What's your ideal paladin Veeky Forums?
What's your ideal paladin Veeky Forums?
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Being so noble and just even your enemies cry when you die:
unironically saber
it's hard to believe men like this really lived.
Definitely not secular humanist.
>cue orc baby dilemma
Are my methods unsound?
A fat guy doesn't have the self-discipline to be a Paladin.
The Goblin Slayer - but religiously motivated.
I take my paladins fallen and murderous, thank you
>forfeited his humanity in exchange for power, becoming a mindless monster
That's not a paladin
Sacrificing yourself to the Good Fight is as paladin as it gets.
Except he didn't do it for the good fight, he did it because he selfishly wanted to best alucard.
And the irony that he might've been able to if he hadn't traded away what he was for more power.
My pal, Adin.
A man unbound by any religion or organization or even by any god, but rather a man made up of principles. A man that is nothing but his principles is a fearsome man indeed
I've been itching to play as a hammer warrior in a vidya or tabletop ever since.
Our memories differ, but if so, fair enough
ok how did i fuck this up
Quixote is literally the textbook paladin
>Evil is evil. Lesser, greater, middling: Makes no difference. The degree is arbitrary, the definitions blurred. If I'm to choose between one evil and another, I'd rather not choose at all.
One quote from Edgy Grandpa Geralt inspired the entirety of my Oath of Ancients Paladin/Hunter Conclave Ranger.
A knight who's action has gained him favor from his god, even if he doesn't believe in said god (though it is a bonus)
I would say that a paladin was not trained as is, but rather before getting the blessings and their powers they were simply religious fighters, successful cultists or simple folk rising up when they need't be. A paladin "falling" is simply the god or forces that admired him taking back or simply leaving him when he's not in their favor.
I personally think this version makes a lot more sense than "Its a cleric but not really yet they are trained yet not really."
this guy
What's the difference between a cleric with a warhammer, a priest with a warhammer and a paladin with a warhammer, all profficient with said warhammer?
If you can answer that, without making sassy remarks about the system, you may actually know what a paladin is.
a knight who is part of religious order like the Templars or the Knights of St. John. Someone that grew up and trained in a monastic environment and earned the right to wield divine power through years of mediation and piety
I think that would be more interesting than the random murderhobo paladin that wields god powers because of REASONS.
Also there is a monastic order that they accountable too if they start acting retarded
That can be any class, retard.
That's why I play classless systems.
Just better quality of roleplay, where your character is not forced by the class you play.
>I want my character to have divine powers from the gods but my PC shouldn't have to worship those gods or have any accountability for their actions because lol who cares I'm a shonen protag
>better roleplay
Who said anything about no accountability.
In fact, I was talking just about that rather than someone who uses gods as cheap power sources.
A man who breaks of from a god can return and be redeemed. A man who loses his principles can never return.
Never thought of it before, but that's actually an outstanding choice. A surprisingly noble character to the end.
>I want to make an argument based on my understanding of the game I got off Big Bang Theory!
Not the same user but Alucard is a "Monster". And per Alucard a monster can only be killed by a "Human"
When Anderson used the nails he became a monster and thus unable to beat Alucard. Remember Alucard was originally beaten and bound by Abraham van hellsing. (a la the novel)
All I want is a paladin who's a genuinely good person, who cares more about helping people in need than genociding everyone with "usually evil" written in their stat block.
>i cant believe the gm wont let me play an atheist cleric!
What a fucking LEGEND.
A stoic. It's an ideal philosophy for a paladin that has very little room for "detect and smite" fuckwads, since it emphasizes corrective teaching over violent discipline (though being willing to fight for virtuous purposes is still important).
My ideal monk is a Cynic based on Antisthenes.
>classless systems.
The most snowflake of snowflakes.
>I want to do everything but have no weaknesses
but you can play an atheist cleric
also this is besides the point, since paladins werent bound to gods originally
Yeah god forbid you make your character how you want rather than how some dev envisioned them.
Considering how often devs fuck up in designing their games, I don't know why anyone would trust them with anything beyond the basic mechanics, let alone describing the entire progression of their characters.
strong and thick dragon dick
I think I would like playing in an urban setting with reimaginings of usual dnd character classes
Can there be two best girls?
>Ugh! You're doing wrong!
The same can be apply to your argument as well.
Rogue - Hobo
Bard - Hobo with guitar
Cleric - Preaching Hobo
Fighter - Hobo with rebar
Barbarian - Angry Hobo with rebar
Paladin - Cop who hangs out with Hobos
>being this defensive
Face it. You're doing what could be done in a generic system by taking a premade character.
Posting other covers because why not
He still had his mind and what defined him as a monster then anyway?
Lawful Lawful
Alright who is Mister X?
