ITT: Monsters that only the worst DMs use

ITT: Monsters that only the worst DMs use

These and vampires were always the scariest monsters.

>Beholders, Dragons
>Just kill them

>Rust monsters
>Run away screaming like a little girl

You spelt best wrong.

Anything with an ability that takes characters out of a fight. Sitting around doing nothing while everyone else plays the game isn't fun.

Not nearly as bad as these cunts

You just figured out why Spikes are dogshit in MTG. Locking down games should be undoable.

OP rolled. Yes, he cried, and for severity he got 10 on a d10. According to the table it's "cry so hard you go on Veeky Forums and make a thread about it just to cry about it some more."

Indeed. Why pass an opportunity to add vore on top of item damage, and not use rust worm instead.
Constrict, swallow whole, helpless, dissolve items, possible suffocation, poop you out naked covered in slime > hurr your armor got touched by a antennae

> using monsters at all

top kek my plebeian friend

This is a given but still. This is the all time fuck you monster. These in any fucking form wall, ceiling, bag, or house are never clever or fun. Its kinda like a jump scare in horrors its the suprise that gets you then you realize it was just shit and took no efford.

Agreed 100%


I liked it in Souls.

Lockdown is also in Johnny
Also play more removal, bruh. There's no single card lockdown. If you can't proactively deal with passive threats like lockpieces then that is your own fault.

A smart mimic takes the form of a door and he lets you in, but never lets you out

There are multiple mechanics that can lead to lockdown: burn, land destruction, discard, counter-bullshit. And wizards has made it all way too easy.


>ITT: the reason I play OSR games
When did the RPG community turn into a bunch of massive pussies? The entire game of d&d is based around sucking the players cocks. They get everything: levels, treasure, more spells, more hit points, more more more. And you fucking faggots are so butthurt over the fact that you might have your armor dissolved if you act stupidly and don't take a monster seriously that you dismiss GMs who do so and speak scornfully of anyone who doesn't agree that your style of RPGs is goodrightfun because it's easy and (((fun)))?

You fucking faggots would be last 2 minutes in my D&D games because you think you should be able to roll and intelligence check and be able to solve the mystery, roll a charisma check and convince the king to give you shit even though you have no argument as to why he should, and roll a dex check to dissolve a trap. When you see a problem you just want to throw a skill check at it because that's all that these brain dead 3.5 and 4e kiddos want to do. They don't want a game they don't want to roleplay, they want an easy video game hugbox where your character can't even get oneshotted unless he takes twice his hp in damage. Traps are unfun, challenging fights are unfun, mysteries where you aren't allowed to just roll an intelligence check to solve it are unfun, requiring the party face to actually be good at roleplaying is ableism and problematic. Veeky Forums and the RPG community are a bunch of Tumblr hugbox cucks whining about "oppression" to the point where you can't even die in d&d 5e adventures league because that might cause some skyrim playing normonigger and his pierced lip blue haired girlfriend to not have fun.

Hang yourselves.

I remember once I had the party go into a town that looked fairly big and expansive with lots of people and buildings, but it was really just 8 Dopplegangers and 12 mimics that would follow them and only morph into the parts of the town they could see. This lead to them having to leave their weapons with the "blacksmith" while they met with the "mayor" in his "house" thus leaving them defenseless when everything attacked them.

>not using stands so you never need equipment
Stay mad

That's actually really clever. How did that go over?

Unfun does not mean easy you fucking mong. If you use mimics your just a shit dm who thinks hes clever when the rest of the player roll their eyes. The rust monster sure but op is always a faggot.

t martialfag

A) Rust Monsters a cute
B) Why are you only carrying one sword.

So you're strawmanning? Good to know.

Always carry a spare iron weapon to distract it with, then either finish it off while it's snacking or book it
High will save and either a item or class feature that protects you from mind affects and it's a cake-walk
Move an shoot, never let it get close and it's just a blue bag of HP an XP
This and traps are why 10 foot sticks are a thing

Honestly it's like none of you have ever delved a dungeon

Honestly Psionics are the best.
>no equipment
>no spells
>no nothing but your brain
>ghost bros/waifus

Psionic Masterrace

He isn't strawmanning, you literally said the people you don't like think challenging fights are "unfun"

>This isn't even my final form

I like mimics if there's a way to spot them (environmental cues) and it's not just the die's job to tell me wether I'm perceptive enough or not.

