>Underdark has evil elves
>Underdrak has evil dwarves
>Underdark has evil gnomes
>Underdark doesn't have evil humans
Why not?
Underdark has evil elves
>>Underdark has evil gnomes
Humans don't like caves.
I think one of the source books has a race of evil humans living in the underdark, forgot their name though
There are. They are called grimlocks. They don't get the same amount of love the other underdark races get which is why we have these threads.
They're called grimlocks.
Svirfneblin are not evil.
Svirfneblin(Deep Gnomes) are not evil, just reclusive and weird.
>Underdark has good desmodu
>Overbright doesn't have evil desmodu
Sometimes it's okay not to have shadow-opposite races.
Aren't Illithids Humans from the future or something like that?
It does.
They're called humans.
No dipshit, Illithids are an ancient race from the dawn of time created by elder abominations and they traveled back in time from the future they conquered to stop the present from keeping them from conquering the future.
That doesn't make any sense
Because your human brain is small and stupid but delicious.
If they're from "the dawn of time" then where are the original Illithids?
you got a laugh out of me, fuck you
It's not Israel.
They time travelled to the future and conquered it.
they die in a few thousand years/last week
>Meanwhile, in the past...
>surface has good elves
>surface has good dwarves
>surface has good gnomes
>surface humans: still evil, only counterargument is at least they kill orcs too and aren't they even worse?
Penumbra does not exist
Penumbra did already exist
Penumbra will come to exist
But Penumbra does not exist
Penumbra does not exist
Penumbra did already exist
But Penumbra is yet to exist
Penumbra will come to exist
But Penumbra has already ceased to exist
Sure it does.
Humans are already evil.
Came to post this, but then I remembered Grimlocks.
It's unrealistic.
Don't play DnD
>Evil Humans-
Usually those are the Aboleth Thralls- and barring that- It's the Skinwalkers and nephillim.
All humans are evil.
Because evil humans live on the surface, user.
I was hoping this pic gets posted.
pretty sure books describe them as a space empire from the future that got destroyed and thrown back in time / retreated back in time and are working to restore the empire and prevent whatever happened
because thats just regular humans
There are multiple, mutually contradicting origin stories for the illithids. All that is known for certain is that their current presence in the multiverse violates the laws of causality in some significant fashion, enough so that the aboleths are seriously disturbed by it.
To be fair- there's the origin which suggests the fucking now defunt/expunged Elder things made them, and they unironically repeated history alongside with the Gith, once being slaves themselves back when they were mostly Neoillithid-opposed to the now Cerebromprhed forms they take- the other suggesting they're mutated Humans who fled to the earth and got fucked by native radiation and shit in the earth- the one that states they're from the Far Realm- with some degree of support following Dragon 330 noting you can encounter the highest paragon's of the species (the one in the epic level handbook) in Cerebal Blots, and this somehow is linked in with Time ttavel to boot- estblishing them from the far future who flung themselves into the past because they apparantly got fucked by their Sun blowing up because they figured out how to turn if off/Invoked Cthugha/Tharizdun escaped and blew everything up/Invoked Yog-Sothoth and accidentally allowed D&D to exist in the first place, ending up displaced across all of space and time as a result which is why they also appear in other settings on top of a previous universe that got erased noted by a species in Epic level handbook that Relates to Tharizdun and his Void hallow.
When things get related to spheres of Time travel, Actual Dimensional theory, th defunct Lovecraftian subtext held in D&D and aberrations in general- it becomes incredibly diffuclt to discern what the fuck is going on there.
Seeing as the whole ex-servitor species of the Elder Things shows up twice, I'm inclined to believe it's legit, and the Aboleth's uneasiness on the subject is because, like with the event that allegedly Accidentally made the deities noted in Lords of Madness, the Mandella/butterfly effect kicked in, omitting their knowledge of the Illithid/their fuckup/Prometheus from collective memory- including loss of the original referrals to the Great Old Ones they worshipped.
because humans don't have dark vision.
Deepwater Jews.
>evil humans
>implying normal humans
>Illithids are an ancient race from the dawn of time
Pretty sure that's not from Lords of Madness. Heck, they explicitly say their Human-descended from the future
I'm not sure what the bigger mistake was - Lords of Madness adding lolthulhu to the setting, Epic Level Play books as devised by third edition, or late-era Dragon Magazine.
The Deep Imaskari from the 3e Underdark setting book are the Underdark Humans you are looking for.
They are not evil though.
>What are spriggans? what are Derros?
Wait, does that mean we're the evil ones?
The reason the Mind flayers origin doesn't make sense is because they came into being from a time paradox. They somehow traveled back in time from the future universe they conquered to do it all over again but the reason they showed up to begin with was because they traveled back in time. The time travel is where the very first mind flayers came from. They're origin doesn't make sense at all because they are somehow not bound to the rules as most creatures which makes them abominations, and they are one of the few races that freak the aboleths out because the aboleths created the universe and have no idea where the fuck mind flayers came from since their entire empire just spawned into existance towards the beginning of it's creation.
They ran away from heat death. They can't stop it, they're just buying time by fucking around and they know it
Or it could be seen as them being orphans of a now expunged timeline.
Presumably they had an origin somewhere in time and space but where and when is now meaningless.
aboleths dislike/fear/respect illithids because they are pretty much the only thing they don't know shit about
It's older than that- it's basically there way of virtue signalling they have some 'flavour' of cosmic horror- just not in the same vein as the whole Nihlistic Ammral primordial truth- insignificance thing- and instead "So fucking Evil it's anethema to the established world as written."
By 4e though, they completely went full retard.
