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>This week's Monday Meeting Notes:
Can vampires cook using blood/Vitae?
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First for Tzimisce
>Can vampires cook using blood/Vitae?
Blood sucks to cook with. In order to keep it from curdling, you need to use a ton of acid like lemon juice or vinegar, so you end up starting with a mire of sour flavors that needs to be softened before it's palatable.
That's only for stuff like soup. Blood sausage is stupid easy to make.
It really depends on how vampires have their tastes changed in the first place, because any blood based cooking is going to be disgusting for most people who aren't british/from a developing country.
Couldn't you make a sort of jelly? Like an aspic?
Reposting /wodg/'s very own Mage: the Awakening Chronicle. It's still a thing. r8, h8, etc. Next session is in a couple of days.
Why hasn't Phil Brucatto wieghed in on the #metoo thing? I would have thought he has opinions to spare on such matters. Yet, his wordpress has sat silent for weeks. Sad!
Guys, Deviant is going to be fucking awful. You know it, I know it, so why are we pretending it's going to be anything less?
Nice job failing OP.
Somebody make an actual thread please.
>tfw when you just want to run a nativity-style Christmas story about a young Thin-Blood couple birthing an unholy Dhampir to teach your players the true meaning of Christmas - unholy impregnation themes and a lack of decent health care systems for young mothers.
Fuck you, work with what you have, you ungrateful swine.
Orpheus - is it worth the money to obtain? Or is it a bucket of pus? Discuss.
>third world nations, or the british
>blood sausage is easy to make
Goddamnit I am having the most reasonable chuckle over here.
This picture really offends me
How dare you make an OP with this picture
I will now sperg out for the next 300 posts
OK, if you're really feeling that upset by this turn of events.
That slash was unnecessary.
I don't even know what that would go down like even a little.
Other thread is currently in the process of cannibalizing itself
By all means, I'd hate for them to have put this "report post" button in the threads for nothing.
Orpheus - I'm a bit iffy about it because it's kind of a stand-alone. There are explicit instructions in the core rulebook to not include any of the other supernaturals. For the game designers, only Busting Made Them Feel Good. Me, I like the cosmopolitan flavour of the OWOD.
This picture is making my ass itch.
just imagine your Vampire players freaking out about childbirth, then bickering over who got to lick the afterbirth like grandchildren fighting over the "parson's nose" from the Christmas Turkey. In between have a bunch of looking for a decent place to birth the baby, whilst fighting off the various parties that want the baby / want to prevent it's unholy birth. Finally, three wise Magi show up and gift the child three protectors - an alien parasite (Goa'uld), a promethean (Frankenstein) and a ronin Shadow Lord Ahroun (Grrr).
Simple, really.
>Can vampires cook using blood/Vitae?
That's like a third of all rituals and five bloodlines.
Wait, the Old World or the New?
>Waldorf Darkness
>Celery, Apples, Walnuts, Grapes
>In a delicious Vitae Sauce
vampireJesus christ.
saulots kind of dead.
>bickering over who got to lick the afterbirth like grandchildren fighting over the "parson's nose" from the Christmas Turkey
Phrases I never expected I would read.
Yes. But to be frank, there's so much vampiric allegory and symbolism in Catholicism that you could easily argue Christ was a Cainite. "Take this, all of you, and drink from it. This is my Blood; the Blood of the New and Everlasting Covenant". It's so goddamn obvious that Vampire Dark Ages had a book called "The Cainite Heresy", detailing how some Ventrue and Lasombra take the next logical step, conclude Christ was an allegory for Caine and form an Occupy Vatican movement.
Personally, World of Darkness is a great way for me to express the headfuckery of being raised Catholic.
Nay! Saulot lives on! In Tremere! And Tremere lives on in Goratrix! And Goratrix lives on trapped inside his own skull, mutely screaming in rage! Praise be!
