GM vent thread

>be me
>start a black crusade campaign
>its a game about villains in space
>make a group from regulars
>my regulars are shit players, but they are my friends and i like them
>decide to make a sandboxy game
>be a upholder of democracy
>put it up to a vote on what kind of environment players want and what kind of gameplay it will be
>throw some ideas of my own to get them going
>a dude throws his ideas into the mix
>others: "yeah i am down with whatever"
>decide on tzeentchian cultists in anarcho-capitalistic hive, lots of scheming, witchery and backstabing
>we start playing
>most of session are "ok, what do you want to do?". All but one players reply "i dont know".
>campaign stops 10 sessions deep
>all but one players say they couldnt get into it
>"tzeentchian witchery and scheming is not something i like to play"


pic unrelated

>my regulars are shit players

Well, you said it yourself.

>letting the players decide what kind of campaigns it's gonna be
There's your mistake. Guess why players are players and you're the GM.

>Running new 5e campaign
>Decide to have players create backstories during session 0 to allow them to cooperate with one another in building their characters due to problems in past with having to wait weeks to receive backstories
>One player bitches and moans about having to come up with a backstory on the spot and says I'm 'stifling his creativity'
>Decide to be lenient and ask him to come up with something and send it to me in the week before the first session
>Player agrees
>Day of first session and player still hasn't given me anything
>Remind him about it before and when he arrives but he whines that he can't come up with anything
>Decide to run session anyway
>Session goes by pretty well as, while he's uncreative enough to be unable to roleplay or come up with a backstory he's a good team player and doesn't hog the spotlight
>Remind him periodically between sessions that if he wants his character involved in events I need something to work with
>"Yeah I know man, I'll get it to you tomorrow I swear"
>Still doesn't send me anything so decide to stop asking
>Several sessions in and all characters except him are having their backstories prominently connected to the story
>He bitches in session about not having any relevance to the story

Did you tell him this?

Did he respond?


Did you tell them this? How did they respond?

>"Hey guys, I want to run a game. Would you prefer it easy, hard or very hard?"
>Very hard! We want very hard!
>"Both battles and social interactions?"
>Yes! Both of them!
>"Excellent! Finally, do you want it serious or goofy?"
>Serious! We hate goofy!

>Here is our characters! Leticia Fuckstain, Oogooga Agoo'Oog and Badolf Bitler
>Can I take a shit in the middle of the police station? Maybe they will let us out before it gets stinky LOL
>What do you mean the policemen aren't running in the chemical fire like lemmings? How was I supposed to figure that out?
>Holy shit, why am I bleeding? I only got shot twice in the leg!
>What do you mean the guy behind a bulletproof glass with his armed guards surrounding us isn't intimidated after I take a boxing stance at him?
>Why the hell wont the gangsters talk to us? We called them niggers in their face only once!
>Sheesh user, you made this too hard!

GMing is not for the weak willed.

The sad thing about this is that you describe him as a decent player, but he seems incapable of figuring out it's his own damn fault. I guess as you said he's just really uncreative.

Refer to The worst and biggest mistake "modern" GMing advice has perpetuated is that you incorporate the players in the creation of the campaign. No. They have no space there.
Players create their characters and if they have something very cool and interesting in their backstory, you might consider working it into the campaign.
However you, as the GM, is responsible for everything else. You say "This will be a hard game. blablabla. What will your characters be?" and if you have even a modicum, like in parts per billion, of doubt, you get ready that your players will inevitably fuck it up.
Especially how "hard" a campaign is, isn't something you discuss beforehand, because it's just dumb wanking. What do you get from making a campaign "hard"? What does that even mean? Don't give me crap like "Oh their actions will have consequences", because they should always do. No, making a "hard" campaign is just so you can, I actually don't know. For me it serves zero purpose. Just start at the regular level the system expects you to be and when they can handle it well, up the ante to keep them challenged

Fucking give him a background. Honestly thr GM needs to work with all the players inorder to tie them in well.

>be a upholder of democracy
That was the problem. Everyone like surprises, democracy ruin everything

>give description of campaign
>players whine because they dont like it

>let players decide what they want
>they whine they dont it like it

no, you are wrong. players are shitty people in general. there is no correct way to gm.

fucking migrate to north korea you cunt

Repeating from a That Guy thread, but there's some overlap.

>Group decides it is sick of D&D, want to try a new system.
>Recommend this one I like called Dragonquest.
>Some time to give the others a basic overview of the rules, looks cool, we try it.
>That Guy wants to play a mighty wizard.
>Spellcasting, especially a pure spellcaster, kind of sucks in this system.
>Still, I try to help him out with making this, and suggest a Sorcerer of the Mind, with a huge Willpower, a very large Magical Aptitude, and a kind of shitty everything else.
>No no no, you don't want to concentrate your point buy like that, it costs more per stat
>No it doesn't, we're not playing D&D, remember?
>Instead makes an Enchanter who has a 19 MA which is barely enough to be good at it. (OMG, 19's amazing! No, no it fucking isn't, because the base statline for a human is 15 in everything, we're not playing D&D)
>Character sucks
>First fight they get into, tries to throw a sleep spell
>Roll to see if it works
>But spells always work unless the other guy saves
>No it doesn't, we're not playing D&D, remember?
>Adventure around.
>Befriend someone who is willing to train them in the use of swords
>Hey dude, if you're willing to buy a bronze blade, you could be able to defend yourself in close quarters and you get a discount on the XP involved to level up the skill because you have a trainer.
>But wait, I thought I can't use swords, I'm a mage?

Like, I don't fucking get why he would want to play a different system if he clearly doesn't have the brainpower to differentiate another system from D&D.

i know right. had a newcomer player that always bitched that the system our group used was "too complex" for him and that its not the rule-lite system he usually plays. always whined for not understanding the rules, never read the core rules and i had to always explain it to him.

What system?

>there is no correct way to gm.
There is. It is to doubt what your players tell what they want, because chances is, they actually don't know.
Furthermore if you are in control of what the campaign is about, it's easier to make adjustments. As I said, start somewhere in the middle and then go up/down or change a few things up somewhere else.
Players are idiots, that's the one constant, and you can work around that if you're in control and not have given it away to the idiots

This recent instance was WoD, but the same principle carries on to when I run other games with different systems like Dark Heresy and Call of Cthulhu.

You mean, the democratic republic of Korea?
Thank you, but no. I don't like democracy

look at this dude

That is actually the new idea, user, that there is a single "right" way to run a game, and gms must masturbate to their pretend superiority.
If you were a decent GM, you'd understand how to nudge the players to the result you want without them knowing, but to do that, you must be socially in tune.

Run something sword and sandal for them, then.
They aren't serious players, they want to think they are, or they dream of being the comedian with the world as their straight man.
Understand what they want from what they do. They don't want a silly game, they want to BE silly.

People will never say they want something easy because they think it'll make them look like pussies. It's why in video games, normal mode is the new easy and hard mode is the new normal, sure there's an easy mode but no one will ever choose it.

>tfw ameriburger believes his goverment
i bet you think China is still communist

>It's why in video games, normal mode is the new easy and hard mode is the new normal, sure there's an easy mode but no one will ever choose it.
Amusing because that was something that came about only in the last 6 years or so, when Japanese games' easy hard mode was everyone else's normal mode.
Shit, that goes back to the early 90s at least with arcade cabinets.