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First for where are the newer books, upload them damn it!

What is missing ?


New GUO in January LEAKS WHEN

Btw I love Alex Boyd (and Paul Dainton)

If you want these sweet (you)s you have to make up some new funny baits slavfag


Hammerhal (both the audio book and normal formats) Overlords of the irondragon (both again)
The weekeneder's anthology and doombound (a story set in shadespire released this sunday) are also missing.

>this filename
No no slavfag, it's still a shitty bait

Let's have another round of Age of Sigmar Soundtrack suggestions.

Dispossessed (inb4 slavfag stormkike shitpost)

Warhammer Dwarves have and always will be English though.

More of last thread's wholesome dwarfposting pls

New Death battletome when?

It's more about what the song is about rather than the jewness of it.

Also the way Warhammer dwarfs were described living in imperial cities in the Old World somewhat mirrors Jews in medieval Europe.

So I'm on the fence of Dispossessed or Fyreslayers. If rather pick one or the other for fun Allegiance rules.

My main issue with Fyreslayers is the near-necessary 90 Vulkite Kinband in every list. There's no way I can make every model unique and fun looking like that. The whole 'surge forward til you hit melee' part is kinda giving me 4th Ed Orkz in 40k PTSD, too. Magmadroths and Hearthguard are fucking great though.

Meanwhile I worry Dispossessed are sort of a dying army. They're not likely to get a book, and they're still slow. Aside from the pickaxe, I could have an issue with objective grabbing. Aside from that, I have a lot of units to pick from and a lot of variety in Allies.

Which do I pick? Do Dispossessed have any kind of Start Collecting Box? Guessing no.

>literal short vikings
>vaguely scottish accents
>norse naming patterns

U wot m8

When do you think we will get a proper Grombrindal again?


Tell me guys, how mad will you be about female dwarves or female orruks? We already have a female skaven that doesn't look like a big fat breeding blob. Maybe GW will drop the "no female lizards" fluff and we will get a real Seraphon civilization one day?

Grombrindal was in the spear of shadows book.

>vaguely scottish accents

Total War: Warhammer has spoken and the Dwarfs are officially English.

>We already have a female skaven

>didn't realize it was an Iron halo

you're new aren't you?

Shadespire skaven warband has a female rat
You just took the bait. He is not new - he is retarded

If we are going to have female dwarfs, they need to be Valkyries.
Showing up on the battlefield to hand out life saving beer to wounded Dawi.
I am totally against regular female Dwarf warriors as Dwarfs have always been patriarchal. (With good reason I might add.)

Yeah, but what about a new original fantasy model?


I mean this is so easy to disprove.... I'll do it once I've pointed out what this is.

Where is the fucking proof?

so which one of these classic skaven looks is female...

Obviously the one in the hood.
Very modest of her.

Allah Akbar

Okay user you did make me chuckle, but I also said I'd disprove it.

No female features on it what so ever, looks identical in body design to all the other male skaven, etc. Here is an alternate angle, proving my point.

Convert one? I'd be down for a new model though.

Sneel Pridelash - Cruel and vindictive after barely surviving a failed attempt to rise up the ranks, he takes out his rage on the clan's slaves.

Chual Silentjaw - Once an ambitious fighter, a headwound left him mute with a deranged mind but his combat skills remain as sharp as ever.

Krat Ashlasher - A former foundry worker from Clan Skyre, she was traded to Spiteclaw along with a shipment of weapons for half a dozen of dwarven slaves he had captured.

Skitch Lonethorn - Quick in the shadows and quicker with a dagger, Skitch has been involved in a string of seemingly random disappearances in the clan.

>Recently bought a Space Marine army at for a great deal at my LGS to try them out
>not really sure if I want to stick with them though, since I enjoy my Nids and Grey Knights more
>think about selling them and starting a different army I have more passion for instead
>Think about starting AOS since my 40k friends are pushing me to start an army so I can play AOS with them as well
>check out Warhammer Fantasy armies and take a couple "Army chooser" tests
>It tells me the best army for me would be Bretonnians
>Badass Noble Knights on Horseback, sounds fucking awesome
>find out Bretonnians dont exist anymore

Well just fugg me right up.
What do I do now?
Tell me what cool AOS army to start.

