Warhammer 40k general /40kg/

>Fill in the survey, ask GW for the Sly marbo under $35 in Australia and $40 in NZ

>preorder the blood angels codex, or don't

>Stratagems and shit in Blood Angels codex, good shit here

>Daily Dunked Peaches
youtube.com/watch?v=pd5m1dQXjbw [Open] [Open]

>FAQs, Errata, and Designer Commentary (up to 1.3):

>Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android:
>Everything 8th edition in properly converted pdf & epub, fully bookmarked and linked with in-line errata annotations

>Other Megas

>Old Black Library Mega

>Math-hammer (thank Autism!)

Alright anons, rank races based on how good their CA rules are.


For my Devastators, should I do an anti-infantry squad and an anti tank squad, or mix them together for kill anything capabilities?

> Tfw you know there is no way the crappy prize will go to anyone who isn't either a yes man or a minority

Traditionally I would say keep them specialised per task & range, but since 8th allows every squad to split fire I would say both specialised or mixed are valid options. I would still suggest looking at weapon ranges to mix together, like lascannons with missile launchers and plasma cannons with heavy bolters.

>For my Devastators, should I do an anti-infantry squad and an anti tank squad, or mix them together for kill anything capabilities?
With splitfire in 8e it doesn't really matter. Though mixed squads would make harder for a givent tank or infantry unit to hide behind terrain from all the anti tank/infantry guns.

What's the best way to kit out a mauler/forgefeind when facing Leman Russ spam and tau battlesuit spam?


You mean Drukhari?

you mean Dark Eldar?

You mean Adarki Eldary?

If you’re keeping them small Id say get two ‘cheap’ heavy weapons and two expensive ones.
Use the +1 to hit from the Sargent to take either a heavy bolter for hellfire rounds or a plasma cannon that can’t overheat.

Orks are better than that surely. Two decent stratagems, warlord trait lets you wound t7 on 2s with a power fist which went down in points.

Deathwatch. Having him hail from the Angels of Absolution, so DA successors with Plasma seems fitting. He's made from a spare BaC Dread that's been blinged a bit

That works? A overcharged Heavy Plasma with the +1 wouldn't kill on a 1? I thought 1s always failed anyway.

In 8th now mixed is far more viable, though of course it is still not a bad idea to dump everyone with lascannons or missile launchers for specialisation purposes. Plasma cannons are risky to throw together en masse, but if you have a re-roll alongside it's not too bad an idea, and can be used somewhat aggressively if you wanted (though hellblasters are superior). Heavy bolters, however, can be a bit of a waste of the heavy FOC slot, and massed anti-infantry firepower generally should come more readily from your troops choices.
The first reply to you raised the very valid point of mixing ranges rather than functions, but at the same time it is no harm really to mix in plasma cannons with lascannons and MLs, for example, or MLs with Heavy Bolters, because sometimes you're going to have the unit in a position where it can only hit one unit, and you might want the two weapons to have some synergy, rather than shooting 2 lascannons and 2 heavy bolters at some conscripts or a land raider.

Bonus applys after the roll

Only if the result is a one.
Modifiers cannot take your roll below 1 so a -1 to hit will make you overheat on a 1 or 2 but a +1 would make you unable to roll lower than 2 and would never overheat.

I approve, and I like what you've done to the model a lot. I've been thinking of learning how to engrave just to salvage this awful model, especially since the black templars upgrade sprue stuff doesn't fit well on the rounded surfaces that need breaking up. What is that on his right shoulder, and where is it from?
May I ask as well what you did to the join between the torso and the legs, and how you got the more dynamic pose generally?
And no offence but unless you're planning for it to look seriously battle damaged you have a lot of work cut out to sort out the join marks, glue spillages, and general scoring present on this guy - and drill the barrels! Good luck with completing him.

Why is everyone on this board so keen on drilling barrels? Am I some kind of troglodyte for not doing it?


Can I choose my to be death guard?

It really makes the models look better. I thought it was gay too at first, then I started doing it more and it's just mm.


it looks cooler on the tabletop, and this hobby is about having the coolest looking model. thats why every guy that can, has a powerfist in my army, damn the expense and -1 to hit, powerfists are just that cool

What type of drill but do you recommend?

Agreed on that. Captain's gotta keep his pimp hand strong.

