Be a veteran adventurer

>Be a veteran adventurer.
>Retire to some quite village with vast wealth.
>Have a big villa built on a hilltop.
>Hire locals to be my servants. Pay them well.
>Start giving away vast sums of gold to fund festivals, feasts, holiday celebrations, fireworks, and entertainments of all sorts.
>Pay to have buildings, roads, and signs repaired and improved.
>Pay to have the village walls greatly improved.

>The villagers grow accustomed to you benevolence.
>They begin lining up outside your home to request favours.
>Some curse your name when you don't help them fast enough.

wat do

>Some curse your name when you don't help them fast enough.

So... like being an an active adventurer then?

You reign it in, and make it absolutely clear that they know you are helping them because you wan't to, not because you owe them anything.

Tell them to fuck off, you were too nice and they have become spoiled.
A good leader must be tough but fair.

Machiavelli told you how to do this shit centuries ago

Make an example of them.

Turn them into rape slaves and keep fucking them until they're quivering piles on the floor begging for your cock

>give people welfare, bread and games, and free shit
>get surprised when they become lazy assholes

I dunno OP, probably just need mo money fo dem programs...

Close off contact and become a recluse Count, causing commoners to circle bad rumors out of petty gossip, spurring a newer adventuring party to break into my manor. Then when they come, either pleasantly surprise and win over this party with my stories and trophies of my past adventures or get murderhobo'd for my goods.

The fucking one percent need to pay their fair share.

More seriously. The error here was in doing all of this and not establishing yourself as the ruler/lord of this fiefdom. Time to fix that.

Inflation kills the local economy and evetyine resets. This happened to my dad's party many years ago.

>tfw a night at the inn now costs 100gp

Your solution to big government and crony capitalism is more taxes and regulations, so we can further prop up the entitlement system?

this fat cat adventurer went around stealing for their money. Now they refuse to pay their share.

People are going to starve and die in the village while this adventurer lives in a manor.

Think of the children.

Fuck this. Time to take up adventuring again.

You make them go on quests to receive your favor. Now you know why all your old mentors hated your guts too.

Why do they owe everyone around them a portion of their money again?
I'm all for charity, but not for using state violence to take stuff from people.
>fat cat adventurer
I prefer the term "adventurer capitalist"

Kill them of course.
If you let them insult you, you would be seen as weak, and there's nothing worse than being a weakling

If he's adventurer that actualy managed to get rich, he's probably a evil asshole that murdered hundreds, perharps thousands.
He can't really expect morality

Even if that's true, two wrongs don't make a right, user.

You didn't make that

(>-^.^-)> [I too enjoy memes!]

The one thing for sure is we know that no adventurer ever actually created wealth, they just took it from others.

>The one thing for sure is we know that no adventurer ever actually created wealth, they just took it from others.
Well that's obviously untrue..

>"Hey adventurer, can you go clear out these bandits, so we can engage in commerce with people?"
That right there is helping to create wealth.

I was paid by the king himself. Should we take a visit over to his castle so that you may inform that the gold he gave me was in fact stolen?

Yeah I'm not sure I get why, as an adventurer who risked my life for wealth, would just then give it away for no reason with nothing given in return?
Unless there's some kind of transaction, either more wealth or labor. In which case the locals wouldn't see anything more than gifts now and then. Maybe to repair buildings or improve the standing army.
Now, if they wanted be to also do more, I'm becoming the leader and my word is law or you're tossed out. (Not killing a my travels have shown me too much blood)

>>Some curse your name when you don't help them fast enough.
Tell them to fuck off?

Part of being a noble is telling people to fuck off. Or have your guards to tell them to fuck off

Or just deal with it, because this is basically EXACTLY what Bilbo put up with, if you re-read the start of LOTR

Read OP again. No adventurer manage to get that wealth without being a thief himself.
Why would the king pay you that much?

The bandits take from us, you take from the bandits, we take from you. The money ends up where it started and belongs. Sounds like justice is finally served.

After all, you should have returned the stolen goods to begin with.

