Ohayo gozaimasu Veeky Forums-kun

this is the /comfy/ new years thread

how are my fellow Veeky Forumsards holding up during new years
what coins are you holding while staying at home because you weren't invited to any party this year either
what anime are you watching

Other urls found in this thread:


just finished tsuki ga kirei and shigatsu in like 48 hours , suffering has never felt this good
holding stratis waiting for it to finally make a move.. its been consolidating for a week now
planning to watch ping pong soon

how about you user?

im holding BTC, ETH, XLM, XRP, NAGA, and RCN for the first quarter of 2018, maybe ill buy something else as well
and im going to watch Akuma no Riddle right now after which I'll marathon Maria-sama ga Miteru

tsuki ga kirei was a comfy show user i liked it a lot
shigatsu looks good as well so ill add it to my list

Watch shigatsu as soon as possible user, I don't recommend anime often but this one really stood out. Really great experience

Kiniro mosaic and non non biyori are best desu

pic related its best girl

thanks desu, i'll watch it next after i finish maria-sama then
non non biyori is the epitome of slice of life and /comfy/
very much looking forward to season 3

holding ETH, XRP, XLM
Finished houseki no kuni yesterday

i want to fugg these qts

I just finished Blend S, watching Konohana kitan
Not comfy with Enj, ICX
I loved the ending of tsuki ga kirei.

Holding ADA, ARDR, NEO, WAVES, DNA and BTC, most are very comfy holds. Got a last minute invitation though I'm not sure I wanna go.

the last few episodes were the best thing about the whole show. it was a bit slow at first but really picked up towards the end

what did you think of it? its on my watch list
also comfy holds, looking forward to fairx induced moon for xlm

konohana kitan was a nice show
too bad with icx and enj, hopefully they will pick up in 2018

you're welcome to stay here if you dont go
>tfw sold 1k ADA for 2x gains at 800 sats

We need more threads like this. Fish and fud posters please go away.

Don't have any Chinese cartoons in there pipeline, but I'm going to study introductory Japanese on distance next semester. Going to move to my cabin, ski, jerk off, learn moon runes and watch my cryptos continue to gain. Living in a country where you basically get paid to study is a life worth living. In may I'm going to nip-country for a month aswell.

sounds like a great time user, i've been thinking about learning some jap myself aswell since duolingo offers it now.

The Japanese courses from Attain Corp on Udemy are really good. They are still discounted, I highly recommend them.


looking into them now, thanks user. If I wanted to watch anime without subs, what kind of level of proficiency would I need to be at and how far would I need to go with the Attain Corp program?

Everyone in this thread is a closet tranny like me.
Holding link and req btw

Well I'm on N4 grammar with N3 vocabulary and I can understand everything. I recommend flashcards with anki too(free).

Gonna spend today rewatching K-On! and Mysterious Girlfriend X while drinking and holding BTC, BCH, LTC, ETH, XBY, POSW, XRP, XRB, ARN, IOT, KCS, and LINK. I hope 2018 brings us all lambos and good anime~

How do you approach the whole grammar vs vocabulary situation? I'm thinking that one without the other is useless, but for quicker understanding it's best to learn a whole lot of common words early on. For example, right now I could probably communicate better in German, since I know words but none of the grammar, than in Spanish where I know the grammar but not that many words.

I haven't focused a lot on grammar but with vocabulary I can understand and read a lot.
I think more focus on vocabulary with basic grammar is a good approach.

i think theres three yuri shows scheduled for 2018 (Citrus, Tachibanakan Triangle, Kimi no Hikari) bundled with a few yuri-bait and shoujo ai shows so im sure it will be a good year in terms of anime
hope it extends to our crypto investments as well

Arigatou, I'll be sure to check them out!

you can start by watching the short animation released for kimi no hikari here youtube.com/watch?v=tuG7sUdfkFM
it looks really good and i really hope the anime will keep the same art style

Thanks my man! Japanese seem to have a rather long and steep learning curve, but I guess that's the charm of it.

Are you guys learning anything else? I'm a graduated mechanical engineer, but I'm to jaded to make drawings for the rest of my life. I'm currently learning computer engineering and began a new bachelor, but the program was a waste of time. Turning to edx and books as my main source instead.

I just woke up. I stayed up for 38 hours the past 2 days. Ended up watching XRP and XLM all night... next day was a blur ended up in bed around 10pm last night. I feel fucking delusional, not sure whats up or down. Fuck staying up more than 24 hrs.

Also I'm very much looking forward to Mitsuboshi Colors next season. Check it out

Tell me about it! I did the same thing, but I was stuck at an airport. Your brain goes haywire kinda quick.

fucking anime faggots delete this thread

has nothing to do with biz

sucks with the sleeplessness
christ, colors has been missed by my radar completely, thank you for pointing it out, it looks really cute
fuck of to /r/pajeet

Comfy thread.



good spread?

I stopped browsing /a/ and looking for new shows, NNB got a season 3 confirmed? I think it was the last show I really enjoyed.

