D&D alternatives

I'm struck with the irritating problem that I really like the general feel of D&D in how it does fantasy, but I don't really like the ruleset or the d20 system.
Are there any good alternatives which have the same sort of feel to it, but have a better ruleset?
Something with a point-buy kinda build system would be good (kinda like Shadowrun or Mutants and Masterminds), since I really like the flexibility offered by that.

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The thing with d&d is its shit and you will want to try another system. After a wile you realize all TT are shit then just go back to D&d.

Mythras aka Runequest, and the Classic Fantasy supplement. No levels. Just attributes, skills, and spells.

This man as achieved true Veeky Forums enlightenment.

I mostly just wanna get away from d20 because I don't like uniform variance in how well actions go. That's why, for all the game's flaws, I liked Shadowrun and its hits system. Point buy would just be icing on the cake because I like having that freedom in character design.

If I can't find a better alternative, I'll probs either look into DnD 5e or run an e6 campaign of 3.5e to escape all the wonky high level bullshit.


This senpai.

I dropped D&D with 5e and I don't think I would ever go back to it save from one-shots.

Sounds fantastic. I'll look into it. Thanks mate.
6th edition?

Seconding Mythras. Dungeon Fantasy from GURPS isn't so bad either

Dungeon World.

Burning Wheel, which I got into via Mouseguard which lends itself very well to an almost shadow of the colossus scope-type fantasy

No point buy, mostly since builds hardly even exist in those systems, but take a look at the OSR e.g BFRPG or LotFP. They're inspired by very early editions of D&D, and while they can scratch the same itches they have little to no relation to d20 D&D

Just go with Myhtras, it is the same thing but updated. You can get the free starter rules from their site.



>implying I started out with D&D
>implying I have returned to the RPG I started out with
>implying I yearn for playing D&D
>implying I don't care about system.
It hasn't happened in 30 years of gaming, user. When will the transformation finally take place?

At the time Tunnels & Trolls was the simple alternative. It works quite well.

>the d20 system.
Do you mean 'the use of a d20' or do you mean The d20 System?

Have you tried some of the what I call Hybrid Class/Classless systems? They are games where your character takes a broad class and then customizes within that class. Examples include Legend of the Five Rings, Earthdawn, and the 40k line of games.

I can't decide whether I like Mythras or GURPS more. They both do different things very well. GURPS has a bit more prep up front, but has a bit more flexibility on settings and runs more smoothly IMHO. Mythras is excellent for lower magic settings, and it's a little more complicated to play, but still fun.

To be fair GURPS can get simple-complicated when you bring more stuff into it. I mean, the systems are simple, but for combat there's a lot that are distinct and you can't just go "it's X but slightly different." FP tracking for physical exertion, guns vs melee.

All you need is a card to remind you, though, so you can go "Oh yeah, that one"

DF fro GURPS is weird because it's less flexible than D&D on the face of it.

...But you can also pop open the hood and turn it into a mushroom-fueled fever dream of your favorite Olympian gymnast in terms of flexibility.

Go Mythras, because if you GURPS someone is going to want to play robocop eventually.


Savage Worlds. Straightforward. Point buy chargen. Classless. Easy to homebrew. Wealth of official and third party supplements so you can add in whatever you want. Idiot proof, easy to learn and teach. Fresh lemon scent. My go to system for any kind of adventure game.

>inb4 that one faggot shows up and reminds us how triggered he gets by it

>Something with a point-buy kinda build system would be good (kinda like Shadowrun or Mutants and Masterminds), since I really like the flexibility offered by that.
You can literally take M&M and use it for D&D.

IIRC, giantitp has M&M conversion for D&D somewhere.

Listen to what this guy said, OP Classic Fantasy is what you're looking for. All that old school D&D jazz with an actually good ruleset. Point-buy and no demigods level of power.

Mutants and Mastermind
Mythras classic fantasy
D6 fantasy
gurps fantasy dungeon set

If you are finding Mythras unwieldy OpenQuest is another option.

What would be the best system to run Dark Sun game in besides D&D or GURPS?

D&D sucks. Dungeon World is great

The most powerful tabletop roleplaying game is Dungeon World. If you can't run Dungeon World (or any games of its family, PbtA), you don't know what it means for a ttrpg to be powerful and elegant. Once you learn Dungeon World, you will see what is lacking in all other RPGs.

Desolation by Greymalkin Games. It is a post apocalyptic low fantasy setting where magic feared and hated. Pretty decent rules for scavenging food, supplies, and weaponry.

How does Genesys do with F20 style fantasy?

GURPS, you idiot.


>uniform variance
What does that mean? Linear distribution of dice results?

Use 2d10 instead of d20. You'll never roll 1, but you'll roll 20 five times less often than with a d20?

Holy shit I can't believe we haven't had a visit from the Dungeon World pasta poster yet.

Like, unironically a decent choice but holy shit the salt.

As an aside, if you're willing to hew a little further from traditional fantasy approaches, L5R is a fun ride with fun dice tricks.

WFRP or Harnmaster

What he means is that you're mostly checking to see if you pass something, not to see how well you did.

Dragon Age.

Try Splittermond if you're german. It's literally DnD with

>a 2d10 system with degrees of success and an additional risk/safety system where you can add a risk die to your check improving your overall result but at a much higher chance of a critfail.

>Both Point buy and/or module based char gen

>degree of health system with penalties upon getting hurt

>a time-line based initiative system

Harnmaster is such a beautiful amalgamation of table-autism. I love it but I wouldn't recommend it.

Give it another 20, it'll happen eventually
it always happens eventually....

Dungeon World is not a decent choice unless you know what it is (a storygame homage to the gameplay of old school D&D) and are explicitly looking for that. It's not a good replacement to D&D, definitely not any more than playing actual old school D&D is

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