What went so wrong?
What went so wrong?
You were born.
Only replying so I can post this
>While Lord of the rings did very much launch the fantasy genre as we know it you would be hard pushed to call those movies high fantasy
Jesus christ, you are fucking retarded.
... you want an undead guy included in the survey picture?
What went so right?
You made the exact same thread 2 fays ago, fuck off with your spam.
Eat shit commie trash
>2 numales
>2 tumblrinas
>1 nigger atbthe centre
Absolute state of UK and EU
>tumblr art right down to the red noses
The bottom art is just offensively bland, there's really nothing good or bad I can say about it and as such it's not really that eye catching.
I want /pol/ to leave, literally as bad as the SJWs.
We want you to leave the hobby. Literally sjw.
The vaccines gave you autism.
but it's not even a WD cover, just something that appeared on the community website
Words to live by:
>Never believe that /pol/ is completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. /pol/ has the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past.
> not disliking a Games Workshop article makes you a communist
>defending cultural marxism
kugelbake parking
> cultural marxism
Anyone who believes in this should be killed on the spot
I know, and even there it didn't grab my attention all that much that I largely just ignored it. The black guy in the middle looks vaguely like a blank slate character though now that I give it a closer look. Like you could take any of the other characters there and he was the base for all of them before hair or any kind of defining features were added.
GW's half year trading update, released on the 1st of December:
>Following on from the announcement made in October, Games Workshop Group PLC announces a half year trading update for the six months to 26 November 2017. Preliminary estimates indicate sales of c. £109 million in the first six months of 2017/18 and an operating profit of c. £38 million for the period.
A year ago they announced revenues of £62.7m in the six months to November 2016, and profits of just £9.7m. GW have nearly doubled sales and quadrupled profits. What went so right?
>anyone who disagrees with my political philosophy should be killed
Hey look, it's cultural marxism!
Remember to report shitposting threads.
can't handle basic Veeky Forums banter?
behold the hypocrisy of /pol/, everything they say whether it's pining for the day of the rope or for some sort of genocide or another is just banter, while anything said in a similar vein to support an opposing ideology is suddenly deadly serious
learn to take what you give and fucking kill yourself
>report stuff that disagrees with the direction this hobby is being taken
They finished refocus to a new audience? Increased their smm to drag youngest crowd.
GW basically opened itself up to the community and has done a lot of the same stuff Wizards of the Cost has done.
Throw yourself off a helicopter mate.
>now that I've proven your point, I was just joshin' ya
Historical revisionism? Wow, it's more Cultural Marxism!
8th edition
And that's debatable
kill yourself and save us the effort
Games Workshop is not the full extent of the hobby and change is unavoidable.
U mad bro
They improved as a company and learned the value of online customer service.
>guys changes are good by default
Kys numale
You really did walk right into that though, how fucking stupid can you-
>marxism is good
>change is unavoidable just let it happen
Thats rapist logic right there user.
Nah, since he isn't GW worker it's a cuck logic
In case that doesn't make quite how well they're doing clear to you, here is GW's profit year by year:
>2015/16 - £16.8m
>2016/17 - £38.3m
>first six months of 2017/18 - £38m
It's all of that and then some. Pricing strategy (things like the start collecting boxes), the revamped release schedule, community engagement, improved rules, rereleased specialist games... With Kirby gone they're acting like a proper business and chasing sales growth everywhere they can. They're even starting to do market research now, as can be seen with their big survey, and I know that they're putting proper thought into attracting new customers as well as just milking the old ones. If they can keep up the pace of growth through Christmas and the new year then we might be looking at year end profits not far off £100m for 2017/18, which would be a fucking incredible turnaround for a company struggling to make much more than that in sales a couple of years ago.
Would say the same, but you'll just die from starvation.
>it was this easy to turn a profit
Always wonder what held them back, stupidity? Maybe integrity to not sell out the product to everyone?
Personally I don't like the direction, I'd rather have gw be predictibly evil than say they're trying to be nice.
That and they're litterally selling out.
