Pathfinder General /pfg/

Pathfinder General /pfg/

What does your character do in her spare time?

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A. Read, write, paint
B. Combat drills
C. Party as hard as he can

count treasure, think about acquiring more treasure

He heads to the local tavern to pick up wenches.
The GM seems to be making some odd choices:
>25 Point-buy. If at least 4 of your first 7 levels are 3/4th Base-attack-bonus, then increase this to 30 point-buy.
I'm really curious as to what the reasoning for this was. Also:
>This game is called "Traitorgame" internally for a reason. One of the party members will eventually turn to be the main villian. Who it is, how it happens and what they will be able to do is a mystery for a while. Eventually, circumstances will reveal that one of the party members is infected, and taken.
I don't see how this could be anything but a disaster.

Nothing, because my characters don't get into games.

>7th level
I really hate these games that ask you to put a lot of investment up-front without any guarantee.

I was talking about in last thread about my party facing down a level 7 Stalker vigilante. I just asked my GM and he gave me more of his build:
>Vigilante Talents
Rooftop Infiltrator

>Social Talents
Mocking Bird
Many Guises
Social Grace
Safe House

Skill Focus (Stealth)
Expert Sniper
Point Black Short
Deadly Aim
Precise Shot

When he went to shoot with Underhanded (which he could only use twice per day apparently, which makes sense in hindsight) his bow did 1d8+40.

How do you deal with this when he is fantastic at stealth and could be hiding on the roof of any building waiting for you to walk by. We were level 6, the four of us.

I really like this honestly.

To be fair, the GM did say that you don't need to make a character sheet unless you're accepted.

>I don't see how this could be anything but a disaster.
Shut up StarToad, the GM is being very upfront about what kind of game it will be.

A: Writing new songs and charting the skies from every angle of the world.
B: Pulling nails out of scaffolding and chairs for no other reason that to see them crumble under some guy's weight
C: Practicing speeches in front of a mirror while polishing his armor.
D: Riffling through other people's stuff and pondering their secrets.

A.) Typically combat drills and drinking.
B.) Drinking and gambling.
C.) Make alchemical items and read books.
D.) Same as C.
E.) Drinking and napping.

I've heard the Scholar has an ooze archetype. Is it any good? Can you do some fun shit with it?

Goes around town, has dinners with people to make sure they're doing alright.

So, I wanted to sell something after our first session. My DM brings up this really convoluted system.

17% sell value, rather than 50. For a DC 20 diplomacy, you can double it to a 34. Then, if you're on good terms with a merchant, you can get 45%. If you're on exceedingly good terms with a merchant, you get 55%. Then he was using these fame rules, whereby we'd get more if we were famous in the region.

So I told him we should just stick to the default rules. They're simpler and we don't have to suck some merchant's dick who has a limited amount of goods to sell us, and if we want some other item we would have to suck that merchant's dick. It seemed like a waste of roleplaying.

So he scrapped it all, in a huff. I think he's pretty pissed off about it. "Fuck it, fine" he said. Now we're back to 50% sellback, and merchants can never be affected by diplomacy or influenced in any positive way.

We just hit level two, and we've each got like 600 gold worth of stuff, about 400 short of gold by level, and he's talking about restricting our loot more, now that we can actually sell shit.

Did I fuck up?

just sounds like bad GMing

These are the rules he posted. Seems needlessly convoluted.

Also he seems passive aggressively angry at me. Shit, I didn't make him change the rules, I just made a comment.

A. Drink tea, read, study the blade, write poetry, maybe try and talk to people he likes.
B. Drink, wrestle, spar with friends, pray, help people in the area with repairs or heavy lifting, find someone who's DTF and share a bed a while.
C. Read, practice with his weapons, go riding, bake treats to share with friends, tell stories, theater & chill with his lover.

yea he just seems to be a shit gm that doesn't understand you need those basic items

What breaks if CMB/CMD becomes an opposed roll between CMB?

Dexfags are fucked most of the time.

Brawlers would become exactly the thing they were conceived as.

Sounds good to me.

Tell me about the Striker, how does one super meter?

Combat maneuvers become more usable because you're not rolling one of your ability scores against two of theirs.

I appreciate the changes Deimosaur has applied to the voyager; they are good steps forward and for the better. They have not addressed all of my concerns, but then, I did not expect them to in so short a time frame.

1. Afterimages are now in a good position. Some wording to clarify that enemies can/cannot (which is it?) pass through afterimages would be appreciated, however.

2. Phantom feint's feint attempt really needs to be replaced with a Reflex or Will saving throw of some kind; voyagers are not Charisma-based, and it is a little mean to tax voyagers who want to use phantom feint into selecting Cunning Liar or Clever Wordplay (Bluff) as a trait.

3. Manifestation of speed makes mention of "applying each applicable effect in the order specified by the ability," but power channel still talks of manifesting a power "simultaneously," which is still unclear on timing.