So a british vampire doesn't actually have a different diet from a British human?
and since it is raining all the time, they are going to be able to walk around in mid daylight?
Are we sure that the reason the british empire fell was not in fact because they all became vampires, and thus could no longer enforce order on their less rainy colonies?
>So a british vampire doesn't actually have a different diet from a British human?
Only partly, and even then only if the ST Fiat allows kindred to drink alcohol. Sadly, the finer points of British cuisine - Blackpool Rock, Eel Pie, Potted Meat in Aspic, Deep-Fried Mars Bars - and, my personal favourite - Battered Cod Fried in Luke-Warm Rape Oil - remain indigestible without the proper Merits or Thaumaturgical Rituals.
>and since it is raining all the time, they are going to be able to walk around in mid daylight?
Factually incorrect, old chum. Britain has a "maritime climate", which means that it might rain on and off intermittently, for several days in a row, rather than a solid day of rain and then sunshine as in other parts of the world. The UV is reasonably low, even in Summer, so if you're playing WOD you could argue the sun is less intense, but CHROD goes with that whole "sunlight is a symbol" idea. Of more interest to you would be the fact that in the far north of the UK (anywhere north of Newcastle, including Scotland) the height of summer has an entire fucking week where the sun doesn't set for at least 3 days, it just does circles of the sky and everyone sleeps in silent, abandoned, daylit streets. Winter has the opposite, frozen ponds and streams with three days of solid darkness.
72 hours of Night. Are you as fucking hard as I am right now?
Fun fact:
there actually are werefrogs in oWoD.
They were created by pentex, and went rogue.
I wonder if a vampire could get tired after being awake for 72 hours.
>an alien parasite (Goa'uld)
how exactly do you plan on bringing a Goa'uld into wod?
It is a puzzle, isn't it? World of Darkness stuff is unequivocal - vampires are nocturnal creatures and it's the presence of daylight that makes them tired. Cainites would feel unnaturally awake, like they were having mild seizures.
The Chronicles vampires are a bit more human, though, so I'd be making players pass Stamina rolls after the first day.
I mean, the same can be said of humans. They are literally kept awake by light, and made to feel tired when it is dark.
But expose one to light for too long, and shit gets weird.
Some of the Pentex freaks are just awesome. The were-rhino would be worth a one-shot (especially if it teams up with a pentex recreation of a were-boar. We can call them Ree-Rock and Bopsteady for REASONS.)
I see what you mean. Hallucinating vampires sound like a new and fun way to torture players.
It was a pun, but there are already alien parasites like the Goa'uld in WoD. Check out the Churloviah or however you spell it from Blood Dimmed Tides, it's basically the movie "The Puppetmasters" without Donald Sutherland.
A part of an ongoing story I DM is gonna take place beyond the Arctic circle in early December. Aboard a nuclear icebreaker. I'm pretty pretty hard, yeah.
>Why hasn't Phil Brucatto wieghed in on the #metoo thing? I would have thought he has opinions to spare on such matters. Yet, his wordpress has sat silent for weeks. Sad!
He's probably a rapist given the company he keeps.
Who here likes underwater games?
Has there been any art in Changeling the Lost Kickstarter that you guys have actually liked?
I preferred the green art in 1e.
Pretty sure they started in brown because they are doing whole Autumn, Winter, Spring, Summer thing with their KS.
>because any blood based cooking is going to be disgusting for most people who aren't british/from a developing country.
I'm pretty sure most European countries have at least some blood based cuisine. Finland and Sweden certainly do.
>f more interest to you would be the fact that in the far north of the UK (anywhere north of Newcastle, including Scotland) the height of summer has an entire fucking week where the sun doesn't set for at least 3 days, it just does circles of the sky and everyone sleeps in silent, abandoned, daylit streets. Winter has the opposite, frozen ponds and streams with three days of solid darkness.
Last I checked, Scotland isn't above the arctic circle.
