>purposely act like a asshole to all non-human characters in my party
I can't be the only one.
Purposely act like a asshole to all non-human characters in my party
bait? bait.
So I was wondering. Why does it say "Grand Wizard" for your class on your character sheet?
>I can't be the only one.
... To generate inter-party conflict without necessarily making the narrative more interesting? Sadly not.
I do it too. It feels more real to me
> I am so pathetic the only 'accomplishment' I can take pride in is my race
>his party isn't 100% human
I've been playing for 4 years and not once has someone in my group played anything other than human.
>giving a shit about some schreeching mongoloid that will be dead by old age before I'm even legally adult
kek, you humans crack me up
On the other hand, living in a solipsistic nightmare where not even the accomplishments of your parents and children matter is pretty sad, too.
>missing the point of racial pride this hard
>not having a lineage to be proud of
>not enjoying confidence of being superior, thus eliminating hesitation and doubt
>not being subtly known as the standard of what beauty is
loling at you, mongrel
>Not using this as OP pic
t. Nigger tier race
>missing the point of racial pride this hard
No I think you did.
>not having a lineage to be proud of
Easily understandable.
>not enjoying confidence of being superior, thus eliminating hesitation and doubt
This is where you lost me. You can have pride in your own racial identity without demeaning the racial identity of others. Aka, don't be a dick.
>not being subtly known as the standard of what beauty is
user, if you're here you're no where near that standard. There is no way you can have claim to that.
>I've been playing for 4 years
How adorable.
>I have zero self confidence, so I lump myself in with people who are beautiful and accomplished so I can pretend I have those things too
Think he understands the point just fine, Varg
Daily reminder:
>Elves - superior, beautiful, advanced and dying race
>Dwarves - Grumpy nationalist industrialist alcoholics
>Humans - upstart race that reproduces and settles fast
>Orcs - violent savage brutes with superiority complex
I think you meant to place "Muslims" under "Violent savage brutes with superiority complex"
Still humans.
when you troll a libtard
Gettin some good chuckles out of me friend.
Tolkien is rolling in his grave.
>Veeky Forums meme humans
>Main strengths are "reproduces fast" and "throws things good"
>Racist against all other races
>Invade ancestral lands and set up mud kingdoms
You brought this upon yourself.
C'mon now lad. That's 4 more years than you've been.
>Veeky Forums meme humans
>constantly get their shit pushed in in single combat
>think they're so special because their biology is a tiny bit more resiliant than the common chimpanzee
>"jack of all trades" mentality even though they aren't good at anything besides fucking and throwing
You know that feeling of regret and sadness you get when someone you know tells you about their misfortunes? You know how you then say "I'm sorry" to that person, even though you have no reason to say sorry since you're not responsible for their misfortune? You do this because, even though you are not actually sorry, the combination of empathetic regret and sadness you feel is almost 100% identical to feeling sorry for the other person.
Racial/group pride is a lot like this. You're not actually "proud" because of someone else's achievements, obviously. It's just that the combination of happiness and the feeling of good fortune is almost 100% identical to the feeling of pride. It's saying "I am glad that I am part of a group that has achieved so much," not "I feel responsible for the achievements of my group."
Incidentally, the same principle also applies to white guilt, only feelings of sadness being called regret, rather than feelings of gladness being called pride.
That very same group you take pride in routinely jockeys around saying others of the same blanket group are subhumans and fakes, be it anglos, welsh, scits, irish, nord, franks, slavs, etc etc etc.
'Whiteness' is a retarded invention largely espoused by American mutts who have no direct history or culture to lash their shallow egos to.
>you can be proud of your identity without being a dick
You can, but should you :^)
Thanks for wording it better than me
Would "European" be better?
Should a Lithuanian take pride in the accomplishments of a Spaniard?
You see how retarded this is right??
>assuming my group
I was just explaining the concept to you; I'm not caucasian, I'm Jewish. If you're gonna talk bad about my group, get it right the first time.
Shit, didn't even notice until you pointed it out.
So is it a degrees of separation thing?
Should a Lithuanian take pride in a Lithuanian accomplishment that he took no part in?
If yes, should his half-Lithuanian, half-Spanish son take pride?
Only once. It was a Shadowrun game and the non-human party member was a Ghoul, a race explicitly known for eating the flesh of metahumans to sustain themselves. So yes, my human character and the ghoul who ate humans did not get along that well.
How fine a distinction must be made? Because it's funny, I never see anyone take issue with say, people who find pride in their Brazilian heritage, which you can say is just as big a joke as anything you've mentioned here.
Pride is a sin for a reason.
