WIP - Work In Progress

square base edition

>Citadel Painting Guides:

>Figure painter magazine issues 1-36

>Paint range compatibility chart across manufacturers

>Painting Videos only

>DIY Lightbox

>DIY Spraybooth

>DIY Wet Palette

>How to Moldlines

>Fuckin Magnets how do they work?

>List of mini manufacturers for converting and proxy

>Stripping Paint (yes, the ellipses are part of the URL!)

>Priming With Acrylic Gesso

>Green Stuff Casting

>On the consequences of insufficient ventilation

>WIP's own 10-point painting scale:


>Previous Thread(s):
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A new folder resources


put the matte varnish on this morning

and the rear... the gloss still showing through in the crevices

>tfw can hardly wait for Secret Santa matchup
>tfw I'm going in town tomorrow to finish up my chrissymas shopping
post yfw lgs has a sale

oh fuck wrong pic
not bad, paint looks a lil thi

>tfw LGS had a 30% off sale before I knew about secret santa

How about we try *obnoxiously* pink?

Sure lets do it

CLoak looks like ooze

>tfw ordered a bunch of shit two days ago and just got word that said lgsowner marked off that which I bought a day later for like half off

Does anyone here use modified Cadians? I'm planning to paint mine in a Starship Troopers color scheme (pic related) but I still would like to convert some little things and really make them my own.

love this

I don't play cadians, but sure dude, it's your shit, you do what you want. Hell I'm getting new heads and weapons and shields for my SM chapter cos I want them to look greek

It's different, I don't know if I like that the pink is a mixture of organic and metal/materials though.

That's really pink. It's a pink ooze being pumped through those tubes. I think it looks neat and makes a cool highlight color.

posting again from a previous bread. Last of my KDM 1.0 stuff before I move onto some other stuff for awhile. I think I'll paint conan stuff.

very nice, I especially like the metllic green armour

Best way to recast bases?

Well painted skin tones and chocolate women. This is great.

Beastmen killteam so far. Got three more Gor bodies under construction and plenty of still attached to the sprues.

Testing out my homemade lightbox. Technically a repost but I didn't have anything else to use, really.

looks pretty fuckin good man

Thanks. Gonna ditch the Flash Gitz Yellow for highlighting. It's just so damn faint it doesn't make an effective contrast. Not sure what to replace it with.

The lighting in my apartment is pretty garbage.
But I painted my first Tau model. Decided to test out the paint scheme on a homing beacon first. Needs some touching up, but I'm pretty pleased.

Not bad for a first try, m8.

Are the black flecks supposed to be there? Or is that undercoat showing through?

The flecks are weathering. They look more brown in better light.

I like the look! What will the base be?

Thanks! I think I'm gonna go with the cracked desert earth look from Agrellan badland.

Got my plague surgeon finished.
Think the blood packs and vials might be too bright, may re-do them.

and current WIP, plague marines

Love the lighting on the eyes of the Marine.

Wanna get me some Plaguebearers and make them look as disgusting as possible. Suggestions?

What's your skin technique? Shit looks ace.

Apply this guys teachings to plague bearers and I think you're onto a winner.

Damn, that bruising with the Guilliman Blue glaze is fucking choice.

yeah mix in as many weird colors as you can around the blobs and organs. it looks great in the end. they really are great models for varietys sake

It seems you can paint 90% of them with washes and glazes. :V

Still shocking at taking photos but finished the HQ for my chaos cult (using GSC rules). Now finished my two units of neophytes and magus. Just need to make their transports and the daemon they worship and then all done.

Blue = Captain
Red =Lieutenants/sergeants


Maybe not so disgusting but certainly colorful?

Thoughts? Might be sideways...

Really good stealth suits, user.

Are you the user who is good at painting and has been painting nurgle/death guard for a while now? The eyes deff look like it's you - but the models missing those sick as fuck highlights

IF you're the guy I'm thinking off you also had a habit of using your hand/fingernails to wipe off excess paint on the brush.

is it you?

How come that breacher has a pulse carbine and no shoulder pad?

this is some greatly done stuff!
You mixed some parts from many different Plague marines, plus some from the Putrid Blightkings kit, right?

Base, wash, 3 layer up. Any specific one in mind?

Ive been painting deathguard (previously artscale, now current scale) for a while.
Thats pretty much as far as i go with the highlights for the armour and I generally wipe the excess paint with tissue, so might be someone else? I do sometimes have messy painted fingernails due to stippling the rust colours.

