Pathfinder General /pfg/
Be honest: how often have you played in all-female-PC parties? Females (male) count too.
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Pathfinder General /pfg/
Be honest: how often have you played in all-female-PC parties? Females (male) count too.
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I was once in a party wherein it was just one guy and a bunch of women, a barbarian gal, a nerdy boy, and some religious chick
I just want to play big, bad musclegirls and bully the fuck outta some nerds that read books, is that really too much to ask?
I could have sworn there was a Bloodmage prestige class. I thought I saw it on the d20pfsrd but now it's gone. There's this "Bloatmage" that I do not recognize and it's definitely not the same class.
Anyone know if there was a 1pp bloodmage class or if I'm losing my mind?
Bloatmage was renamed to Bloodmage on the prd due to copyright restrictions. There has never been a app blood mage PrC in pathfinder.
I haven't, nor have I run a game like that.
I'm actually the only one in my group who ever plays female characters. In fact, I play them exclusively.
AnimeOP next time you post a thread can you do a cap from Made in Abyss? At least then it's anime and Tabletop-esque at the same time.
He got tired of the murder mystery (even though it's specifically part of the path, and admittedly I was dragging it out because I didn't plan far enough ahead.) So he googles what happens and spoils the whodunnit and sucks the fun out of the session and completely sidesteps a whole chapter. So we decide to just call it there. Everyone else wants him gone and I'm the only one on the fence about it. I was going to do it anyway because I'm not one to oppose the voice of the majority of my players.
It took me longer to find a name for a female dwarf NPC than it did to come up with her concept and backstory.
>Be honest: how often have you played in all-female-PC parties? Females (male) count too.
In my community, this is the norm rather than an exception. Almost everyone in the community is a male though, we just love cute girls in general and its also much easier to find pics of them. Usually if its not an all-female-PC party, its usually because some other guy or me is playing a male instead. To be honest, the question of being male or female does not come up that often, if it even does, in RPs and by now I have grown used to the idea and dont mind RPing either gender(without much difference though)
>Females (male) count too.
Not, they fucking don't you goddamn faggot anime OP.
What prevents a player from being an unchained barbarian android. I was reading the android and saw that it was not affected by fatigue or exhaustion. I first thought oh shit this can make an op barbarian. Then I read that there rage stuff was a morale bonus. Then I read the unchained barbarian and its strenght and health buff are not morale bonuses. Is there now downside to this combination?
This is just one of those things where Paizo never noticed you could do that. Androids are supposed to not be capable of being Barbarians without the Empathy feat, but then they changed the bonus type for Unchained without thinking about how Androids are a thing.
Fatigue and Exhaustion dont come to play much to begin with in most situations as a barbarian, so it really doesnt change much unless you got ganked as you were doing your post-rage rest
What are the children of a human and an Aasimar like?
Is there a verdict of Warder vs Sentinel? Sentinel does look a bit boring to me
Either another Aasimar or a Celestial Bloodline Sorcerer
It'd either be human or another Aasimar. Odds are they'll be human, maybe a Celestial bloodline Sorcerer or something like that.
Most likely human.
They could have sorcerous potential, and you could possibly get an Aasimar, but even Aasimar+Aasimar doesn't guarantee another Aasimar, so yeah.
Does magical healing leave behind scars? One of the pc's in my group got killed pretty brutally and has now been resurrected, and now the player is arguing with the dm over whether or not he has a giant fucking scar from being cleaved in half.
I can see both points of view, so I guess the question comes down to does magic just accelerate your own bodies healing abilities to the point that it happens instantly, or does magic just, you know, magically completely reverse damage done? We're playing in a world of my gm's creation, but in terms of setting it's more or less the same as Golarion.
Your body doesn't have any healing abilities to accelerate if you're fucking dead my dude.
If memory serves, healing magic does NOT leave scars.
I remember something about a tribe of orcs that shoves pigments into their wounds before healing them specifically so that they DO leave scars.
There's also the History of Scars achievement feat, which gets you +2 nat armor after taking a cumulative 1000 points of damage. Thing is that healing magic puts this progress back at a ratio of 5 points healed to subtract 1 point from your total. It's not 1:1 though, so it could be argued that some scars still remain.
It's largely down to the DM, but generally, especially with revival magic, it wouldn't tend to. But there's nothing saying it couldn't. Just go with whatever's more fun.
Okay, question: Would /pfg/ want to play through a comfy, low-level campaign about solving murders in Sandpoint? I'm still toying with the idea of a Twin Peaks-style mini-campaign.