95% in on a completely obscure coin that I will not divulge (though it has been posted about on Veeky Forums a little bit) and 5% in an ICO I did not really research but am hoping it will work out.

Giant gains and giant losses this year, lots of lessons learned (or not). Hoping I become a millionaire next year if all goes as planned.

Thought of going out to a club or bar or something but that's not my thing. I'll stay at home.

Anime doesn't fill the void anymore partly because I can no longer identify with the fat, disgusting otaku that most of it is aimed at. Maybe I've become too self-conscious. I still rewatch old shows now that I can enjoy them without subs. Haruhi is truly a masterpiece. Talking to irl girls is better, only if they're Japanese and not white though.

I typically watch shonen/seinen garbage but this made me feel user kun, I'll try some of this yuri stuff

Holding mostly btc,eth,omg,ark, and fiat if possible mega dip
gonna buy a bit of ppp when I feel like it

shigatsu was really great

i even recommended it to my mom and she loved it (she does not watch "cartoons")

>how are my fellow Veeky Forumsards holding up during new years
Other than crypto slowly driving me insane, breddy gud.
>what coins are you holding while staying at home because you weren't invited to any party this year either
I-it's not like I want to go anywhere, baka. ICX, REQ and LINK.
>what anime are you watching
Still waiting for the new season. But I might rewatch Yuru Yuri or catch up with the manga. Secret Flowers 12 when?

Yeah not horrible. I wouldnt touch ripple but jewish kikery might make it continue to pump undeservedly. And LINK is either going interstellar or will bleed out forever. The small team and unfrequent updates worries me.

I would switch either ripple or link with ICON

CND is really great and undervalued still for anyone else reading

its confirmed for another anime project at least, probably season 3 or a movie, not much else has been said at this point

do it, thers not a whole bunch of quality yuri as its [still] somewhat of a niche but i could also recommend Straberry Panic, Candy Boy, and Sakura Trick if you feel like getting in on it

>Living in a country where you basically get paid to study is a life worth living.
Are you a Dane?

Hosuke no kuni a good show, different than other anime with interesting (and cute!) characters

we really dont need /pol/posting in the comfy anime thread

Not a fan of the shoujo-tier artstyle, but looks comfy. Love me some /u/.

You shut the fuck up, sister.

oh really? its probably my favorite style, it feels honest and pure in a way compared to the norm


watch out with all that edge

Pic unrelated or? LWA artstyle is different. Goofy and cartoonish. I love it.


Gonna finish Gakkou Gurashi (4 ep left) and then marathon Lucia Script the whole day.

unrelated to style but related to yuri i guess
lwa had a comfy style indeed, similar to kill la kill which too was easy on the eye
couldnt find a image that was relevant so i just added one at random

Holding XRP, DOGE, STRAT and UBQ

Gonna masturbate to some milf hentai probably

Unfortunately a neighbor. If I continue to gain I'll probably relocate in a couple of years. If their kind policies stay the same. Otherwise Malta it is...

Join this pump group if you don't hate free money..


fuck you
fuck you fuck you

the game? sounds nice
im thinking of getting into monero in q1 2018 if it doesnt fly off before then
eth feels solid, probably will follow btw less and less in 2018 and when it actually implements the shit that makes it benefit from tokes

Pic related is the best /u/ imo.
>Unfortunately a neighbor.
So Swedish? Didn't know they get paid for studying too. I don't like gubiments that step on my snek. Gonna finnish my int. college in Denmark move to Japan if my crypto gains allow.

It got me to start playing violin. I've stopped and got back into guitar since then.. but I was getting pretty good. Could play Jesu Joy of Man's Desiring and Irish Washerwoman and all that stuff. Really cool instrument, but I didn't have the devotion to git gud.

Veeky Forums is the board where /a/ and /pol/ can get along! Put aside your differences, for the money!

Buy now, or you'll regret it, like me. I should've bought Monero back in October 2016 but didn't believe about the tech back then. Only held BTC, DASH and BLOCK back on my first venture to crypto.

holding XLM, DBC, SNC and leaving for a party in a couple of hours

the comfiest nye ever

I cashed out of all crypto and not holding shit. I just have a feeling the bear market is gonna kick in soon or something to do with taxes is gonna kill BTC/cryptos again for a while. Made a good amount so no complaints.

For anime I finished Toradora this week, way better show than I expected desu. Normally don't care for the type of story but it was good.

Today I'm finishing Eve no Jikan since it's only 6 episodes.

/pol/ refugees are alright. They're brainlets. We need brainlets to hold our bags.

im hoping to have enough liquidity to buy in in mid January, i dont want to split up my stack further since its a majority 6-way split already, when the next shitcoin i hold moons or i get a bit of fiat i will be buying in

You messed up user, you should have held it.

yeah i bet you sell the top and buy the bottom all the time user

hello anime fans

this is my favorite anime picture

>I-it's not like I want to go anywhere, baka.
i know how you feel firend
req is a good hold, i should also get up to date with the yuru yuri manga

>Anime doesn't fill the void anymore partly because I can no longer identify with the fat, disgusting otaku that most of it is aimed at. Maybe I've become too self-conscious. I still rewatch old shows now that I can enjoy them without subs. Haruhi is truly a masterpiece. Talking to irl girls is better, only if they're Japanese and not white though.

