That Guy Thread

since the last one is about to die and new stories unfold every day

>only characters he can make are self-inserts
>they all share the same flaws, like passive-agressive comments, violent tendencies, absolute lack of tact and morals
>they all antagonize or try to attack my characters for whatever reason any chance they get, going from "i full round attack him with my eidolon" when i slapped him for checking out my ass to "i shoot him in the face when he gets close" and the more recent, after i paid 5gp to get my stolen horse back from a goblin without realizing he was mind-controlling him, "i still have control of the goblin, i tell him to follow her closely and steal more when he gets the chance"
>channels his repressed psychopathic, violent tendencies through his characters
>plays chaotic stupid exclusively and tries to wave it as a carte blanche to do whatever he wants no matter how evil or dickish, in a game where we've specifically agreed on not basing our characters on alignment and that they're there for mechanical reasons only
>thinks of himself as the mighty protagonist that does everything while we sit and watch, when in practice he does fuckshit in combat and hasn't helped solve a puzzle in 9 months
>says he's "dying" or "gone" whenever he faces any degree of damage or is affected by any form of crowd control
>takes a million years doing combat trying to decide the most tactically advantageous or shiny shit he can pull off and still hesitates with his actions after he's formed some semblance of a decision
>breaks immersion and narrative flow constantly by spewing everything he knows at any given time as a full explanation instead of roleplaying it, and trying to one-up the dm by saying he has x or y defense in his favor when something slightly bad is about to happen to him
>is completely setting-deaf, his last character was just clint eastwood in a medieval fantasy setting, texan accent and everything

i am so fucking mad

Shit user, I don't have any stories but you have my sympathy. I hope things get better for you.

Nobody at the table really stands him, but both the DM and the most invested player want to keep him around so he can learn to stop being a fucking asshole and roleplay better, but I have no faith or patience left.

I really hope he gets kicked out or leaves because I don't wanna leave the group, it's a tight and interesting group and game, but I also don't want to be reminded that he exists in the same room as me.

>both the DM and the most invested player want to keep him around so he can learn to stop being a fucking asshole and role-play better

Worst kind of charity. Though not as bad, we had a guy who dragged our games down. Eventually the guy who hosted the games kicked him out of his house.

To paraphrase him: "I have little time to play, my life it so busy, It is not fun when he is around. So fuck him, I am here to have fun, not help him out."

Rough but true. Talk to the other players, ask them if they are having fun while that guy is playing. Charity is fine and good if things are productive.

So this is what I did years back with a player like this. I had a very OOC subterfuge casual talk with the players about some situation I had years ago where a player was not able to see the game as a game and took things way to personally. The group agreed that it is bad roleplaying if the player actually gets mad about what happens ingame. That guy was especially agreeable on this and we started to play.
>First thing that happened was we were attacking some orc fort.
>That guy decides to capture a female one and hangs back while we explore.
>He then rapes and tortures the female orc. When we come back my character investigates the orc and asks the dm what happened to her. >He tells me she got raped and tortured.
>I draw my swords and straight out murder That guy.
>My party stares at me in horror.
>Tell party I fight evil and That guy was evil as fuck.
>Dm recides to divine intervention the whole ordeal and allows the dwarf to ressurect him.
>I tell That guy that if he ever looks at me funny he dies.
>He starts to shit talk me.
>I murder his character again.
>He walked away angry.
>"Hey "That guy", stop taking the game so seriously.

to be fair, that's also the shitlord ironborn from got i mean vikings

they don't. aparently all white people are on the same team now, so you learn about 3 or 4 'white cultures' you've studied them all and the edgelord kids start bitching about old dead whiteguys and why only european history in the westernciv class

they totally were taller. picts were genetically big dudes and even well fed romans short as shit

never got a horsey vibe from them, but otherwise yeah
they're the barbarian hoards in that same way as the mongols/hun/khans

this. he was clearly going for a wildly different tone than the rest of the party with the nam flashbacks

but also how do you eat nachos through a fullbody burlap sack with eyeholes? it would at least need a mouthhole and then it becomes fetishgear anyway...

>Sael was originally played like a staunch pacifist who angrily rejected the completely reasonable and plot-moving plans of the so-called "backseat GM" player to conquer a neighboring region.

to be fair, "lets not go full godkingretard on the area/people i connected my backstory too and draw influence dots from (and thus instantly burn the setting to the ground)" is a perfectly reasonable responce to "lol i is da golden god! fuck you for not being owned by me. rip and tear the innocent peasents" tpes who seem to love exalted so much(generally while that same monster is simulteniously being sanctamonious about hating gem. you'd think they were masterfully roleplaying the greater curse but they're not)

especially in the first session where following wannabe gengis khan leads directly to tpk or draw enough attention to cause one later

especially with a party of squishy wizards who need build time to become quadratic(or in this case craft heavy builds who need to make magitech and outfit followers) and exalted's sorcerers who have a big glowing "wtf are you doing, your place is not the frontlines" scrawled accross their cast sorcery actions by the devs.

