What is your opinion about the new digital product from wizards? Will it save Magic? Or just another duel of planeswalker?
What is your opinion about the new digital product from wizards? Will it save Magic...
What is this?
Already flopped, almost none advertisement
It isnt released yet?
It's shit, I won't play it. I mean the cards don't even tap properly.
Give me Duels of the Planeswalkers with eternal formats and a reasonable way to obtain cards and I'm game.
Magic arena, currently in closed beta. For now only standard, starting from ixalan, so no temur cancer, but
Closed beta begins tomorrow
Only shitty block constructed right now
They hinted that 'maybe' you will be able to put code from paper packs into the game
Did they change their stance on streaming?
First batch of codes were send 1st of December according to their FB page
Bit late isn't it. Pokemon TCG has been doing it for ages.
Not until January/February
Yes. But I would be happy if they do it. Small chances tho, they always were retarded with vidya
It will kill Magic.
>Streamers and casuals remove themselves from the MtG economy because F2P
>SJWs try to follow them around but fail because without chat support the only way to exist in Arena is actually playing the game which no SJW does
>Only people left buying cards are the 5M oldfags who genuinelly love the game and were here before the nerd fad
Hope Hasbro is content with losing 80% of their consumers. We wouldn't want heads to roll at WotC would we?
The economy thats bother me, how will they make a hearthstone-like game with that complexity
Nice meme
From what alpha testers said, it's just visuals, game is the same.
F2p is starter decks only. There is no gold or anything like that in-game, you buy packs with real money
Wait. They confirmed that there's no way to get more cards without money? It'll be dead on arrival
They have not said anything close, all of that is 100% shitty community speculation.
>F2p is starter decks only. There is no gold or anything like that in-game, you buy packs with real money
Is there confirmation on this?
>the SJWs don't play meme
The more SJW Magic gets, the more money it makes.
Sad, desperate, and an almost guaranteed flop. It's painful to watch companies that don't understand their own product flail about in mediocrity.
It only got out of alpha, retard.
No causal link. For all we know, MTG continues to grow *in spite* of the company's politics.
it looks a stark improvement over duels, but that's not saying much. It's clearly taking a LOT of cues from hearthstone. that may work out okay, but if it's a sign that they're trying to take any of that audience it'll flop like shit.
they also said they wanted arena to be stream friendly and fun to watch, which is fine and all but if visuals and presentation are a priority I worry over how important that makes actual playability, something that has plagued digital magic in one form or another basically forever. I'm signed up for the beta and will play it, especially if they get a mobile release in a decent amount of time, but I'm not going above cautious optimism.
I want to like it but it just feels like it's intended to compete with the paper cards. Do they have some idiot strategy of driving off their paper playerbase with low quality and then making a new business model out of cards that don't even exist?
It doesn't feel complementary it feels... Unsettling, and it's hard to put my finger on why exactly.
They do market research, and it's unlikely that the product would succeed so well if they weren't doing something right.
>(((market research)))
You mean twitter polls.
>twitter polls
You mean Saudi botnets?
I mean That without any advertising its as good as dead on arrival. Fuck even magic duels was shilled everywhere (I still play it)
Sure, but I doubt the totality of what they found in this research was "we should pander towards young American progressives". And there's no guarantee how sound their research is.
there hasn't even been a release date announced, why the fuck would they be advertising it already?
>8 Million
>F2p is starter decks only. There is no gold or anything like that in-game, you buy packs with real money
This is wrong. I was in the last 3 closed alpha tests and there are quests that give gold as well as getting gold upon winning a game. The gold can be used to buy packs. It currently has the hearthstone model.
In the alpha there was no cash option to even look at in the store so I can't say what that model will maybe be unless they have something tomorrow in the beta.
>F2p is starter decks only. There is no gold or anything like that in-game, you buy packs with real money
Are they fucking insane? Why the fuck would I play this instead of one of the other digital tcgs.
>duels was shilled everywhere
What the fuck are you even saying, you dumb weeb?
Magic Duels dropped unannounced on iOS systems, and users randomly noticed it by browsing the app.
Was released on steam without official announcement, and the date was only hinted by third party articles.
What the fuck.
You want to shill? At the fucking least get your shit straight.
Still 1 year of closed beta for Arena. NDA doesn't fucking help.
It's not the game that has to change, is the fucking company that has yet to understand how to handle marketing and PR.
All a bunch of shitty lies.
Alpha had both pre-constructed deck format and constructed decks.
Boosters are purchased atm with in-game gold; pricetag is placeholder for the moment.
They already have tabletop redeem codes implemented and a secondary disenchanting currency in "gems".
Alpha testers were given 72 boosters, and had to build decks from that to play MP.
Draft has its own environment and rank, different from the constructed MP.
Why the fuck so many uninformed shills spruoting shit on this topic?
>something right
Recent flood of fucking tabletop products doesn't picture a healthy marketing environment.
They are blindly grasping for sales, and secondary market whales are supporting this shit.
Come on: Gift pack, Ixalan, Trasure chests, Masters, FTV, Explorers, Unstable. WTF; this is a fucking flood.
Some people are trying to "kill" magic because "muh SJW" or something.
I'll probably give the game a try when it releases.
>"muh sjw"
Fucking jeremy's drones are barking at the wrong tree.
That guy has 5 youtube channels and plenty more social media accounts just to lure idiots into clickbaiting his shit; that ain't a political struggle between ideals, that's a fat neckbeard fag trying to milk some ad money from gullible asswipes.
There's no point attacking the game or the company, to defend an idiot.
Plenty other reasons to go against WotC without shilling fake info.
Veeky Forums memes, on MY Veeky Forums? What a bizzare world we live in.
Did it kill off the nuWalkers and make the story good again? If not, it won't save Magic for me.
>story good again
That's WotC lore and R&D, not a fucking software.
Hey man, Shandalar managed it. But you've kind of hit upon my point, my issues with Magic go much deeper than the lack of a decent digital client.
Wotc said they'd stop to use every member of the Jacetice leage for each story and will only focus on one or two of them, so that's a good thing. Also Jace got mindraped(again) and went back from "snarky know-it-all" to "trying to help people and understand stuff"
I kekd thanks.
Has anyone gotten into the beta? How shit is the game really?
If you consider MtG shit, then yeah the game is shit.
Also, Beta starts in 1 hour.
So you'd fare better asking for the fucking alpha.
>They already have tabletop redeem codes implemented
I don't believe it because WotC would want to double dip in making one pay for actual cards and digital.
You can believe what the fuck you want.
Redemption codes do not redeem same cards as in tabletop boosters. Either currency or digital boosters with randomized digital assets.
It's already there and was already officially announced to be.