Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/

Alpha Legion Edition

>Fill in the survey, ask GW for Alpharius

>Dark Angels Preview

>Daily Dunked Peaches

>FAQs, Errata, and Designer Commentary (up to 1.3):

>Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android:
>Everything 8th edition in properly converted pdf & epub, fully bookmarked and linked with in-line errata annotations

>Other Megas

>Old Black Library Mega

>Math-hammer (thank Autism!)

Chapter Approved 2017 PDF Link expires 11th Dec

Other urls found in this thread:

memestatic3.fjcdn.com/comments/Blank _8e34805c6fdbebac1e2cc737dc0242e9.mp4

I love all you anons. Even the ones who are rude to me. I hope you have a good week of 40k

Fucking kill yourself.

Thanks user, I hope your week goes well.

xth for pls help me with my Nid list.

Should I replace the Hormagants with Rippers?

I'm not sure what I value more, having a screen for my Genestealers, or being able to fill out my Genestealers and Termagants into full squads.

memestatic3.fjcdn.com/comments/Blank _8e34805c6fdbebac1e2cc737dc0242e9.mp4

No, seriously, what does this banner represent? It's a naked man, reclining with an erupting volcano or lightning bursting a mountain or something?

Yep looks like tyranids

dumb fucking alpha legion marine!

Nth for fuck primaris deathwatch

And fuck eversors


I think you know damn well what it means.

Fallen angels at the explosion of caliban

Learn to share it properly.

Share Roster > Chat (Or Other to customise)

Why are they naked, though?

Don't assume user's gender or race you fucking shitlord reeeeeeeee

Caught mid fucc with his pal

>post model you're painting and number of paints your painting it with
Fire-Warrior, [ 20 colors total]:
ceramite white, ulthuan grey, white scar, xv-88, tau light ochre, ungor flesh, abbadon black,eshin grey, dawnstone, administratum grey, the fang, russ grey, fenrisian grey, drakenhoff nightshade, agrax earthshade, screamer pink, pink horror, emperors children, balthasar gold, gold highlight(forgot which color)
obviously not including base

Any word on a Talons of the Emperor codex? I'm hopeful we'll at least get deep striking back.

>his renegade space marines don't go into combat fully naked to prove the superiority of the human form

>building my Admech
>both the Kataphrons AND the Onager have joints that the guns build into
>joints are built separately
>only enough joints in the pack to build 1 gun/joint
>making magnetizing extremely difficult if not literally impossible


Dark Angels seems to have a strange name since they dont really have angel motifs in their army.

When I did that, people bitched about my formatting.

>ask specific question
>yeap that looks like a list alright xD


Are Raven Guard dreads good this edition? I was planning to run a Contemptor and a Venerable buffed by a Librarian, backed up by Devastators Creeding with Lias Issodon. Okay or not okay?

Gonna post it again, cause last thread instadied after I posted.

If we got so little change in Chapter Approved, does it mean that our codex will be good?



You vs who she tells you not to worry about.

They're faggots.

Those look like Dark Eldar to me

it's to represent The Lion bustin a nut

How do I git gud at greenstuff?

How do Dark Eldar and Craftworld Eldar conflicts work? Is it just shoot on sight kind of stuff or are they willing to just ignore each other if they run into each other?
Do they go out of their way to attack each other? I know that Incubi have to fuck up aspect warriors for initiation but is there anything else like that?

Hot dang those are some nice numbers for admech in CA
Did they really need a buff, even one this cautious?

you can magnatize dunecrawlers just fine, you just need to accept slightly mismatching fits for some of the guns.

I can't remember which mount I used as the base, but I know it was NOT the neutron laser one.

Really? Really user? These guys have 15 Angels on them.

Dual meanings. In-universe, it's probably a mournful reminder of Luther's fall and the destruction of Caliban.

In the real world, I bet you can all guess what it means, given that "Dark Angel" was a poem written by Lionel Johnson about being a closeted gay...

Fucking hell, you sound like GW's marketing department. 'what do you mean they're called angels, but we haven't stuck wings all over them? Preposterous. And rename everything after things from genesis or paradise lost.'
Wait, they actually did that last bit.

I ended up just putting on a Neutron Lazer. Figured that that's what I would be running in 90% of games anyways.

Blood Angels Tactical marine
Mephiston Red,Evil sunz scarlet, Leadbelcher, Abaddon black,Balthasar Gold, Zandri Dust, Ushtabi Bone,Ceramite white, Screamer Pink, Pink Horror, Averland Sunset, Waywatcher Green, Nuln Oil, Agrax Earthshade.