>misplaced one for sure. Both in Exalted
nah, what you and he described is perfectly fine for exalted. especially a fresh solar. iirc theres even a book example or two that sounds suspiciously like him.

which microorganism is?

>Friend of friends wants to join our D&D campaign
>He asked the day of the last session (he's never played it and didn't have any character sheets) and our DM told him more or less "maybe."
>Turns out we don't have enough space and chairs so the DM tells him to not come
>He gets mad because he showered and got dressed like he had a definite spot.
>I feel bad though and offer to host the session at my house to fit him in.
>Decide to help him make his character
>Direct him to Orcpub and email him the non-SRD stuff with instructions
>He doesn't have a printer
>Tell him to email me the PDF so I can print it
>He never does
>Group meets at my house.
>He doesn't have any character sheets.
>"I have it on an app."

from that guy's pov you were the that guy you just lectured everybody about lol. and after you basically gave him permission to do whatever evil shit he wanted and swore you wouldn't get mad

I know he deserved it, but you kinda sunk to his level. Plus, if the dm intervened to undo your kill, you should've stopped there, at the "make a point" part. But there's no winning with that guy, i suppose.

That Guy who rolls 30 HP damage every time.

>the ogre attack
>ThatGUy takes -8 hp
>That GUy attack
>ogre take -30 hp's
>him queer gender neutral elf attack
>him queer gender neutral elf miss
>him queer gender neutral miss again
>the ogre amtack
>that guy defend with inertial dampener v1.002 mk][
>that guy counter attack for them ogre
>ogre take -30 hp
>that guy attack the ogre
>ogre tak e -30 hp
>him ogre was defeat
>elf guy neutral ally try to loot a corpse
>that guy attack gender neutral queer elf
>elf soyboy -30 hp drug bag fuck
>elf was kill

every fucking time.

>bames nond is having a stronk, call a bondulance

The last DM I had in my one-shot is sort of a stereotypical nerd, but I think the pressure of DM'ing got to him. In my native language there's a version of "Ehm...", you know, the vocal speech pause that indicates to listeners that you're not done speaking.

This particular speech-pause in my language is already fairly plebeian, but his colloquial use of it just made it worse. He said it ALL the fucking time. It made me reflect on my own speaking as a DM, and if I have any weird speech patterns that my players notice and get annoyed at. Ain't easy being a DM.

Other than that I haven't had any super crazy That Guys. I was a player in another one-shot where the rogue did the typical "I steal from the party lolOLOLOL" literally 5 minutes into the game, because his sheet said his character is greedy. It's so predictable and lame that I didn't think anyone actually did it in real life, but I was proven wrong. Game was fine after he stole my pouch though and I didn't care.

>making a thread where you bitch about how you can't handle a situation like a normal adult into a general

It's not really on my hands beyond the point of telling him to drop that kinda attitude, it's neither my responsiblity nor my authority to kick him out or have an intervention because he's acting like a douchebag.

See That said, update: the guy left on his own. Turns out calling him out on his shit yesterday actually made him realize that he's been using us as a psychological vent for the past few months and decided to leave at least for a while, I'm guessing to clear his head a bit instead of perpetuating these kind of attitudes.

He's a dick, but I still feel sorry for him and the situation he's going through. I understand why he's doing the things he does, but that doesn't qualify me to be his human stress ball.

Still. This doesn't feel like a victory.

>Group decides it is sick of D&D, want to try a new system.
>Recommend this one I like called Dragonquest.
>Some time to give the others a basic overview of the rules, looks cool, we try it.
>That Guy wants to play a mighty wizard.
>Spellcasting, especially a pure spellcaster, kind of sucks in this system.
>Still, I try to help him out with making this, and suggest a Sorcerer of the Mind, with a huge Willpower, a very large Magical Aptitude, and a kind of shitty everything else.
>No no no, you don't want to concentrate your point buy like that, it costs more per stat
>No it doesn't, we're not playing D&D, remember?
>Instead makes an Enchanter who has a 19 MA which is barely enough to be good at it. (OMG, 19's amazing! No, no it fucking isn't, because the base statline for a human is 15 in everything, we're not playing D&D)
>Character sucks
>First fight they get into, tries to throw a sleep spell
>Roll to see if it works
>But spells always work unless the other guy saves
>No it doesn't, we're not playing D&D, remember?
>Adventure around.
>Befriend someone who is willing to train them in the use of swords
>Hey dude, if you're willing to buy a bronze blade, you could be able to defend yourself in close quarters and you get a discount on the XP involved to level up the skill because you have a trainer.
>But wait, I thought I can't use swords, I'm a mage?

Like, I don't fucking get why he would want to play a different system if he clearly doesn't have the brainpower to differentiate another system from D&D.

>everytime I try to get a Black Crusade group together people express their characters with totally over the top versions of their vices.
>constantly more worried about getting stabbed in the back/stabbing people on the back to complete mission.
>No care to even complete the mission
>Alpha legion guy walks around telling people who he is
>sorcerer cares more about pointless torture of his gods own followers
>the one player who has to be told to act otherwise he'll sit there and never speak
>the guy who bitches about not knowing anything but stares at his phone the entire time.

