They really don't give a fuck about their future do they?
>cards printed on toilet paper
>MTGO looks like it was developed on Microsoft Windows 2000 Profession Edition
>insert "non-white, not attractive female" into art because of diversity
They really don't give a fuck about their future do they?
>cards printed on toilet paper
>MTGO looks like it was developed on Microsoft Windows 2000 Profession Edition
>insert "non-white, not attractive female" into art because of diversity
first two are valid complaints
I thought Magic's cardstock was considered pretty good. I'm not a cardboard toe-walker, so I guess I don't really follow the trades.
MTGO looks like complete ass.
Third bit is angry nerd culture war bullshit.
It was. It got worse over the past 4 or 5 years and now is yu-gi-oh tier paper.
You are correct.
Also true.
Reminder that these threads shitting on magic, focusing on "card quality" (paper/ink/printing/etc) with unstealthy sjw boogeyman shit thrown in are part of an ongoing /pol/ raid.
Report, hide, move on. If you must reply, remember to sage.
It's not like Veeky Forums can get any shittier. I mean, what are the mods going to do, kill off every thread that isn't a general?
I don’t really give a fuck about the last one
I just want kill monsters and angels to remain hot, THEN maybe I’ll give a shit. SJW pirates? Pirates are thieving niggers anyways.
>>t's not like Veeky Forums can get any shittier.
Fixed that for you. Pretty much the entire site has been on a decline in quality (at various rates) since Moot left.
>cards printed on toilet paper
Ok yeah I can understand
>MTGO looks like it was developed on Microsoft Windows 2000 Profession Edition
Again yeah I can see that complaint
>insert "non-white, not attractive female" into art because of diversity
Oh okay I know what you mean
first is a valid complaint
second is being worked on with arena (doubt it will succeed)
third is bait and stupid
it's called capitalism. if you don't like it you don't have to buy it. you can put your nuts in a vice if you want to, doesn't mean i should have to hear you complain about it.
This. Product quality is a legitimate issue.
The third complaint is valid. Obvious pandering is obvious and abrasive.
Eat shit commie rat
Reminder that these posts are an attempted cover-up of Skull&Bones/CIA doing another hostile psyop on gaming culture. /pol/ is rude, not wrong.
>What is Mirage block
Jeremy plz go
>africans in an african themed block
>black female lesbian pirates
oh wow guess you're right nothing to see here
That's very transphobic. They don't identify as females you bigot!
Nice digits
How do we know that isn't a stealth counter to make it look like some insane scheme dreamt up by NAZIS?
wtf did we do to piss off /pol/?
Esoteric rumor is something spooped HW's company boys and now they're torturing an egregore of the game in a cia blacksite somewhere.
"/pol/ is always right" is as relevant as "Veeky Forums gets shit done". That is to say that it hasn't been true in a long time
Or it's the same people being right and getting shit done, and they're very busy.
>>insert "non-white, not attractive female" into art because of diversity
So if they were hot you would be fine with it?
>>insert "non-white, not attractive female" into art because of diversity
There have always been hideous women in MTG's art. There have also been hot women.
Whats the issue?
Probably how it seems mandated rather than artistic.
Hi /pol/.
Nobody invited you.
Please leave.
found the cuck
>get butthurt about people talking shit about something
>go on /pol/ and make a post talking shit about that thing
>screencap your post
It's shit like this that makes me wonder if Veeky Forums really does get invaded by leftist hacktivists who falseflag all day.
We existed.
They're an insane cult. Just like every other insane cult, they do literally nothing but obsess about the non-believers all day every day. Good news is that all cults eventually self-destruct and these retarded neocommies are well on their way out already.
So yes, /pol/ faggots are retarded shitposters
>cards printed on toilet paper
Agree, also foils warp.
>MTGO looks like it was developed on Microsoft Windows 2000 Profession Edition
Agree, but Magic Arena may change things.
