Should there be penalties for female characters whose bust size are over B cups? Seen some people arguing for it for more realism.
if the system has rules for taking fictional positioning into account then you can consider a character's boobs if they are in some way unusual, if not then just assume their stats either already take it into account or it's simply irrelevant
This thread is stupid and you are stupid
If realism is important is your setting, then yes.
boobers are irrelevant and I will only penalize players who use them in a cringey way
This thread is now about Robert. Any good Bob stories?
Realism is for autistic faggots.
2/10 bait but I will post the map
Have a wank before you make a thread, user.
If you were proposing a penalty for players who feel the need to specify the size of their character's tits then I'd be okay with that.
BRB moving to Russia
Are Russians that fat?
It's about european food I guess. Average breast cup is getting bigger and bigger each year for EU, NA and Russia (european part)
If they're playing a character with huge boobs you don't want them at the table in the first place.
But, I'm gay but oddly find boobs fun.
Last I checked, most gay men like boobs.
I mean so do straight women, basically, everyone just likes boobs
If a character has a foot long dick, should that impact AGI?
If the world is sufficiently fantastic to allow for women to be mechanically identical to men, it's sufficiently fantastic to allow for large-breasted women to be mechanically identical (at least largely) to flat-breasted women.
Maybe a few circumstance bonuses or penalties, or being represented by an already high CHA/low DEX, but nothing more than that.
He was a cuck
Enjoy your AIDS.
He was a Lumberjack.
Soft or hard? Usually the guy wraps it around his leg.
It doesn't matter if there should or not.
If you care about it, then you're getting into magical realm, and justifying it with realism.
Only for rolls to avoid being raped.
RIP in piece, Bob.
One time I pranked a friend by calling him w a Chris-Chan soundboard using the Chandler household's phone number. Friend called back and got to speak to Bob about a year before he passed. Got a lesson about what "spoofing" is from the man himself.
I mean, fpbp
But don't /thread your own comment, you look like a tool
OP you're reaching some FATAL levels of autism there.
So fpgp but not fpbp
Fair point. Should be
When was the last time you visited /a/?