Objective fantasy race tier list
"Dark" Versions of Above Races
Furry Races (Cat Men, Wolf Men, Rat Men, Lizardmen, etc)
Meme Non-Races (Skellingtons, Wookies, etc)
Literally everything too special to not be listed already
Now you're just splitting hairs. If the Lithuanian is the kind of person who believes that Lithuanians and Spaniards are just part of a larger over-group that one can take pride in, then the Lithuanian can feel however he fucking pleases. If his neighbour is an ultra-nationalistic Lithuanian who cares only about the accomplishments of Lithuanians, then the neighbour can reject the Spaniard's achievements and feel however the fuck HE pleases.
The only thing that's wrong in this situation is the belief that your opinion has literally any influence on what one person """should""" feel.
Thats why you died like that Kaixa
Why is it that whenever people go for playing a racist piece of shit, they always play human instead of being a non-human shitting on all the humanoid races?
There is no fine of a distinction that you can do to make it acceptable. It's foolish to puff up your own ego with the accomplishments of others that had nothing to do with you.
>Half-Breeds and Gnomes at okay tier
>Elves at shit tier
>Literally every beast race lumped under furry races
Because they are so vapid they can't fathom the idea of playing something that isn't just themselves but prettier, stronger and more affluent.
Because humans are objectively the worst race in any world that has non-humans.
It checks out.
>inb4 tiefling faggots
Except for the vast majority of RPGs, where Humans are often the objectively best race both in setting and mechanically.
I've seen my fair share of racists elves and dwarfs.
>worst race
This is patently false. In most settings humans are the most culturally relevant, most expansive, most populous, and mechanically superior race.
Racism(or speciesism) actualy makes a lot of sense in RPGs since different races will have cultures, behaviour and even intelligence inherent to their species.
Because the people playing those games are humans and it's the most easy to relate to, so game designers go out of their way to make sure they are not pigeonholed into one stereotype or build.
Can we all admit that humans are the most snowflake race?
>my character's race specializes in being "adaptable". That means they're good at everything and can do anything the other races can, and often better!
>human prodigies will be better at any other race's specialized magic, craft, or fighting techniques than even the ones who created and practiced it for their entire lives
>and they die younger, so it can be so tragic when the non-human characters end up outliving them.
>oh, and they still conquered the entire world, and are the most populous and generally successful race
>and everyone thinks they're hot and totally wants to have sex with them! they can have magic hybrid babies with anyone! elves, orcs, even dragons!
>and destiny and prophecy, and all the Gods except the weird racist ones love them the best, which means they're the ones destined to be the real heroes
>even if a plot didn't start as being specifically about humans, it will mutate into a story about the perseverance and survival of mankind, or mankind saving the day for everyone else
I imagine the most realistic advantage of humans would be something really lame like +1 con.
HFY is cringey as fuck.
I've seen elf-hating dwarves a lot
>purposely ensure the deaths of characters who annoy me
feels good man
No, they're the only non-snowflake race. All others are just copying the superior human form.
Personally, in 3.PF I prefer to give them +2Con, +2Cha, -2 WIS as a balanced spread.
We're durable, adaptive, social, and commonly vaunt our individuality and personality, yet we also tend to be headstrong, and make brash and shortsighted decisions
You're cringey as fuck you miserable bastard.
>Someone is enjoying something I don't like!
>Better come up with some vague non-complaint about it that says nothing but has lots of negative connotations because I can't quite define how this thing is bad
Everything you like is gross, cringey, sad, McLoserbait user and no I won't explain why any of those terms apply to things you like
Son, you seem to not know what the phrase "snowflake" even means
Not him, but the cringiest thing in this thread is your butthurt tryhard post.
Being powerful doesn't make you a snowflake. Hell, being specail and unique doesn't even make you a snowflake. What makes you a snowflake is being powerful/special, and being a cunt about it. So an elf (or human) who is very vocal and obnoxious about being from the superior race, or who is aknowledged as such by the author/plot, is a special snowflake.
A lot of it is, but it's worth sifting through shit to get the gems.
Here you go: One smug anime girl just for you.
>virtue signaling on an anonymous image board
Personally I'd swap Elves and Dwarves but that's just me.
Wow, look at this faggot.
>Being powerful doesn't make you a snowflake. Hell, being specail and unique doesn't even make you a snowflake.
yes it does
PF is truly the most MURRICA of RPGs.
Of course I do this sometimes, when I play as a human. When I play as an elf the character is often racist to non-elves, dorf characters are racist to non-dorfs, etc.
>race is a social construct
Please leave