I'm so confused
The Baali
Are they infernalists? Or are they trying to keep demons from waking up?
I've read:
Lore of the Bloodlines
Clanbook: Baali
And I still have no idea what they're actually meant to be
They're trying to keep big demons asleep by using demon powers to do things demons like, keep them satisfied. Then the new kids had so much fun with demon powers they forgot what they were doing. Or some of them made that history up to justify themselves to themselves and they were evil shits playing with matches to begin with.
Any NPC splats that could actually make fun PCs if they had exp economy?
>that A Forsaken Werewolf in Vietnam idea in the last thread
Absolutely stolen. I've wanted to run Forsaken for a while but my group is still traumatized by how shit Apocalypse was. They love war movies, though, so they'll jump on this.
Also if any ST doing this doesn't start the first session with
playing, they need to commit sudoku with a jammed M-16.
nuWoD art is pretty much all garbage.
By the way, now that I look back on it, was the main art guy for The Lost's core book the same dude who designed Lorwyn's elves? Their style is real similar.
Plausible, though I like Lorwyn art better.
it's going to be Predator, unless you go way out of your way to make it not Predator
also sounds like it'll be a pain in the ass to get your group down with the military jargon
Why is the font in every single CofD book so terrible? It's completely unreadable compared to CWoD
Adding on to this question: Why is there a 10 dot power for Daimonion? For a Baali to be able to use 10 dot Daimonion, they'd have to be Third Generation.
Does this prove that there was a Third Generation Baali? If so, does this mean Nergal or the Slave Boy or whoever created the Baali managed to lower their generation through demonic rituals?
>Does this prove that there was a Third Generation Baali?
He's called Saulot.
You misspelt Cappadocius
>it's going to be Predator
The idea wasn't the group encounters one werewolf, it was that the group is a bunch of werewolves that got called up to serve.
Though I guess it could still be Predator if you build a spirit sneaky and scary enough.
That 10 dot power was later reprinted as a 9 dot pwoer I believe.
If a 3rd gen did learn daimonion they could use the 10 dot daimonion power.
I knew exactly what you meant, it's just that theres a good chance that your players will go from making monsterous decisions that have them swinging between spirit and physical like a grandfather clock to making balanced decisions while the threat grows unseen and takes potshots at them from afar, whether that threat is pure or a spirit or another kind of paranormal creature
Lorwyn had the best art in general.
The spammer sperg actually drew mod attention.
The copypasta guy?
Figures, really
Yeah that's pretty probable.
I think the more interesting thing is simply how they deal with the entirely human stresses that characterize Vietnam, though. Incompetent leadership, ruthless enemies that they can't necessarily wolf out for since Lunacy will probably get their friends killed, having to fight for the same inconsequential hill over and over because whenever you take it the Vietcong just disappear into Laos, general tension between high-strung kids that don't want to be there, etc.
It's spoopy.
My guess is they can no longer afford good artists.
It's just so bad... even though I can admit CofD is better system wise shit like that just massively turns me off
It's a shame so little of it exists in high resolution.
Now that I think about it, Lorwyn elves pretty much are the archetypal changeling for The Lost. I could probably find Lorwyn elf art for any Seeming.
that might get boring for werewolves, with stealthing off during vietkong retreats and munching straggles might becoming rote and the default method of fighting and intimidating them.
then there's questions as to why not go AWOL and ABSOFUCKINGLUTELY SHREK the vietkong from Urhan or Urshul then switching to Gauru in the bush to get kills? Why join up in the first place when you're goddamn werewolves? is the CO a wolf, did they change in the same month and get put up to joining by their parents who have their own pack or tribe interests in the region? why do so many end up in the same company if not? how do they manage to not get whisked away by the US army to be experimented on or worse, used clandestinely over the lines in Laos? how do you allow them to stay alive long enough to feel the stress without getting murkt by a mine or mg fire?
