Could humanity defend against a small WAAAGH of 100,000 orks invading earth in 2017? The orks have no roks, squiggoths or gargants, and the most powerful war machine in their employ is the killa kan.
Could humanity defend against a small WAAAGH of 100,000 orks invading earth in 2017? The orks have no roks...
this is about military strategy and weapons technology
>no Roks
Then how the fuck do they get here?
But to answer your question, we almost certainly have enough dakka to repel the initial invasion. The biggest problem -- and one that I would not expect our armed forces to realize until it's too late -- is that orks sporulate when they die, and if we don't incinerate those spores then we will be fighting orks forevermore, and they will no doubt wear us down over time.
Once enough Ork spores take root, it's pretty much over unless da humies figure out how to scorch the earth and purge the xeno.
Democrats would open the borders and register the orks to vote.
>no roks
>colony of orks stranded on a planet
>100,000, butchered down to 10,000 before more orks start popping up
>mostly runty gits
>only boys left fracture as they all take their own mobs
We fucking gorka morka now.
Half of Europe would let them in immediately to enrich their culture
Yes, with nukes and napalm.
100 000 is too few, There is a real big difference between billions and millions.
100,000? I'm pretty sure the U.S., China, or Russia alone could handle that level of WAAAGH.
This is the only correct answer. Thank you.
Yep. we'd just bomb the shits, presumably after the gory endings to the diplomacy attempts.
roks arent the only type of ork spacecraft
Killa kans aren't really that strong, so I guess no real tanks either?
If the orks move fast enough, they can probably wipe out a good portion of the least defended countries before the rest of the world mobilizes. Even then it'll be a shit show when a mog of 100k orks come barreling down the hill at a small group of soldiers more fit for urban warfare.
If they land in Africa, India, or Russia, they might have a chance. Mainly because Africa is so chaotic already, Russia so vast, and India so dense with vegetation they can disappear when things go south and start building up their numbers. If those survivors are able to build up into a proper WAAAGH! like a million or two, then the planet would have some trouble. You'd have a warboss with enough cunning to keep millions of boyz in line, so he'd be cunning enough to employ tactics beyond 'swamp em ladz'.
>implying orks wouldnt form and vote for a kratocratic government
>dyel soyboys utterly and permanently BTFO
>orkz land in africa
>zulu war episode II
Go back to /pol/
fuck off back to /pol/ soyboi
Modern armies are having toruble wiping out a bunch of jihadis driving around in the desert.
What do you think they will do with 100000 green skinned monstorities that will not be stopped with anything short of 40mm grenade to the face or a continious hail of 50 cal to the face?
We could but the left would immediately start a huge "Ork lives matter" campaign and demand they be let in freely as refugees. Then when people point out Orks are violent savages who only want to kill they'll be called racists. So no, humanity would be doomed.
We're having trouble with that because we're holding back. If we weren't worried about things like "collateral damage" and "innocent civilians" we could genocide the whole region.
As to the Orks, it's going to depend where they land. If they smash down in the middle of Africa, we're probably not going to be able to stop them before they multiply to extreme levels and they can build stuff here no problem. Just because they don't land with stuff doesn't mean they can't make it. Meks are going to be carving up scrap as soon as they land.
In the Africa scenario, even if nations were being overwhelmed it would take time to negotiate troop movements and even permission for airstrikes. Meanwhile global politics would continue unabated preventing total unity in the face of the alien menace. And we don't have time because Orks reproduce fast, and they're building quickly too. It's not going to take them long at all to start churning out buggies and koptas, and from there up to battlewagons, dreads and Stompas. Biggest problem for us is probably force fields; Orks can make them and they can negate a lot of our shooting. By the time we figure out that we need to be hitting these guys with everything we've got, it's probably too late.
The funny thing is this has a decent chance of being an effective defense. If the puny 'umiez don't put up a good fight the warboss might just get bored and fuck off. Or if the WAAAAGH peters out on its own, it's possible the orks could form stable communities and be only somewhat dangerous. Humans living alongside orks does occasionally happen in the fluff, mainly rogue trader.
fuckin lost
Add this to the fact that Countries around the world are going to try to initiate diplomacy with the orks when they made their initial landings,giving them lots of time needed to start building.
It will take lots of diplomatic envoy heads on ork spikes for them to realize these guys arent killing because of misunderstanding. They do it for fun.
Once we will kill them all they'll come back with a stronger force. And again. And again.