Because most anime is meant for low self-esteem teenagers that rather live vicariously through cartoons than take actual steps to improve their own lives?

A few anime are actually good but most are meh.

I've found the best way to enjoy almost anything is to accept it for what it is and drop the pretense

It's OK to look at cute girls doing cute things, it doesn't need to be intellectually stimulating

Gonna be watching some Flying Witch since it's a pretty comfy anime so I can forget I don't have any friends.

My life can't be better.

>It's OK to look at cute girls doing cute things, it doesn't need to be intellectually stimulating
>cute girls doing cute things is not a patrician form of entertainment for true intellectuals
user pls

it stimulates my dick alright

Surprisingly some of the series are actually way better than all the memes on here you see would lead on. I always avoided shit like K-ON! and Non Non Biyori for a while because I was expecting completely childish stories but they're actually really good shows once you actually sit down and watch them, even if they're just simple slice of life shit.

I think it's just a lot of anime fans get a little too obsessed with certain aspects of a show which can really mislead people. Like I was not expecting K-ON! to have the 10/10 ending that it had and I was not expecting Non Non Biyori to have some of the highest quality drawn backgrounds in anime that I've seen in a long time, all of that stuff completely changed how I looked at them.

Serval is cute!

ICX and LINK with small amounts on the Crypterium and Covesting ICO's

Watching Gintama because i wasn't invited to anything either...

Why are you holding XRP anyway? Hold something better like SWIFT's (not gonna shill) partner. Much successful working with banks than that jew coin.

Flying Witch is great

maybe, but i've held xrp since about 2k sats so im thinking of leaving it be for a while


It's a fucking $90 billion cap. Just how high do you think it's going to go?

honestly i dont know
it might shoot for a trillion if banks use it like coke and it might never move again or tank
jews always make money and have influence so i think its logical to think its going up a bit more at least

Trillion is ridiculous and even then it's only 11x, which is pretty bad considering the risk you're taking by holding a centralized coin that just pumped to rank 2 on nothing but hype. The thing is - it's not a meme that XRP is not needed for Ripple network to operate. It really serves no other purpose than to make its holders rich.

twitch dot tv slash mogra

come party in Japan with the weebs


Buy high sell low. Always.

That left asian girl is a top tier qt, thanks for the link user

its 11x from where it is now, and since im almost 8x already it would be 80x for me in the end
i dont see why XRP would collapse into nothing since it adds a layer of security in operating via ripple, which i do think banks would like to use
a trillion is by all means ridiculous but i honestly dont see why not, theres no good sign of the crypto bubble bursting so you'd expect good, or rather well adopted, projects to keep growing for a while longer
plus, the jews have always made money and found large-scale adoption of their products, i dont see why that would end now. i dont care if fucking marx would be the creator of ripple so long as it made me money

When will it be my turn to party with nip qties in akiba?
Fair enough, I just think there are plenty of coins with better potential and less risk. Don't want to shill in this /comfy/ thread, but check out ICX, it's right at support currently. TA is screaming for break out since yesterday.

/comfy/ in xlm, trx, and link as my major hodls. Couple other shitcoins but I'm hoping these will be my money makers.

Happy new years boiz, may 2018 be even better than 17.

this but add REQ

>buy high
Please don't. REQ is great, but it's a long way to support levels from here.

Probability and crypto doesn't go hand in hand, but sticking to the money snek seem to be a good option at the moment.

It's dangerous to feel that we are gonna make it, but this seem to be the most lucrative, legal, way of actually making it. I live in a small town in the north and even here I see drug dealer handshakes like every day. I make more money in seconds than they do in a day of constant fear of getting busted. It's weird. It's a weird generation.

2019 Veeky Forums akiba meetup when we all have made it
doujins and lewd dakimakuras for everyone
i get it, theres honestly too many good coins to hold them all, i do intend on picking icx up in the coming weeks though ta's pretty bull for crypto
on that note though i got to start watching maria-sama now if i want to finish all four seasons in one run
take care, user-kun

Tell me about it. I was a poorfag my whole life, I put 700€ into crypto in October, not hoping for much.
This month I made more than 90% of my countrymen make in a year.
I'm down, friendo. We're all gonna make it brah.
>ta's pretty bull for crypto
Crypto has its own TA. You don't analyze market sentiment (not much that is), but whale movements. Low volatility with a bullish sentiment in crypto = imminent pump. Order book also shows strong accumulation.

i seriously hope 0 of you people posting anime girls and talking about being "comfy" are adult men

then again, i know at least 90% of you are

i made a comfy $7 tonight, enough for a warm meal tomorrow

i think 2018 is finally gonna be my year