Hey, what's going on in this thread
>why do so many end up in the same company
I think this is the only thing here that actually needs addressing.
The draft existed, avoiding discovery and experimentation seems like something that would be part of the game, and bog standard humans survived Vietnam so the idea that a bunch of werewolves can't live long enough to feel the strain of the war is kinda weird. As for going AWOL? I imagine players would totally look for opportunities to do that without making it seem like they're deserters, and there's a whole load of stuff you can do with werewolves sneaking around a war-torn jungle for weeks on end.
I think in a game like this you'd obviously want supernatural threats, but you'd want to balance them with the actual war. Having to deal with both is yet another source of strain for the Uratha.
I wonder what Vietnamese werewolves are like. The Pure are a mostly American thing, right?
where muh frogs go
Genuinely unsure on this one. I can't find anything quick about wolves in Vietnamese culture; if wolves exist in the region, they're definitely not found throughout most of the country.
Also, you don't really need the Pure for Vietnamese werewolves to be antagonistic. They can just be really territorial (as you'd expect) and kinda pissed off at all this war and death fucking up their perfectly good ecosystem. Your American Uratha might even ally with Vietnamese Uratah - North and South alike - to take on gigantic, horrifying war spirits or even war magath.
Imagine what happens when Agent Orange is used and all the trees start dying off, so tree spirits that have lived in the jungles for thousands of years start feeding on essence of war, death, and pain.
got BTFO by based copypasta poster
who in turn got BTFO by mods
>mfw frogposter won
If anything, American involvement could actually be a vector for the Pure to enter Vietnam in numbers. That'd be pretty frustrating for a bunch of Forsaken GIs.
you may have to default to regional lore on shape shifters in general if you want it super authentic, whether you go pure or extremely territorial forsaken or just spirit control. as far as actual populations of wolves only in the north of the country near the border with china, and for that you should really reference chinese lore on shapeshifters and maybe listen to the actual play crhis allen has over on shout engine, as it's almost exclusively in china and he's already done a lot of the legwork on chinese lore for shapeshifters
as for why a bunch of american uratha should end up in the same company maybe some CO up the line is uratha or wolf blooded? or we could totally jump the shark and have the US army already know about werewolves as a DADT kind of thing, no repercussions as long as you don't munch your companymates, keep them safe, and don't go AWOL for a nice little slice of territory when they get back. maybe chinese firetouched or predator kings are trying to use the human expansion of communism to increase their power and reclaim the world as pangaea and the US uratha have a vested interest in that not happening.
Given the Pure's disdain for humanity in general, I expect they'd be unlikely to get drafted. Oh sure, you can try, but you aren't getting them in a uniform.
They might end up going on purpose, of course, in which case you'd get Pure evangelists going out there, and that's terrifying in all sorts of ways.
Well, one thing to note is that even in much of modern Vietnam, many villages have a thanh hoang - a regional deity that is often unique to their village and is enshrined in a communal building. Larger settlements have deities that correspond to geographical features and are better represented as spirits in NWoD but smaller ones will often have the characteristics of animals, and could easily correlate to Uratha.
Smaller settlements would probably only have one local Uratha due to low populations, so packs would manage large areas of countryside. It's feasible that generations werewolves themselves could be enshrined this way, since they'd fulfill the necessary qualities as protectors of the local population. Of course then you can get the extremely weird situation of people basing their smalltime village deity on a werewolf, which results in an actual spirit based on that werewolf (or, more likely, several generations of werewolves responsible for the same swathe of land) coming into being.
I think if you want to have someone in authority responsible for dumping all these wolves in the same unit, it should be someone way up the chain and appropriately distant. One of the primary angsts of Vietnam was the extreme divergence of interests between the boots on the ground and their immediate superiors (and most of those back home too). Making the players' commander in the field part of their secret club erodes this somewhat.