Oof those joints between the legs and hips look a bit rough

I know I'll get shit for this, but I use the standard GW drill. Just make sure never to use too big a drill bit. You want to drill the barrel, not ruin it.

Extra hits on 6s is trash and +1S means shit when you have troubles getting into combat and actually hitting before even you get to roll to wound.

Right shoulder bit is from the Custodes Vexilla; just one of the winged sections. The torso and hip join is actually a pair of magnets. One is pressed into the torso and the other sits on top of the pelvis; this will allow me to store him easier while also allowing for more dynamic posing. As for the posing, I cut the legs at the pelvis joins, and cut the pelvis at the torso. Then I built over a 25mm base I glued onto the 60mm base, adding sand as I went for a better height and overall psoture. I was tempted to cut the knees and such like I did for my Imperial Fists Contemptor Mortis, but I really didn't want to triple my work time on a model.

Also he's gonna receive some serious scoring, nicks, and cleaning the moment I install his Plasma Blastgun. Gotta be rugged somehow.

Also posting without drilling my barrels kills me inside. I'm a good modeller I promise.

>deldar CA
What the fuck are you smoking, user?

But why

It depends on the scale of the model.
I don't know how people can use fractions of inches with precision, but I haven't used a drill bit smaller than 0.8mm, and prefer to use 1mm on almost all space marine bolter-based weaponry. The actual dimensions aren't defined by the model as such except in terms of having to use the same drill scale across all of the same models, and most critically, using a drill bit which is smaller than the surface you're drilling away, so that you don't just delete the front-end of the gun entirely.
Storm bolters are tricky to line up properly. You basically have to measure out the distance vertically and horizontally across the surface of the gun to line up correctly at the half-way point, and drilling is always easy before assembling.

It is possible to simulate the effect of your weapons having holes from which to shoot without physically drilling the holes in, by painting black circles on the end of the barrel, to create an optical illusion, but really it's far easier to just drill them out (unless you don't want to sacrifice a really good paint job), and it's only "troglodytes" who don't do anything to make them look like they should.

>Extra hits on 6s is trash
Not exactly. It's fucking fantastic on things that get +1 to hit somewhere, because those effects then trigger on 5+ dice rolls. It's just that most of these exploding 6s are on models that can't get a +1 to hit from any source.

So it's trash? It's worse than CP reroll on to wound unless you get more than like 20 shoots.

Its says so in the CSM codex in the bit. You have to use the death guard codex for death guard now

I dunno, because it literally states that Thousand Sons and Death Guard cannot be picked?
Because Death Guard have their own codex that tells you which units can and cannot be Death Guard?
And, of course, the other reason, because that's clearly the one you're fishing for: Because GW are dicks who wanted to screw people over who got their hopes up when Traitor Legions came out.




>given up on night lords because they're shit
>legit fallen in love with Malal color scheme
>debating leaving my NL to be a 30k project since they're mostly HH models anyway and making my chaos models actually Sons of Malice
Seeing these models isn't helping, and I'd have an excuse to play actual CSM.

36 if we compare it with 2 CP reroll which have the same costs.

How do we nerf Tyranids?

I'm thinking-1a for Genestealers.

What else though?

>Thousand Sons and Death Guard cannot be picked?
Huh, I actually read that as can be but didn't see death guard.

Jesus, it costs 2CP? I thought it was only 1.

Others get entire fucking shooting phase for 2cp

Remove their guns, make melee combat even more shit, over watch is b.s.-1 But you cant shoot the turn after overwatch.

>really like Dark Eldar aesthetics and Eldar Rangers
>playing Astra Militarum so I can't field xenoshitters
Grant me the Emperor's Peace
Could I use stolen (Dark) Eldar pieces on guardsmen as something like the Salvar Chem-Dogs?

In this specific case it is utter trash, yes. On a single model it's worthless.

But I can tell you from AoS that most of the really powerful effects are such exploding 6s, so they CAN be very powerful, GW have just not released any good ones in 40k.

But imagine, for a moment, a model that hits on 4+, with 6+ hit rolls giviing you one more attack. Not particularly good. Now imagine you can add two different +1 to hit modifiers to that. Suddenly you hit on 2+ and 4+ hit rolls give you another attack, and suddenly the bonus attacks make a massive difference.

