Sprankle mtg lol

#2 cosplayer in donations

mission accomplished

We all knew what this was about from the beginning. This is not a surprise...

Slut figures out how to whore herself to betas without having to touch them. Can't even be mad about it, it's impressive how she plays them. Besides, being a cosplayer catering to losers is hard work on the ego. She earns that buck like a motherfucker.

will she make a glorious return to mtg though to further exploit the cash cow

You think she hasn't been surreptitiously playing this whole damn time?

I guess the only question is how everyone else will react to this?

Will it be anger or joy that she's "coming back" from her abuse?

Pretty fucking high for someone who supposedly quit.

Noticing the downward trend over the past months - it seems that this controversy jolt was just what her wallet needed.

The white knights will of course welcome her back as a hero who stood strong in the face of horrid, evil abuse (instead of a flighty cunt who throws in the towel the instant things don't go her way). There's no way for that to play out any other way.

She saw a way to make big bank and she took it. It's the current year, so of course people are going to flock to her defense.

If someone tries to call her out on it, they'll call them a misogynist and oust them from the group. I bet that if you show this picture to ANY of the MTG community on twitter, you'll get two responses.

One: "Oh, look at all this support that she's getting in her time of need! Let me send more money towards this poor, downtrodden soul."

Two: "What's this supposed to prove? That you're a hater and someone who hates women? She's better than you in every way."

And she'll be laughing as she fucks all these white knights in the ass by complaining about how "cosplay is her passion" or "how much hate she got over stuff" or "this money will only be used for cosplay, scout's oath guys!"

Let's face it, sex and controversy sells. Let's just wall ourselves away from these sorts of people and just let them have their circle jerk fun.

I'm glad she's fucking those white knights in the ass while they get at best nudies for the disproportionate amounts of betabucks they're spending on her. Meanwhile we get to see her shake her ass all over the Internet for free. This situation of State-sponsored lad mags I can deal with. I just hope this excercise lets Jeremy consolidate his bases as well.

Y'all sound rather mad about a bunch of other people giving money to someone in a way that doesn't effect you in the slightest.

>you shouldn't mind con artists unless you're personally the one getting conned

I don't get it, she's not even very hot?

Nigger I just said I ain't mad at her as long as she shakin dat booty in a skintight leotard. I'm not mad at the betacucks either, they let me see her ass for free so I can spend my money on women I ACTUALLY get to bang.

And by that I mean whores.

Never underestimate the thirst. Hell, if I were a woman, I'd be flopping my tits and ass out in whatever way I could to get some of those betabux.

>Meanwhile we get to see her shake her ass all over the Internet for free.

Who is #1?

user, we were over this before - she's not worthy of Froppy.

I know, I just can't be bothered to rename it


Rename it to "Worst Girl"

Like any other whore she is doing it for the money. What a surprise.

but she's not cosplaying Akko either...

Joke doesn't work, wrong franchise

And you posted an even worse girl too. I don't even like Akko,
she just has plenty of reactions

Franchise is not a bound that could hold me. But as long as you recognize that Sucy is love, we can be at peace.

Also it's Asuka's birthday today.

>Sucy is love
My man

Has anyone tried a good Froppy Cosplay?

>not Best Girl

Correct. Not best girl

Here's the thing I don't get, I don't think it's fair at all if she's lied about these things, and I don't like the fact that peoples lives are ruined with false accusations.

But why haven't you people learned that the way you talk about women in general doesn't help your case and makes you less sympathetic to most normies. Like, every time this happens, you mongs are the first to flood social media to call other men misandrist insults like "beta" and "white knight" and that women are all evil demon sluts, I don't think I've ever seen you take the high ground of decrying sexual harassment and the false accusations of individual people. It's always womenz are ruining the hobby and (((WOTC))) with you people.

And you have a hard time wondering why you are seen as unreasonable.

>Let's just wall ourselves away from these sorts of people and just let them have their circle jerk fun.

Even the worst cringe inducing anti-SJW thread has its purpose I guess.

Don't bother, these /pol/ and /r9k/ retards will never learn. They are unable to think about what they are doing.

And no one was surprised. Leading massive harassment campaigns is hella profitable now, huh?

A fool and his money are soon parted. Nothing new here.