>insert "non-white, not attractive female" into art because of diversity
Partially disagree. Non-white characters aren't a problem unless they're race-retconning or doing anything culturally inappropriate, and a lot of cards have poor art, not just ones with female characters.
>/pol/ faggory.
>autistic screeching
>MTGO looks like it was developed on Microsoft Windows 2000 Profession Edition
It was
Foil quality is real bad especially shit bends like no other.
I don't know what they can do to fix MTGO but they don't translate well into online anything. MTG Arena needs to be pretty nice but I think they're keeping an aesthetic that will work against em with hearthstone there so I ain't sure about what can be done about that.
That's the bait topic. My only gripe with it is that for legendary shit in specific it's really boring to see human after human with those or planeswalkers. I much rather enjoy monsters and stuff like that but it ain't relatable so instead of a viashno getting a dinowalker we're gettin a pretty lady and instead of anything else in egyptland we got runs fast. Looking forward to the minotaur walker though.
The balance between those two has shifted drastically.
I love when retarded cultists desperately defend their forced pandering by saying "your hobby that I'm politicizing was always like this!!!!"
If it was always like this then there's no need for you to put more black and gay people in it, is there? Oh shit what now you fucking retarded cultist?
You don't have to take my word for it.
The problem is it still looks like it is a program that was run on Microsoft Windows 2000 Profession Edition.
Its pretty impressive how bad that program is considering the amount of money it could make if it wasn't a pile of shit.
>Today I get to paint women I want to relate to
Wow, jungle fever much?
I read a book on the original artists of magic and talked with 3 of them at gencon recently. They all echo what you are saying. Little, if any, direction was given other than card name and maybe color.
The artists echoed how nice it was to create whatever they wanted as usually fantasy art like this would be heavily dictated. Some of them said its not worth working on now because the pay isn't great, the expectations are, and they have little freedom. Some of that could just be old people talking about how doing new things suck, but that was the vibe I got.
So in other words /pol/ faggory.
>No you
I don't understand what the point is though
why do you care that there is a black woman on the card art?
what would make you happy?
if all the cards only featured men?
if all the cards only featured women?
if all the cards only featured minorities?
if all the cards only featured x race?
to what end?
who gives a shit about the card art?
as long as it doesn't look terrible and is visually memerable so that cards can be identified on sight there really isn't an issue
if your complaint was more along the lines that art quality had been slipping or that art was generic and uninspired so you can't tell the difference between them any more you might have a valid point
but who gives a flying fuck what race/gender the characters are on the cards?
I don't mind that there are black women on cards. What bothers me is that WotC is now giving artists directions such as "draw us a black woman" when they didn't do this in the past.
why do you care though?
they pay them to draw what they commission?
is there a problem?
>why do you care if we politicize your hobby? you don't want to be a RACIST do you?
Because I don't want to support whatever culture war the wizards are waging. I prefer my card games apolitical.
>What bothers me is that WotC is now giving artists directions such as "draw us a black woman" when they didn't do this in the past.
You're a fucking mongoloid if you think they didn't specify that they wanted Sisay to be brown or whatever she is. You don't commission art and go "yeah just do whatever"
why do you care?
if an aspect of the game that has no real impact on the game itself is ruining your experience with the game you should probably rethink why you are playing the game
then don't play the game? or at least don't buy anything Wizards makes
that's kind of how the free market works
>you need to let my cult politicize absolutely everything and if you object you are the one with the problem
It's even more ridiculous when you factor in how much money it's already making
I honestly do not care, but I think it's ok to be a little worried, but just a little. Until Wizards decides to start deliberately antagonizing, shaming, or soapboxing at their consumers, I wouldn't get upset about it. Best to assume they are just following a trend or trying to cast a bigger net rather than trying to fulfill some culture warriors' agenda.