And, as OP has pointed out, we aren't even asking for all of our goods back. We are only asking you to share our goods that were stolen with us.

Ah yes, the capitalist adventurer answer to everything. Threats of violence. Now we see who the true monsters are.



>Read OP again. No adventurer manage to get that wealth without being a thief himself.
I just gave you a counter example though.

OKLOP was unarmed at the time of his murder and den du nuffin

>The bandits take from us, you take from the bandits,
No, I'm being paid to take out the bandits.
I'm performing a service for money to aid in commerce.

>we take from you. The money ends up where it started and belongs. Sounds like justice is finally served.
Even in your misunderstood example, that only makes sense if these villagers are also the merchants who were robbed.

>After all, you should have returned the stolen goods to begin with.
Who said I took them?

>And, as OP has pointed out, we aren't even asking for all of our goods back. We are only asking you to share our goods that were stolen with us.
I don't see that in the OP.

Not give away vast sums of gold for nothing to begin with?

The actions you're describing are the actions of a government. So if you don't have lordship, dial it back a bit so you can enjoy your retirement

You gotta hold a good old fashioned public execution every now and again.

Go ahead. The king is just a thief in expensive clothes
>But muh good king
It's a lie. His entire rule is based on stealing and he and his entire family should be beheaded for it. You should get killed too, you accepted gold from a man that only had gold because he stole it from the people.

All kings are tyrants.

lawful neutral
lawful evil
chaotic evil
chaotic neutral
chaotic good
chaotic neutral

im having fun right now

The bandits extort us, you extort us, I'm not seeing a difference here.

Pay your fair share of taxes. That is all anyone is asking here. It is part of the social contract.

>>Be LE Teifling Fiendlick
>>Noble background
>>Marquis of my homeland
>>Regret only getting Finger of Death once per day

>I'm performing a service for money to aid in commerce
And they pay you in fucking gold? I think gold must means less than salt in your setting



Killing them would lawful neutral. I mean, it's a medieval setting right? I think they have some concept of honour

it has begun!

Ban assault Swords. Common sense magic control NOW!

>The bandits extort us, you extort us, I'm not seeing a difference here.
How did I extort anyone?
Nothing I described by the adventurer had to do with extortion at all.

>Pay your fair share of taxes. That is all anyone is asking here.
You're asking for an arbitrary amount of wealth redistribution by threat of government violence.

>It is part of the social contract.
Meaningless buzzword and not an argument.

>And they pay you in fucking gold? I think gold must means less than salt in your setting
Gold is very common in virtually every setting.
In D&D 3.5 a long sword is like $5,000 USD worth of gold.

Stop paying for everything for a month. Let them see what it'd be like if it wasn't for the sole reason you wanted your town of residence to not be a shit hole, and when everything turns to shit, swoop in again and fix everything. if that doesn't work hire the nearest necromancer to turn them all undead and take all their shit and make them pretend to be happy townsfolk

The only person who has threatened anyone in this thread is the adventurers threatening the peaceful townspeople.

>The only person who has threatened anyone in this thread is the adventurers threatening the peaceful townspeople.
First of all, in what way?
Second of all, how does taxation not carry the threat of violence?

Just do nothing, if that one villager starts grumbling down at the tavern the rest of the villagers will think he's an ungrateful asshat. If all the villagers feel like that then it's time to say "fuck this" and move.

They should petition their actual lord for that crap. Unless you own the land and are the local baron. In which case those shits need to pay taxes.

>First of all, in what way?

Look back over the thread. Your fellow adventurers have suggested killing us, raping us, turning us in to slaves (not that this isn't how you think of us anyhow). What, you thought we were ignorant and couldn't read?

>Second of all, how does taxation not carry the threat of violence?

Refusing to pay your taxes, using force to turn away the tax collector. It isn't violence you fear, it is justice.

>he says this then gets killed by his own "comrades"

>Look back over the thread. Your fellow adventurers have suggested killing us, raping us, turning us in to slaves (not that this isn't how you think of us anyhow). What, you thought we were ignorant and couldn't read?
Oh, you're implying collective guilt.
Well thankfully that is a logical fallacy and not an argument, so I can ignore any further comments about it.