Yeah, but then you have to fathom the rules for psionics. Checkmate.

It’s just a spell point system.

Heck it’s better than the standard d&d magic system.

Decently well, party flipped out and tried to scramble to find their weapons all the while mistrusting everything they saw as they fled. They were eventually able to get their stuff back after punching a classic chest mimic to death that was holding all their things.
I mostly did it to just see what would happen if they didnt have any of their shit.

That's really neat, if it's cool I think I want to use that idea in my campaign setting.

Eh, they work in Souls because they aren't really 'out of nowhere'. Pretty easy to spot if you pay attention.

Plus its fun to get them pissed off at other monsters...

Yeah well once upon a time by canon, the Rust Monster did have a final form...

Might still be canon seeing as we haven't visited that setting in a while.

There any stat blocks for said Rust Dragon for 5e? Couldn't find any when I initially heard about it. If not, what dragon would be the best base for a Rust Dragon?

Every part of your character sheet can be attacked.

Your items, your spells, your stats, your contacts/allies, your powers, your map, ALL of it is fair game. Not just your health.


None that I know of, and I seriously doubt it. At least not yet anyway.

I don't know all the monsters in 5e but a slightly adjusted Black Dragon would be what I'd use.

In my setting rust monsters are defensive creatures left in ruins and temples by the Not!Aztecs and Not!Mayans to combat more european style equipped adventurers. Metal armor and weapons get eaten and defenders using obsidian weapons can rush in.

Usually they are locked in a room with a spring of mineral water high in metal content to sustain the rust monsters. When adventurers burst in the rust monsters are almost rabid with hunger.

Dwarfs HATE them

The fuck are you talking about? It's just a rust monster. Throw a few iron spikes or nails at it, or a couple or ordinary daggers or something. It's fine. Rust monsters don't care what kind of ferrous metal they eat. They don't want your sword in preference over a bunch of ball bearings, they're just hungry and harmless and cute.

Why would you kill a rust monster? It's harmless!







Couldn’t you use like, wood or obsidian or something to fight it?

>PCs see super magical plate armor in the center of the room
>they step into the room
>rust monster falls from the ceiling, gobbling up the plate armor in a single gulp
>Roll for initiative

Don't use Mimics as combat monsters. Use them as RP beasts.

Players can't find the trail of some bandits they're hunting? Well, maybe they run into a Mimic treasure chest that will give them the information they seek for a small sum of gold + a half-decent persuasion roll.

Locked in a maze? Maybe some inanimate object is left there to help (or hinder) the party. Like half of the creatures/objects in Labyrinth.

Those are two beyond basic options, but you can probably think of something.

At least it can work really well in videogames. It really does require some kind of visual medium contingent on player rather than character observational skill though. Otherwise at best it's something that costs some resource or forethought to outplay.

No way, I paid a ton of GP for super good gear, I'm not gonna take it off for a minute just because it might get destroyed! I'd be fighting suboptimally! It's up to the DM to never do anything that might cause me to have to think about what my character should do, it should be a straight shot to my next level, made up entirely of stepping forward and rolling to attack.

Did someone say best monster?

Fuck me, that was cute.


This man speaks the hard truth

>ctrl f
>no mention of tarrasque

Seriously? What could possibly be worse than turning your party into murderhobos because you couldn't resist the shits and giggles.

Deceased players - characters lost throughout the campaign, but leveled for the current party.

In concept it sounds fun, but actually having to kill your old character again kinda sucks, specially when they're hyperbole husks of their former selves.

>Be monk in 3.PF
>Sucks because monks in 3.PF suck
>GM tries to convince me that monks are ok because "rust monsters, disarm feat and caught unprepared" exist in 3.PF
>Never uses rust monsters, disarm and when he catchs us unprepared the monk is the one who suffers the most because flatfooted

>spend a lot of money on gear
>no backups
>DM sends us a pack of 6 rust monsters
>i do the "i throw le iron dagger" strategy
>DM: "your adamantine sword looks way more delicious"

What now, faggot? I don't have any backups just in case I happen to find a rust monster. They're the ultimate "fuck martials" monster.