That's horseshit. Humans lived in and built temples in caves all around the world for thousands of years. Some even built pyramids and shit in caves (South America), and you should look up the Hypogeum.
Humans aren't fantastical beings, so it's harder to maintain suspension of disbelief for a society of humans that live underground.
>the aboleths created the universe
Humans die without sunlight
It does.
They're called Mind Flayers.
>(Deep Gnomes) are not evil, just reclusive and weird
This sounds like most of Veeky Forums, summed up.
Not gnomes. Derros are actually Dwarves I'm pretty sure.
Because if you put black skinned humans underground and said they were pre-disposed to evil then even neckbeard grognards would go "wait hold on that seems questionable"
You know in the same vein people bitch about Drows being offensive, not just because of alignment and morality being an objectionable mess, but because 'IT'S CAUSE THEY'RE BLACK ISN'T IT!?' since it stopped being popular to rag on Orcs.
seeI'm tired of see /pol/ b8 seep into Veeky Forums more and more lately. It seems like we have a new thread every day about transgender players.
A better question is why in the hell does everyone living in tunnels and caverns have to be evil?
/pol/ is evil enough on its own that it's fair to say the whole site is evil on average
Why is Pucci a gunslinging drow?
Pretty sure Duergar are Evil Dwarves and Derros are evil Gnomes.
If they put "Dark Humans" with different stats and alignment in the game, a lot of people would get upset.
humans are already evil *insert edgy music*
don't know how to tell you this
elves, dwarves, and gnomes are magical creatures who are usually good
humans are more mundane and of every alignment; there are already evil humans on the surface
also yeah, svirfs aren't evil
though I considered getting rid of them and making them "derro", evil shadow gnome ninjas
You can go back to neogaf whenever you want
Oh wait...
Last I checked, the Svirfneblin were good-aligned. They're just dark skinned.
Which is also racist, user.
Humans can't see shit in the dark
Then how is half of Veeky Forums still alive?
Derros are Underdark halflings.
>some degenerate hybrid of dwarves and humans
I don't know why, but that made me laugh pretty hard
Evil humans do something with their lives rather than skulk in Lolth's basement.
the dim light of electronic screens can sustain them.
There's a difference between caves and the motherfucking Underdark. That's like comparing Mt. Everest and that hill in your backyard.
What about the origins of the Aboleths?
This is one of the things I like about Golarion’s drow each clan or cabal worship different demon lords depending on their needs and preferences instead of a being a monotheistic society. That and the crazy shit they do with fleshcrafting and alchemy.
Long story shorter.
Aboleths were servants to one of the old ones at the beginning of time. Aboleths are some hive mindy 4th demensional creatures that created and at the same time are creating the universe.
Create glorious underwater empire, Aboleths are in paradise.
One of it creates servants and said servants fuck up and accidentally create gods.
Gods hate aboleth and proceed to fuck the aboleths world up entirely and are about to finish them off.
Gods realize that since aboleths are in a constant stat of 4th demensional fuckery, if they kill the all the aboleths they stop the creation of the universe.
Since the gods didn't make the universe they don't know how to sustain it without them once they are gone all of creation collapses sort of like waking azathoth from the lovecraft mythos.
Gods have to put up with the fact aboleths need to survive but make sure to keep their numbers low.
Aboleths wish to be brought back to their old glory and hate the gods so many pretend to be divine beings to trick mortals into doing bad shit just to spite the gods.
video goes into more depth about aboleths. youtube.com
Forgot to say video goes into the 5e stats of the monster but you can skip it by going to 8:25.
/pol/ has been baiting Veeky Forums for times immemorial user, mainly because neckbeards are so easy to bait.
Not much of a fan of this 4th dimensional fuckery and the creators of the universe thing. I prefer paizo recent lore on the Aboleths and their subraces.
>First sentient creatures right in the primordial goo
>forever haunted and uncertain by the moments before their “awakening”
>driven to control and dominate their surroundings
>seeded other life forms and induced the early stages of evolution
>gave them intelligence to improve them
>this unintentional attracts the gods to the universe
>the gods are perceived as interlopers and parasites by the Aboleths
>eventually they overreach and their servants rise in rebellion
>driven to near extinction they destroy their world of origin and try again across the universe
That's gith, I think, who are enslaved future human/elf hybrids.
Why would humans evolve into tiny tadpole people that require humanoid bodies to mature when we already have humanoid bodies?
Can't they just be creepy fish?
Why is this? Everyone else can, why can't we?
>Underdark has evil elves
>Underdrak has evil dwarves
>Underdark has evil gnomes
>Underdark doesn't have evil humans
>Why not?
All Underdark evil races have dark skinned. The dark skinned evil human subrace already chooses to live above ground.
because 5e was stupid for removing low light vision
That's a funny way of saying "got changed by wizards in response to control from the giant Elder Brain Wizards that rule their sunless world"
Remember, everything in the Elder Brains' fault
also Underfolk(Races of Destiny) and Dark Ones(Fiend folio) or at least humanoid
Only thing OP said was why there are no evil humans in Underdark
>Everyone immediatly jumps into stupid fucking "dank humans".
Not to mention that everything on Underdark has been more of gray than black for many editions
I miss Drow with 80's aerobic instructor sorcereress aestethic
I remember that one the psychic “race” of human from 3.5 had hints of being the ancestors of the mindflayers.
My underdark has neutral molemen
Who speak russian
Yo I wanna hug that xeno!
You missed the operative word "humans", user.
I'm surprised it wasn't first.
>just creepy fish
Fuck no. But then again, Aboleths are the big bads of my campaign (and the Elder Evils they worship).
It can be done backwards, making them paler than any living human, and calling them troglodytes or something like that.
Like a race of albino gollums.