What is a good system for playing as field agents in the SCP universe?
What is a good system for playing as field agents in the SCP universe?
I played in a brief campaign with this theme, only it was SCP with the serial numbers filed off, and it took place in a modern fantasy setting. The players were civilians who got involved with an anomaly and were thereafter recruited as field agents.
Delta Green
d20? d100? 5d20?
Shit like 1d4chan.org
d20 based systems, just because I'm the most familiar with them.
Hunter: the Vigil, if you want your agents to be weird/paranormal, or just basegame World/Chronicles of Darkness if you want them to just be normal people with job training
Delta Green. Just reskin the Cthulhu shit for SCP wiki stuff, and actually give your players organizational backup.
Dark Heresy might work pretty well?
Has insanity and corruption rules, is already sort of based around being a group of shmucks being sent to fix spooky shit and is highly lethal.
Delta Green, Hunter or simply Chronicles of Darkness, and The Laundry are all top-tier for SCP stuff.
Why not Paranoia?
So do we play as agents or D-class personal? Do the D-class happen to have any SCP related abilities?
Btw, not really related but cute little miniseries.
I run an SCP game and classic Call of Cthulhu works well
To clarify by Classic I mean it in a "Good ol" sort of way not 1e CoC.
I think agents and task forces are more interesting mechanically than a D-Class, but I'll leave it up to the players if they want to have a containment breach kind of game.
A mix of Only War and Call of Cthulhu would work pretty well here.
Ya know true. Hell, I wish someone made an SCP mod for Arma 3 similar to this.
>can’t die from violent causes
That’ll stop being entertaining the 50th time, wouldn’t it?
You don't. What you people need to realise is that not every story is meant for every medium. Not every TYPE of storytelling is meant for every medium. Tabletop is very restricting when it comes to that, moreso even than videogames, despite what grognards like to think. A "cosmic horror" type of game has no place in tabletop.
World of Darkness book was made for this kind of campaigns. I never runned it though so can't tell much about quality of mechanics.
What's Delta Green?
RPG system similar to call of cthulhu. Players are agents of a government organization thats basically the equivalent of the SCP world's UIU.
Dark Heresy. Has alot of rules for spooky shit built in and the combat system is well suited for guns. Just reskin character creation
So kind of like X-COM but with less alien theme and more occult?
There's still plenty of ayys like the Mi-Go and whatnot.
They're just rather occult ayy lmaos.
Aren't Mi-Go essentially angry psychopathic fungus bugs?
Delta Green. You literally play as former police, detectives, soldiers, etc. who's job it is to hunt down and kill scary shit from beyond mortal comprehension.
Cthulhu is all about aliens.
They're actually unsettlingly calm and friendly most of the time, if I remember right.
They will remove your brain and stick it in a jar, though.
Fun thing about the game The Laundry:
It's based on the setting of "The Laundry Files," and one of the short stories actually has a joking reference to how its setting is so similar to the premise of Delta Green.
Alternity - the Dark Matter campaign setting was largely this, albeit less gruesome. Dark Heresy also works, mechanically speaking, but flavor needs reskinning.
Never played Call of Cthulu or Delta Green, so give those a go too. Worse case scenario: bad storytime.
My group played something like this a little while ago in vanilla WoD/CoD. No one had anything supernatural (to start), we were just thrown face first into the darkness and told to DEAL WITH IT.
Lots of freakouts and a few moments of DIRE AWESOMENESS later, we survived.