I am saying you should let the creators of a product make whatever decision they want to make about their product
and if you agree with their decisions you should buy their product
if you disagree don't buy their product
don't go onto anonymous image boards and bitch about things that are beyond your control for asinine reasons that have literally no impact on your life
doing shit like that just makes you jaded and ultimately turns you into an unhappy person
>just stay in the soup-err I mean relaxing bath a liiiiiiittle bit long froggy
So where was your outrage for Teferi, Sisay, Portals, Kamigawa, Tarkir and so on?
You're fake concern covering your obvious racism is pretty obvious m80-oh
Why aren't you allowed to complaint if you don't like the product they're delivering, but there's no alternatives so if you don't buy you're just not playing any card game?
hey look it's the post that was talking about, right on cue
That post is retarded and so are you.
As far as I'm concerned, you're all idiots for talkign about this shit on Veeky Forums. We're apolitical. We don't give a shit about the art on the cards, it's the cards themselves that we give a shit about. You fucking idiots are just wasting your time, and should all be banned for /pol/posting on the wrong fucking board.
feel free to complain
things like
this card isn't balanced
I don't like the way this deck plays
I don't like this card art
seem fine
but when the complaint is
Wizards are actively perusing a political agenda that I feel is threatening to ruin modern society and push a parasitic progressive ideology down my throat that I have no choice to accept if I want to play their games
maybe you should just not play
just stop giving a shit
seems much more healthy than worrying about something so completely beyond your control
Nice digits, doesn't change the fact that if "hobby has always been this way!!" then you have absolutely nothing to complain about as far as "representation" is concerned
>We don't give a shit about the art on the cards
I actually quite like the fluff of the game and looking at the art.
WotC certainly did specify that they wanted story-relevant characters to look a certain way. He's rigt though that WotC didn't previously tell artists how each individual human featured on a card should look, and I'm not sure they still do, but they have taken much more an active interest in portraying a diverse cast of characters. For example, when they originally made Innistrad their style guide had references for white, black and asian Innistradians and the artists were encouraged to mix it up a little, and then none of them did. By the time we returned WotC made sure that not 95% of the humans on the plane were portrayed as white.
>s-stop complaining! it's bad for your health! just heed the call to prayer! don't complain about it, or it will be bad for your health!
So wait, she had the choice to draw whatever she wanted the first time around?
I prefer the new art, and even I think it's totally retarded that she would think "Gee, how cool! Now I GET TO paint women I want to relate to! Black women! They're PERFECT. I wish I wasn't white Q_Q"
She could have made it a black chick all along? What the hell.
iirc she's a white lesbian so this just says "I'm a confused bitch who yearns to be told what to do, that's what really gets me off. I could have done something like the new art back then but nobody ordered me to do it so I just didn't have the inspiration because patriarchy."
At least her art has gotten better, and she isn't complaining about well-lit black people being whitewashing.
not saying that at all
I am saying that if you are obsessing over something that you cannot change or impact it may be bad for you
this is a pretty widely accepted idea and can be applied to far more than just a card game
>then you have absolutely nothing to complain about as far as "representation" is concerned
You're putting words in my mouth you /pol/ cum guzzling retard. I'm not your ess-jay-dubya boogeyman. I don't give a single solitary fuck about those types of people but I also think you fucks are just as obnoxious.
Drink a gallon of bleach.
>neocommunist retard starts fucking screeching while pretending to be a centrist
lol broke another one
I don't really get why people complain about MTGO so much. Besides fixing glitches I really wouldn't change anything.
>muh communism
Sure mang
Yeah like complaining about the cards on Veeky Forums is any more productive. They're both completely non-productive, but why is one allowed by you, the official/tg/ thought police, while the other is prohibited?
>stop mentioning a current event! it's an unhealthy obsession! you can't change it! stop trying!
>I'm f-f-fine!
Sure mang
>obvious /pol/ shit where they two a few truths and an untruth to try to get retards to listen to them because "well they were right about [obvious fucking fact everyone knows] so maybe we should listen to whatever else they have to say
So wait, she had the choice to draw whatever she wanted the first time around?