Anyone had experience building this kit?

Now that it's "finecast" it looks to be a pain. Anything I should look out for?

Cant say I have

whoops forgot picture

It's the LOTR Watcher in the Water model

Yup, got 2 of the Dark imperium start sets and mixed all the plague marines, blight knight bits and some older forge world bits to make about 20 plague marines in total.

If there's no obvious casting defects, it should just be standard gap and bubble filling.

If that were a pewter model you'd have all sorts of headaches. I still have nightmares about the lord of change's wings.

Haha cheers man. The Necron Monolith was probably the most annoying model I've had to build

I'd imagine I'd have to pin a lot of those tentacles too

Oh, for sure. All of them. I imagine they'll also be super fragile, so good luck transporting it safely.

The shading on the face of the katar silk guy is amazingly subtle to the point of looking natural. Hopefully I'm not just seeing things.

>lil thi
it is a reaper bones model. The paint would be too thick even if it was unpainted.

Not my models. Just basing them for a friend.

I like the red, but I feel like the blue doesn't really fit with the rest of the scheme. That might just be me though, but maybe a light grey/white?

The new fine cast tends to have very few bubbles in it, but sometimes the detail can be a tad soft.

very nice!

Reminder to be hype, but not too hype for secret santa!

Screw you, the user that has me better send 2 dragon dildos, 1 Betrayal at Calth and several Kolinksy brushes, or I'll be very disappointed.

why are sisters so lusty?

I want to get enough things to make my own dropsite massacre reanaction

We all know it's because neckbeards transpose their fetishes and lack of sexual contact, along with the appeal of "corrupting" the "sacred and pure" sisters.

But do we really care? Naaaah. Hell as long as it's not anime I go along with it.

got more gifs like that?

return your stuff and buy it again user

Sunday painting is the best painting. What are you working on today /wip/? Im finishing the base for the flying cat.

I think the blue and red clash too much, I would replace either red or blue with a more neutral color like grey-white or a color that would complement red or blue like orange-yellow for red or aquamarine / brighter green for blue.

Has anyone received their postage details yet? I got the confirmation e-mail last week, but nothing since.


>that bike
Oh my, now I want to do a ZAC chapter with the Cybercops.

This is great. You totally get that disgusting but beatifully painted nurgle scheme. I like the vials by the way, they add a interesting spot of color.

>gave my grandma's adress for the secret santa since it will be the only place where I can reliably have something sent to and pick it up during the holidays
>warned her a package might arrive
>mfw I just realised there will be her name on it and, she might think it's for her and open it
>mfw my 85 years old grandma might open a box full of dragon dildos

What have I done.


Yes. I matched a London fella who I hope he likes almonds and metal models.

Well.... lets hope for the best.
But I dont think anyone would do that for reals to a recipient with a girls name.

oh yeah, thanks and keep them comming!

Santa-user only had limited time on Friday to send matches out, the rest should be sent out on Sunday and Monday.



Speaking of which, got ideas for simple stuff for me to draw for my special user?


Aleya and Valerian together.

>'e has no teef!
>laughing grots.jpeg


Other sisters.


I've built and painted this. It's not a particularly difficult model. Just make sure the tentacles line up straight and don't glue him to the base until you've painted the rocks and dead dwarves.

Tried out a paint scheme it’s suppose to be a blood angels successor and that’s why the helm is blue for heavy support and was hoping for some feedback.
Also phone posting if it’s a weird angle or size

so I guess this isn't a WiP thread anymore

And it’s both great

>open up the windows after using varnish
>tank now looks like it fucking fried or something
Fuck me

Yes It is!

think that should be better

Can anyone recommend a 000 brush? Corvus Belli's Infinity models have ridiculously small details.

I actually kinda like it user. Looks weathered and beat.

The fuck did you do to that model?

>and was hoping for some feedback.
I think you should use the red on the boots and elbows. I'd also pick one color for the backpack, red or white.
Same thing for the face with the gold faceplate. I'd just do that blue too.

For a single mini it may look okay, but if you got a whole unit of them they're gonna be pretty hard to read. Color blocking helps with that. Otherwise you end up with something really busy.

But maybe that is what you are going for.

>I think you should use the red on the boots and elbows.
I meant lose, not use.

Cute eversor please.