I was about to get into 40k but I heard SJWs are already starting to infest it. Is this true or just bull shit...

I was about to get into 40k but I heard SJWs are already starting to infest it. Is this true or just bull shit? I'm not trying to start a troll thread or anything, I'm legit worried I'm about to go into a game that is about to become attacked.

I can tell that this is going to be a great thread.

Even if you're honestly not trying to start a /pol/ shitflinging thread, all this will amount to is a /pol/ shitflinging thread.

Good job, OP.

I actually just want to know Veeky Forums's take on it, not /pol/. If you think it's bs then I'll be happy but if you think this is a real possibility I want to know before putting money down on a hobby.

If you genuinely wanted answers and not to troll, why would you not just ask if "40k is sacrificing integrity to insert politics into their game" or something instead of screaming about MUH ESS JAY WEES and using a Super Original And Hilarious "Triggered" Meme
Talk like a normal human being and not some YouTuber or anti-SJW blog

Well, it's a game where the 'good guys' are literally Nazis.

Or Tau.

You are just trolling, we get it.

Aren't Tau supposed to be representative of the countless alien races that the Imperium just hasnt gotten around to purging yet? I remember reading that somewhere and I'm pretty sure they are almost totally insignificant. but the fact is is that there are many civilizations in a similar area of peril.

Yea 40k is too much. Leave it be or demonize it is all that SJWs can do and really it's all about Demons and edginess anyway so even the latter they're powerless on.

Accusing it of being Toxic Masculinity for man babies is there only course really.

It's true that it's getting a little bit more progressive in the fact that unattractive female models are coming to Necromunda and stuff.

Remember when Veeky Forums was allowed to make fun threads instead of an endless series of bait threads

40k and wargaming in general has too expensive a paywall for SJW's to get into. GW is niche as fuck and they know that, taking as minimal product risks as possible in case you haven't noticed. They will add female characters here and there to satisfy the SJW's, but they won't DARE do anything to ostricize their base and drive them away, as that's their market and they know that. They are smart enough to know that they shouldn't post political opinions on their twitter accounts and say anyone who voted Trump should stop playing their games.

>It's true that it's getting a little bit more progressive in the fact that unattractive female models are coming to Necromunda and stuff.
Has there ever been an attractive female Warhammer model??

Depends what you think a sjw is.

Radical far leftist. Not really.
Anyone who disagrees with /pol/. Ya.

>not wanting to fuck the sisters of battle

I think that's got less to do with GWs politics and more with their crappy miniatures all having faces that look like they came out of a wax museum themed horror movie.

They're basically a non-threat because they don't have 'reliable' (insofar as warp travel can be called reliable) long-range FTL.

Yeah I get that, but the whole reason they are a faction is to give some representation to the smaller xenos factions of the universe and not the fact that they're particularly relevant right? Again this is based off something I read years ago when they started becoming really popular, no idea what the fluff is now.

I remember we had porn dumps, writefags and drawfags who made OC, and a sense of humor, but 99% of the board was always shit and autism.

Are you saying you wouldn't bang these hotties

>They will add female characters here and there to satisfy the SJW's, but they won't DARE do anything to ostricize their base and drive them away, as that's their market and they know that.
But they have black people in their promo art!!!

Every single human miniature GW has ever made has the proportions of a midget. I can't imagine them ever releasing anything the average person would find attractive.

>I remember we had porn dumps, writefags and drawfags who made OC, and a sense of humor, but 99% of the board was always shit and autism.
Luckily after moot left we were able to remove that untidy remaining 1%.

They've been their own thing for a good few years at least. They're basically the only 'good guy' race in the setting, seeing as they're basically
>Three flavors of nazi
>A shootin', fightin', partyin' ecological catastrophe
>Varying flavors of abusive codependent
>Rape demons

That's kind of disappointing. I liked having a random xenos faction that was just fighting for their survival in the midst of everything grimdark. So insignificant that if they ever actually got the attention of one of the races they would be dead.

Everyone tries to paint Tau as 'good guys' but they're deeply racialist space communists ruled by a genetic elite with no level of personal freedom. I mean, yeah, compared to the other factions they might seem more like the 'good guys', but in any less grimdark setting they would be the big bad evil empire.

The situation is exaggerated. Mostly what we see is either the inclusion or increase of tokenism. We will put a black person here in this art, a female there in that (that isn't too fappy). That sort of thing.

I don't think there are any strong indications that there is a full shift coming about. For one, we don't really see much stronger in the GW competitors so there is no reason to feel GW is under strong pressure to do it.

Likely the are a few token measures being taken to try and lower any future pressure.

>I'm not trying to start a troll thread or anything
Yes, you're. Hang yourself now

Stop being a hysteric little girl and man up.

Just to play the other side here, why is it so stupid for him to be concerned? We see it in RPG stuff, although I think that is fairly non-issue. We see it in card games, although they have other problems as well.

There seems to be some moves in miniatures.

Why is the question so out of bounds?

Now, if you had answered that the stupid cost of GW stuff should far out weigh any concerns to possible changes in fiction I would be right with you. Certainly compared to what are likely to be minor changes.

