Are we living in early Cyberpunk age ?

I tried to find a shemale escort in London yesterday using a dating app.
A-some transsexual escorts now offer payment in bitcoin, don't know how it works.
B-some of them don't know a word in English.They just talk to the phone and translator app just says in English what they said in Portugese Brazillian.
C-if you are worried about HIV you can buy pills online for 30 pounds that prevent any infection made by international corporation
D-after I came home I had a chat with my ladyboy friend who works in IT in Thailand

Other urls found in this thread:

The guns say yes

Nice blog post faggot, but yes, we're living in cyberpunk.

Bump for interest

You know, you're the reason I can't stand homosexuals. You always want to be the center of attention, god forbid people carry on with their lives and you with yours. No siree, everyone needs to know you're gay and proud. God forbid people carry on with their lives and you with yours. What's left to live for if other people aren't paying attention to you at all times?

Fucking freak. I hope you slowly wither into an AIDS-ridden skeleton.

>C-if you are worried about HIV you can buy pills online for 30 pounds that prevent any infection made by international corporation

You know, you're the reason I can't stand /pol/tards. You always want to be the center of attention, god forbid people carry on with their lives and you with yours. No siree, everyone needs to know you're nazi and proud. God forbid people carry on with their lives and you with yours. What's left to live for if other people aren't paying attention to you at all times? Fucking freak. I hope you slowly wither into a meth-ridden skeleton.

Rip in peace op. Hope your aids doesn't cause you much pain before you die.

>pol bogeyman
>taking the bait


No. Reality is more subtle and more fucked up.

>he thinks it's homosexuals who go for an enable shemales and traps
user, I...

"Cyberpunk age" = later information age
So yes, we are in an earlier point of that age.

Although, post-cyberpunk often drifts into the early nano age. It tends to stop short of the post-scarcity and uploading stuff though, because thats the point where it stops being cyberpunk and becomes a transhumanist setting.

To me cyber-punk means disappearance of nature.
Not rally sure I want it. I like the comfy vibes it brings, but I'd prefer a merge with nature more than full tech.

Unfortunately nature is antisemitic.

it will only become finalized when trump deregulates everything so corporations can do whatever they want and be mini-governments, but yes. A while back we left the rose-tinted immediately-pre-cyberpunk era from which vaporwave draws its concept and into the era from which cyberpunk draws its concept.

i don't think it's an obligatory feature of cyberpunk for the world to be a big shitheap like in blade runner, it's just that most cyberpunk takes place in cities.

Well this is a bait thread if I ever saw one.

>Halakhah is the antithesis of the laws of nature. The latter are cruel: there is no charity in nature; there is no mercy. There is no safety net in nature for marginal beings. The strong eat the weak. The old are abandoned. In the Bible, the Utopian Latter Days are characterized by the disappearance of these characteristics from the world, when Isaiah prophesies that “the wolf shall dwell with the lamb…the cow and the bear shall graze…a babe shall play over a viper’s hole.”54

The fucking jews really are a miserable lot. As if mercy, charity and protection of weak and marginal are fucking virtues. Those are aspects that if left to foster, will weaken a people.
It is as if the eternal quest of Judaism is just to build a fucking nanny state to look after their worthless asses. Socialism really is born out of judaism.

ayn rand pls go

>As if mercy, charity and protection of weak and marginal are fucking virtues

Did you manage to get a trap escort though, OP?

>live in a civilization
>act as thought the law of nature still applies

I'll bet you also have enough children that a few of them starve before being able to feed themselves, right user? I mean otherwise, you're leaving a ton of genetic material on the table.

Oh fuck rand and his individualistic bullshit.
I am a full on Hitlerist.
Only those who are willing to help themselves should in turn be helped by the state. Parasites do not deserve to be fostered. I fucking HATE the notion that someone deserves gibs just for the fact that he/she exists.

Family members look out for each other, but the family shouldn't be fucking sacrificed for the sake of a sick member who refuses to even try, or is just completely incapable of uplifting him/herself out of his/her squalor.
National Socialists didn't just give free shit to everyone in need. They expected you to go to fucking work in exchange for the aid you got, and not to be completely unproductive leech.

I intend to have at least 3, but preferrably 6 kids.
And any civilization that turns itself completely against nature and pretends we humans are not animals who were forged by natures laws for countless eons before the advent of first sparks of civilization, is doomed to collapse eventually. Nothing stable can be built on grounds that deny the reality of our past.
We are a tribal species of animals, and the evolutionary history we have still lives within us. It is the height of arrogance to think that the developments of the last 2000 years, let alone the last 200 years, have somehow divorced us from our evolutionary past and the behaviors that past forged into us.