Welp, its official. The part where skaven females are used for breeding sows is officially non-canon. Expect famale primaris marines any time soon now, guys.


Wasn't there a female Grey Seer in the long distant past?

Well, I'm not baiting but I could be baited pals.
>a dozen of dwarven slaves he had captured
>Not duradin or whatever they are called

I would be thrilled as hell to have female dorf warriors. Pic related.

>Dwarfs have always been patriarchal
>mfw GW releases silesian-based dwarves with matriarchal society

Already proven false.

One will be called "XYZ not-so-trusted" according to the WD, so this list is shit-tier bait.

Let's not spend too much time on this, and rejoice in the 4 news we'll get in the following weeks :

1) 23rd dec. : the SCE guy
2) 5-24th dec. : the AOS shorts and audiobook from the BL Advent calendar
3) January : Malign Portents, surely the Knight Of shrouds is coming. Also some rule book.
4) January : new Nurgle deamons coming with the 40k daemons codex, surely meaning a Nurgle battle tome is not far off..

Stormcast are basically bretonnian space marines

If you like GKs youll probably like stormcast

Why would Dorfs send their very limited breeding resource to the front lines?

OFC he was baiting, those names are all made up

Have the new nurgle daemons been confirmed for January? Last I heard it was still just a rumour

>If you like GKs youll probably like stormcast
Its exactly the opposite, actually. I cant stand Stormcasts. I think they look like big, golden teddybears, which sounds and looks rediculous.

On that note, I kinda like the look of the Seraphon, but only really their bigger models (skinks and saurians look pretty shit imo).
Is it possible to run an army of giant, angry dinosaurs?

The other armies I found interesting were Tzeentch and Nurgle demons, but there again, its mainly the big centerpice models I enjoy.

Grey Knights are a bunch of extremely ruthless killers who won't think twice about using blood harvested on-site from the faithful to perform rituals with if they think it will carry the day though, unlike the unambiguous good guys of the Stormcast.

Because it's interesting maybe? Idk, I got the pic from the WHFRP Book of Grudges supplement. Age of Sigmar seems more about Rule of Cool than practicality anyway, so the idea of cool Valkyries probably trumps "muh dying race".

God i love these models, but they are such a whore to paint.

Well, there was people confirming either the rumor itself (on War of Sigmar and on Facebook, with guys saying there friend were honest person) or confirming the presence of the Deamons codex at the Open day (leaning credence to the rumor).

That, plus the absence of Nurlge in the GAA in the GHB17, and the constant streams of hint about Nurgle (mainly the new deamons illustrations in Blightwar and in the Death Guard codex), I guess we can be quite sure...

Totally depends on the Stormhost, sure I don't see the Hammer of Sigmar doing GK stuff, but the Knights Excelsior (purity maniacs) or the Celestial Vindicators (vengeance fanatic) ? Possible...

> I think they look like big, golden teddybears, which sounds and looks rediculous.
So do a different colour scheme?

>unlike the unambiguous good guys of the Stormcast
40k is grimdark and there are no good guys. AOS is high fantasy and there are Good Guys and Bad Guys, but that doesn't mean the setting is black and white.

AOS tackles different narrative issues, like free will and individuality.

The stormcast are literally slaves to the will of Sigmar - they were taken from the middle of a battle, denied an honorable death, and reforged into superhuman soldiers. Every time they die and get reforged they lose a piece of their humanity and memories, slowly turning into soulless terracotta warriors. The Slaves to Darkness at least got the choice to become slaves to the chaos gods or die.

In a setting where gods walk around and interact with people there's some stark differences in how the gods treat their subjects.
Alarielle is shaped by the Sylvaneth - they needed her to be vengeful and destructive to save the Realm of Life, so she was reborn in her War aspect. Contrast this to the Stormcast that are created by a slavemaster and flung into a war with no end to die and be reforged until their individuality is destroyed.

The card to the right ; "Krrk the Almost-trusted".

Oh, not in your list ? Shitty bait.

Its not the color scheme, senpai, its the models. I dont like their faces, and there's just something about the whole aesthetic of their armor that bugs me. I think its the fact that their power armor lacks an "industrial" feel or something.

Anyway, as I was asking, is it possible to make armies consisting of mainly larger models? (like lots of demon princes and greater demons/seraphon dinosaurs/etc) or do you HAVE to play smaller units like with troops in 40k?