All I want is one campaign where people can be different from one another and not have those differences be the only thing played on. I need to keep my rpg group and friends separate.

>positive note: I'm thibking about getting Zweihander. The guy who GMs it on youtube is fucking painful to listen to.

>makes a combat monster character in a campaign the GM described as "not that combative"
>fights break out more often now but combat guy wants to run away and let us die
>if the scene is centered on him, he rarely talks
>if the scene is about someone else, he keeps popping up out of nowhere to talk over everyone
>in one point he argued there's nothing wrong with him being on the two opposite sides of a train at the same time
>decides to spend XP mid encounter to get skills that will help him
>idiocy supernova when he tries to upgrade his parry mid-enemy attack
>GM describes something happening to a PCs house
>TG: "I feel something bad is happening at PCs hosue. We should go there."

But I left the worst for last.
>chews with his mouth open
>makes honest to fucking God orgasm sounds at the same time

I'm so glad he's finally banned from the table, but those sounds will never leave me.

>makes honest to fucking God orgasm sounds at the same time
i do this very often too

Heyo, this is the "discount disney princess" from the last thread's story, just wanted to corroborate that a good chunk of Sael's post was bullshit lol. For one, when he and her were talking in his workshop she didn't molest him, she literally didn't even try to touch him until well after his outburst where she put a hand on his shoulder trying to comfort him to get him to stop screaming about his dad out of the blue

>Lecture people about not taking game too seriously
>Antagonizes guy for being a dick; thinly veiled revenge
>Taunts him OOC

Are you really any better than him?

I have the exact same situation. Why should I and my friends have to deal with this cunt because the DM wants to be a better DM/help him be a better player? Do it in your own time away from me.

>Eberron campaign set in Sharn
>Have a buddy who is big on "LOL DERAILED" as his ultimate goal.
>Actively avoids plot hooks
>Actively seeks to split the party
>Just chants DM PLZ because he thinks its a meme for anything ever.
>Explain there's Airships and boats in Eberron; DM PLZ dis makes no sense!
>One of my players reminds him there's Planes and Boats in the real world.
>Tries to explain that Boats have no purpose in the modern world.
>Tries to explain we should just build airplanes with really high carrying capacity.

This isn't even the end.

>Party goes to do some investigations against the Dragonmarked houses (namely Cannith and Daneith, while working for another group Cannith and Daneith).
>That Guy decides to stay at the safe house and just work on making magical items because he's an Artificer.
>Make it so through the course of the game, he's actually inventing and working on magical items until he makes a new one that no one has seen before.
>Tries to go patent it.
>Does so then tries to sell it for an insane amount of gold that it's not worth.
>Someone buys it, but can't carry THAT much gold, so he has to help them move it.
>Have been heavily signalling that this whole thing seems shady and directly telling him that this is probably a trap.
>That Guy ignores this warning since he's a Tier 1 Class (not minmaxed though) and can take out anyone who fucks with him.
>They go around back and he can't take out anyone who fucks with him.
>Gets beat up by a bunch of Cannith hired thugs and tries to run.
>They catch him, steal the item and the patent. Rough him up some more.
>That Guy is mad about this, doesn't seek revenge or figure out who fucking robbed him, just gets mad that's how the cookie crumbled.
>This plotline goes unsolved as the rest of the party solves a murder and gets involved in an aerial race around the city having a great time.

Our /thatguy/ i actually a really good DM and cool guy outside of games. But whenever he's a player instead of a DM he makes me want to pull my fucking hair out
>Flat out ignores his alignmen unless it's evil, doing over the top evil shit on good characters
>Does retarded toxic bullshit that fucks up the party's progress because "It's what muh character would do!"
>Comes up with elaborate bullshit excuses as to why wouldn't change his alignment or make him lose powers
>Does his best to anger NPC's and start fights with other characters because "it makes good RP guys!"
>Rolls broken mary sue characters
>Abuses mechanics
>Dishes out hard punishment for players "rules laywering" (questioning why the fuck does so much damage, or citing a specific feat/rule they have and why it counters something the enemy just did) or metagaming in his games, but then rules lawyers and pulls every meta bullshit trick in the book when he's a player
>Flat out makes shit up on the spot and cites rules that don't exist or don't apply in order to save his character from dying when he eventually gets fucked up
>For example, he once debated that the mace that an enemy just used to crit his warforged should break because "I'm made of adamantine! A regular mace would break if it hit me!"
>Acts smug when he solves an issue with his broken meme shit rather than like the rest of the party
>Talks over others while they're trying to RP, often designated himself as the "party leader"
>Always wants to be the "party betrayer"
>Can never roll a normal character, always has to be some obscure races mixed with some obscure class
His games are some of the best I've played but jesus does he fuck up a group when he plays

to be fair the app with all it's tooks is vastly superior to a printed sheet, only reason to use printouts and hardcover books is for the aesthetic. hardcovers are overpriced and functionally inferior to a pdf, come back when books magically gain a search function

what is your version of "ehm..."

i wanna see it now

Come back when your app device survives unintentional contact with floor.