>not to be completely unproductive leech

Pick one.

Literally fucked Germany out of being a superpower.


Ayn Rand was a woman. Also fuck nazis get back in the /pol/ box

>Literally fucked Germany out of being a superpower.

Well, the Kaiser was sceptical of the Nazis from the start. But somehow, the Germans ignored him to follow Mr. "two wars at once is a good idea".

The allied war against germany did that. Had Brits and the French not declared war on germany and refused the countless peace offers Hitler made to them before even the first bombing raids hit Britain, Germany would have prospered. But that's off topic.

Just stating my honest beliefs.

Ah yes, so she indeed was. My mother language doesn't separate females and males by their pronouns so I tend to forget that when writing in English.

So ignoring the Nazis, yes, I firmly believe we have entered a cyberpunk dystopia. The US is bombing someone so frequently we’ve stopped questioning it, and the war machine is unstoppable. Reactionary elements are surging in no small part due to the internet. Most of the youth imports their culture from Japan. Meanwhile crony capitalists dump buckets of money to politicians to line their pockets and screw over the people.

Of course Cyberpunk got a few things wrong. A lot of people are apathetic, but there’s a lot of outcry and protest as well. And we don’t have robot arms or megastructures. When I saw that seawall in Blade Runner I thought to myself ‘good luck getting the government to approve of a public works effort like that’.

>Most of the youth imports their culture from Japan

that gun looks obese

Someohow the reality we live in is even more dystpoian that cyberpunk

there's old saying that weapon should be extension of the man wielding it

Are you the turbo-retarded nazi from Finland again? last time we had a thread you were pretty much relentlessly mocked for about 300 posts.

Could you just, you know, go the fuck away and take your cancer with you?

>peace offerings
do you mean terms of surrender?

yo don't get to eat a country then just go "nah, bro, it was just a prank, have some ice cream. I'm keeping what i took though."

>it is the height of arrogance to think that the developments of the last 2000 years, let alone the last 200 years, have somehow divorced us from our evolutionary past and the behaviors that past forged into us

Why? Our biology tells us women can't have kids beyond 40, and yet here we are with IVF. Consequently society has shifted to have children later. If biology was all that mattered wouldn't the majority of people still be pumping out kids at 16?

By your own ideology if you're too weak to become a superpower, then isn't that your fault? Why should other superpowers allow you to rise to prominence? Realist IR theory actually says at an international level there is only the state of nature.

even normies watch anime now

>I intend to have at least 3, but preferrably 6 kids.
you know that requires getting laid, right?

Oh fuck, is this this fucker who's oppressing the Sámi? Finland belongs to the Lapps. We must arm them so they can rise up and reclaim their country.


>Our biology tells us women can't have kids beyond 40
That has more to do with your kids coming out as retards or autists. Old eggs are old eggs, IVF won't overcome that.

>IVF won't overcome that
IVF can use younger donor's eggs

>the weak should fear the strong

No, we're off to a worse fate.
We're headed for the bleak hyper-efficiency future, which as long as it makes money, it will be done eternally and be copied hungrily eternally.
Majority of humanity will be without work as efficient robotic workforces replace more and more jobs with no second thought put into as efficiency=paramount.

We'll all die sad and cold no matter the economic class and the world will be worse off after that.

>That has more to do with your kids coming out as retards or autists

Also, you know, fertility dropping off in general, which is what I was referring to.

Guess we know how old your mom was when she had you.

>When I saw that seawall in Blade Runner I thought to myself ‘good luck getting the government to approve of a public works effort like that’.

that's why asia is the kino cyberpunk setting

>IVF can use younger donor's eggs
Then that's not even your kid then. What the hell, just go adopt a child.

Look, women shouldn't have kids beyond 40. It's usually difficult and the kid has a higher chance of coming out inferior compared to his peers.

>By your own ideology if you're too weak to become a superpower, then isn't that your fault? Why should other superpowers allow you to rise to prominence?

This. I always wonder how Nazis call Jews Untermenschen. It doesn't make sense in their own logic.
If they really manage to unite their whole fucking race into a world spanning conspiracy, which directly or indirectly controls every major nation and corporation on Earth...
Well, then how are they Untermenschen? They seem to be the most adaptable and strongest race of all.

So the same goes for Germany. Losing multiple wars in succession is just natural selection by that logic. In true Nazi logic, it's absolutely mandatory for Germans to die out.

>In true Nazi logic, it's absolutely mandatory for Germans to die out

Nah bro, you get 1488 strikes!!!

He says, pretending to be a nationalistic socialist.
Fucking larper, probably just does it because he's insecure about his own worth as a human being.

