact everyone should do that, rich or poor
>Spending time worrying about depreciating assets
user wtf
you could also try never ever telling anyone you sleep with you have money.
Pretty impossible if you have nice things/cars/use those things to get easy sex
using those things to get sex is what will get you into this sort of trouble.
but i see where you're going with that.
well yea which is why there should be a way around the trouble.
Is asking a girl to take a video of her consenting to sex the correct way of avoiding shit like this if it's a mutual encounter?
If they know you have bitcoins they can just scoop it off and shove it in their pussy
tryna have at least 1 slave before i die tho
simple, don't have sex
a girl tried to scoop up my bitcoin and hide it in her pussy once. i caught her though.
>Get vasectomy
>Wait 1 year get RISUG from India
>Wait like 5 years get vasalgel from the west
Cum deep in their pussies with no fear
Risug and vasalgel are reversible also
If this is the kind of bitch you fantasize about then you should be worried.
Y'all dumb niggas never having kids tho.
Leave having children to nonwhites. You pale skins need to be eradicated. The sooner the better.
what do you mean by this?
I generally go for thin girls with pretty faces, but for me at most 2 out of 10 look as good as that
redpill memes aside, I'm not against children out of principle, I just feel I can easily wait till before 40
Just pump and dump bro.
>I'm 32, what's the game plan from here?
Start a happy family so you can leave this Veeky Forums hellhole
>I’m not that level of paranoid
You definitely should be. You think women give a fuck? They’ll do anything if that want to
That’s why pre-marital sex is a risky game
This. You normalfags worry about the dumbest things. Hopefully we get a 90% crash to weed you out of crypto.
assuming this is not a larp and that you're not a faggot....
You're still a faggot. 100k is literally nothing. I'm 28 and worth over 7MM now. About 1MM in crypto, and 6MM in inherited properties that generate around 40k a month in net income.
No girl is fantasizing about getting knocked up by you. If they're shitty women they may try to steal your money, but no. 100k doesn't make women crazy for you.
My solution has been (since I don't plan on settling down until my 40s) 1) never reveal your net worth. Let them know you have some money and like to have fun, but NEVER how much you're worth. Play mind games with them, like I'll randomly wear a 30k watch on a random night out and you can see her spider sense perk up when she notices, or say shit like "an investment of 150k really isn't that much if you've done your research" and instantly change the subject.
2) get a madam, who will send women of your liking to your house. It's amazing.
the choice is yours. pussy with money is so easy it's laughable. Women truly are all whores.
post pics
I have a vasectomy, but I wish I'd just gone to india to get RISUG.
getting irradiated gel pumped into your balls by dr. pajeet
I think I'll wait for the american version
this post describes why perfectly why rich people have such a hard time getting into heaven
stop pretending you get laid, loser
make them swallow
Yeah, just sucks waiting so long
Snip-snip time, brah.
Am I doing anything morally wrong though? I've committed no sins, except perhaps exploiting a really shitty aspect of women, but that's not a sin
I'm interested in hearing more about finding a madam and what its like if you're willing to share
Go and live/travel to countries where you don't have residency.
Then if you knock a girl up you quench your monkey brains desire for reproduction with none of the responsibility of financial burden.
what's your budget and what city do you live in?
not a burger, and budget wise closer to op than to you
What was it like for you? Whats the difference between this and ordering an escort off one of the dozens of sites?
>Since my net worth crossed $100k due to bitcoin
So you're worth a war nickle and a pack of gum. Way to go.
i'm 22, have half a million, live in eastern europe and still feel like a poorfag. Wealth to me is when you can buy a nice house without having a significant dip in your finances
prostitution is illegal in the US. The chances of you getting caught are small, but they still exist. Using a madam reduces those chances even more.
Also, I usually see girls in the 700-1500 range, and many of them are not on escort sites. The woman I go through knows I want low volume women, many of whom really are girls just trying to pay for school or whatever. Being a fairly attractive guy in my late 20s helps me get the better girls. They are beautiful, these are girls who everyone would be mesmerized by at a bar. More women are prostitutes than you might think... 1500 cash in a day? that's like a salaried job of 2k/day before tax.
As for what it's like, some of the girls will actually develop feelings for me after repeat visits. This is natural since i'm pretty charismatic and obviously rich, and I treat them very nicely. When I sense they are starting to grow attached to me, thats when I begin ass fucking them, I won't even want vaginal sex anymore, only a blowjob then hard anal.
With a madam it's more of a personal experience, and you know what you're getting is good. There is in some sense, "liability insurance" seeing as how it's not just some random ho that can disappear into the night, never to be heard from again.
My madam serves some pretty powerful people, some politicians I suspect. She has girls in the 10k+ range, but that's out of my range.
also checked
mate, sex outside marriage itself is a sin. You dont have a clue about morality
Thanks for the writeup. Are those prices hourly or what? For a whole night that's not too bad actually but I get the feeling that's not the case.
How'd you find your madam? Just swimming in the same circles or did you actively search?
What's worse in the lord's eyes? Having sex outside of marriage or enveloping yourself 24-7 in ponzi scheme crypto trading designed to make you rich from doing nothing so the mark of the beast (XRP) can be ushered into mainstream finance and bring upon the new world order?
Use your head, kid.
hourly prices. But if you're paying a grand or more they'll usually stay longer if you want, but I never want them to. I want them out as soon as I'm finished.
>When I sense they are starting to grow attached to me, thats when I begin ass fucking them, I won't even want vaginal sex anymore, only a blowjob then hard anal.
Haha, living the dream user if not larping
>girl develops feelings
>stop having normal sex with her and initiate anal-only protocol
y-you’re sick.