>Large group
>One player has very severe autism
>30+ year old balding, neckbeard having, furry who corrects everyone to refer to him as "she"
>Always plays a female tabaxi and halts the game to make his Kitty meow meow jokes
>Always says he's no good at math, takes several minutes to add up damage, always needs to be corrected on which dice are which, turns take forever
>Everyone including dm getting impatient with dealing with this guy
>Whenever someone brings him up outside of the group I more or less defend him saying that he's retarded and can't help it

>Can't make it for 3 weeks in a row
>Come back and autismo is much better
>Still takes forever on his turns but makes less cringey furry jokes
>Made some labeled sections on a mouse pad where he separates his dice so he can grab the appropriate ones
>Still smells like syrup but at least he gives you space when he talks to you

Could be worse. But good for him , right?

In the 12+ years of using a smartphone, I've broken the screen exactly once. Learn to protect your shit

you made the mistake of starting the game after a basic overview of the rules instead of letting the players read it, so they assumed it was similar to what they were used to

why would the gm tell you if you weren't supposed to act on the hook? he should have waited until your characters were supposed to find out about the house

>>Tries to explain that Boats have no purpose in the modern world.
>>Tries to explain we should just build airplanes with really high carrying capacity.

scrub. make zeppelins not high capacity planes. ship to ports not even on a coast. put a tie on top of a skyscraper and deliver to the top floor with a freight elevator down to the warehouse like in batman tas or the empire statebuilding. high capacity airplanes make no sense as a substitute for shipping lanes, gotta have most of the load supported by water or gas bladders or be on a train. saves fuel costs that way

to be fair, that does sound a bit like the gm just going "lol I broke your toy"

>makes honest to fucking God orgasm sounds at the same time
I mean have YOU ever chewed 5 gum?

>guy plays nothing but murderhobos
>people call him out on it
>every single rpg everyone is always wary of him
>doesnt change his way at all
>RPG where we have to pick between a faction that's about justice and a faction that's more chaotic
>everyone but 1 guy picks the chaotic faction
>because of that the murderhobofag also picks justice
>obviously because he wants to betray and kill everyone who picked the chaotic faction
>RPG ends up with the chaotic faction being more morally good than the justice one
>murderhobofaggot literally steals from other party members at times and abandons people with other guy

I don't know why I even bother properly roleplaying with this group anymore. I'm fucking tired of this backstabbing cunt in every single campaign, most of which he breaks character and you can hardly call him out on it because most of his characters don't even have a fucking personality, just goes along with everything waiting for that fresh back to get stabbed.

Fuck, I just wish he at least didn't spend half an hour in every scene checking if he isn't going to get backstabbed himself.

>Can never roll a normal character, always has to be some obscure races mixed with some obscure class

those can be the most fun characters. being generic thief#15943 gets lame after awhile, I remember we played a few games where some of us rolled against a table for race and class to try something new (didn't work as well as expected of course, but still. why /not/ play a binder?)

>Always says he's no good at math, takes several minutes to add up damage
fucks sake, give the guy a calcuator and be done with it. how does that keep happening?

>start running a new game
>I have 5 players and want to do short, individual preludes for each of them.
>as soon as their character sheet is done, take that player to the basement to do prelude.
>4 of them go swimmingly. Ends up being 15-20 mins each
>That Guy takes an hour and a half
>constantly taking no action because he wants to be prepared to defend
>the boss monster is designed to take 3 hits to kill
>doesn't even matter how much damage you do, just 3 hits
>and only attacks every other round
>I hold my actions to defend
>I hold my actions to defend
>you're playing a mage! Just cast a spell!
>after 12 rounds he does take damage. A little less than 1/3rd his total go
> freaks out
>"I'm going to die! This is too hard, it's not fair!"
>"it would be over if you just hit it!"
>finally finish and go back upstairs
>Two players are playing some videogame, one is dead asleep, other left to get some nookie.
Whole night ruined because he took too long and wouldn't do a damn thing.

switch the script.. let the decent players get the glory kill. Seems staying too loyal to the plan turn annoying pcs to game derailers

>chews with his mouth open
>makes honest to fucking God orgasm sounds at the same time

Knew a Russian guy who did this. He would sit at the cafeteria table eating salads with ranch dressing, chewing with his mouth open and moaning as ranch would trickle out on his lips. Most repulsive thing I've ever seen.

>Every character that guy made was just the same exact character.
>Always plays the same race & class.
>Always plays CN.
>Always bugs me to play CE because "I'll be able to do whatever I want, including evil stuff!"
>Doesn't read the lore on anything, including the basic lore of the race he keeps playing as, and can't roleplay.
>Does this for every campaign.

>He always played a tabaxi rogue.
>Massive furfag who tried to have sex with any female beastfolk race.
>I just stopped inviting him.

You're right. I shouldn't be so stubborn, but I also know that if he didn't get to complete his part when everyone else did, he wouod have pitched a fit. We've had a couple sessions and he still just bogs down combat. I'm tempted to set a timer for like, a minute. That's what each player gets to decide their turn and anyone over that time gets skipped. Heck, I'll set the same timer for enemies, too.