If the GM says, specifically, that healing magic never leaves scars in his world, best to go with that interpretation.
Otherwise, I'd argue that healing magic might leave scars if the wound is grievous enough. A total disembowelment saved at the last second with Breath of Life would probably leave a big scar, for instance.
Miqo'te and Au Ra are all sluts or autists. Midlanders or die.
Do I have a problem if in RP, I generally always feel like making the traditional RPG hero travelling swordsman? This would be fine but I kind of feel constrained by this desire even if I make something different. I always feel some sort of small pull and voice telling me "I would rather nuke people with a sword..." whenever am playing something non martial and watch my other party members do their stuff. I also feel it while deciding on what character to play to no matter what the party needs
>playing Midlanders
Fucking get outta here, I oughta kick your ass.
When, if ever, is Pathfinder the *right* system for a campaign? Every single campaign pitch I see here that isn't an AP is met with responses telling them to run it in a different system. So I ask: when should you run Pathfinder?
Occultist seems neat, but even more "math-y" than regular old wizard. Not to mention "emotional components" or whatever. Is the class worth checking out further? That 5th level divination power seems Really Good.
>t. Assmad autistic or attention whore
What's wrong with Midlanders? Not slutty or snowflake enough for you?
For high magic, high fantasy games.
Wouldn't Exalted be better though?
>not slutty enough
Biggest fucking sluts in the game, nigger. Their run animation is also atrocious, if you think that shit is okay get the fuck out my face.
The run animation is literally the only downside, and only when you don't have a weapon out. Better than always having skin cancer or being a furry
Why are we still here?
I found eventually I got bored of my staples once I was able to play through a proper campaign. If this thread is anything to go by the average character doesn't last that long, maybe leaving more to be desired.
Huh, I guess you might be right, my campaigns tended to end early due to my GMs falling into depression. In one case it kind of ended due to drama, no thanks to two players in particular that I know of, one of which kind of contributes to my insecurity while chargen and RPing, but thats another story
That's literally exactly what happened, funnily enough. And also the only reason there's even an argument to be had: normally we don't get scars, but it kinda makes sense in this case. At the end of the day, though, it's the gm's decision, not to mention that it doesn't even effect me. Was just curious what other people thought about it.
Literally the equivalent of Bob the male human fighter.
Roe a best.
Probably dumb question, can you make a good gish with Soul Weaver in gestalt or is the class too hard to mix with a martial class?
How would you stat sunc@s and moonc@s in Pathfinder?
Not trying to start an edition war, but does anyone know which system sold more this year between Pathfinder and 5E?
Pretty sure neither Paizo nor WotC releases official numbers so you'd have to do a lot of digging and possibly some guesswork to get any real answers.
How do I run a game like Argentum does?
That's easy: Half the time you don't.
witch or shaman which is better?
As catfolk.
>half the time you don't
Shardwalkers runs 1 game every 4 weeks.
It's supposed to be a biweekly game!
Supposed to be, user.
But you know Argentum.
How often does science side run?
So, I'm working on my skald build.
They have 3/4 BAB, and d8 HP.
I'm doing a strength, two handed build. Is it worth it to take power attack, cornogan smash and hurtful? You'd be SUFFERING from the loss to attack, and be missing all the damn time.
Alternatively, I could get Reckless Abandon, trading the loss of attack to a loss of AC. But that hurts as well, considering that Skalds are way squishier than barbarians.
Should I just forget about the power attack/cornogan smash/hurtful line of feats, and so something else?
What do you want from the Skald if you're focusing on melee combat?
You have bard casting, you have shit like heroism to make up for the attack bonus.
We have a party of four martials, just hitting level 2. Buff everybody, use Path of Glory and Celestial Totem to do awesome healing, Be the party face, have the stronkness, cast loads of spells as Bards/Skalds are the only spellcasters allowed in this game, SPELL KENNING, etc.
It's a perfect match for my skald, barb, paladin, fighter group. Bonus heals and bonus damage/attack.
A +2 bonus doesn't really circumvent the -4 and eventual -6 from power attack
You'll only get -2 from power attack at 6th level, -4 at 16th level and -6 never.
Oh jeez, I was doubling the loss of attack from power attack in my head
Regardless, though, they're still down on attack in comparison to their barbarian compatriots. Barbs can fully wield power attack with their extra strength from their superior rage, and their full BAB to get by without too much trouble. A 3/4 Skald doesn't have the same benefit, and they end up missing a helluva lot.
Don't forget the bonus you get from your Raging song, that helps close the gap as well.