>Refusing to pay your taxes, using force to turn away the tax collector.
Defending your property is not an initiation of force. This is basic logic.
Taxation by definition carries with it the threat of violence.

>It isn't violence you fear, it is justice.
You haven't found a single thing that you can identify about the situation as unjust.
And your concept of justice is entirely based on initiating force against people.
Are you going to get justice for rape by sending out your own government approved rapists, so that the state can have a monopoly on rape?
Then why do the same with any other violence?

Well, obviously people are having serious issues if they're getting this upset. There must be more wrong here than I first realized. I hire additional workers to help me hear petitions, and host a town hall meeting to see what's really bothering folk. Unfortunately I can't give everyone everything.

Oh no, the whole village burned last night, what a shame.

>They begin lining up outside your home to request favors
Start sending them on quests in order to gain such favors

>You reign it in
This would have been funny, if I believed for a second it was a deliberate pun.

Leave in a spectacular fashion. Explain that the call for adventure beckons once more, sell everything, throw a grand and wondrous party, then move to the other side of the planet.


Doesn't matter what they think as long as you do good thing in the world.

Create more adventurers, I like your thinking.

Yes, but Eddie, but what have you done for me lately?

Apparently not raped anyone, but I think we both know if you snuck into his basement you'd discover that was a lie.

>>They begin lining up outside your home to request favours.
>>Some curse your name when you don't help them fast enough.
Are you threatening me, master Peasant?

See, this isn't bad but you shouldn't sell the property or allow the peasants to see you move your treasure horde. You should instead move your prized possessions via magic portals, then before you leave via the same portal dump in a bunch of cursed artifacts you've come across in your journeys. Oh and open up a few gates to the hell dimensions/negative planes while you're at it. In this way people will routinely break into your mansion only to find themselves set upon by various murder beasts and all they will ever get to show for it, should they survive, is a Ring of Shrink Penis.

I mean really you're only adding to the local cultural mystique and boosting the tourist industry while teaching valuable lessons to the overly curious who commit B&E.

>some curse your name

Who gives a fucking shit? The entire town could form an angry mob to lynch me, and I could kill every last one of them. I'm a veteran, retired adventurer, peasants and commoners can't harm me.

I maintain a correspondence with a church whose doctrine I approve of the most (and presumably whom I have assisted in my adventuring days), and finance the construction of a local establishment for them. From thenceforth I direct all upkeep and renovation funding through the church, and politely ask unsolicited individuals to leave my property, and point them to the church should they need something done.
They might not respect me, but they WILL respect the good Church. And the church is quite skilled and versed when dealing with matters such as this - far more so than I.

Assuming my choice in church was a wise one, the village should continue to prosper and grow, and we might even be able to root out local infestations of evil entities. Vampires and what have you.

Ignore them and keep doing what I was doing before.

I am doing this cause I enjoy doing it, not because I'm serving you. Besides I hardly believe this is anything but a small, loud minority.

That's just how people are. Ignore them and keep doing what makes your character happy. Now, if your character plans on using the dependence of the villagers into political power, then you make a list with the complainers names on it and when the time comes for you to take over completely, you take a few to your dungeon to make a point.

Oh you whiny little fuck just move out of the lands owned by the ones taking the taxe- oh wait the world is basically fully owned and the strongest tribe will demand tribute for their protection.

Well boo hoo isn't the world unfair, I deserve to be a ultra rich mogul with no-one stronger than me demanding anything!!!

das gutt

Depends on what you want to achieve, really.
If you just wanted to have calm retirement, why the fuck you were bothering with any of it at all?
If you wanted to secure situation with your progeny, then congratulations, you can't handle land management and human resources. Next time make sure to balance things out, but most importantly, rather than focusing on single fucking village, start settlement actions in your land, you dumb fuck. This way people are still going to be grateful and in debt (both monetary and honorary), keeping the sentiment for at least two generations, while you are making money from sheer quantity rather than "quality".

