Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1916: Playing Doom On The Alien Supercomputer Edition

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Have you tried playing doom on it?

>He said, expecting people to believe him. But then, science doesn't lie.

Oh, Red! I... I didn't know you knew me so well!
I guess there's only one thing left for me to say.

I do.

Let's not do this again.

How would a hippie jumper go about discovering every single species on a planet, and knowing when they've successfully found every single one?

Pic unrelated, it's just the only picture I had with plenty of greenery.

...oh no.

Oh no no no no. Not as planned. NOT AS PLANNED!!!



A mad scientist and a seductive dragon: truly a beautiful combination! I hope you both have many happy years together, engaging in many glorious acts of SCIENCE.

Red, I only have one thing to say, in light of this situation, in addition to what I already stated above.



Well this thread's tainted already.

It begins

Rolled 18 (1d100)

Behold! A Build!

Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha
Backwater Free

Well Learned (800)
Renaissance Girl (500)
Device Meister (-100)
Hayate's Lesbian Army (-300)
Commander Badass (-900)
Gift of Flight Free
Anti-AMF Free
Break Out of the Nightmare (-1050)
Ace of Aces (-1350)
Sagebrecht (-1650)
Combat Cyborg (-1850)

Natural Potential
SS (-2450)

Modern Belkan
Shooting-type Spells
Bombardment-type Spells
Magic Enhanced Attacks
Barriers and Shields
Capture-type Spells

Collection of Stuffed Animals

50 CP to 200 DP (-2500)
Standyby Form Free
Device Form
Sealing Mode -100 DP
Armed -50 DP
Storage -50 DP
Intelligent -100 DP
Auto Repair Free
Auto-Guard -50 DP
Cartridge System -150 DP
Sonic Form -100 DP
Defender Plus -50 DP
Sonic Boost -50
Mana Boost -50
Efficiency Boost -50

Extension +0
Befriending (-2400)
-Hooked (-2300)
The Ferret Talks (-2100)
Just Flesh and Beams (-1700)

Consumed by Darkness (-1300)
Material-LSD (-1000)
The Jewel Seed Incident (-800)
Nuclear Launch Detected (-600)
-D Rank Sentry Squads (4) +4
-B Rank Teams (2) +4
-Fire Outbreak +3
-Internal AMF [AA-rank] +5
-Internal AMF [S-rank] +10
-Radiation Hazard +3
-Badge of Office -6
-Portrait of Saint Olivie -8
-Clarent -15
Belka Reborn (0)

Roll to seduce best girls.

In record time! After nearly 2k threads of shitposting, near peak efficiency has been achieved

But I believe we can shitpost and ruin threads even faster

Being Kamen Rider is really suffering

How is your Godbound "jump" progressing?

Tough luck, user.

Tell me, oh most eager of Diggers. How can we increase shitposting efficiency and achieve maximum thread ruination?




Rolled 45, 55, 3, 6, 11, 89, 60, 36, 91, 88, 9, 44, 40, 100, 86, 14, 14, 65, 89, 6, 15, 33, 9, 9, 32 = 1049 (25d100)

>Tough luck, user.
Time to... tip the odds.

How many of you turn people into magical girls when asked?

If it's not a jump It's called a hop, user, get it right
Jeez, you think we'd know after this long

How much cp should a bronze age army no more than 1000 people cost?

Sure, as long as I don't need to go out of my way to do it and I'm not empowering a villain.

We need to become even PETTIER and more shallow than ever before

I have utmost faith in your depravity gentlemen!

That's the spirit!

Because he's already dead

It depends on the setting. Is that a pretty good army for the Jump, or is that really common? How well are they equipped?

Depends on what else is on offer. Probably at least 600-800 CP, discounted.

Does this look like a villain?

d e p e n d s o n t h e j u m p

Okay, more seriously: I'd generally put that somewhere around 200~400. Just 1000 dudes really isn't enough to make a real military campaign unless you spice them up with OCP shit, so you're getting them for tactical value more than anything else.

I do it all the time if you count dark magical girls.

Despite using her as my example image, I only corrupted Madoka to save her from her fate and stop her from becoming a witch. She was a fun enemy to fight, corrupting her would have taken one of the few people who actually played along with me away.

Black Hat is looking like he's going to be a great villain, balancing being funny and creepy perfectly. Actually, Villainous as a whole reminds me of Evil Con Carne, and that's really cool to me.

Who is UN OWEN and why do they keep posting jumps to the drive without first running them by the thread

So you've stalled on it. Good to know.


What is the status of the Tenchi Muyo! War on Geminar jump? I remember seeing it posted a few days ago.

List of things on upload drive without being posted in thread, these should be removed until posted in thread.

-Shadows of the Limelight

Shadows actually was posted.

Sure must be nice to have fun.

What is fun anymore.

Where may you spend your honeymoon?

Shadows was posted, foo'.


Where? I don't remember that.

