/WIPG/ Work in progress general

Blanchitsu appreciation edition

>Citadel Painting Guides:

>Figure painter magazine issues 1-36

>Paint range compatibility chart across manufacturers

>Painting Videos only

>DIY Lightbox

>DIY Spraybooth

>DIY Wet Palette

>How to Moldlines

>Fuckin Magnets how do they work?

>List of mini manufacturers for converting and proxy

>Stripping Paint (yes, the ellipses are part of the URL!)

>Priming With Acrylic Gesso

>Green Stuff Casting

>On the consequences of insufficient ventilation

>WIP's own 10-point painting scale:


Other urls found in this thread:


>Previous Thread(s):

I followed Duncans tutorial on how to paint Beastmen skin + fur


just picked up these beauties from my shop, along with the SS gift. what MTO Eldar did you dudes get?


But seriously, there's currently a guy is extorting DHL in Germany, so please package your Secret Santa gifts accordingly, if you drew a Kraut.

got the farseer with staff and a bonesinger. At the rate I paint stuff it'll be about 5-10 years before they get assembled or painted though.
stupid massive backlog

Japanon why is your address so weird
Expect a box wrapped in duct tape with a crapton of plastic crack, metal crack and candy in it

I believe it's because there are no streets names in Japan very often. I hear they all have a different postcode for each house though, like Singapore.

I love seeing people so hyped and /wip/ in general so active. Thanks SantaAnon, you are the best

Santanon is a treasure and must be PROTECTED AT ALL COSTS!

Lovely, always wanted to check "hate crime by proxy" off my bucket list and now thanks to /wip/ ss, I can.
>in all fairness who wouldnt want a free bomb

Back at it with another Drone.

I dunno whether to go eye or lens on this one. Maybe even paint a nurgling face, then heavily gloss it. like its being piloted by a Nurgling.

Redid the axe and I'm a bit happier now, top pic was before, bottom is after.
I'm unsure about the transition between the orange and the handle at the moment, think it needs to be darkend down for a more clearly defined boarder?

the eye on the finished one looks great, I think maybe just stick with that.

I think it looks fine, no issue.

fuck my bad

also polishing off some Sisters of Silence.

Nice. Would the game work well with Deathwatch proxied, do you think?

Chains. Super glue.
Got the idea from this video. youtube.com/watch?v=6ZnwHEDujAs&t=168s


Thank you.

Very impressive finished product on the right, the eye is particularly scary.

no drilled barrels though?

Posting again just in case but if there's a fella from NY with a name starting with N, could you tell me what you collect or like? Just wanna make your gift a little more personalized. Its cool if not, I'm still gonna find some neat stuff for ya.

those bases look really bad. Specifically it's how rough they look, maybe try using a circle cutter to get a smooth circle. At the very least get some sandpaper and file them down so they're smooth and then use thin plasticard to make a new rim so you can't see the join anymore

holyshit thats me if it is N----- -----

Wonder if you could use those rings to knit some miniature chanmail...

Good lord the eye is horrifying, I love it, do more eyes.

Sorry, it was you I meant to thank.

It wouldn't end up being so "miniature" after a bit. If you see the scale of the miniatures it'd be about the size of a bike lock rather than the type of rings in a real chainmail suit. They have another product on that site that's a textured piece of rubber you can push a putty section into to get the chainmail texture, though.

Last name with a B?

Sure, no problem. If you do decide to get the kit and run into any issues feel free to post and I'll try to help. One warning, though: don't get it unless you're ready to cast within the next month - the "shelf life" of 6 months is NOT a recommendation, it's an optimistic guess. The hotter and drier your climate is, the faster it self-cures in the containers - as in, you open it, and it's congealed (but keeping it in the fridge helps).

nope lol not me :D

Thanks for the warning.

Here is a Combi Flamer I converted from a Terminator Storm Bolter Arm, its gonna be the weapon of a Chaplain


looks worthy of Mekboy

And here it is on the arm, the Purity Seal is used to cover a Gap left from chopping the original hand off.

literally nightmare fuel, buddy. good job.

I have no mouth and I must blarghhhh

I sent out my sruff today. Now it's back to waiting.
To the user packing my gift: Be aware of the great importance of your choice. I currently have nothing on my plate, so I'll probably start playing whatever game and faction you send me stuff for.

Enjoy your halflings

Nigger, you fucking bet I will.
A Mootland army would be some great shit.

that would make a fun warband for Mordheim/Frostgrave

TOM, I got your gifts today! /wip/ SS IS UNDERWAY!

If you're my user you're getting half of a starter kit so you'll have a pretty damn good starting point. It's not Dark Imperium

Seeing everybody ask each other what they want in their packages makes me regret not mentioning what I'd like in mine. Even the user I matched with sent a list. I'm not super upset about it and it's my fault that I didn't do it (I thought it would look demanding), but it would have been nice to do a rough guideline.

I think it's all part of the fun buying for a complete stranger, if people are asking for specific stuff they may as well just buy it themselves

I didn't ask mine user, don't worry - honestly, I'd feel weird telling someone what I want

You still can email me and I'll forward that to your match brother

That's also part of it, it IS supposed to be a "secret" santa after all, so I will enjoy and showcase whatever I get with pride.

Just the feeling of sharing gifts with you anons is good enough for me. I really hope that the user I got likes his gifts, as long as he does I am happy

The shit I ordered for my SS will get here on 14th, probably even later. I do not trust my postal service to deliver the gift in under 10 days. Im scared.