Ideally you'd want whoever ensured they'd be lumped together to be interested enough to make it happen, but too busy or far away to really get involved much beyond that.
yeah, that's kinda what I was getting at, but what you said sounds more appropriately uratha, and more in line with the farce of the Vietnam war
I imagine that Pure coming to Vietnam would be well-connected Silver Fangs using the southern puppet regime as their point of entry and a means of icing local Forsaken. The southern regime was notorious for stomping all over local religious practices and such.
You could have that come up while the PCs are rotating through Saigon.
all this talk of werewolf and i still haven't been able to find a beginner friendly game I could hop on discord and play
No, it isn't, that's why it's only 3 days instead of an entire fucking month or whatever. I saw the summertime with my own eyes. I couldn't sleep. Sunlit streets outside the window, utterly silent, no traffic, no dogs, no stray cats. Pieces of paper blowing by. The clock says 4 AM, and the sun is just doing laps of the sky. It lasted three days. I was in Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, just south of the Scottish border.
Educate yourself. There is no place in Britain where the sun doesn't set every day of the year, however briefly.
Obligatory begging for Half-Damned and the Changeling Fiction Anthology. Thanks.
Wolves, no. Dogs, yes. There are many legends in teh area about dogs. The Cambodians are said to have descended from a pair of intelligent dogs, for example. Search for legends about dogs.
I saw it. With my own eyes. It did laps of the sky. Wikipedia is a bullshit excuse for a source. Professors deliberately introduce errors the days leading up to exams.
I live in Helsinki and you're full of shit. The only time I've seen Sun NOT set is when I was in Lapland, above the arctic circle.
If you think wikipedia is wrong, go ahead and try to find a SINGLE source that agrees with you. I can guarantee that any you'll find will be much, MUCH less credible than Wikipedia.
In the CofD / WOD, the sun not setting anywhere is a possibility.
>Blame mages
>>Blame mages
>Get shrekt by Helions
This is what happens when you jump to conclusions
>I have bent the law of the universe, I am a God
Gets killed by a man throwing a rock lol
Coming from scotland i can tell you this is complete shit.
We may not see the sun for weeks on end because of the clouds but it always fucking sets.
Why do games like Shadowrun have short stories and fluff and order of a magnitude better than CofD?
Does it? I never paid Shadowrun much attention because I can't stand sinks. Same reason why I never paid Ascension much mind.
I've only just started reading Shadowrun but the few short stories Ive read are far more entertaining than any official CofD stories.
New Horror: The Invader
Virtue: Enigmatic
Vice: Observant
Aspirations: Collect Information About The Earth, Abduct People For My Experiments, Fulfill The Orders Of The Cosmic Transmitter
Mental Attributes: Intelligence 6, Wits 4, Resolve 5
Physical Attributes: Strength 2, Dexterity 6, Stamina 4
Social Attributes: Presence 4, Manipulation 6, Composure 5
Skills: Crafts (Robotics) 3, Computer 2, Investigation (Spying) 3, Science (Genetic Engineering) 4, Athletics 2, Brawl (Dissecting Mechanical Spheres) 3, Stealth 2, Persuasion (Mind Games) 4, Subterfuge 2
Merits: Area Of Expertise 1 (Mind Games), Interdisciplinary Specialty 1 (Mind Games), Iron Will 2, Safe Place 4 (Underground Laboratory), Untouchable 1, Table Turner 1, Fighting Finesse 1 (Dissecting Mechanical Spheres)
Willpower: 15
Defense: 6
Initiative: 11
Speed: 13 [Flight 23]
Health: 10 (Size 6)
Armor: 3/2 (Protective Humanoid Suit)
Potency: 5
Dissecting Mechanical Spheres [+1L, 10 Dice, 9 Again, May Be Combined With Telekinesis]
Blast (Death Ray) [+0L To +4L, 10 Dice, Maximum Range Of 60 Yards]
(Continued In Next Post)
Do you think we'll get the option to play as a Glass Walker in the werewolf video game they're currently making?