I've been in all-male parties, but never an all-female party.
/pfg/, how do you capture the mysticism of a fantasy setting in your games?
How do you inject that sense of wonder and emotion in your setting rather than making it another pile of mixed Anime/LotR tropes?
Yeah, maybe. I was doing the math, though, and although it's fine for the first attack (especially if you have furious focus) on the second and third attacks at higher levels you're looking at a really bad chance to hit.
But maybe I should go for a nodachi or a falchion with keening to make up for the fact I'd be missing iterative attacks, and just power attacking and critting with a 1/4 chance.
Did you look at the Battle Scion archetype from Ultimate Intrigue? Instead of sharing Rage Powers, you can share Combat and Teamwork feats with extra rounds of bardic music. The other archetypes in the book give up Spell Kenning.
Take the LOTR trope and turn it 90 degrees. Elves stay in the forest, sure, and they don't like anyone. That's the trope. Now, make them savage fuckers who hunt (race) for sport and meat. People are straight up terrified to go into the forest, now. You'll just fucking die if you go out there.
This sounds like more of a general worldbuilding question. I recommend making a new thread for it.
Eh, we already began play and we're at level 2. I'd still actually prefer rage powers to hand out free healing with path of glory + lesser celestial totem
Before the SoM errata, the Warder and Sentinel were different, but did their job equally well. After the SoM errata, the Warder is strictly superior.
I must concur. Nerfed sentinel just fails at its job to protect its allies whether re-actively or proactively.
Is the Guardian sphere still "lololol enemies get BONUSES to attack you"?
Yes. Because mundanes are not allowed nice things. Blame Sslarn for appealing to THAT crowd.
I really don't get why you'd do it. Just...make it D&D 4e marking. Give people penalties (To Attacks and save DCs) of stuff that doesn't include you as a target. That's incentive enough for people to try to beat your face in first.
you a warder?
This was another thing 2hu kept yelling at them to change and they never changed it.
Pretty close, though warder gives spell failure chance rather than penalties to save DCs.
1. I don't give a shit what 2hu thinks
2. Sslarn refuses to acknowledge his mistakes and Adam isn't much better.
3. Low-OP crowd pandering
Has anyone made a serious character (fairly charismatic) and it turns out the story AND campaign is a fucking freakshow joke-fest?
Looking at making a natural attack based psychic warrior, aside from claws/bite of the the wolf, what are some good tips to build one? Just core and psionics are allowed, and i'll probably be playing human.
Every game I show up to with a serious character turns out to be a freakshow joke-fest.
I feel like if I say, 'Okay. I'm just going to make a jokey-ass character like them'... Then the campaign is going to turn out to be more serious after a few session and you end up with a cartoon character.
Form of Doom. Combat Enhancement to maximize dice rolled. Expansion for size
Should I go base psychic warrior or do any archetypes enable natural attacks much better? I'm gonna assume I should get shit like amulet of mighty fists as well.
Amulet of mighty fists is a given. Moonlight meditant is also natural attack themed.
Every Thursday since ~April
Moonlight meditant is a soulknife archetype though, ins't it?
Oh yea it is. It's been a while since LotW was last looked at. Maybe path specialist then for maximum nat attack focus
If I wanted to slot in a few SoM talents onto my existing character without multiclassing, what would be my best way to do that?
How many talents are we talking about? Options include:
- Trade out proficiencies for a Martial Tradition
- Purchase individual spheres with the Extra Combat Talent feat
- Applying an archetype that grants a practitioner progression
- Trading out feats for a progression.
>How many talents are we talking about?
Probably just one or two.
I would then suggest simply trading out proficiencies for a Martial Tradition (if you qualify). Doing this will give you 2 Equipment sphere talents (usually to purchase armor and weapon proficiency as relevant) and 2 spheres/talents of your choice.
Fluff-wise, what's the best prestige for a sorcerer that dedicates their life to service of the black butterfly?
>Prestige classes suck
They work differently in my setting. You don't have to spend a level on them if you work hard to meet some requirements fitting for that prestige class
The Impact enchantment counts as an effective size increase, meaning it can't be stacked with leaf blades or other effective increases, right?
Anything that lets you continue getting spells and class features such as or something that has actually good class features and gives you the full caster progression.
It only stacks with actual size increases, so yes it does not stack with lead blades or similar effects.
>Prestige Classes Suck
Not the Evangelist, which is one of the best to take for non-full BABs.
What's the point of Lancer sphere? Impaling enemies seems like a waste of time when you can be damaging them with proper attacks.