I feel exactly the same way user

You could send your user a letter and let them know it may be a little late, maybe?

Well, this is going to take a lot of time to sort through. Shame there's very little reference pictures, I'll have to manually import these files into my slicer to check out how they look.

I wasn't quite sure what to do with the things I got last year, but one part spontaneously decided how I am basing my current army and some of the other parts were used throughout the year.

wait did i miss the secret santa again

There are rumors of a second wave, though it is not confirmed. Stay tuned.

FUCK i thought it hadnt begun yet
im hopeful for a second wave, i missed it last time too

whats the best way to get a nice metallic alpha legion teal? does vallejo make an metallic blue paints?

are you german?

They make a metallic medium. Going to order some of that myself.

god that second drone looks like it belongs on a cheesy metal cover. Its perfect

When should I send my user his SS gift? Would it be annoying to receive it too early?

I painted it 35 minutes ago...

anyone know of some zone mortalis like walls that are are thicc? I'd like to make one up and recast it a bunch to make a set

I'd send it as soon as possible, that way any negative effects of delays in delivery are minimized

No, but I'm curious why you ask.

Is there a texas user here who's name starts with R, any idea whatchu want nigga

This; I'm sticking mine under my tree until Christmas day so as to follow the holiday theme

>anyone know of some zone mortalis like walls that are are thicc? I'd like to make one up and recast it a bunch to make a set
someone posted a bunch of mdf ones in the necromunda thread for obvious reasons.
Don't remember the name of the company though. I think it was something-something mounted lasers. Not sharks though, that was a different company iirc.

What are some good color schemes for brayherds that use Vallejo game colors?

I have the one set and live in nowheresville so acquiring more is a pain.

Mostly just interested in the skin, I have a conversion using these models in progress.

because you were given something for free but still find something to complain about.

Some Infinity WIPs. Working on repainting Joan

giorgio I hope you don't mind a random assortment of stuff. Imma try and get you cool things


imo the models look way, way better if you do not paint them in skincolors, but instead with a fur color.
As for Vallejo color recipes I can give you this.
It's for horses, but works for goatpeople and bullheaded dudes too.


>noticing a fact is complaning
Really? There IS a lot of files to sort through, but that's not a complaint, I'm just saying it'll take time.

And some Hassassin for a new army to play in 2018

>angry anime man

I'm German and fuck you.

Finished these recently

>Even the user I matched with sent a list.

What the fuck? Someone wrote a fucking Christmas list for SS?

The entire point it's just a general hobby surprise... not

>I want a box of Space Marine Scouts

defeats the purpose... what's going on? This isn't secret santa...

The first secret Santa of 2016 arrived on this date (4th December)


Nah, I asked for nothing and my match gets a shitload of Orks whether he want them or not.

Long gone are the days of surprises, it seems like most people I know say "Here's my amazon/store/etc. wishlist, get me something off of that and give me your wishlist"

I don't /have/ a wishlist. If they were a better friend they'd know my interests and pick accordingly, like I do for them. (this goes out the window with strangers but at least here we all know we're into plastic faggots of all shapes and sizes)

>fur colors instead of skin

Oh, absolutely. Thanks for the-
DANGIT! I don't have that set.

Gotta be honest. I didn't expect our postal service to ship it to England in 2 days.

Fucking bollocks to that.

An open letter to my secret santa... you'll get what you're fucking given, and I sincerely hope you like and enjoy it as I put some decent thought into it. I hope it warms the cockles of your heart.


You anons are making me feel bad for mentioning what army I play

desu i think it has less to do with that, and more of getting a ballpark idea, for example, if a nigga is collecting 40K and he gets a spur of warmahordes it would be unfortunate.

I have a spare imperial knight sitting around. Should I send it for SS?

>DANGIT! I don't have that set.
On something that isn't going to be uniform, let alone exact to a specific bran, like hair and skin, it's perfectly fine to use different sets and eyeballed ratios.

Hello maaaate!

>The worst models ever released by any company

What's the story? How much $$$ do you have lying around in "spares"?

I'm not in SS but it makes sense in my opinion to ask for something that's at least compatible with your main army. So Imperium soup, Chaos soup, eldar soup, GSC/Nids should appreciate something not from their immediate faction, while the more mono-codex factions shouldn't be embarrassed to ask for something compatible that won't require a whole new army.

There's nothing wrong with mentioning it for a suggestion if the person is a little clueless but if I got a note saying

>I collect admech

I'd simply say to myself "That's nice" and continue to prepare the gift I was compiling anyway


Now I have *three* PDF's to offer when some user requests horse-painting instructions!

> N----- -----
Nigger Black, is that you?

Nah, they did a worse one for the same army to boot.

This. I grabbed all my stuff before I got my reply email and if what I got aligns with what they want, great, if not, they're getting it anyway since that's the point of this thing. Some people do like to choose their parcels carefully but others have something in mind when they send theirs.

I play Tau, and I hate big battlesuit, and even I would shit a brick if I got a Knight.

I could even Gue'vesa it up or KrootLoot it to really grind the gears of our local imperium players

A friend was selling a bunch of his stuff and he had one knight still in the box that he didn't want so you sold it to me for 35 bucks. I don't really play any factions that can use it nor do I really care to actually build and make it so it's been sitting in the back room for about 2 years.