But I really don't think asking the question 'are they changing and how much' isn't really that crazy if the lore is what is bringing you in.

Well IoM now live in multiculturalism and runned by Jew.

>I heard SJWs are already starting to infest it

As successful and widespread as the Tau empire compared to every other faction meaning fuck all.

>Just to play the other side here, why is it so stupid for him to be concerned?

No one is ever forced to play with people that they don't enjoy socializing with, so the most valid complaint is "I don't like seeing black people and women in promotional materials for this game".

GW is aiming towards inclusitivity. Try historicals if you aren't into that sort of thing.

As someone who isn't particularly /pol/ or /leftpol/: It's not noticeable. Some wanna see more female characters/minis. There will be another cry for female space marines. Aside from that it's the same thing as always: Some asshole who wants everything their way is screaming at some other asshole who wants everything in their own, different way. Unfortunately society is normalizing both of these fuckers, so now they have audiences and political leanings to throw at everyone who disagrees with them, who agrees but isn't equally angry, or doesn't care.

If you wanna play a trashy overpriced minis game but is major because it got a large fanbase and keeps change-resistant nerds from leaving it, 40k is the way to go. If you want a good game nobody plays, there are options to buy and not play while all the grogs play 40k.

>what are tournaments
Though to be fair, tourneyfags are terrible people and if it upsets them for something to happen I encourage more of it.

Mods are useless.

They make the difference between Skyrim being unplayable and being fun.

>stormniggers have gotten tired of shitposting of Mtg and moved on to 40K
Thank God, good riddance and good luck Warhammerfriends

>Hear something you are interested in might have other people's opinions
>Rather than engage and have your opinions in the mix you choose to hide
This is how an opinion becomes a minority.



sjw's infesting 40k is a non-issue since setting-wise anything can(and does) happen, every day 200%
All female guard regiment? All ready done, and they exist
Female inquisitors? Exist, many examples
Female gangers? Done
Female space marines?SoB, if you are not retarded and understand the subtle meaning behind the factions
The emperor cares not who fights in his name, so long as they fight
Khorne cares not from where the blood flows

You'd be better served spending your money on literally anything else.

To be honest sjws never get into anything they complain about.

>SJWs are taking over my tabletop game!!
>only hangs out with nerdy fatties that think like him

literally how will it affect you in any way do you think SJWs are suddenly going to want to hang out with you and ruin your fun

>what are tournaments
Things you're not forced to play in.

>Should I do [recreational activity millions of people do with their friends for fun]? I heard that the competitive circuit is full of assholes.

Knowing that the NFL is full of rapists doesn't stop most non-rapist football players from enjoying football.

Off topic ish but what bothers me is kdm has pulled off normal looking females so why can't gw.

>Khorne cares not from where the blood flows

>i only play video games with my friends
>how could sjws possibly ruin video games

I dunno user.

Of you're one of those virgins that's triggered because there are black people in your games now. ok now I understand your point of view

Come on user, this progressive bullshit just ruined fan service and anything fun.
Hell games like Life is Strange is now a gold standard because you can sit on a bench.

I keep seeing rumors of GW culling the Slaanesh daemonette figures for nudity or making a new SOB codex but I haven't seen it. If We ever do finally get an Emprahs' Chillin update (or dark eldar) and there's a lack of bdsm I'd cry foul like a motherfucker, but the sisters are due anyway. I think it's all fearfull strawman bullshit.
>Everyone tries to paint Tau as 'good guys' but they're deeply racialist space communists ruled by a genetic elite with no level of personal freedom.
This. The Tau are everything good and bad about authoritarian communism and the Imperium is everything good and bad about fascism with a coating of theocracy to flavour. They're both fucking brutal nightmares as it should be.

>culling the Slaanesh daemonette figures for nudity

They already did? They got covered up.

I've never played Life is Strange
I probably will never play Life is Strange
No one ever has or ever will force me to play Life is Strange
If you truly believe Life is Strange existing ruins gaming you are a terrible shopper. and probably mentally retarded. I currently own 381 Steam games and there are so many in my library I have a backlog, According to my quick search of Steam there are 19725 games available for purchase. If I can be satisfied playing less than 2% of the entire Steam library I'm pretty sure you can find a single fucking game to entertain yourself free of progressive bullshit that hurts your fee fees.

>I'm pretty sure you can find a single fucking game to entertain yourself free of progressive bullshit that hurts your fee fees.

Oh i can find some, asshole, but there are far less than there were before. It's always indie gems or some eastern games.

are you honestly gonna tell me that AAA games were ever not 80% derivative shlock?

>are you honestly gonna tell me that AAA games were ever not 80% derivative shlock?
It's just coincidental that video games were much better during the year that user was 12.

mid 2000s was pretty good.

I can't refute this because I was around that age, but the golden age was the ps2 era.

And I didn't even own a ps2.

Yes, happened with MTG and now it's going down with W40K. Save your money bro.

Tau are not just a representation of smaller xenos. They are what mankind used to be in the earliest steps before the Dark Age of Technology.