Warhammer 40k General /40kg/

600 Defilers Edition

>Fill in the survey, ask GW for the Lion

>Stratagems and shit in Blood Angels codex, good shit here

>Daily Dunked Peaches
youtube.com/watch?v=pd5m1dQXjbw [Open] [Open]

>FAQs, Errata, and Designer Commentary (up to 1.3):

>Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android:
>Everything 8th edition in properly converted pdf & epub, fully bookmarked and linked with in-line errata annotations

>Other Megas

>Old Black Library Mega

>Math-hammer (thank Autism!)

we still posting HQs?

First for orks should be squatted

if you stand still with a tyrannofex and then use SINGLE-MINDED ANNIHILATION

can you fire three times?

First for Death Guard

Quick Question:

Can you declare a charge against a transport and its occupants?

It's infantry only stratagem

No as they are not on the battlefield.

Better models and rules when?

It’s pretty interesting how people can look at the Iron Cage and honestly believe that Dorn knew it was a trap but believed he and his legion needed to endure the “pain gauntlet” and sacrifice themselves to get down to under 1000 size. That’s such a bullshit explaination and also retarded as fuck. Plus the way Dorns side was written was extremely biased about how noble and smart Dorn was. Perturabos side was actually the more accurate telling given that, when you look at how the even played out and how many Fucking fists died, plus factoring in the fact that Dorn was a well known hot head who didn’t think things through, its impossible to consider the Dorn side as being accurate.

You can declare a charge against the transport only. Then you just use your pile in to ring the transport for when it dies to kill extra


>get sold on CSM for their use of older equipment and more fluffy reasons for dedicated human auxiliaries
>loyalists literally have more relic gear than Chaos at this point, all the Dark Mechanicum "innovations" are basically just shoving daemons in things that exist already
>R&H went from "pretty good" in 7th to "shit tier outside Malefic Lord spam" in 8th
>everyone hates you thanks to carnacposting and LMAO DAEMONS WIN EVERYTHING shit from ADB
I just wanted my murderous space pirates goddammit.

So when are they going to squat all non-chaos/non-marine factions? Since Primarchs are just going to pretty much revolutionize the galazy.

Soon I hope. Bring on HH2

What about the non-marine chaos factions?


Magnus does more damage is not countered, but Mortarian is far more difficult to stop. Magnus tends to generate more salt due to Death Hex plus Warptime making him very, very good at assassinating hard targets and his Smite having the ability to wipe out entire squads.

Nah fuck'em even the chaos gods take second fiddle to Primarchs.

HH has some pretty cool units.

Don't worry about what people think, they'll realize carnac is right sooner or later

They'll just squat Daemons as a stand-alone faction (just like Codex: Chaos Space Marines). The Chaos faction in 9E will just be World Eaters, Noise Marines, Death Guard, and Thousand Sons.

You do know this is GW we're talking about right?

They aren't on the battlefield and thus can't be the target of a charge. sorry friendo

Hi carnac

The fact that 40k has such a variety of factions is honestly the best thing it has going for it.

Everyone other tabletop game either has 20 factions that are all functionally identical,
or like 3-5 factions where its always "the human faction" "the evil human faction" "the alien faction" ect.
Either way, it's boring as fuck.

Red Butchers in 40k when?

I feel you Chaos-bro. I play Black Legion for years and some screeching autist accused me of being a Nazi Jew for not thinking they're the end all be all.

And it'll be even better soon when we get female Space Marine chapters

I feel so bad for Renegade players. Their nodels are amazing but GW just nerfed their only good unit without giving proper buffs to anything else.

As for CSM, their rules are fine. (Except Iron Warriors. They got shafted hard by their legion trait.) I just wish GW updated their fucking awful models. Like why can't they just make a decent generic CSM kit?

>Tau will get a flyer.

I hate it but it's true.

Mah nigga.

Orks are the most iconic enemy faction in 40k discuss

Play competitive Tau

They're only iconic because they're solely played by unwashed spergs who shout 'waagh' every game

What's to discuss? It's true.