See You guys should start reading posts

pick one

>there are no good guys.

>The stormcast are literally slaves to the will of Sigmar
So just like Space Marines.

>not grimderp
What kind of meta-bait is this?

Bump for advice? There was a user in the last thread who had a good looking list with an allied Cannon and such. I'm leaning towards Dispossessed mainly because I don't like spamming 90 of the same models, even if it's the beat choice. And I'd be a fool not to, it seems.

>Do Dispossessed have any kind of Start Collecting Box? Guessing no
No, only a free city police box shared with SCE

Does this look grimderp?

>space marines are slaves to the will of the emperor
>durrr what is the horus heresy

>and the Badab War
>and that one time that Guilliman came back and decided the Emperor was a wanker and he'd run the place instead

Oh Jesus Christ.
Anyway, the fact that some new models are shit is not changing the whole setting. 40k is about muh grimderp, human-robot-shit hybrids and flying skulls and cyborg-fetus. It's stupid as fuck but still - it's the textbook example of grimderpness

How it's related to loyal marines?
>40k is about muh grimderp,
>8th edition

I've never tried FS, only Dispossessed. Depending how you run them you could still end up having a LOT of dorf bodies as Dispossessed--someone on here had a 2000 pt list with ~185 bodies. I'm still on the fence about the Dispossessed allegiance abilities; on the one hand, it's literally their one and only battalion benefits but reworded, and they already have a LOT of ways to reduce/negate battleshock. WK putting out a Bravery 8 bubble, Dwarfs generally good Bravery anyway, Clan Banners halving the amount of fleeing models, and Longbeards preventing a model from fleeing on a 5+. On the other, there's something to be said for having a 50% or better chance of just outright ignoring an entire integral mechanic of the game. Having a guaranteed 4" run does help a little bit, but yes they are slow and will always be slow. Generally I use a lot of Quarrellers for the slightly better range and the fact that they're basically Warriors with one worse to Hit in melee in exchange for a ranged attack and 40 pts.

It literally started with an even that killed bilions of bilions of people. You can stop baiting right now because it's my last (you) for you

The fact that some marines can say "actually no fuck the emperor im not going to be his slave" shows there is free will in the space marines

>It literally started with an even that killed bilions of bilions of people.
So as in AoS (Age of Chaos).
>The fact that some marines can say "actually no fuck the emperor im not going to be his slave" shows there is free will in the space marines
But not loyalists

Well, there's a whole army of paladins riding drakes, dragons and griffin horses but they play more like Nidzilla or Beastclaw raiders than Bretonnian peasant and cavalry hammer and anvil.

They can also plausibly be descendants of actual Bretonnians

Oh, too bad then. Arrogantly Lawful Good is how I would describe Bretonnia and there are definitely Stormcast hosts that are too.

>On that note, I kinda like the look of the Seraphon, but only really their bigger models (skinks and saurians look pretty shit imo).
Is it possible to run an army of giant, angry dinosaurs?

Certainly, they even have decent plastic kits.

>The other armies I found interesting were Tzeentch and Nurgle demons

Tzeentch daemons are okay but if you're alright with mortals, tzeentch arcanites are quite good too.

Nurgle is rumored to be getting a release this February.

I am thinking of doing a Dispossessed horde using mostly warriors.
How much fun do you think it would be? (besides painting)

Not at all, it sounds like a really boring and surprisingly squishy army to play as.

Warhammer dwarfs are heavily inspired by early Anglo-Saxon beer hall culture


It's not non-canon as there was breeding females in the Fyreslayers: Legends of Age of Sigmar and non-breeding sows females in WHFB(atleast in Bloodbowl).

I don't think it was ever clarified why some females look like giant broodmothers why others don't but considering that there is Clan Skryre, Pestilens and Moulder which are heavily based on mad science and magical alteration I would bet on that.

Regular femskaven could be a valuable commodity to powerful warlords or something.

>female dwarves
Gibe plos
>female orruks
Mushrooms don't have genders

Yeah that's what I've heard about dorfs in general, they're basically crazy hardy for battleshock and armor purposes. Is it true you can do great weapons and shields? I've been playing with list builder and I love the models. Is MSU better or big blocks? I'm aware it'll still be a lot of models, but that part is okay if they all look different, yknow.

