Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/

Positive tyranid edition

>Fill in the survey, ask GW for more space marines

>GW still don't know what "new" means

>Stratagems and shit in Blood Angels codex, good shit here

>Daily Dunked Peaches

>FAQs, Errata, and Designer Commentary (up to 1.3):

>Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android:
>Everything 8th edition in properly converted pdf & epub, fully bookmarked and linked with in-line errata annotations

>Other Megas

>Old Black Library Mega

>Math-hammer (thank Autism!)

Other urls found in this thread:


First for best legion

Second for thread too early


Has anyone dropped The Warmaster in any of the previous threads?

Nth for Armageddon

Is there a pdf of chapter Approved yet?

thoughts on using pic related as silas alberec? they're pretty fucking similar. Also what kind of symbols and iconography should I throw on my exorcist xiphon?

apart from BA, DA daemons and then possibly tau and 'crons does anyone have some leaks about future codexes?

>all this undercosted bullshit
>guardfags will defend this


Thanks user

hoow do you do them turret shrouds on the chimeras and why four treads on the lemon?
otherwise the army looks fantastic.

If you were to greenstuff out the word bearers symbols and icons and maybe bulk up the armor with some plasticard I'd think it would be perfect

>Eviscerators for assault squads still 22 points in CA
its already a fluff build, why are you so lazy gw.

what they lack in points they pay for in dosh.

>go to lgs with sperg friend
>throw him into a game with GK player who showed up
>teams up with Harlies player
>3000pt game of GKs vs Eldar+Harlies
>sperg friend bitches up a storm about how retarded GKs are
>solidly wins anyway
I hate people

Why are there so many guards fags, literally more boring than even space marines.

Biggest freakout I've seen was the reaction to the 4 point conscripts.


ok, man

they're basically useless now compared to regular infantry so...

Sometimes people with a WAACfag army's bitching is completely justified, having conscripts cost identically to regular guard is one of those times.

Ironically if guard had gone up to 5ppm there'd be less to complain about because at least then there'd be reason to pick between the two.

Anyone who played them was a faggot anyway.

There is much more propaganda written about Guard than any other faction with Tau being close 2nd. Should be easy to figure it out if you think about it.

xth for the greatest strategic genius in the galaxy

I'm gonna hold out hope that FW actually makes a model for him one day, so maybe in a years time I'll attempt such a thing.

I have no memory of lockers at Stomping Grounds

that's probably because it was an objectively terrible balance decision

I want to start a DA army because I love their fluff and aesthetic, but I still hate the primaris design, and the fact that everyone plays marines.

Should I just buy a box of DA and see if the models grow on me, or pick up the codex and hope it sucks me in enough to look past the primaris bullshit?

I can see the appeal of guard. They're mere humans fighting against a universe that wants to kill them in every way imaginable. They're hideously outmatched in every single way except manpower, but they make it through with sheer grit and waves upon waves of infantry.

Plus they have a pretty cool WW1 style aesthetic going on which will appeal to anyone who likes historical military stuff

if he's so smart how come he had to wait for chaos to extinguish the space fire
Also adeptus mechanicus, tyranids, tzeench and the emperor would like to have a word with you

Been there since I started going about 6 months ago

>find a sword
>become skilled
>can't die
>totally individual's accomplishments, not sword's super powers
Taufag logic.

Get the Hellblaster, they are the only unit that fits DAs tactics the best and they are fantastic. The rest are meh tier.

when, brother?

hahaha, chapter specific upgrades for mehreens
so it's true, eventually manlets will be squatted

Ask yourself: how do you feel about playing as an officially homosexual faction?
If you are good with that, DA are for you!

Try to see if you can find any of the Dark Vengeance sets. Real meat of the Dark Angels are the Deathwing and the Ravenwing. Maybe pick up a set of Hellnlasters.

I don't go there often because it's a hike, and I have another store nearby. I like that they've got older shit stocked like a Shardstorm box that I'm sure no one wants because wyches are trash.

just dont use primaris?

Giving up everything fantastical about the setting to play with ww2 artillery pieces is lame as hell. Its like some shallow attempt was made to appeal to the establishment war model market of military retiree granpas.

What's a good way to make an Infantry based Space marine army with only light vehicles and drop pods?
think imperial guard but Muhreenz
first recon?

What kind of stupidity is this? The sword has nothing to do with his mental fortitude. It's just a shiny sword that extends his life.

It doesn't help your case that prior to finding the sword he cracked Imperial tactica and the marine codex in less than a year. Finding the Imperial/marine strategies and tactics simple and predictable. For 200 years of being alive, Farsight could not master Puretides teachings of war. While in less than year, he managed to mastered the Girlyman's codex.

Goes to show that Imperial war making is rudimentary and primitive. So no wonder the T'au are often shown to outsmart and out-strategise their imperial foes.

I figured as much. Still, they're going to look weird amongst manlet marine allies...