I just believe that anyone, white, black, asian, male, female, trans, gay, straight.. Should be able to enjoy Warhammer with us.
>pee poe bot new boox cuz dey came out dis yeer
And we believe that you fucking retarded commies are the only ones who ever thought that was an issue
they decided their core audience wasn't giving them enough money so they switched target audiences to tech bros who have cash to burn and nothing to lose.
You're the ones throwing a fit because they did a piece of artwork on their survey site to reflect this goal
>I want Warhammer to be more racial and gender friendly like Disney entertaiment
Gys SJW.
Don't forget the Licensing rights that have been racking in the big bucks for em with all the various video game tie ins that have been coming out in recent years. Literally anyone with enough dosh has been given rights to make a Warhammer anything. I for one, don't mind this as that means I can get into different aspects of the series outside of just the models.
Kirby had huge amounts of stock and was running a massive Pump and Dump on the stock. He made every effort to inflate shares at the cost of sustainable business practise, while issuing implausibly massive dividends to keep investors quiet while pocketing large sums. That's fact.
Rumour has it he was a psychopath, literally, the sort of person who surrounds themselves with people who will agree and actively undermines competent people so they can't offer competition. That's why upper management went to shit when he was around ,and why middle management got more and more culty. but that's hard to specifically prove.
This they're like a fungis that never helped their host and drained as much as possible. Now the host is dead they're looking for new meat learning nothing.
What I'm saying is no new orks.
It wasn't first artwork, it's their regukar artist from tumblr.
Yeah the goal to cast the widest fucking net possible and screw over the core audience.
It's not a race thing it's corporate scummery.
>in the same picture you post, it says this is what reactionaries believe
>the same pejorative retards use on people who realize communism doesn't work out and actually sucks
i could care less about the orks.
the Sisters of Battle deserve better though.
How is the core audience being screwed in any way that GW hasn't been doing since the fucking late 90s?
>warhammer isn't absurd
>what it's based on , real life, is absurd
Now to hope we get some more variety in it. I'd love to see something more investigative/stealth rather than just RTS/Shooters.
>want GW to be predictably evil rather than at least make some effort at being nice
are you dumb
predictably evil GW just results in former long-term hobbyists leaving or losing interest in spending cash, it jades them to hell and back
t. ex-long term gw collector
By trying to actually turn a profit like a normal business.
The only person you can trust is your enemy because you know what they're doing. Gw being nice means we have no idea what they might pull.
The monsters!
Royalties for 16/17 were £7.5m, and that's the year that TW:Warhammer was released. Their royalties are much better than they used to be (was only £1.5m a couple of years ago), but that's just 5% of revenues (or about 20% of profits). The vast bulk of their sales growth is in good old-fashioned plastic.
We got like one maybe two shooters. I still want more.
Especially because the trend would be to make a digital card game.
a worthy goal! my hat's off to you!
I diagnose stockholm syndrome, either that or you need to stop posting here Mr Kirby. If it's the former I empathize, since GW has admittedly been stupid stupid for so long any niceties from them must seem suspicious.
Yeah, but this means they're going to shove a lot of stuff over for legitimate profit.
We might get even more shit trimmed from the rules by 9th.
As opposed to shoving a lot of stuff over for 'More marines'?
I honestly just don't trust a business.
Specially one with an ancient IP that knows they can get away with changing anything now that 8 th did well.
What are you talking about we still have that.
>but they're BIGGER
I don't think they could do a properly rpg/investigative game. The trailer for Eisenhorn, despite it being set in the first scene of the first book is unimaginative as fuck, just see the trailer and you'll see.
The 40k setting is also so vast and rich, regardless of what people say about it being cheesy, I fear no developer has the sheer capability to distill and also create equivalents to some of the great worldbuilding done by the novels/fluff work in books. It would just be so hard to capture. Things like the chapel in the Bequin novel, which is so high it's got it's own micro atmosphere, or the mental image of guard troopers rappeling down from valkyries deployed from massive dirigbles who are assaulting giant cities that float on acidic clouds. It's magical almost, it'd be so hard to capture all that satisfactorily.
