What is this coin's endgame?

what is this coin's endgame?
will it ever grow over 1$?

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I honestly wouldn't be surprised

>tfw I held 100 million doge before the pump
>i sold most at 30-40 sats

If it ever goes to $1 that will be the worst trading decision i've ever made

What is it like having absolutely zero foresight or common sense

>common sense.


not sure itll hit $1 in the next 2 years, but it's likely to get to 10-15c next year, maybe even 50c year after.
I'd like to be proved wrong though! Stranger things have happened!
/massive Doge believer

Next Ripple senpai. Buy now or cry later.

Well, every year it dumps all the way down low, and every year it goes all the way up high. So to me it was common sense to buy at 16, and not fuckin sell at 30 sats when it is experiencing the largest volume in it's history at the start of the cycle. You're a dingus

>not boarding the GUARANTEED moon mission
Not so wow

Yes, it will, user, 2018 is the year of the DOG

The recent rise in price is different though. Usually it was a quick pump, quick decent back to where it was.
These past 2 weeks have seen steady growth with no sign of hitting lower than 55 sats

>tfw I have a good feeling about this one

>A coin based on a stale 2012 meme

No its not going anywhere. This is unironically just a pump and dump coin.

I'm so glad I backed DOGE instead of LTC, althoguh I still have a few LTC which I'll be bag holding for a while by the looks of it now :/

Join this pump group if you don't hate free money.


>No its not going anywhere
Clearly not seen the past month value

How's Litecoin doing? Yeah amazing right..

>he doesn't know about the huge community
>jamacian bobsleigh
>doge for homeless
>so fecking many good vibes

>posting a Pajeet discord

It's shaping up to be ATH.

>its not going anywhere
>just a pump and dump coin

Which is it user? And also DUH you aren't telling anyone anything new

I think doge can go to $100. To the moon! Woof!

its been the best way to store gains while being also able to sleep at night

>best way to store gains
This guy gets it

Did anyone mention the fast, cheap transactions yet?
Someone tell me a cheaper and faster way to transfer between exchanges

Uh guys.... this coin is being actively developed into 2018

>tfw comfy as fuck!

Latest commit bb4b082 on 21 Oct 2015

>I took Doge seriously. I knew this would happen.

Unironically DGB

This, most whale already dump they shit ages ago.

doge is comfy ride to moon now

Except Bitcoin was a 20k peak and I had the right opportunity to get out into fiat

Ripple made it to well over $1 with nearly 100 billion coins. Think about that.


$1 EOY 2018

i really have high hopes for this coin

I feel you mon, I mined 2 mill way back when and sold + gave away everything. Bought back 30k.

Surprisingly durable this one, will probably go places.

much amazing journey
such doge
very legend

Round 2 coming up faggots.

Get in. Year of the Doge 2018.

no pajeets though

People are actually using doge which in contrast to the 99% of other coins out there.

the dev posted this 2 days ago

Doge is turning into a big community with people who use the coin instead of making a quick buck.

It's one of the more safe bets.
You're not going to get rich fast but you can sleep at night.

Even at current prices thats a million dollar portfolio if you still had it user.

>tfw you hold 3 million of them

Nice. Send me like 10k and I'll shill doge on my normie site with approximately 2 billion VIP users a day.

>much moon
>very make it

go enter readit doge new year contest. 15milion doge for grab

Doges catchphrase is literally "TO THE MOON"

What do you think the endgame is?


Dogecoin has unlimited supply, so no endgame here, just slow inflation like the us dollar.

>joke coin will actually be $1 for 1 doge in few years

until you can buy 1 dog with 1 doge

then wait until you can buy dog food for that said dog
this is the point where we made it

so doge mught 100x up from here to $1 but I feel like it would take years. I wouldnt want to hold that long, seems clear doge willl go back to 20 sats eventually