ITT: Subtle redpills
ITT: Subtle redpills
>ITT: Subtle redpills
So... not this thread?
What are you even on about?
SJWs on suicide watch
>leftypol false flagging THIS hard
Isn't this subtle blue pill? Or is it because it's a white spell? I'm so confused
I've got to concur with , this is some fucking hard false flagging. Now how about instead we talk about something else. Why are dwarf fags so cliche? I've played with many dwarf lovers, usually there's one in ever group, but why do they always play fucking drunken elf hating Scots that have a twinge of Norse in them. It's getting fucking annoying.
It's the quote, makes it sound like a merchant.
>White Spell (White Power)
>Gain life (benefits you only) from ENEMIES using multicolored spells (AKA diversity)
This card predicted the rise of the Alt-Right.
Wouldn't it be more about the jews, and how Urza is a dirt merchant? Kind of stretch though.
Alt-right is a jewish meme
But aren't alt righters always complaining about how diversity is detrimental to the things they like?
Who needs subtlety?
sorry nerds but magic is communist now
this spell is my absolute favourite in terms of rich inside outside of game lore. Firstly, the spell is UUUU, the colour most associated with knowledge, with literal kkk burning looking art. the real kicker is that the artist was brickwalled from doing magic art due to him being a literal nazi. 1993-1995 magic has such rich and deep history man, god i love this game
They do whatever the alphabet agencies instructed them to do. The reason everyone sounds like a moron these days is because they're paid to delegitimize real opinions and control discussion.
lmao pick one. it's literally one of, if not the most bourgeois card games ever printed. at most wizards is just virtue signalling to what they think is the up and coming generations which they (incorrectly) believe to be commies.
Fuck you, Magic is a peasant's game for children.
it's bourgeois now, but don't tell me it wouldn't be infinitely better if it was expropriated by the state
Card games on motorcycles?
>Four U s
>4 U
What did they mean by this?
Kek. I can't disbelieve...
Is it a big card?
>all dwarf build team is best
Wow this is like so not okay
You sound like a moron
There nothing wrong with diversity!
No, that's what happens when the state gets expropriated by card games
Kaladesh block was downright uncanny, right down to a sensible and benevolent goverment being overthrown by {+[aetherborn]+} machiantions
It's not subtle, really.
>magic gets some rule revisions after revolution
>You can no longer control land cards, they are communal property and all players in a room draw mana from communal mana pool.
>Creatures can no longer attack players who haven't been designated as reactionaries by party-lisenced judges
>Because only good communists have time to play, combo becomes far too powerful and it's declared that once someone gains ability to make a combo, all players win instead
>Flavor texts are replaced by inspirational quotes from famous communist thinkers
Please leave this board.
>People's skin can be naturally green
An hero yourself, it's talking about the fucking color pie, you moron. The fact that you bring politics into even the most irrelevant shit shows that you don't deserve to live.
more like the shuffling out of the basement of the alt-right
Is this the hardest deck to build in all magic?
I've tried so many configurations for this and none seem to work.
First I did a control deck with tons of spot removal, but I got annihilated as soon as I became the monarch by everyone else on the table.
Then I tried a more aggressive approach, but my first strike deathtouch creatures do fuckall against an indestructible jesus christ with 20 equipments attached to it.
What seems to be working now is a prison deck where nobody wants to attack me with extort stuff that gains me 5 or 10 life per turn, but then it's me against only 2 people left or just one guy and they attack me for 100 with a lifelinker with batterskull and shit and I die, I can't even kill properly.
How the fuck do I make this work, I've spent so much money on this deck already.
>Color with literally the most removals in the game
Kill them, Johnny. Kill them all.
oh boy here come the red knights telling us what opinions on board games we're allowed to have.
>protection from white
what did they mean by this?
You need a combo kill. Rest in Peace + Helm of Obedience is in white. Same with Sanguine Bond combo
card related is white genocide.
>rest in piece with helm
>not leyline of the void
card related is stormfag's wet dream
Also makes me think about why veganized SJWs are triggered by milk.
Death of soyboys, too
Google translate is very good at dropping redpills.
"Rewards of Diversity" should be just a version of Wrath of God that triggers when there's more than one color of creatures on board.
This thread is shit, but there IS one card that I think is legit sneaky /pol/. It's the "Strionic Resonator" which doubles TRIGGERED abilities - and "strionic" of course means "histrionic", as in hysterical.
I don't think they would print a card like this anymore.
>I don't think they would print a card like this anymore
But this is so cryptic no one thought of it but you
Why do you have to ruin every single fucking board and hobby you reverse SJW pieces of fucking shit?