>Just 1000 dudes really isn't enough to make a real military campaign
Depends on the setting. 1000 dudes in Dominions, for example, is a lot.

It's that feeling when your friend remember you.
It's the feeling when you can do something without worrying you're wasting time.
It's a feeling that lets you smile, even if life is bleak.
It's something life shouldn't exist without.

In game mechanics, maybe.

It is, by turns, a lot and totally pathetic in Dominions.

Is this for the Genesis "jump"?

Anyone have a claim on David Eddings’s The Dreamers novels?

I do not have any plans to add an army option. Rather a big family option in the companion section


Don't use quote marks, it's more legitimate than certain other "jumps" being made.

See .



I'll use quote marks if I want you stupid fuck, don't tell me what to do.

Aww, Red, you're going to break Konata's heart like that...

Photoshop user, is there any limit to your wizardry?

200-400 if they can't be "upgraded' with out of jump shenanigans
600-800 if they can be "upgraded' with out of jump shenanigans

1000 dudes is child's play for some of the things a Jumper will face and for most Jumpers themselves

Why do you forsake me.

You two make such a cute couple, though!

What in the fuck is that?

Red doesn't want to do anything far off or romantic, so I was thinking we'd go do it up in the big city. Maybe Vegas? I know that's chintzy, but I like chintzy. Plus it's still got some big time luxuries if you're a high roller! Red likes to pamper herself, y'know.

Plus, they have some really comfortable beds, fufufu~

It's okay, Desu. Red's just tsundere about our love~
Thankyou for your well wishes!

Have a cookie.

Specifically as he is depicted in the Legend of Luther Strode
The art is from Tradd Moore

Looks like Samson when he slayed 1000 men with the jawbone of an ass.

I told you, it's not magic!
...I also can't escape my lamp.

Cause I'm out of cookies.



Though for the sake of making this on topic, for those who end up making groups or empires or whatnot, do you have a theme song? Do you like using an anthem or theme at all? Just how patriotic does it get?


>That vid.
Oh gee, I wonder who the villain is.

...sucks because most villain armor looks better than hero suits.

I let my people come up with the songs, as the kingdom grows. It needs to be homegrown to truly be patriotic.


What 13 animals should I get themed super powers from? If it was just twelve, I'd go with the Zodiac with the Dragon swapped for Cat, but there's an extra open space.

Why such a specific number?

>13 animals should I get themed super powers
Why tho?

What would I need to do to wank having Spellfire Wielder in Forgotten Realms?

Just throw in Ophiuchus as Serpent (Dragon), instead of Serpent (Snake)?

Majestic. I shed a tear.

The full zodiac, and a honey badger. You ever see those things?

user your answer is right in front of you

Ah, I understand completely. Have a lovely time in Vegas!

Wow, you're a pretty generous genie. You've granted way more then three wishes! Here, allow me to help you with your cookie problem, my djinn friend.

Oh Red, there's no need to be shy, it's not like we're going to tease you relentlessly about this later. Just kidding, we totally will.

A theme for my empire, huh? Well, we do have the Black Frost version of the Snow Miser song for the Imperial Court, but as for the empire itself...this one is about the closest I can find.


It's the only option in Mononokehime I really wanted so I bought it 13 times.

Maybe a bird that flies? How about an owl, or a sparrow? To keep with the theme.

Dragons are not valid animals.

But why hold that against them?




Isn't there a whole fucking manga and upcoming anime based off the sole premise of how fucking metal Honey badgers are? Pic related.

But... doesn't that just mean this is a completely self-imposed problem? You'd be sacrificing practicality for style, but you could just not get that 13th purchase.


Jump's garbage and was made while the series was early. It's ruined everybody here to it.

I think you forgot what you were listing a few entries down.

There is? Oh shit, that's going to be amazing.

Some of my best friends are dragons!

...I can't believe this is a thing.

Oh, I didn't even know we had a jump for it, I just spotted it on MyAnimeList by accident. Still, that's a shame.

Hey only 6 of those are animals

Geez user, at least go for animals

I'm lost on the last two though.

He's shitposting, user. Jump's fairly good as is, he's just got a hateboner for the writer.

Eh, i'm sure every jumper has an animal theme that would work.

It's literally worse than our current Code Geass jump. Why are you defending it this hard.

Who made it? As I said, this is the first I've heard of it.

One-Armed user.

So of course she's going to defend it, despite the garbage quality.

...You must have some fucking weird standards, my dude.

That's a lie and you know it. No jump is worse than our current Code Geass jump. I get that you don't like the Killing Bites jump, but exaggeration like that only hurts your point.

Mostly 'cause you're lying.

OAA made it a while back. It doesn't take the anime into account though, so it would need to be updated when that happens. It's not the bestest jump ever, but it's far from a piece of shit like that one person is trying to insist on.

There's just some absurdly salty people who are offended at his existence for some superficial reason. I suspect they had a bad trip and hallucinated him eating their puppies. So pic related.

Deadman Wonderland is a close competitor, but point taken.