>GM destroys your equipment
Don't worry, if you play that awful game you're entitled to a WPL, if he removes it he must give you money to get it back.

That's just a shitty DM. It's explicit in most of their entries across the various editions that rust monsters do not care what kind of ferrous metal they eat.

Wealth per Level is only a thing in 3rd Edition. Maybe 4th, I dunno, I didn't play 4th. But previous editions and 5e do not have wealth per level.

And for the record that image in OP Is taken from the 5e MM, so he probably knows that.

>shitty DM
The worst monster of all

The first time my friend DM'd he put us in a dungeon where the only monsters were mimics pretending to be doors. It was actually a lot of fun because we were just goofing around and not taking it too seriously

Rust monsters in 5e are waaaaaaay weaker compared to previous editions, you can avoid their touch with a DC 11 Reflex roll, even if it touches your armor/weapon it takes cumulative (Reflex roll everytime) of -1 to AC or whateever till it reaches 10 or 0 on shields. To destroy a 16 armor it would take 6 turns of you failing every goddamn 11 Reflex roll

Of course, 5e is like the theme park version of D&D where player characters are not allowed to get seriously hurt or die. It's all nice soft bumper rails on the ride from start to finish.

5e is deadly as shit at the lower levels.

I kind of love using rust monsters and mimics just because of how meta-gamey they make the DnD universe feel.
Looks more like a carrion crawler to me, but those are also kind of a "fuck you" monster

I think they're normally only on one of the outer planes in most settings so it's not like there's much reason to bring them up. I skipped most of 4e, but they were in a 3.5 book at least

That's a laugh. Party wipes at low levels are very rare compared to early editions.
At low levels in 5e, somebody might die in a challenging fight. At higher levels, it's hard for anything to kill them.
At low levels in Moldvay Basic, you're bound to lose two or three characters if you're playing acceptably well; a skillful party can get in and out without losing anyone, and an unskilled party is almost guaranteed to die en masse, possibly in the first encounter.
At high levels, you're roughly in the same boat as low level 5e characters.

>making old PCs into enemies
>not letting the player play a bad guy / vengeful revenant

I was my last campaign's final boss. AMA.


>ywn play the prodigal son of a couple of rust monster herders, with your faithful steed Rusty.

Rust Monster Defender here.

Saved that.

You're doing God's work, user.


>not befriending the rust monster, feeding it scrap metal and having it break down iron doors for you

>rusty laptop
user, i love you

>I wonder who could be behind this rust.png

underrated post

This is so amusing to read and probably somewhat true, thanks a lot!

I just used this fucker in my Roll20 campaign last week. At least one of my players has 14 hours to live, though he doesn't know it yet. They're only level 2, have no spell slots left, just came recently out of a long rest, and are being chased by demons.

I'll take your rust monster and raise you an annihilator.


You ain't entitled to dick. What kind of nancy ass game you even playing in?

Is it a bad thing when I look at this thing and feel glee at the thought of using it in my game?

>ITT; monsters that many GMs use incorrectly
>FIXED you stooge

>rusty laptop

What game is this from?

its a homebrewed item I found on pintrest

Same user.

I'll wait until they're high enough level for it to be fair though.

Is this a copypasta? it seems like a copypasta.

wow, hey there Sh!thead.

>rusty laptop

It's just the entitled faggots on Veeky Forums my man
I play 5e and the only way a session passes without a character death is if they avoided combat entirely that session (I've made running away an actual viable option)

*when my players die they come back with buff/debuff, becoming further undead/corrupted, and usually becoming more and more horrifying in appearance.
Unless they want the character to just die and reroll a new one.

To clarify before I get "Shit dm killing players for fun"
It's usually a result of them taking on way too high odds, then making further shit decisions
>We've had a revenant carrying us for a while.. wait there's 3 of them with identical stats that are telling us to leave? Attack!
>multiple party deaths

in the DMG extra-planar options the plane of Ysgard has an option for players to revive at the beginning of a new day.

If I do a high difficulty campaign that's where I set it. Make it so that they lose their armor on death (unless they use a one time scroll that soul binds it).

Yeah, because 5E is built around several moderate fights between rests rather than one or two large fights. You’re supposed to make your players endure a lot of bullshit.

>Make it so that they lose their armor on death
Nah, I don't want everyone but the sorcerer to become useless when they die