>smells like syrup
There are worse things someone could smell like, but it seems kind of odd. Was he Canadian?

Try gaming with some insane person that plays out rape and torture fantasies every session. I took me a month of talking to my dm to have a chat about his behavior and character but everyone agreed that he was ruining our gaming fun but nobody did anything. Fuck that guy. I straight up murder them once they start ruining the game. If I'm dm I kick them out and if they are dm I leave. Stop being a pussy and punish that guy for his shit attitude. It is the only thing that works.

I want to say it's a water bear, but I'm no expert.

To make this one step weirder; I didn't even give the magic item an ability. I just told him that he made something new and that there is no other enchantment like it, yet.

Retroactively I gave it powers, but he never tried to use it himself. Just sell it for the LOL DERAILED level of gold it wasn't worth.

hurg, i dont like app character sheet. they always suffer an empty battery and offer a distraction from the game because you can access the net. paper dont need no juice.

did the players had the time to read the rulebook? if they did and cant get past the dnd rules, they are tard. if they didnt have time to read, well, you where kinda harsh.

and if they did have time but refused to read, i fucking hate them.

Earthworm. Creepy little fucks.

you need roleplayers, not rollplayers.

>Join an Exalted ERP game
>everyone is having fun rolling up their characters, like a catboy trap (actually a reverse trap), a curvy slut and a flamboyant braggart
>That Guy shows up with an armless, depressed, alcoholic, scarred, and all-around incredibly ugly blacksmith
>we try to humor him
>he stonewalls any attempt at progress
>he constantly whines
>GM puts up with it
>one day That Guy decides to call out the curvy slut for a one-on-one session
>is he actually finally going to "play" or at least do something that isn't whining?
>instead he throws a gigantic bitchfit both IC and OOC aimed directly at her like she was the incarnation of everything wrong that ever happened in his life
>shit was like a bad tale of Freuds on steroids
>GM finally kicks him over this after everybody else PMs him to kick that son of a bitch already
I was about to leave over that bullshit.


>Playing 1v1v1v1 war board game with friends
>After a few moves ThatGuy comes to the realisation he made the wrong play on his first turn.
>"I did this wrong I'm undo-ing that turn and doing X instead"
>Myself and the group say "no you can't we're too many turns in, you can't undo that play"
>ThatGuy "(autistic screeching) if I don't undo that turn I can't win this game"
>Us "well if you get a free undo then we all get a free undo"
>ThatGuy "no that unfair"
>more autistic screeching
>We start cracking jokes using ThatGuy as the punch-line
>ThatGuy chucks all his components and personal items onto the floor
>Awkward silence for a minute
>ThatGuy is packing up his game
>"Guess you can undo your turn....."

He does it at least every 2nd game night.

>"Oh, I used this app I found to make my character sheet!"
>"Cool, can you hand your character sheet so I can look it over real quick?"
>Hands me his phone
>It's only half-done, he didn't even choose his starting gear
I really don't like handling other peoples phones. Especially if i don't know them really well. Almost as much as I hate shitty apps that don't make decent character sheets.

>that DM who railroads you every step of the way, then complains and gets bored when there isn't much roleplaying
can't do much when there's no real choice

Veeky Forums belongs to NARPfags and manchildren now.

>their phone has an incredibly short sleep timer and has a passcode
>they don't want to tell it to you even though they handed it to you unlocked

It's a little harsh, but i definitely agree with you on this. It's better to have them fuck off if they are ruining for everyone else. You shouldn't have to put up with this in the first place desu.

And he'll keep doing it forever because you're too spineless to say no to him. When he was packing up to leave I thought the problem was solved, but then you blew it.

I've needed to get this off my chest for a while now
>Be me about 5 months back
>Fairly new to D&D and Roleplaying, but willing to learn
>My best friend had set up this campaign for us as a learning experience, just a oneshot, nothing big
>We were pretty short on players so my best friend had to ask him roomie
>He and i have had some unfortunate quarrel with a few years back and we've awkward ever since. We rarely ever talk, and if we do, it's one of those conversations that are really hard to keep going for more than 20 seconds
>I thought that "Hey, this might be a good time as ever for a little bonding and a few good laughs", so i went with it
>Game starts, we introduce our characters
>Went with Tiefling Arcane Trickster, because hey they looked pretty
>Named him Milly Bays for shits and giggles because my DM friend has shitty TF2 YouTube Poop humor and i wanted to score a few points because i'm a massive faggot
>Never having role-played in my entire life, i opened my big fat mouth trying to roleplay a Billy Mays bootleg
>GM and my friend laughs, but Roomie™ is not amused
>Gives me the look
>I instantly regret my actions as i try to slowly sink down in my chair without alerting to the rest that i felt dumb as hell
>This would prove to be the start of a long few couple of hours