This is the problem with Nazis kids. They seem to think we are still Hunter-Gatherers.

you absolute muppet.
You can still use the husbands sperm to fertilize the egg, or you can use eggs that have been harvested from you earlier, fertilize those and implant them.
You know, it sounds like you actually know fuck-all about the topic, maybe you should just shut up?

Well given that I was warned for my post, I guess I shouldn't continue this discussion.
Good night and enjoy your cyberpunk thread.

For people obsessed with race, you'd think they'd want to get as far from their Neanderthal heritage as possible, but...

>Look, women shouldn't have kids beyond 40.
Too bad biological and social expectations are becoming increasingly disconnected...

Biologically we absolutely still are.

I have hope we’ll move to an optimistic post-Cyberpunk future though. What’s happening now is unsustainable. Something has to give way, peacefully or violently (though I think peacefully, crony capitalists lack spines). As I said, we’re already seeing a ton of pushback, and the more people get screwed the less willing they’ll be to put up with it.

Either Bernie Sanders gets elected or we are going to get the French Revolution 2.0.

>tfw you just got btfo and need a plausible excuse to stop posting

Wake me up when cyberware starts to become common and I mean more than prosthetic limbs and a few fringe morons that implant useless chips under their skin.

We live in a shitpunk age where we got all the dystopian elements of cyberpunk (giant corporations ruling everything is so normal these days it's down right quaint) but none of the cool shit like true immersive VR or implants that give superpowers.

Nah, I got a warning and will probably still get banned again.
Not really worth pissing off the mods more and this shit is off topic after all. Plus, it is 1 am and I don't really care to spend the night talking about national socialism yet again on Veeky Forums of all places.

Bernie took the money and ran. He isn't coming back.

Because fascists are special snowflakes. The Nazis wanted a scapegoat to explain their losses while still making themselves to be the bestest most special people. It’s not an ideology it’s an excuse to do everything they shouldn’t.

Jewish Master Race FTW!

That's all its gonna be. Efficient artificial limb replacements have always been unrealistic. Along with brain uploading and AI revolts happening without extensive coding from humans to do so.

Are you some kind of booty-blasted 40 year old women who is angry she missed her window of fertility? Biologically, women were designed to have children as soon as their secondary sexual characteristics appear up until late 20's. You're just being a big fucking leech and waste of medical resources otherwise.

Did you know we also have the medical technology to allow you to exist as a 400 lbs. man until your 70's? Do you also think that is acceptable? Idiot.

t. raving anarchist lunatic

Then we throw him in the guillotine.

You'd think that, but hitler did send the people he most wanted to preserve to the frontline of battle. The place where majority of soldiers died no matter what.

Robespierre, pls.

In my view, the only way to avoid disaster is if we as a society finally fucking recognize the fact that humans are animals with inherent behavioral and biological traits within us that our society must take into account, especially now that the technological development of our civilization has so out-competed our capacity to adopt to these changing conditions via evolution.
Our culture and values are still built upon the judeo-christian notion that we humans are somehow above nature, despite the outward loss of influence Christianity especially has gone trough.
This is actually sorta why I had such strong dislike of that article that was linked here.

Nope, just someone who gets a headache from your level of stupidity.

This. We've reached our realistic limit for now, we got cyberpunk, just without most of the shiny goodies.


Who the fuck cares? What’ll happen if we ignore nature? If you believe nature is what needs to come out on top, then if we somehow go extintct, then that’s just nature at work.

>Who the fuck cares? What’ll happen if we ignore nature?
>Soviet Russia
>Communist China
>Nazi Germany

A lot of bad things?

Oh they'll be shiny alright, just placebos filled to the brim with botnets.

You bet that arm you bought "freeware" is actually rigged so that the several secret services being controlled by other secret services, being controlled by the Secret Services Manipulation department of Macdonalds can kill you at any time.

Also it depends if its efficient enough to market and produce.

Our nature is antithetical to civilization. You can't be hunter gathers and yet have specialized roles like farmer, doctor, and programmer.

but the jews cheat! supremacy doesn't count unless they do it the exact way we were going to and beat us at it. Clever subterfuge strategies are the cowards way!

I think I can have a conversation with you. That said, I misunderstand your point. I don’t see how those guys ignored nature. They ignored reality, sure, because they were high off their own ideologies.
I am of the opinion that we should totally put a leash on the bitch and make her sit and beg, but we must do so with full understanding of the situation. Humanity fuck year

I prefer to see a future where my people at least, and if possible, mankind in general, survives and eventually spreads to the cosmos.
This can be done while taking into account our biological animal nature. I am not in any shape or form, against science and technological development as principle. I simply of them as tools that should be used wisely, and not in the modern careless and short sighted way we are allowing them to twist our societies and civilization towards increasingly self destructive paths.