How exactly?
Why not just update sob?

are you jelly of my orks?

yeah i know you are

They look so fucking cool. Dual wielding power axes and all.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts, user. I can reasonably fit in either Mortarion or Magnus in my list after CA point cuts and it is hard to choose one. Magnus does seem more of an attractive choice simply because Dark Hereticus psychic discipline spells are all very good.

Just give R&H back their warlord specialisations, some relics, militia training and more gear options. They aren't nearly as customisable now as they were in 7th and that is the main appeal of R&H.

Whoa there motherfucker, I'm a kempt and well groomed sperg who shouts 'Waaagh' every game.

>As for CSM, their rules are fine.
Most of the legion traits are garbage and the entire codex is held up by Endless Cacophony and Forward Operatives. Take those away and we're the second weakest codex in the game.
>Except Iron Warriors. They got shafted hard by their legion trait.
Ignores Cover is one of the better legion traits. Certainly beats out Night Lords, Black Legion, Emperor's Children, and Word Bearer.

Id rather play with some enthusiastic neckbeard than some tryhard who has to win a game in 45 minutes so he can go back home to his wife and her son

Sorry i like units other than Commanders and gunline tau doesn't work because bs4

Because the whole Adepta Sororitas faction is born of a misogynistic ideology and (and GW know) that we need more good female representation in their game. Through every faction

"gunline tau doesn't work because bs4"
So fucking tired of this weak meme

What part of Chaos is literally just stuffing a daemon in it do you not understand?

>Land Raider, stuff a daemon in it, lol
>Crab Claw Walker Tank, missing something? Stuff a daemon in it!
>A 10,000 year old super soldier? Stuff a daemon it!
>Literally just computer code. STUFF A DAEMON IN IT!

That's your one gimmick. Fuck you, you made your bed now lie in it.

Well it's true, we all know gunline guard doesn't work because BS4

Be aware that Magnus is almost certainly going to shoot up in point cost within a few months, and will likely lose access to Dark Hereticus (and if Tzeentch's Firestorm is any indication, his new powers are going to be absolutely terrible). I'd probably go with Morty with a support Sorcerer instead of Magnus.

Or how about we go full customization and bring back old lost and damned.

What exactly is misogynistic, and why is more female representation needed in the product?

>literally the same bs as chaos cultists and gretchins
the absolute state of tau

Daily Reminder: Seth was right!

Because the SoB aren’t buff enough for me.

The Dark Mech has so much fucking potential that's just been wasted on dinobots. The insane mad science guys have made LESS progress in the past 10,000 years than the byzantine bureaucracy cargo cult.

>What part of Chaos is literally just stuffing a daemon in it do you not understand?
That guy literally listed several other themes they have in that post, you illiterate larp'ing shitposter.
>Fuck you, you made your bed now lie in it.
No, that's GW.

filled in the survey said I sexually identify as a valkyrie gunship

Same as Guard and baseline accuracy. Jesus, you greedy fuckers won't stop bitching about losing triptide bullshit

That was something I noticed when I first bought the FW Index. Before R&H's niche was that they were generally weaker/cheaper than their guard counterpart, but MUCH more customizable. With 8th GW/FWripped all of the customization out so they're basically just weaker Guard units. Add in the weakened traits/skills/etc and it's obvious why they're garbage now. They even removed the ability to run a Renegade list that ISN'T a chaos list.

The whole legion/chapter trait balance is such fucking garbage. I don't understand how much of a CAACfag these rules writers have to be to think those are anywhere near equal in power and application.

If GW brings back the Lost and the Damned with proper support I will suck Kevin Rountree's dick and not even say no homo beforehand.

>Chaos grabs random scrubs and press-gangs them into fighting
>as well-trained as Imperial Guardsman
If only Chaos Space Marines got as much out of Chaos.

Well unfortunately not every faction can please everyone.
But they could be made more buff with an update.

>why is more female representation needed in the product?
Because of the ever growing audience their product has, namely females who don't want to play oppressive male dominated armies.

Seriously why is it the only guys researching xeno tech are the ones not aloud too? The dark mechanicum should have necrondermis half reverse engineered by now, and be using deldar tech out the ass, it shouldn't be just one damn marine doing all of that shit.