She could have made it a black chick all along? What the hell.
I prefer the new art, and even I think it's totally retarded that she would think "Gee, how cool! Now I GET TO paint women I want to relate to! Black women! They're PERFECT. I wish I wasn't white Q_Q"
iirc she's a white lesbian so this just says "I'm a confused bitch who deep down yearns to be told what to do, that's what really gets me off. I could have done something like the new art back then but nobody ordered me to do it so I just didn't have the inspiration because idk patriarchy probably."
At least her art has gotten better, and she isn't complaining about well-lit black people being whitewashing.
>muh boogyman
I agree, majority if magic is too complex to put in a sleek interface. Mtgo is a powertool and it looks like one. Just a shame that apparently the rule engine is terribly written.
She's just virtue signalling
didn't say that either
if you want to complain about something feel free
but when that complaint crosses over into an obsession you should probably do something about it that either fixes the issue or removes the obsession
why dwell on something that just makes you angry?
both are allowed
just remember to keep things as complaints and not obsessions
something like
>I don't really like that this card art features a black woman
is fine honestly
but when that turns into
>Wotc is manipulating their artists and forcing diversity down my throat these SJWs are everywhere and are ruining everything
why dwell on that?
why give a shit?
>implying it's not Alex Jones tier shit
I'm not blind user. The "tell a few truths and than shit pulled right out of your ass to get retards to listen to you" is as old as time itself.
Said the dumb faggot virtue farting.
>it's an obsession! stop obsessing! it's unhealthy! you can't do anything about it! just stop trying!
Wow holy shit you really are broken huh
Honestly, I'm more upset that the actual game has gotten so much worse
The entire last year was:
>hey guys we are gonna try something new and crazy!
>(insert period of time) later
>hey guys actually we are gonna take that back
>by the way we are proud to introduce something else new and crazy!
It's just all so fucking stupid. Gatewatch was a retarded idea. Speeding up standard was a retarded idea. Lottery cards were a retarded idea. Dumbing down the game was a retarded idea. Refusing to print hate cards was a retarded idea. Several new mechanics like energy was just a retarded idea. Doing several return to X sets was a retarded idea. Colorless Mana costing cards was a retarded idea. Removing FNM promos was a retarded idea.
I swear the decision making team at WotC is made by the most near-sighted people on the planet.
>hey guys superhero movies are popular now so lets make all the planeswalkers into the gatewatch forever to capitalize on it!
>but won't that get old after a few months?
>eh fuck it lets do it anyway
yeah sort of
now you are on track
you only get to do this being alive thing once
I figure people would want to spend as little of that time as possible being unhappy
if something makes you unhappy and you can't do anything to change it why would you spend time thinking about it?
and if you can do something about it then do it, make yourself happy instead of sitting around just being unhappy
There is nothing wrong with black/asian/indian,"white",etc people in a fantasy game, even if it doesn't make sense.
There is nothing wrong with having ugly old hags and decaying bony men in a fantasy game. The same is true for impossibly hot women and ridiculously beefcaked men.
There is nothing wrong with women in places of power, even if they are ugly and aging, it makes sense (go throw any triggered hillaryfits in pol please)
I'd at least like a cheesecakey, pandering cleavage-bearing hottie on 1 (one) card, for an overpriced throwaway common, by a crappy, budding artist every other set; And we can't even get that.
At this point, with those conditions, it sounds like asking for a lot.
Do you know what projection is or is it just a big word you've heard and are now using it to seem smart?
write Wotc an email asking for just that then instead of sitting around and bitching about it
>n-now you got it! just relax in the warm bath! ignore the carrots and onions we're chopping up in here! it's unhealthy to worry about the bay leaf I've added to your relaxing bath!
k dude
you do you
kek how shitter shattered can you possibly be
Wow holy shit you really are stupid huh