I made a quick build anyway.

You made them sound a lot more evil than they are.

I will grant you that they may be slaves to the will of sigmar, but it's more of a fanatical devotion, than some sort of direct mind control. It could be seen as their brains are reprogrammed to not even consider questioning the will of sigmar.

It is also worthy noting that for a lot of the stormcast eternals, right before their mortal deaths they ask sigmar for a chance to fight again or a blessing. I know one of the characters was completely surrounded by chaos and before one could deal the deathblow, he prayed to sigmar for a chance to get back for what chaos has done.

Also when a soul is taken to the six smiths to be reforged, the process is so painful and taxing, that only those who have the sheer will to live on as a stormcast eternal survive the reforging. If they did not wish to live on, they would just simply not survive it.

Basically as we are both pointing out, it's not so cut and dry as to the nobility or purity of the stormcast eternals. There are arguments on both sides whether what sigmar is doing is the right thing, but I think that is what makes them interesting.

There are female duardins in Legends: Fyreslayers. That book also described what they find sexually appealing in females.

Big braids?

>But not loyalists
Loyalists are fiercely loyal but theyre not slaves

There is a difference

AOS explores this difference

I remember being something related to feet and shoulders, but I could easily be misremebering.


>Mushrooms don't have genders
There is no word about mushroom orruks in AoS lore and in 40k lore the spore fluff is just a one theory among many other theories

>Loyalists are fiercely loyal but theyre not slaves
They are.
Just as SCE, they are doomed to dies in battle.
>AOS explores this difference
Yeah, SCE are even bigger marry Sues, since they are 100% lawful good and cannot die

You can, I never do bc I feel like it wasn't intended, but there's nothing preventing you. An user on here pointed out once that maybe they put the shields on their backs and spin like tops in melee, which makes me kek. Also always take both a banner and an icon in each unit that is able to. And at least one Runelord is a must--the buffs are great and I always have good luck with the +2 unbinding. I've yet to go too far beyond 1000 points, so I usually have MSU. I'd be concerned about the ability to actually get all/most of a big unit into melee with everyone being a 1" range.

Ah, a race with a truly patrician taste

>Just as SCE, they are doomed to dies in battle.
Unless they choose to turn to chaos

With their free will

>Yeah, SCE are even bigger marry Sues, since they are 100% lawful good and cannot die
Oh I just figured out that youre the slavfag

Fuck off retard. Kill yourself.

From what I heard there's "four green dates " in February for GW's release calendar

>Just as SCE, they are doomed to dies in battle.

Some Space Marines do live long enough to 'retire' but it's extremely rare, and they still serve the Chapter in some other capacity.


>Unless they choose to turn to chaos
So they became CSM and die in battle.

Fuck off retard. Kill yourself.

That's fair. I feel like I'm basically taking one or two of each unit from Dispossessed, in 10 man squads, to make up for lack of fast movement. At least then you can spread out? And yeah Runelords look great. Really, all of the dorf units look great.

Not an argument


>Amsaralka was breathtakingly beautiful. He took in her massive shoulders, her strong, heavy miner's arms. Her feet were delightfully huge, and he suspected the toes (he often dreamtof her toes, when life was slow) hidden behind her steel toe-caps to be exquisitely blunt. Her hair was gathered into two tresses, thick as an ogor's golden torcs, and as lustrous. Her face was wide and square, her eyes attractively far apart. She had a broad mouth and full lips, behind which hid white teeth as evenly placed as bricks.
>Ulgathern reached up a broad finger and gently traced the downy hair on Amsaralka's jawline. Fine hair, softer than spun gold.
>"Such a pretty nose," he murmured. "Like a rock chip."
>He toyed with the end of her tress. She slapped his hand. "Leave that alone! We're not married. And if you're not the Runefather we won't ever be," she said glumly.
>He shook it away and said wolfishly, "maybe I should have a look at those toes first?" They both glanced down at her heavy boots. "Not before our wedding night!" she said sternly, then smiled.

Also mentions that they touch noses like a kiss.

Doesn't need to be. You're an idiot, so there is no reasoning with you. The best we can do is call you a moron and move on, because otherwise the discussion gets nowhere.

So, fuck off, retard.