Female Demihuman Art Thread

Because... well, why not? Post your most appealing artwork for female humanoids in D&D or Pathfinder.
















furshit begone


He obviously misclicked and meant to respond to the kobold poster right below.

you ok user?....

I thought it was some sort of deep-cut board culture thing about /PFG/.


It very well might be (as I don't frequent that general), but I think my explanation's the more likely one.





Anybody got a copy of the gnome "Serpent Wench" art from the article on the World Serpent Inn in Dragon #351?


Bumping in the name of art.


I'm just wondering why there is a God of War ad in there.

Thanks so much! Can you share the bartender's mugshut from that article too? I know it's not thread relevant, but still, you're the first user who found this.

As for why... because God of War was technically a fantasy game, so it became one of the vids to buy space in Dragon. Heck, they did an article where they turned Kratos' "war razors" into D&D 3e magic weapons.


Here you go.

Thank you so, so much!

...she's maybe pushing 'demihuman.'

Does anyone have female centaurs looking martial and badass, not bestial or girly?

Is this close? Only centaur I have, somehow.

Yeah, that exactly. She looks like a person who'd fuck you up.




Anyone able to find a copy of the katana-wielding female deva Avenger from page 7 of 4e's Divine Power? What about the female deva Cleric from page 39 of that same book?

>tfw your girlfriend is a literal dwarf lady you met on Tinder
>tfw you don't know how to feel about the fact you kinda expected her to be a shortstack because of the pic and felt a slight tinge of disappointed on your first date when it turns out she was just short

What are you, 15? Everyone looks stacked on Tinder. You take that into account before you swipe.

Repeating my request for this. Really, any female demihuman art from 4e is desireable; most of it was pretty good.




Bump. Come on, surely we haven't run out of art already.

I'd smash bottom left.

>not smashing all of them

Post more Tieflings
Horns get my dick hard

Whatever happened to the days when Veeky Forums would be all over a thread like this? I have some tiefling art for you, but I can't post it due to connection issues, sadly.




You know the answer.

I don't, what is it?

People slag on 4E's art direction, but O'Connor's class portraits were absolutely baller.

Because people are not allowed to have fun on Veeky Forums no more without causing some weird debate

Anyone have some Tieflings in cute dresses, every one I find is always slightly off like this one.


too cute for me

Interesting knees...

Yep. I've said it before, I'll say it again; people do NOT give 4e enough credit, especially for its artwork.