>Like, every time this happens, you mongs are the first to flood social media to call other men misandrist insults like "beta" and "white knight" and that women are all evil demon sluts
Because taking the high ground never works. Neither does taking the low ground. It's a social catch-22 that that's plagued any accusations of misogyny in nerd-ish cultures.
>Decrying sexual harassment
Have you seen That Guy threads? Like a good 1/3 of the stories are "creepy dude pervs on other characters/the only female player."
>false accusations of individual people
just gets you hit with the good old "all women should be believed #metoo" response, despite there being very real and recorded instances of things like this.
So people take the low road because if being civil does nothing, fuck them too.
>It's always womenz are ruining the hobby
Cosplay whores and other "I flaunt my gender for attention" shitters do exist, and their reputation has almost as strong effect on women who actually want to play Veeky Forums stuff as the That Guy's reputation with hygiene and personal space issues for men.
WOTC is a trash company, and while I grew up on DnD and love MTG as a game, I would gladly trade those away for the sake of seeing it burn after 5e and what its done to magic.

>And you have a hard time wondering why you are seen as unreasonable.
They're un-fucking-reasonable, and I see no reason to be reasonable anymore either. Look at the backlash that resulted from someone calling her cosplay lingerie. That's a reasonable statement. Look at where it got us.

Unlikely, she'll move to a better IP now that she's relevant.

This, women don't have any idea how privileged they are and how much explotable capital they're ignoring.
It's a shame we won't have real gender reassignment in this lifetime, it would be so fucking easy to consolidate a brand as a male brain in a hot female body.

>wouldn't life just be easier if you were a militant radical-leftard guise?
She is never gonna fuck you.

Just a daily reminder that all it takes to make a reddit account is a username and password, and that magictcg subreddit is being treated like a North Korean pep rally.

No one is going to fuck you retard.

A solid chunk of it is false flagging to create strawmen so they can avoid arguing against real people with real opinions. Then they come in on a different IP, quote themselves or their colleagues, and say LOOK WHAT /POL/ DID THOSE MISOGYNIST NAZIS as if they blend in here.

Personally I want more women in gaming and I want nerds in gaming to get to keep the thing they love. Pretending we have to choose one or the other and need to fight over it is the cover-up. Reminder that gamergate was about discovering connections between the gaming industry, military contractors, and deep state mk ultra type research, and they hid that truth behind a narrative of sexist white males too.

Not only is she getting filthy rich, she also destroyed an innocent guy's life while doing it.

I agree with you about making your message more palpable to normies.

Veeky Forums isn't a place where normies really hang out though.

Your mom did.

Jeremy is going better than usual too.
TWoo and Rogue Deckbuilder seem to be the only ones who got punished for this and they didn't even have anything to do with it.

GamerGate was actually a plot by Chaos, you fool. Clearly it was just another machination of Tzeentch and the Reptilians from Planet X.

See how much they stick out?

I'm jealous that I'm not a girl to do that

You wish fag lord.

>Reptilians from Planet X
Wow gaslighting this hard eh? Gamergate really booty blasted you glow in the dark types.

I'm not a Glowing One, smoothskin.

Apologies then. Most comments about "Gamergate" that don't directly talk about the military stuff come across as being from them.

The funny thing is if Gamergate morons went with that they would sounded less retarded

Ah. You're the disinformation agent. Tell us all what gamergate was about then, if not a cover-up of clandestine military involvement in the gaming industry for reasons of creating long term propaganda? Go on, be specific.

A weapon to surpass Metal Gear

>magictcg subreddit is being treated like a North Korean pep rally.
Hey now. North Korea is way less draconian than the magic subreddit.

>Let's just wall ourselves away from these sorts of people and just let them have their circle jerk fun.

The problem is that when your little community becomes bigger and more successful they will worm their way in and start drama all over again. It's a never ending cycle.

1. Fuck off to 2. Fuck drumpf

3. Fuck white people

4. Punch nazis.

>3 years
>still mad that you lost
Why do you ghazi shills even come here?

Yeah, she really ruined his life by giving him his first Patreon surge in over a year of shedding patrons.

You are pants on head retarded if you think gamergate morons did anything other than making themselves stupid

Tbh TWoo should just accept he's /pol/ and become a political comentato.

And you're paid to say that.

I'd like to spankle the sprankle if you're picking up what I'm putting down.