I do not want mankind to go extinct.

Our "nature" is not that of a hunter gatherer. That is just a mode of survival in which we operated at one period of our existence. Our "nature" is far more tied to our social organization in tribal units and various strong biological and behavioral attributes we developed due to them over the eons.
I do not believe that civilization is fundamentally against our nature, otherwise it would never have arisen. It can however, become warped in such ways that it becomes antithetical to healthy human existence.

Reverse satan is right
We got all the worse parts of cyberpunk and none of the cool shit

Or toilets for that matter.

>the fact that humans are animals
Literally changes nothing. Everything up until now has been as much part of nature and its doings as a dungbeetle building a ball of shit to lay its eggs in.
There is no holy structure to nature, no laws. Its all a bunch of wacky, random coincidences that ended up with us.

if I were anarchist wouldn't I WANT him to be deregulating? As little government as possible, after all.

I'm always surprised how many different ideologies I've been accused of espousing. I think I'm up to 5 in the last three days, none of them related

And you advocate what as a response to that exactly?

it depends if you mean 1850s shoot mckinley anarchist or 1950s thriving child market anarchist

You fundamentally fucking misunderstand what I am saying.
I am not saying that we should fucking revere nature or shit like that.

What I am saying is that we should seek to UNDERSTAND ourselves just like we seek to understand a fucking bumblebee or any other animal, biology, behavior etc included, and then incorporate that understanding into our civilization and use it to make WISE DECISIONS regarding how to act and organize ourselves and our tremendously potent but also extremely dangerous technological capacity.

>That is just a mode of survival in which we operated at one period of our existence

You mean the vast majority of our existence? The one we evolved to excel at? The one our social organization developed to support?

A shark was made to kill. That's its nature; not just "a mode of survival". We were made to pick berries and jog after animals until they collapsed from heat exhaustion.

And lets not forget, I'm a good person and you're not!
By this holy, stress relieving, simple words of some unimaginably wise minds or power I am now allowed to release any pent up anger issues on you without feeling like a complete scumbag and get my free adrenaline from killing without feeling remorse. Because after all, I am a good human, you are not, so say my ideology.

You can trick your instincts into believing they're doing what they should be doing with relatively small effort while following logical civilized pursuits on most of your time.
The only catch is you'll be on your own with that, because society prefers to trick your instincts into buying more shit you don't really need.

To be clear, are you saying we shouldn’t be ignoring global warming, or are you trying to say that we need to kick out all the immigrants.

Classic exceptionalism

Dunno yet. Right now, I am inclined to believe in some form of tribalistic nation states that incorporate structured biological understanding of humanity into their policies.
Or basically modernized national socialism.

The social structures we exists in are older than modern humanity. They most likely existed in some form before our ancestors fully started walking upright. The tribe is an older social reality we have existed in, than the method of hunter-gatherer living is. It is more important to incorporate the communal binding element of tribal social structuring into our civilization, than to replicate hunter gatherer living, because we can adapt to other methods of survival, but we cannot adapt out of the social realities we existed to survive in.
The most basic social unit of human species is the tribe, which I define basically as an extended family unit that shares language, culture and works together for survival.
Families are just sub units that exists within the tribal framework. They can never really exists on their own, without the tribe around them.

Why not both?

>I don’t see how those guys ignored nature. They ignored reality, sure, because they were high off their own ideologies.

Well that is exactly it. They ignored reality and thus ignored the nature of man. The Soviets and Communists wanted man to become something he isn't. They made up a wild-ass ideology that had no basis in actual human behavior, then attempted to implement it. They assumed that communal responsibility on a national level works just as well as individual responsibility; this is not the nature of man.

You’ve convinced me. Also we should bring back slavery. Starting with you.

>because we can adapt to other methods of survival, but we cannot adapt out of the social realities we existed to survive in.

Here's a core assertion in your argument. Can you provide any evidence for it?

We most definitely shouldn't ignore global warming. It is a threat to our existence, however unfortunately small states like my homeland can do very little to affect this threat as long as the massive superpowers keep polluting.
And yes, we should kick out the clearly alien immigrants because their assimilation is most likely impossible and thus they form a competing tribe within our nation that is ultimately an existential threat to my own people. And even if the assimilation would be possible, there is not really any benefit for my people in engaging in such assimilation, thus it is all in all, just the best option for my people to kick these newcomers out, before their numbers grow to the point where we need to wage a war against them in order to secure the continuation of our existence.