/L5RG/ Legend of the Five Rings General

L5R / Legend of the Five Rings General

Madrid Kotei Edition


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Tabletop Simulator Mod - steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1099785017

Ringteki (Browser based game client) - jigoku.online/

Card Database / Deck Builder - fiveringsdb.com/

TTS Deck Converter - infamous-irc.com/dengeki/l5r-deck-generator/

>Veeky Forums L5R Discord

>Clan Allegiances

This Paste: pastebin.com/0JF6Acgv

First for Unicorn has best Waifus.

I think Phoenix does and I'm a Lion player.

Are you sure?

Denial is the easiest stage to overcome.

>all shoulders and no hips

You DO know how unbearable horse girls are, right? It's a special kind of crazy.

That art is awful for so many reasons.

That's part of the reason why I posted it.

Absolute pleb tier the lot of you

Does any other card game on the market have such a high concentration of virgins as this one?

My waifu is a diagraced Matsu.

I'd imagine the ones played primarily by children probably at least come close.

would you rather have mtg's community?

She's lovely, but who's that on the left?

I'm sure.

Matsu Benika


Phoenix haven't made a strong showing yet!

Semifinals are Dragon v. Lion and Crab v. Lion.
We might see the first mirror match finals happen.

You are scum.

>Lion vs. Lion
Whoever wins... we lose.

Poster Child syndrome, it's to be expected.

Crab in the finals.

Other game still ongoing.

Why don't you play Lion or Scorpion?

At least post the up to date bracket.

Scorpion not making the Finals after having 11 in the top cut is pretty hilarious. Though they probably crack it at the next Kotei where all of the packs will be legal.

They didn't just not make the finals, they didn't even make the top 4 round.

Law of conservation of ninjutsu at work, here.

Inverse Ninja principle is real I guess.

Phoenix is designed in a way that makes it inherently weak at a competitive level. Almost none of their cards has an ability that just works, leading to inconsistency and the ability for most of what they do to be played around. This hasn't changed significantly with the cards FFG has given them this cycle. Even the Phoenix magistrate, which is stupid strong in some situations, requires the use of another card effect for maximum impact preventing them from using their stronghold on anything else that turn.

Crab takes it over Lion again.

Lion is shit clan. Crab is best clan.

was it just core x3 again this time?

>one unicorn
Why is life so cruel

That seems consistent for scorpion so far.

Plus the first 2 packs

Uni only got there because the top of clan spot is always guaranteed to go top bracket.

I guess that explains all the day 2 scorpion

Yeah i know, that just makes it worse. My clan is getting ruined

Have you guys ever ran something with the gaijin? Maybe the Merene/Thrane, or the Burning Sands arabs?

Would Djinn have their own distinct views on the spirit world compared to those of Rokugan?

Look at it from the bright side:
We are quickly becoming the best splash.

How many steps are there in the dance?

2 Steps. one for each Kotai they won.

I firmly believe that gaijin should remain irrelevant in Rokugan, so no.

I wouldn't mind a LBS themed standalone core set (not tournament legal). It was a good setting.

Question about the 4e Moto Bushi school for any knowledgeable anons. Is it any good or just kinda meh? I keep looking at it, and I just can't tell. The scimitar certainly seems hard hitting.

It is a solid mid tier school. Using a scimitar as your side arm is nice, but in normal combat you want a no-dachi. You can easily start with a damage roll that is 8k3 with a no-dachi (3 Strength, +1k0 R1 tech, +1k0 Kenjutsu 3). Your R2 kinda sucks until you hit R4 and get your free action attacks after knocking someone to Down as it effectively makes finishing blows free actions. Your R5 is brutal and one of the few ways to get kept damage dice, you'll be one of the rare characters who'll shoot for a strength beyond 4 and go for a 6 so you'll be rolling 10k6 and be a raise away from 10k7 damage.

Other big hitter schools, like the Matsu Berserker, develop a little quicker and have better paths for their weaker school ranks (Rank 2 in the Matsu's case). I wouldn't sweat it much as the difference isn't that big. Also the Moto Bushi has my favorite technique name with Shinsei's Smile.

Thanks for the reply. I definitely like the Moto a bit more than the Matsu in terms of fluff (who doesn't love Mongols?). And yeah, I absolutely agree that Shinsei's Smile is a great name for a technique. Appreciate the assistance, user.

Preach the gospel. Champ too cute.

Magic the Gathering

Probably not, they've done a lot over the years to reach out to the socially well adjusted demographic.

Doesn't stop Magic events from being an area of intensely concentrated BO.

Old5R had to institute a hygiene rule to freshen up their area.

They only loved us for our gaijin technology

And in that regard, they've failed miserably

Bullshit its the same spergs that it always was they just have more left wing politics now.

How do you all feel about Crab consistently slapping Lion’s shit when it matters?