Also, since when villages have walls?

You can't really expect to kill him either.

Continue having fun with my vast wealth?

Enjoy my friendships with the locals? Tell Spooky Adventurer Stories to their kids? Throw awesome village-wide parties?

I mean, a couple of grumbles here and there won’t damage a real friendship. There’s nothing to worry about.

Yes I can, simply knock on his door and drop a bucket of rocks over him from the roof.

Rocks fall.

>Rocks fall
>Adventurer takes some damage
>Soaks the damage with his massive healthpool
>Kills ungrateful seditious peasant
>Collects reward

Necromancers can't make anyone pretend anything, they're dead.

Its like hiring a puppeteer to act out your dead family.

Why wouldn't a village have walls?

Way to miss the joke debbie.

Yes, and..?
I see no downside in this option so far.

Except for paying the Necromancer.

Or it could be a setting where a shitton of gold is just lying around.

I don't need to put up with your awful jokes anymore Jokius, we are no longer adventuring together.

Get off my property.

>Calls others jokes awful
>Uses deadpan literality
Kettle calling the coal pile black.

You could save money and just not get the necromancer. You seem to miss the whole dead part and the difference having a life makes on a corpse.

Sure they'll twitch a few times and flop around but if the necromancer isn't there to micromanage it all you get the same effect as surgically inserting angry weasels into their bodies.

Necromancy is never the solution user, don't believe in the corpse fuckers delusions of being relevant.

Both the pot and the kettle are niggers
t. the pan

I never said mine was a joke.

Damn it Jokius, you have your own massive piles of gold to spend. Go spend them somewhere else.

>veteran adventurer
>remember a village I'd protected from bandits with my team years back.
>fuck yeah, I'll retire there.
>village is owned by local lord; need permission to move there.
>drown him in gold; I now own the whole village
>Hmm. need a house.
>what the fuck do I know about building a house?
>reach out to contacts I'd made through all the campaigns
>house built
>ehhh, let's put a fence around the village
>get some merchant caravans to stop by
>build a new inn
>stores get opened
>nearby villages are getting raided by bandits; come to mine for protection
>village becomes a town
>town becomes a city
>fence becomes a wall
>city becomes a castle
>house becomes a keep
>town militia becomes an army
>lord I bought the village from sends out an army to put me in my place because I'm "stealing" peasants from his towns
>beat his army
>annex his villages
>start minting coin
>Suddenly I'm a king of a small country

Played that character literally for ten years.

What if the retired adventurer is a Necromancer?
Does it then become a viable option?

About as viable as killing all the villagers yourself as the puppeteer and using random dolls to play out their lives.

Or being the surgeon and putting the weasels into your own corpse to perform even more surgery.

Then why did you feel the need to post it? Unless you wanted to make a point about my joke being bad, but then you could've just said so.

By committing yourself to that little story you have made a joke and not a very clever one. At least the rocks fall was a variation.

So you get off MY property debbie.

>wat do
kill them

>was a variation
Different DMs, I see.

What if I make them into Skeleslaves and build my upside-down superstructure that I always dreamed of?

Get golems or constructs instead. Smarter, less brittle and a better investment in the long run.

Someone invested in dungeons and warcamps. If you're an adventurer - you didn't build that.

Good point, thanks.

Best kind of Golems for this kind of work?

Clay is usually pretty easy to repair and cheaper to buy but since its a long term investment try a porous rock or steel one if you got the cash, for their durability and general power.

Also avoid hurting ones feelings, they get salty and huffy.

Just get steel armor for a clay golem, its much cheaper and lighter for almost as much duability.

Depends on what you mean by walls. If you mean actual walls, from brick/stone, then how the FUCK a village can afford them, not to mention the size of it? And why it needs them in the first place.
If you mean some sort of basic stockacade and it's a frontier or alike - fine. Otherwise - what the hell?!

Disregard golems, acquire an iron flask and use it to entrap an Earth-aligned Primordial.
At the end of each hour of work, command it to go back into the flask. Rinse and repeat as needed.