Will DA be receiving a battleforce box like the Blood Angels? Might be neat to just buy one of them up.

Pic is what im working on, but this was before I knew the DA codex was going to be released so soon. Ignore the bright green base rims

Yeah I agree with that, but it is clearly working. Similar to pandering to waifufags with nuns of battle.

Buy a box of veterans or a box of deathwing instead.

I've been asking for conscripts to go up to 4 ppm since the begining of 8th, but that was with the expectation that guardsmen would be 5ppm, and that conscripts would still be able to go up to 50 models per unit, and that commissars would still be useful.

Play imperial guard.

>undercosted bullshit, army is 50% chimeras with bolters

good one m80

I mean I hate parking lot guard because it looks dumb on the table but he's hardly got an OP list.

>having a man armed with only a chainsword and pistol and faith going toe to toe with a giant demon, giant alien monstrossity or some millenia old robot is lame
its called heroic user, and its not hard to understand why people like it.

With chaos bikers a bit cheaper, is an outrider detachment viable for EC?

Did we make doom rider great again?

>ignoring the hive mind, adeptus mechanicus and the emperor

I've been thinking of starting with the Thousand Sons. Are they viable enough in your opinion, or should I reconsider and choose something else?

Primaris are eventually going to phase out regular tactical squads, it would be silly to not get Primaris if you're starting out. The only reason primaris didn't just supplant regular marines is being GW would know the sheer amount of REEEE from Marinefags upset they need to replace their entire infantry army wouldn't be worth it

They literally said today that they are still making the normal marine upgrade kit as well and GW said it themselves when primaris launched that they are just another option and not a replacement

>if he's so smart how come he had to wait for chaos to extinguish the space fire

Farsight and his Enclaves are on the other side of the fire.


>Also adeptus mechanicus, tyranids, tzeench and the emperor

All of them are inferior to Imotekh who is canonically the greatest strategic mind in the galaxy as well as the most accomplished.

The Hive Mind is a brainlet.
>Huuuur how do I conquer this planet? I know I'll throw swarm after swarm at it til they get overwhelmed. Genius.

Wait until the codex comes out, magnus is pretty good but you never know if he'll be hit with the nerf bad

Couple questions about space marine chapter organization. First, for the numbers. It's generally stated and expected that a codex compliant will have at most no more than 1k marines, correct? Does that include everyone, or just the warriors of the standard line companies. By that I mean apothecaries, librarians, chaplains, etc. Do the various special groups also fall under the 1k limit, or can they be as big as a chapter wants and is able? I.e, taking to the field with a demi-company strength librarius, while no doubt raising a couple flags on account of psyker shenanigans, is still technically codex compliant? Assuming of course that the chapter is capable of finding and training that many of that specific unit type.
Second question is about the scouts. The codex says the 10th company is the dedicated scout company, so it would technically fall under the 1k limit. However, the dex also says that due to the rigors of war and the need to constantly replenish losses, there is no real hard cap on numbers for the scout company. It could, potentially, be as big as the chapter can make it, correct? So, building on that, in the wake of a particularly disastrous campaign, or in the gearing up for a big crusade or whatnot, could it be expected for a chapter to have more than a hundred scouts in the company? Would having noticeably swollen ranks in the scout company raise questions?

without playing Imperial guard.

Hey, don't fix what isn't broken

>he’s still upset about the commissar nerfs

Hivemind made plenty of tactical mistakes and tends to lose a lot.

>adeptus mechanicus

Naming a whole faction is lazy and incredibly stupid in the case of the Admech because they are a faction noted for being incompetent in many fields.


Has no feats of tactical genius recorded. The most detailed war he fought in was the Webway War and he was soundly defeated there.

Not until they get a codex. As is with just Index/CA, no. I wouldn't start collecting an army before seeing how it changes with the codex.

Thats not true at all, they are weak as fuck without manlet support and thats by design. You'd have to be completely brain dead to believe they'd honestly invalidate 30 years worth of marine models just to chase some shekels

>Emperor. Has no feats of tactical genius recorded

I see. Thanks for the input.

>emperor hasnt been single handedly holding back the forces of chaos with his mind for 10000 years
this is what butthurt xenos actually believe

Ally it in a separate detachement with your marines or just make peace with being a fluff bunny and rarely winning. Guard is more efficient at basically everything that marine armies can do.

with -1 to hit on moving vehicles, is there a way to play steel legion that's not parking lot?

>Thats not true at all, they are weak as fuck without manlet support and thats by design
If GW thought they could get away with it they wouldn't be "primaris" they'd just be tactical squads with new models, and that is what is eventually going to happen. They're doing it slowly so it doesn't sting as much but the Primaris models are much, much better than the old ones it's retarded to have them side by side instead of the better models just supplanting the old ones

If he had any, you would have named them instead of going "what".