>We get our quest, strive through some combat, all that jazz, it went pretty alright actually
>At some point we come to a castle, decide to go investigate
>I decide that i if i split up with my 2 other members we can cover more ground while discover the castle
>Roomie™ tells me that's a shitty idea and that i should come back, he's got way more experience than me with this after all
>As i return to the party they are in the middle of trying to persuade some Orc guard who found them while they were exploring the castle
>Persuasion rolls fail, Orc tries to run off for help
>I panic and dropkick the orc
>My friends laugh, but Roomie™ was still not too amused
>We break characters for a second discussing our abilities and options
>As nervous as I am, I accidentally interrupt Roomie™ while he's talking
>"Can i ''fucking'' speak???"
>I keep sinking further and further down in my chair feeling like an even bigger retard

>every character the guy makes is a big titty anime chick
>every character only interacts with the mechanical parts of the system
>guy can't stop raving about PBtA despite missing the point so hard there should be a bruise

>We finally decide on what our best plan of action is
>One of my friends rolls a D20 for whatever boogaloo he's trying to pull off
>He rolls a Natural 1
>We flip our shit laughing
>He has Luck, so he gets to redo his roll, or however that worked
>At this point i'm trying really hard to forcibly enjoy myself, shit has been so awkward and this is finally the moment to make up for it
>We settle down and wait for him to re-roll
>Being the retard i am, i decide to try to over-exaggerate my reaction a little bit trying to be funny
>He rolls a Natural 1
>Without even thinking I spit my fucking drink all over the god damn table
>Absolute silence
>Oh god what have i fucking done
>Our sheets are wet
>Our figures are wet
>Roomie™ looks at me and i look at him
>Words can't even describe what level of embarrassment i'm currently feeling
>Good Guy DM decide to give us a break since it's getting late
>DM pulls me outside for a smoke and pats me on the shoulder
>Better luck next time user
>Better luck next time

Holy shit, you little beta cuckboy. Whenever he does that, ask him if there's a fucking problem and why he's being so passive aggressive.

Don’t worry too much man. If I had a dollar for every drink that has been spilled in my games, I could afford to get bottles so people would stop spilling their fucking drinks.

>Play in a weekly group
>We have exactly 3 hours to play before we have to end. Not three and a half. Not three hours and five minutes. Three.
>The DM and one of the players are both middle aged and have played a bunch of games together
>They usually spend the first 30 minutes making inside jokes
>Literally every session one of them has an issue with the rules and we have to pause for an hour while they argue, which usually ends with “WELL IN (previous edition) IT WAS LIKE THAT”
>They also go through every single attack they could do, making combat take ten times longer
>I have had to remind them to stay on track more times than I’ve acted in game
>I have had entire sessions where I did literally nothing the whole game because they can’t do anything in a timely manner

You're a bad person

>Screen is covered in scratches or broken
>It's greasy and a thick shell of fat is on the front
>Flakes of dead skin sticking to the fat
>Small hairs sticking out of the speakers holes

Tell your DM to set hard time limits for player turns. Like ok you have 1 minute to do something, otherwise you just stand around looking like a dope.

i screencapped the ERP Story from the earlier "that guy" thread, where it turns out that OP was the guy all along as the GM comes and calls him out.

Wait, i fucked up.

and i forgot the fixed pic

Honestly, I think that both Player and GM are at fault here... like, why the hell would you not talk to the player if he is being problematic?

What do you gain from not addressing the situation that has formed because the group isn't having fun as a result of their fuckery?

Sure, the OP of that chain should simply not have played in the game or made his point clear- that he had no interest in typefucking with other characters... but the GM also should have intervened when OOC bullshit started to crop up.

If you don't nip it in the bud and allow it to fester, then you are in for a shitty time!

>"I attack and then hide as a bonus action."
>Does this in every room no matter the make up of the room, whether he has broken line of sight or not, and without even asking where he might be able to attempt such a ridiculous concealment.
>DM lets him hide every single time.

Did you talk with him about it? Did you address your problem with him?

If you did and that didn't work, did you talk with the GM/another player and both go to him with your grievances?

If that, too, didn't work, did you discuss your grievances with the rest of the group and then ask him to stop?

If that didn't work, why is your group still playing with him?

to be fair, alignment is shit.

Do you have at least average players who can roleplay averagely and make the game fun, as well as set a good example for That Guy?

This was painful to read. Don't try so hard to please other people.

Are you still in that group, user?

Read I've had phones since I was 10-ish. Broken 1 and that was because I was thrown into a pool which would have fucked a book even harder.

I'm not. DM has some sort of life crisis and went into therapy.
Just got a new group together a couple weeks ago and I'm currently stuck as the only character in a party of fucking stat sheets.

GM is cleary an autistic that guy. See no fault at the players side here.

>friend wants to join my 1on1 vtm campaign a friend is doing to help me learn the ropes
>Makes a character with a back story that interferes with the setting severely (introduced like 4 NPCs, introduced a blood hunt forcing a setting and campaign story change, etc)
>Got incredibly defensive when politely asked to be considerate
>Makes it about himself
>"I don't know why you guys are being like this! From my own experience DMing and being a player I'm not being rude!!"

Stuff escalated pretty quick, lead me to realizing he was a narcissist and cutting ties. Five or six years of friendship, poof.

This was my experience, not with a That Guy player but with a That Guy GM.