A fine indie comic that was around millenium. It fumbles somewhat towards the end but gets back on track rather well later.
An architect (titular Mr. X) worked in a project to build a new kind of city. Modern, well stacked, automated ideal city that also appereantly drives its citizenry mad. The series revolves around Mr. X's struggle to find truth and his relations towards multiple women.
>a paladin
>and a real human being...
someone who never compromises their ideals or takes the easy way out because it is easier, someone who is unconcerned with pragmatism or self, unbound by the wants of self, someone who doesn't fall back on "the ends justify the means", someone who can bear all the worlds evils and stand strong
that is the only person worthy of being called a paladin
The form he takes during his final fight with Alucard was literally called the Monster of God, for one thing.
Reminds me a lot of the Big O, always meaning to give it a read.
But that is only the word of one monster, what about that power up made him a monster? It can't be the added abilities or regen because Anderson already had mild super strength and healing. Was it the plant motif?
Because Anderson didn't need to feed on human lives like other monsters.
Honestly he is more the ideal fighter, to me.
I like them with a martyr complex a mile wide.
It was also the whole "becoming the voice of god" thing. He stopped being "human" and instead became an avatar of gods will, was my understanding at least.
>I too can be gloriously Incandescent.
It's 'grossly incandescent', do you even praise?
I've though about that for a while, but there's something about a good paladin (in my eyes) that always distinguishes itself. You know the idea that if someone commits atrocities against other people, they end up losing their humanity? As if something within them just severs itself from other people, like was just a black pit where their heart/soul would be? They've become nigh unrelatable to humanity through the sheer evil it would take to do what they've done, and you can feel it in their very presence.
I imagine that a Paladin is like that, but in the completely opposing direction. A being so good, pure, and upright that it might defy belief that they were a mortal being once. At first glance, it might look as if that person where an empty vessel; sheer, brilliant, incandescent positivty in a fleshy kin. Their mindset might be equally alien to normal people as the 'monster's', but only in that it never seemed that a dark thought crossed their mind, even in the darkest of circumstances. Their very presence might be harrowing to even a person who considered themselves a seasoned altruist beforehand, their utter lack of immediately visible vices being almost frustrating. A paladin should take on an almost mythic quality, even amongst heroes. They're more paragon than person, at that point.
The french version goes into more details (obviously) but he came from humble beginnings, helped the poor, was a great commander, a fair and just ruler that made the city he was entrusted better, with a sewage system he personally supervised the construction of, imposed measures to fight the plague, and died with his enemies crying him, after throwing quite a burn to traitor. I'd say he qualifies.
This is correct, if you want to follow a god play a cleric, a paladin follows specific virtues, these can be from teachings of gods though
To dream the impossible dream
To fight the unbeatable foe
To bear with unbearable sorrow
To run where the brave dare not go
To right the unrightable wrong
To love pure and chaste from afar
To try when your arms are too weary
To reach the unreachable star
This is my quest
To follow that star
No matter how hopeless
No matter how far
To fight for the right
Without question or pause
To be willing to march into Hell
For a heavenly cause
And I know if I'll only be true
To this glorious quest
That my heart will lie peaceful and calm
When I'm laid to my rest
And the world will be better for this
That one man, scorned and covered with scars
Still strove with his last ounce of courage
To reach the unreachable star
You had one job, user
What you're called means nothing. It's what you DO that counts.
A chunni for justice that acts like a complete joke and seems to have no self respect at all, until the situation gets dire and he becomes deadly serious. He even says the same stuff, it just comes off less as 'ha ha, what a dork' and more 'oh fuck me, he actually means it'.
A lawful evil one that everyone just assumes is lawful good because he never does anything directly bad. All of his evil comes about as part of huge Machiavellian social Rube Goldberg machines which he sets in motion with seemingly good acts.
I'm tired and drunk, but a quick example
>gives a village full of frightened, uneducated, angry, and distrustful people the means to fight and defend themselves from the cult thats stealing their children
>they inevitably end up destroying the cult and each other in their storm of paranoid justice
>patron God is pleased, party members still look up to him as a paragon of righteousness
>years of indirect misdeeds later party catches on
>best friend and lifelong companion is forced to slay LE Pally in a massive climactic battle that makes the end of SW episode 3 look even worse by comparison
>best friend is psychologically ruined and is never the same again, party disbands and no one is left to save the realm from the last living member of that cult who went lich and raised an army while no one was paying attention
>mormon paladin
>It was also the whole "becoming the voice of god" thing.
And what does that even mean? He just got fire plant powers.
Saike mata shitemo
This, I just wish most of my players were'nt murderhobos.
Who else but trusty Samwise Gamgee?
He literally is not.