The Emperor relied on his overwhelming psychic power to win fights. In fights where his psychic power was matched or rendered irrelevant (Webway War and Siege of Terra) he was losing.

they are getting another codex?

Any idea when? Before EC/WE?

Are you sure? last I checked lasguns only tickle anything with armour.

It's to make everyone else's army look cool user.

I've been a guardfag for years and half the reason I play is to see just how insane all the other BS is compared to normal people.

Think about your faction of choice, now think about if the only human analogue you had to compare to it was space marines. Orks, Eldar, Tau, Necrons, and just about everything out there would look like autistic manlets compared to space marines. With guardsmen you realize that the universe is actually a pretty scary place and a really shitty place to be a normal human being. It helps make every army have an easily observable baseline that the average player can relate to, both to give the setting context and to just show the sense of scale.

That, and the fact that it's really fun to line up against thousand year old sorcerors, all consuming bug hordes, waves of orks, the legions of hell, BDSM elves, and all the other crazy stuff out there and beat it with good old fashioned artillery and bayonets. It feels like a proper underdog fight that you really have to work to win at.

At least, it was that way until 8th came out, but you get the idea. We sucked ass in 6th and 7th. Nowadays you don't get that good old hard fought victory feeling as much. Asking why do people enjoy the guard would be like me asking why the hell would people play boring old mary sue space marines? Giving up everything fantastical to play a typical power fantasy wank army that never loses is lame as hell. It's like some shallow attempt was made to appeal to the established comic book reading market of shut in nerds living in their mom's basement.

And he even has the greatest tactical mind (and most lovable crazy old coot) as his main commander


Probably before since Magnus exists

Except that's bullshit because the Pylons are doing that, and plugging a hole in the Webway is not a tactical or strategic achievement.

>a lasgun can kill a terminator
maybe you need to check again my friendo

With luck yes.
However a Bolt pistol can Kill a chimera.

Didn't he effortlessly conquer Terra then almost the entire known galaxy within a few centuries? I'd say that took some strategic nous

A lot of guard players would be a lot less salty if there was still a point to bringing them. As it stands the commissars do almost nothing even for armies consisting entirely of infantry. That, and GW threw out a ton of other nerfs at the same time which meant that the commissar nerf wasn't even really that necessary in the grand scheme of things.

Don't get me wrong, he needed a nerf. He just didn't need to be nerfed into the gound.

Do more research, user. This edition has a different metagame.

a bolt pistol also fires a self propelled rocket

Brute force of the marine legions and him having overwhelming psychic power that could not be matched by the humans or xenos enemies.

The giant demons, bugs, and trash robots with buzzsaw hands are what make the setting fun. Guard players are requiring other people to stand in as bad guys in their own personal narrative while they self insert. Its using other people to subsidize their lack of imagination and always pushes the immersive narrative of the game into a corner. Essentially Guardfags want to play cowboys and Indians but they never want to play the Indians.

have any other army had a unit nerfed to the point of uselessness this edition?

Are there rockets that are not self propelled? I am very curious now.

A lasgun only hits half the time, and most of the time wounds a third of the time. But when two forty point squads throw out seventy four shots with the help of a thirty point character, having a sixth of your shots wound is still pretty damn good.

adeptus mechanicus servitors and grey knights

they can hurt it, but it's stupid long odds. People still bitch about First Rank Fire killing tanks but in reality even investing in a lascannon or two will be far more effective than trying to kill a tank with lasguns.

They are pretty scary against any vehicle T5 or less. I learned that the first time I played against eldar and realized I could light up their little skimmers and still wound on 5.

Malefic lords, conscripts, and commissars are the only things I know of that got nerfed into being pointless. I'm sure there are more but I don't play much besides IG so I wouldn't know.

dude, standard commissars are worse than useless - they are literally counter productive to your army.

This is because by FAQ wording, you are forced to shoot one of your dudes and reroll the dice no matter what.

So how are each of the respective daemons going to be buffed in their codex?

Centurion Devastators started useless and then were nerfed anyway.

skip to 4:30

Play Templars instead.

How many times have marines been completely revamped since their inception? They've been up scaling them forever but the same basic tactical squad is always there, the primaris are meant to fill a different role then the manlets and are meant to be the "easy way" to start a new marine army and nothing more. Why the fuck would the go through such effort to make this a point in the lore that theres two kinds of marines if they fully intended to just kill one off?

Yeah, if you can wound on 5s the sheer quantity of fire can dish out some serious damage, but it shouldn't be your main source of killing
The lasgun fire is secondary to the objective holding and bubble wrapping functions of a guard squad. Lascannons are great too, since you can hide them in your backfield, and the enemy has to kill eight other guardsmen to get to the cannon. If the lascannon survives, you can combine it into another squad.

looking for some ideas for sigils and shit to throw on my exorcist xiphon, anyone got any ideas? cant really find any good demon banishing shit on google