Until such combinations are possible, though, they remain shit.

GW drill isnt bad, but it is overpriced. Some hobby stores have alternatives that are just as good and cheaper, and if you are willing to wait you can get one for like a couple bucks online

If you're talking about FW models, then yes, as long as you take mark of nurgle as well. (Except Hellwrights and Rapiers)


Anyone got the CA epub for me to convert?

>be CSM
>drop 10 terminators with MoS
>annihilate things with combi-plasma
>pay 2 CP and do it again
>shoot with Hellbrute
>pay 1 CP and do it again
Damn. Feels good to be a gangster. Maybe next time I'll spend another CP and give myself +1 to wound, too

Your tears are my lube.

How can I run Traitor Guard in a legitimate way?

It's still worse than another shooting phase, even with same bonuses.


So i bought a FW Deredo dreadnought at a facebook trading site and it appears that the (unopened) bag containing the model parts had TWO right lower legs instead of a left and a right lower leg.

is this sort of mistake usual and would FW be willing to send me the appropriate missing parts?

Pic related

What the fuck are those egg things? I can imagine they are molds for eggs to stuff up your ass, but why so many?

It sounds like the hobby is not doing it for you, and you might be better off trying something new. If you're in America you've got lots of options, try a sport or something.

True. "Shoot Again" stratagems are bullshit.

It seems the obvious answer is to start an Eldar/Dark Eldar army.

Shouldn't those be identical parts anyway?

Oviposition fetish, being pumped full of eggs by a weird alien monster/giant bug. Different strokes and all that jazz.

Not according to the pictures provided

also you can see they are slanted towards the right side.

Getting the white right must have been a nightmare. Nice.

I have questions, but perhaps it is best they remain unanswered.

Nidfags confirmed abhorrent /d/eviants.

>Khârn's plasma pistol is always overcharged
>Gorechild with AP -4
>rolls of 1 hit allies

What a riot. Please tell me that WE lists aren't pure shit.

Fine, fine, but why on earth do you need a mold? So many molds, wouldn't just a couple of plastic ones do?

>implying I got money for TWO armies
I can barely even fill out one.

They would usually be fine with that; but honestly just trim the Deredeo shin pieces and literally no one will be able to tell.

even FWs guide is fucked up

the text says right lower leg with both legs but the image shows a right and a left leg. i looked at all other official FW pics and it shows the model with a right and a left lower leg.

Where the hell do you think you are?

Is dead walk against distance to the unit or litterally the model slain?

Well, now I'm super jealous.

Some people want a bunch at once, and they can degrade with time.

Maybe they keep them inside and they dissolve over time.

Plastic eggs will ruin your innards.

My shield is disgust.

I'd think depending on where you put them, you wouldn't want to reuse them and you can never have enough.

At this point I should probably mention that isn't mine, I just saved the picture because it summarizes Tyranid-players on Veeky Forums so wonderfully

There are 18 the size of my fist. Nobody could use that many, unless they're making them out of chocolate and eating them.

.....I hate the fact that I actually imagined chocolate eggs....Now I'm hungry...

As for size, I have a friend with the same mold and they're smaller than you think.


>thinking 1 power fist looks cooler than dual lightning claws

That or I have tiny fists. Though honestly I'd give those things a go if it was good enough quality chocolate.


but powerfists user, POWERFISTS!!!!

Nothing does it for me. I have no passion for anything, so it's better to play with the people who want me there.

But what if you want to shank a bitch with your fists?

What then user? what. then.

Christ. I need to do this. Fuck.

Not mine, but yea. It's sweet.

one day in the 40k universe someone is going to attach retractable lightning claws to the top of a power fist.

that should be cawls next job.





What did he mean by this?

They're ALREADY claws on power fists

Well you won't find the answer on Veeky Forums, and that's the best answer I can give you.

why don't you get mad extra strength then?

Who can stop this god of war?

Yes that primaris dude is nice but where's Dante? Is he getting a new model or at least rules? I'd be surprised if they didn't primaris on of the big three, it makes sense in-universe,

This is a good advice.

I don't think so. I mean, yeah, they kinda look that way, but the whole setup that makes the Power Fist so slow to swing is missing from the Lightning Claw, so they may look similar, but the hardware is drastically different.