>premise for the game is isekai'd from a fantasy world, to a different fantasy world
>it's better than RL to fantasy, so I decide to apply
>make a pretty generic, gruff fighter type, one that is pretty bad at socializing and better at surviving people trying to jam pointy metal bits into him
>the group of PCs are all branded by a higher power that calls them to be defenders of the fantasy world they've entered
>they can teleport to one another if they want it really badly
>after a demon lady talks to his head, he teleports to the rest of the party
>there are two NPCs with the party, who are best described as GMPCs. I hear a faint alarm bell in the back of my mind
>have a spot of RP that is mostly "who the hell are you" "no, who are you?" "I asked first" "fine, I'll give you the courtesy" and pretty neat bantz
>we are interrupted by some bandits who happen upon us
>get down and dirty, score a couple of kills, the other players also aren't half bad in how they handle their combat
>kill the bandits, loot their corpse
>they have a lot of money for some reason
>take also their armor, because it fits and I want to survive. Also not above looting still warm bodies if it means I can be more protected
>get to the town, find a tavern to stay at, RP some more with the other chars
>get to know them better and things
>GMPC #1, a woman with a crossbow that is magically enchanted shows off her skills when we get to the "what are your strenghts, that you can bring to the group?"
>so the first GMPC is a 2strong4u crossbow sniper. Good to know. Alarm_bells.intensify


So, in a sense, you are That Guy. That would be funny if it wasn't so sad.

Keep going it sounds ok for now....

>Party is called to a fairy living in the city who wants us to do something for her
>go there to see what's up, reluctantly because character doesn't trust fair folk fae folk? whatever...
>meet the head honcho fairy: she wants a book from some old crypts in a place not too far away from the town
>party agrees to do that because of promises of riches
>did I mention that the party sneaky guy tried to steal a crystal horse decoration from the shelf of the fairy and got thrown against the wall by some magic or other? more_faint_alarm_bells_ringing.mp3
>party sets out with a cart and some horses
>encounter some trolls on the way to the crypts
>no one knows what the fuck a troll is and that they can only truly die if burned
>after an eternity of combat, trolls burn and we continue on our way
>get to the spooky crypt that we have to explore in order to find the tome the fairy wants
>enter it because we are big strong men who ain't afraid of no ghosts!
>fight a carrion crawler who wants to feast on our flesh
>standard dungeon stuff, you know


>go through the dungeon, there are some traps
>my character starts to get a bit paranoid of traps at this point
>stands on shield to avoid further 'spikes come out of the ground and impale your feet' shenanigans when opening doors
>trap bulshittery aside, the group hears, then fights a hydra
>this is not D&D btw, it's _GURPS_
>after killing the hydra, we find the tome, which is on a stone pedestal
>party sneak triggers another trap as he goes to grab it
>thanks to some good dice rolls, my character manages to avoid the quick-hardening concrete flooding the room to ensnare us
>GMPC woman doesn't
>my character goes back to grab her as the tide of cement advances and the party bails
>grabs her, pulls her free and fireman-carries her to safety, to the exit of the room
>looting occurs: the party want to take all the money and valuables that aren't nailed down
>GM suggests in, what I feel is, a suspicious tone to use the coffins in the spooky crypt as coffers for the money
>two party members are for it, two don't give a shit. I tell them that it's a retarded idea
>no one listens to the superstitious meatshield


>make an ageing Gunslinger type
>used to be the hottest shit around, but he got old
>forced to depend on stimms to keep his skills up, but he's starting to need more and more for less effect and he's seeing the writing on the wall
>soon the drugs will start doing more harm than good but he's nothing without them
>needs that last big score before he completely shits the bed on a mission and gets himself killed or, worse, found out for the fraud he's become
>post character description in the chat, everyone politely compliments his background, feeling pretty happy with him
>other player then makes some kind of mage and just casually goes "oh ya, and she's got a skill that means she can take any drugs she wants and never have any ill effects"

Well fuck you, guy. Thanks for invalidating my entire character concept just to fucking minmax.

>Russian guy
>Most repulsive thing I've ever seen
Math checks out

>that night, each character has a nightmare
>a woman who is clearly a demon, if her horns and leathery wings, as well as tight leather corset are anything to go by, tells my character that sneak-guy in the party is going to betray them
>flip her off
>awake to an argument between sneak-guy, who is a greedy little guy and slept on the open coffins full of money
>don't ask me why, I don't know why anyone would want to sleep on hard metal either.
>GMPC numero dos (2), who so far was our driver and a self-proclaimed bard yeah right, that would not fool a kid
>sneak-guy argues that bard stole from him, bard takes offense to that
>argument develops to fisticuffs and whole group stands there doing nothing
>go to separate them and tell them to quit fighting and go back to sleep
>sneak guy won't have it, draws his dagger
>bard draws an axe
>get my shield ready
>one character tries to get them to calm down, the other two are watching from the sidelines, half-heartedly telling them to stop fighting
>bard turns around and wants to walk away
>sneak guy makes to follow him, with his weapon out
>draw my sword and move in between them
>OOC wonder why the GM would want this sort of PvP scenario