>bad warlord trait, decent relic, decent strat, very situational strat, massive decrease on the klaws
>waaa waaa we're ignored


I just wish there were more robes.

Dark eldar are like Craftworld Eldar's junkie sibling. They will occasionally fight, and the junkie may enjoy tormenting their sober sibling, but in the end, their still family.

>Should I replace the Hormagants with Rippers?
You should replace this entire list with a better one.

>Primaris Alpha Legion marine
U wot?

Yeah. I've only ever used the laser in my games.

>still no Our King to lead his men

mk4 armour

>order $600 of shit from thewarstore
>have question, specifically what the items being listed as "backordered" on my order status means, and how long it usually takes until they go from backordered to on the way
>thewarstore's customer support hasn't answered my email
>it's been a week

My first attempt at building an army, not going for anything that I'll use in tournaments but I'm hoping not to end up getting tabled on turn 1. It says 2007 points but icons of flame went from 10 points to 5 and battlescribe doesn't account for that yet so it's actually at 1997.

"he thinks the primaris are not an alpha legion plot

>being this fucking dumb

These fucking Copyrightable names are getting outta hand

Please, elaborate.

>God-Emperor of Mankind
>Before the start of the first turn if the opponent does not also have The God-Emperor of Mankind on the battlefield you win the game
>You may only run one of these models

>bitching about shows

I only just noticed what's wrong with primaris
their stupid ugly mouth bits are just squished mkIV instead of being the proper psuedo beak
they look like pugs


Why is this video in the original post?

Whats the apocalypse rules?

Proper tools and planning

Whole index is still very underwhelming except for boys spam. Also if you think that Dakka-Dakka is a decent stratagem, let me assure you that it is not it gets cancelled by any +1 to hit debuff and in general boosting number of shots by ork infantry shooting by 16% is not great. 30 shoota boys won't even kill an extra 0.8 marine on average from that. I gotta agree on relic and klaw decrease though.

Those changes are nice, but in grand scheme of things were like painting a wall of a house which is in critical condition

what happens if both parties have him? do they just fight via stats?
do they roll off to see whos winning?
do they burn their models?
also how many skekels would gw want for this?

Is a 20% discount on GW prices about the best I'll get non-second hand? That admech box for £40 is tempting me awfully

I did a thing

Admech pride, forgeworld wide!

>current year
>being an avatarfagg

They give each other a firm handshake and then circle jerk about their fifteen million dollar solid gold model until someone finally puts them down like the dogs they are.


This is a dumb question but I've never bought anything online. Do you pay taxes on gws webstore?

yeah, sounds realistic

Shit that might be older than a decent part of the userbase here



Daily reminder that ADB make blank Grey Knights

user everyone is an avatarfag now adays

I'm going to order this, what quality should I be expecting? Heard bad things about Finecast.

That's what you get from turning your back on papa geedubz.


>future year
>doesn't know reaction images

yeah -20% is as good as it gets now, theres a legal limit to how much of a discount 3rd partys can give

One with the more Emperors win.

>one pic
Lad status: wew

since it's a newer resin only sculpt theres lesss chance of it being totally awful. it's still going to be covered in mould lines, possibly have terrible mould slips and generally be an absolute nightmare to clean

Why is the tech-priest talking to Shadman?

Plague Marines:

Around 22-24.

>current 40kg
>hasnt memorized every avatarfag's waifu and corresponding 2-5 images they spam over and over

bent sword, lots of cleaning to do

and the book Enoch

Termagants are bad without a tervigion you're better off with more Hormagaunts, and always run them in units of 30.

>memestatic3.fjcdn.com/comments/Blank _8e34805c6fdbebac1e2cc737dc0242e9.mp4
I feel like that url is going to give me cancer
Oh shit it did

Fella have you ever seen any DA models. Angel iconography is on every kit I can think of, from storm shields and the bikes to the pauldrons and fiddly decorative bitz.

For Advice on his newst E-Comic, Loli Toasters of Stygies VII

Depends on when they made it, I'd say if it's after 2014ish it's probably of good quality. SMs probably have a more updated range since theyre popular.

Bump for advice that any one can offer.

Ill be honest and i had only seen a few specific DA units before this and didn't really see much angelic iconography.

I believe I can fly
I believe I can touch the sky

lel hes an easy kitbash, just make him


>mfw i don't own one of these.
At least i wont look like a bandwagoner.

>implying that I didn't just save the image here
>implying that akko isn't versatile for conveying reactions
>implying that my witch-fu isn't Sucy.