I just play the rpg's these days, and GW can't go around deleting the files on everyone's hard drive, so whether or not GW actually are honest about it I don't have a stake in it. I want to see them succeed in being nice though, you get what I mean?
>I don't care about the hobby, because I play only ffg rpg
I also don't care about the hobby. I only care about the lore.
have a problem?
I have no (current) desire to buy plastic but I am still in love with the setting. Caring about the hobby doesn't mean being pessimistic, it could mean being severely critical and suspicious, but actually preferring a time when GW didn't even care about being nice seems unhelpful doesn't it?
I don't know if I want them to succeed. Everytime a business succeeds that means core audience gets shoved aside and the business only focuses on studd that turns a profit.
Seen this happen way too much with video games.
Space Marine did a good enough job in the atmosphere department. Everything about the Forgeworld of Graia is just absolutely big, which is even more impressive given the actual size of Captain Titus that even he can be dwarfed by the architecture and some of the larger Nobs and Chaos Marines. If being in the 40k universe is to be a small cog in a massive machine that hardly cares about you individually, it nailed that quite well.
But yes, I do agree that 40k as a whole is large and offers a wide range of experiences and possibilities for game developers the same positive might be a negative as well. Where do you even start? Sometimes an RTS might be the simplest way to get started for some of it, something familiar before you get into the weirder stuff.
>non-whites and women join
>goes to shit
Really flips the Tarot cards
Thinking about it now I don't think I've ever seen a business succeeding turn out well for old fans.
don't tell me you both thinking gatekeeping is a good idea...
If you listen to the interview that's the impression they got of the 40k universe.
Don't know, what's gate keeping?
An open mind is like a fortress with its gates unbarred and unguarded.
yes, open to new ideas, capable of changing its biases and ready to understand differences for the values they bring to the table.
Blessed is the mind too small for doubt
Gatekeeping is a good idea. Someone who enters a hobby should learn to respect what they wanted to join before they join it. It's common courtesy really. In return, once someone has proven they can act in a respectful manner, they can bring up new ideas.
Also you sound like a heretic
willful ignorance is the worst kind, because you're aware that you're being an idiot and choose that instead of bettering your understanding of others.
and you sound like someone who imagines they have nothing left to learn in life.
Checking someone's "geek credentials" because you believe in this sorta /r9k/ crap and exist in mortal terror of normies
>but I am still in love with the setting.
>that's why I want to see StarCraft 2.0 instead of Wafhammer.
I have never in my life, not one single time seen something like this get prevented.
Like the basic laws of the universe always guarantees this. I can't understand how anyone can think that something like this is just a fantasy. There is no case for the reverse it's such a wild thing that I would assume you to be the one that's delirious.
In my area, it completely ressurected 40k. People who havent played for years are suddenly starting again and loving it.
We are at the fifth stage for warhammer 40k now.
I wonder how long will it take to eventually arrive at the last stage.
How is the core audience being screwed over?
>Not getting offended over a picture depicting women and a black guy makes you a commie
9th edition will kill 40k as we know it, if age of sigmar has taught us anything.
Broad audience just naturally screw over core.
Like if the 20% core says something and the 80% broad want another they're getting screwed.
Bitter wannabe grognards who probably only started playing in 6th edition or some shit, the absolute noobs who used to spend their time complaining that GW wrote crap rules, didn't listen to the community, and screwed over their players, are now upset about the new players (and returning old ones) who have appeared because the company has stopped doing all those shitty things.
>non whites and women join
My school Warhammer club when I was eleven was just shy of a third girls, and included the only two black kids in the entire school. That was 19 years ago.
so....Ward's audience is bitter about the game changing?
mmmm, big shock there.
It's not his fault that his ideas were taken out of context and were partly adapted by the very same "commerence culture" he thought to oppose
It doesn't matter how cultured and how many poems you know if ideas you put forth inspires people to fear and despise the culture you thougt was good
He just recognised you. There is no need to be upset