>GMPC markswoman walks out with her crossbow locked and loaded and loudly demands the two of them stop fighting and everyone put away their weapon
>she has got her crossbow out, I'm not putting away my sword unless she lowers her weapon
>standoff between me and the GMPC because I am clearly a threat to her safety, being a good ten meters away from her, who has a ranged weapon
>GMPC is clearly furious with me and suddently the demon woman appears and says "you made the right choice" before vanishing with the GMPC sniperwoman. alarm_bells-ringing.intensifies
>OOC, we are wondering WTF just happened and GM explains that the demon lady offered to take us with her if we decided that we should part ways from the party because we thought we couldn't trust them or something of the sort- I don't remember clearly anymore, as it's been some time
>GMPC #2, the bard, is pissed at my character because it's clearly my fault that the sexy sniper isn't here anymore and who knows what kind of torture she is undergoing now, yadda yadda
>Pissed off doesn't make it justice: he is furious, with a rage of a thousand suns for some reason
>doesn't want to be in the party anymore
>we actually need him to drive the cart and he is being a little bitch about it
>avoid talking with him until we get back to the town


>as we get to the town, find some of the militia/soldiers lying dead here and there
>trolls are burning, too
>as we approach the town, we are met by some horse-seated soldiers who could probably kick our asses if we tried anything (that's what we got from the way the GM was describing, at least)
>we're put in prison and all our things are taken away
>we're accused that we killed tax collectors/diplomats who were supposed to bring a tithe to the trolls, to keep the peace between them and the town
>OOC the GM is like "remember the bandits you killed? yeah, it was them."
>argue with the party to accept the mission the town gave us to go to some gnolls to make an alliance that will keep the trolls at bay, but then leave the town for good because they are clearly retarded/bastards who will dick us over as soon as we're done
>party is lukewarm to this, two players have already lost interest in the game and are barely interacting, the other two are arguing about pointless things
>group accepts the whole mission
>I am left stewing in the injustice of this all
>OOC, I am getting slightly annoyed at the railroading way this GM employs for the story.


Oh no the GM is putting forward a genuine effort to play a wide range of characters as well, but it has become clear that we're going to have to talk to the others and find out if they're just nervous for some reason or are bored enough with the idea of playing character that we might as well not even continue.

>as I am simmering at the blatant railroad of the GM, I try to mend my butthurt with some bantz with the party
>party has lost some spirit through the railroad and some unjustified invisible walls from the GM, they don't interact as well as before
>it isn't very interesting anymore
>as I am losing hope, I go to interact with GMPC-bard and figure out what his problem is
>well, I already know he's pissed that snipergirl isn't there anymore but I want to try to bury the proverbial hatchet
>my gruff character follows him and tells him straight up that they need to talk and then goes to brass tacks immediately
>like "Alright, out with it. What the fuck's the problem?"
>GMPC goes on a tirade about how it's all my character's fault that snipergirl isn't there anymore, how much of an asshole he is, that he never liked him. "slept with my mother and kicked my dog"-tier rant. And then the GM -as this was during downtime- goes on to describe how the bard is actually a deadly assassin, that he had his weapon poised to kill my character ever since he started talking, yadda yadda
>can't I make a reflex check or a notice check to see that?
>why not?
>Because he's too good.
>Can't I roll for initiative when I notice the danger? I would definitely step back and draw my sword immediately
>No, you can't.
>You can't.
>GM then goes on to say that in his game, the story takes precedence of player characters' actions.
>he tells me that this is probably not the group for me
>I agree and we part ways

While this case is much more subdued than some of the That Guys you may have, I still feel that GMs should learn from this big No-go.

7/7 The End

It probably wouldn't have affected much, but i'd have argued that a skilled fighter not noticing some two-bit nobleman bard hefting a broadsword at him would have too many inconsistences to make for a good story.
Did you ever find out after leaving why your character was scapegoated for snipergirl's disappearance?

>roll for initiative

>the story takes precedence of player characters' actions.
In some subconscious way he must have known the game was shit, or he’d have told people that off the bat

Alright, so for context I'm gonna have to tell you about the system we were using. It's fringe af and made by a fantasy author for the setting of one of his novels. The main draw of the setting is that people get powers from traumatic events, their powers are often monkey's paw problem solving to their traumatic event and they develop crippling neurosis to boot.

RAW character creation states that everyone writes 2 possible traumatic events, put their contributions in a lottery then draw for what event their character has. They also choose their neurosis by rolling. Player's powers are created by every other person deliberating on what an ironic solution to the problem may be. Put all this together and you get a character creation system where the only thing the players get input in are stats and skills.

My players throw a bit of a hissy fit over this lack of freedom, so I change the rules a bit. They get to choose their traumatic event but they still can't help in power creation. This is good enough for most of them.

None of my regulars have any problems, one of them even submits an amazing one. But cue one of their normie friends turns for character creation.

>"What was your event?"
>"My character touched an antelope"
>"Like, it attacked her"
>"No, she just touched it"

That faggot got laughed out hard. It remains a running joke in my group to this day.