>order from thewarstore
>check status of order
>everything listed as backordered

I'm never getting my minis, am I

Stuffing daemons in things is their only UNIQUE gimmick, then. Sorry I triggered you!

I mean, you did stuff a daemon into a planet's molten core one time, so you've got that going for you, I guess.

>Valkyrie women that are proud of being women who kill aliens.
No sisters are just fine thanks.

Specifically asked what was misogynistic, completely ducks the question because full of shit

I fully believe at some point FW is going to release Dark Mechanicus, but it's a long ways off.

>okay, so these guys have -1 to hit from 12" away, in a game that's mostly decided by shooting from 12+" away
>well, what if these guys could run and fire their bolters as assault 1 weapons with a -1 to hit
>sounds roughly equivalent

This would be the perfect time to do it too with a whole new model line what with the rift and all but now we get super marines.

>Because of the ever growing audience their product has, namely females who don't want to play oppressive male dominated armies.
But there are already plenty of armies that aren't male dominated.
And why do females need to play as females? Are they incapable of enjoying anything outside their own experience?

Because women and minorities are children who must be pandered to by giving them direct representation of themselves in model form in order to make 40k a safe space for them. They're not sane adults who have their own individual tastes and simply don't have an interest in a game that costs hundreds of dollars and hours to start and is played on a piece of furniture larger than a dining room table.

Guard are also half the cost and more easily spammable. So they can put out enough shots that it doesn't really matter.

Are you a real person?

>hurr women dont like what i like shun them

Hell, some of the units were actually just as good if not stronger. Renegade grenadiers from the not!Guard specialty used to be surprisingly nasty to fight at any range, as were FnP hordes from Nurgle or the Dark Mechanicum. Murder cult/heretek marauders were great up close as well.

Stop falling for the bait, user.

>Ordering from a shitty third party site.

That is actually a good point. I do always include at least one other sorcerer, so it would work out also.

play eldar then. or tyranids. or dark eldar.

If they don't like the game that kind of kills your whole argument, doesn't it, retard?

>Don't like male armies? Play literal rapists



Okay, committing to a box of Boyz and the “Start Collecting” box. That’ll get me to:

22 Boyz
5 Nobz
1 Ammo Runt
1 Painboy
1 Deff Dread

What else should I look for to get a decent competitive list for 1000pts & under? Leaning towards Kommandos & a Warboss for a Blood Axes theme.

One Sorcerer is really all you need, as Warptime and Death Hex are the only two powers that are really worth splashing for. Prescience and all three of the god-powers are good, but not quite on the same level.

but m-muh discount

Morty harder than Magnus to kill? Don't make me laugh. I'll take better psychic protection w/ a 3+ reroll 1s invul over 4+ invul w/ 5++ any day. Magnus and Morty are barely even comparable. One of them is across the board t1 for 410 pts while another needs another 130 pt sorc to get them anywhere while costing 470. Morty has been a total joke almost every game I've seen him in.

Half the factions don't even have a concept of gender why don't they just play them? Or better yet the other factions that do have female models, it's literally 3 factions without females and only one of those could have them.

People shun you because you're annoying, not female. Sculpt women like the rest of us or stop pretending to he part of the hobby that involves sculpting.

The females are rapists too there is equality among them.

Not at all, I like the game and personally hate the Eldar faction. But the game already has representation that I do like so I can play.
Sounds like you spergs are just mad at progression

Order from a third party site with good discounts that isn't mass marketed all over youtube and shit.

Honestly i'd either pick up a second start collecting or another box of boys, some second hand nobz, a trukk, and a warboss! Kommandos for blood axe theme is awesome

>heretek marauders
>two brutes
>power weapons and shotguns/laspistols
>melta bombs and power weapon on the champ
>in a flamer chimera

either trukks or more boyz

But user, women can't rape. That's men only

At some point what that deldar is doing to the human is gonna be classified as something illegal.

How will inceptors preform for the blood angels? Haven't picked up any but jump packs are the name of the game