What's up with halflings and dogs? I thought they were MAN'S best friend

What's up with halflings and dogs? I thought they were MAN'S best friend.

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Short races were a mistake, also see pic related for the easy solution to all of your DnD-related bitching.

Goblins ride canines too.

The knot

It's the only way to make mounted combat work in a game centered around 10' corridors and 20'x20' rooms.

Halflings are just smaller men. You can have more than one best friend.

Does Veeky Forums like blinklings from 3.0/Pathfinder?

Blinklings are crossbreeds of halflings and blink dogs.

They're one of /pfg/'s favorite races.

No, they're one autistic shitposter's favorite race. Get it right.

fuck ya'll ridin dogs are based as fuck

Anyway, wee folk riding dogs is old british folklore. Typically it was faeries on corgies.

Riding dogs are awesome, and makes them a sort of a foil to the goblins riding wolves.

>Blinklings are crossbreeds of halflings and blink dogs.
Are you fucking serious? This is something they actually printed? A subrace of halflings fucking intelligent dogs?

What the fuck was WotC smoking.

Yeah, in 3.5 and PF.


I didn't realise PF was actually this furry. That said:
>Every tribe and village of them has a different song to sing; some tell sweeping romances that tell of the love between a halfling ranger and a valiant blink dog.
Difficult to take seriously.
>Others say that they were made as foot-soldiers in an ancient fey war
Mite b cool.

You can thank Jade Ripley (AKA Gareth) from Dreamscarred Press writing blinklings in Bloodforge!

Friendly reminder that Dreamscarred Press is /pfg/'s favorite 3pp publisher that they can't help but masturbate to.

>Others say that they were made as foot-soldiers in an ancient fey war
What if they were made as foot-soldiers in an ancient fey war by crossbreeding halflings and blink dogs?

>Blinklings claim heritage from both halflings and blinkdogs, however it happened.

Who allowed this?

These guys seem to upbeat and cute for your rape dungeon eugenics fantasy user.

believe it or not people who make believe as a pass time tend to be creeps

It's from a rather bad 3pp book full of weird crossbreeds, including half-ropers called Lashers for all your tentacle raping needs.

Isn't that written by Dreamscarred Press, which /pfg/ loves?

DSP gave /pfg/, like, 6 or 7 new kitsune subraces?

Is that a blinkling on the right?

My preferred blinkling (black inkling).

No, that's a wulfkin, a crossbreed of winter wolves and other humanoids.

There are also alicorns, crossbreeds of elves and unicorns.

Decataurs, crossbreeds of elves and centaurs.

And stheins, crossbreeds of elves and nagas (the "really just a giant snake with a human head" kind). Real snake girls!

>ywn jig a gangster squid

hmm... an unknown unknown

/pfg/ likes Dreamscarred for publishing Psionics and the Path of War (though even PoW is getting more shit as time goes on) and only considers Bloodforge useful for a single feat to count as another race or something.

Probably, someone did say they're not the cute anime things posted above.

Mine too

Don't bother, that one is canon gay.

>which /pfg/ loves?
>implying they agree on literally anything but "game is fucked"

This bait is awful, why did I have to bite?

No, they're fucking dumb.

Now if they were say a weird fey maical creation taking halflings and binding them to blinkdogs, that might be cool. They wouldn't be anything like your picture though, more like mine.

Halfling are a subrace of man though

Big Knoted Cock

What did he mean by this?

This picture is awesome.

>Short races were a mistake
Halflings and Gnomes are shit niggers.

Gobbos are excellent. Kobolds are okay, too.

Those are juvenile Orcs.

Because halflings are halfmen so it's only natural that dogs love them at least half as much as they love humans.

Then make them look like something you'd use as soldiers rather than something a lonely virgin would create to rein in his pedo side.

They'd probably be assassins, skirmishers and harassers with their teleporting ability.

Kobolds ride sick ass dire weasels though.

>tfw when militant halflings appropriate kobold culture

There are only so many options when a halfling is cold and lonely.

Stop making up bullshit, Blinklings are from a d20 unofficial splatbook called bastards and Bloodlines.

They were made when the Halfling deity wanted to make the halflings less death prone so she used her powers to fuse Blink dogs and halflings.

No lewd- but You should still commission Incase.

That's not Bloodforge.

Your fucking point?
Still unnofical- stop spreading disinfo.

Nobody said it was official.
Except /pfg/, where Dreamscarred Press shit is basically taken as official.