It's fluff appropriate, since they both have strong military traditions, but the Crab have infinitely more practical experience.
Fluffwise, the Crab could take on any two other clans and win, if only they didn't have 3/4ths of their military glued to the southern border.

As a Lion player, I feel Crab is a difficult matchup. I'm sure a Lion player will beat them in the finals of a Kotei eventually.

What would be a good, thoughtful gift for a newly made ronin?

A small, sturdy statuette of Daikoku, fortune of wealth. It's not immediately practical (which would make it a technically bad gift), but it might give the Ronin good luck in their endeavors, a clever ronin could use it as a conversation piece with pious merchants and fortunist monks, and in a pinch, they could always trade it for a bag of rice.

An escort out of the province or a job softening up the enemy's front lines for the real warriors.

Real warriors don't need the front lines softened.

Behind on the last few weeks packs.

Should I get them for collection sake?

Seeing as though there's nothing good in them for Unicorn after the first.

The longer the game goes on the better Child of the planes gets.

As a lion player I want to know what they are doing so I can tell our crab players to do that. Because I have not had a hard time against our local Crab players.

Supermoon Bump!

Any Crane players using Curry Favor?

I'm trying to use it to enable Censure and Yoshi alongside Doji Diplomat. If I were still splashing Crane in my Dragon it would go in, but Pathfinder's Blade is too great for them.

It seems kind of awkward to use. Good card, but super situational.

I think that about many, many cards in this game. Old5R had all kinds of cards that went in decks off the bat (The Snow Has Teeth, Sneak Attack, ect.) but even the Way of the [clan] cards are debatably useful, particularly Scorpion and Unicorn. Some cards are okay in theory but not worth the opportunity cost of one of your 40-45 slots, like Good Omen or Fallen in Battle, but then you have cards like Fine Katana or Charge! that are useful even in political decks. It's strange how it shakes out, I'm trying to see if Curry favor is worth the slot or if it's a lemon.

I'm just glad Lion has a bad match-up. Which begs the question: What bad match-ups does Crab have?

Besides the new magistrate, which cards are causing Lion issues in the Crab pool?

I don't know that's why I asked. Are lion somehow losing to dishonor?

No full spoil of pack 5 yet?

Game is dead.

Putting my core on Ebay.



Pearls before swine.

Take it from experience - Juro is one of the best 5 drops in the game.

I'd much rather have the double Rout version that was LARPed a few threads back.

Oh and this LARP is real.
Let's just slow the game down more and give Phoenix even more timed wins.

FFG Can't design for shit I am going back to Magic.

Phoenix doesn't even want that card. Lion wants that card.

Yeah man Phoenix are totally overpowered right now good job you've analysed the meta perfectly.

That one was just straight out overpowered, though. Like not even remotely balanced.

That's the kind of thing people actively should not want for Unicorn - yo-yo balancing is not good for anybody.

I think most of the other 5 drops in the cycle have been as good or better. This is weaksauce, the restriction to only himself is terrible. Unicorn will continue to get their pity top of clan spot in kotei for the foreseeable future.

Says the armchair player.

Juro is incredible. One of the best 5 drops in the game. Go play with him before making ridiculous statements.

He won't singlehandedly save Unicorn, no. But they are going to be doing much better post-cycle than they were core only. They're already doing that, even; at Madrid they had five people at 5-2 out of 33 Unicorns participating. And that was only with the first two packs.

I wish his glory was lower.

You realize if you get him to the end game with a decent board you just get to win, right? His ability to feint is utterly bonkers, even if it is just on himself.

His stats are kinda bad for a 5 cost though, I'll give you that, Mil not high enough and seriously FFG stop giving Unicorn high glory without any actual way to honor themselves in clan.

Where can I see the decks of Worlds/Koteis winners/finalists? I want to do some proper netdecking because I suck at deckbuilding and I need some proper inspiration

Here's your (you)

>His stats are kinda bad for a 5 cost though

He has Phoenix stats.

Yeah he should be 3 pol but in the end I don't think it will matter to much

Juro is good.

Honestly worse than the version I LARPed

What the fuck?!

Man this cycle is bad.
FFG L5R reminds me of when a studio buys an old IP and tries to make it E-Sports.

They have trained all the soul and fun out of the old game and made some kind of shitty modern shooter style game out of it.

No we do political conflicts now

I'm content. Finally a high cost unicorn character worth running for a reason other than lack of options.

What's the application of this card beyond minimizing the damage after a bad flop? I mean even the most lopsided clans can usually get some value out of both conflicts most turns.

He's better than our clan champion though that's hardly an achievement.

Still, would have been nice if he had 6 MIL. Most of the new 5 cost characters have a combined 8 skill between their MIL and POL. Kaede has 7 like Juro but she's fucking bonkers so it makes sense.

On another note, the Lion 1coster with Pride is real. We can't see the Glory, but at this point, him having 2 Glory might be reality.

if any card needed phoenix stats it should have been Lion not Uni