4. Momentous maneuvers, free as it is, is still rather awful. It provokes an attack of opportunity (it should not!), and a character by this level probably has Amplified Momentum, so spending momentum for +1 to a combat maneuver check is a poor deal compared to +1d6+1 damage on an attack.

5. The new lightning focus is a great addition to a voyager's arsenal at 7th level. That said, power echo and special delivery are still looking mediocre; perhaps they could use upgrades?

A bamboozle?

Is Startoad even around anymore? I figured they fucked off for good after getting banned.

Fuck off. You've already got one /pfg/ with your autism today.

>Ironfang but with monstergirls

Fuck I've gone full weeb

we've made it clear this isn't something people here appreciate. Please put it in a pastebin or keep it to yourself.

You were too busy asking if you could, not if you should

>Ironfang but with monstergirls
No, you now have my full interest.


That's probably his plan. He's outspoken about his hatred for Pathfinder.

Wasn't that a prerequisite for posting in /pfg/? Pathfinder pisses me off, too, even though I'd play it over most systems.


Nirmathas has a lot of room for there to just BE monsters. Sometimes girls. Sometimes monstergirls.

Private game only, and can't spoil anything, one of the players browses here

Why did old thread dead?

Same, I hate Pathfinder but I hate 5e more and those seem to be the two games anyone plays.

2hu's autism and post-puking style

I literally only ''play'' Pathfinder because there are more text only games recruiting for it and I can tolerate it.

Yeah let's talk about monstergirls instead, playtesting classes and sending feedback is for dweebs.

I just assumed he died in the Florida flooding.

Have you ever considered that you just don't like human contact, social or otherwise, and that a game that requires it might not be a game for you and that just writing stuff based on pre-existing IPs might be more up your alley? Or playing video games?

I was kind of roped into the monstergirls, I said "monstergirls are fine too" and then suddenly everyone wants a skinwalker gf and a centaur too.

>skinwalkers are monstergirls now
Dude, they're just normal people unless they go Beastmode.

fuck off voicefag

I just lump them into the monstergirl fold, besides, there's gonna be loads more monsters/monstergirls to find.

Nirmathas has loads of monsters what the fuck

>I was kind of roped into the monstergirls
Jokes always become truth

Oh, were you the GM who brought that Ironfang idea up a few threads back?

If so, will there still be twin elf swashbucklers?

Shut up, retard.

>pfg is upset a DM does exactly what was advertised
Now where have i seen this before?

>somehow ate the image

I can't spoil anything, user.

Hobgoblins hate elves.

I told you the monstergirl game was gonna be a thing, dammit, TWO YEARS IN THE MAKING


6. The metronome has no reason not to receive upgrades at 11th, 15th, and 19th, because the regular voyager outpaces it by 11th level. Perhaps the metronome should gain a +1 initiative bonus at those levels? Possibly even +2?

I mean, I have fun with Pathfinder but the imbalances, thousands of useless "options" and Paizo's attitude make it really hard not to hate.

Same? Pathfinder is the exact system I enjoy playing but I can decry it at the same time.

>F-f-f-f-fuck off voicef-f-f-fag
>R-r-retard who isn't afraid of p-people? F-f-fuck off normie r-ree
And this is why you will never have the love of your parents, friends or anything really.

Understandable, but you really can't hate it in it's entirety if you have fun with it. Otherwise you are just fooling yourself.

Kill yourself, voicefag scum.

How does hating pathfinder correlate to being bad with people

You're the one who walked in and threw a fit about people not wanting to hear your awful voice, not me.

Let's just say that these threads are a great example of what kind of crowd Pathfinder draws outside of the, tentatively named, casual crowd and Paidrones.

For example the people who really shouldn't have dumped their WIS in real life or at least put a point in Sense Motive, such as
And pick and choose any namefag of the surprisingly large amount of nobodies trying to be somebody within a community that hates them and generally despises their guts, yet draw about 5 people's ire which they, the namefags, and about 2 other people exploit to stir up a storm.

Most of the people in this general sound like faggots. And it's almost always because they are either scared of talking online, or are trying to impress people and doing that poorly.

What does voice have to do with any of this? Are you just really butthurt about people who would rather have more than one encounter per session than let you pretend to be a girl, and you're blaming everything you don't like on them?

>For example the people who really shouldn't have dumped their WIS in real life or at least put a point in Sense Motive,
He says, as he bitches about people not wanting to hear his awful voice.

See above, voicefag.

You know that this has nothing to do with voice, each to their own, but the way to put it just makes it sound like it's the only way you can have human contact without having human contact which from the looks of it comes less down to anxiety but to your aspertism, an advanced form of aspergers combined with autism. That and projection.

>You know that this has nothing to do with voice,
You're retarded. You opened up bitching about textfags, have continued to mindlessly shitpost, and then attempt to backpedal. Please save the armchair diagnoses for yourself.

You do realize aspergers is now considered another form of autism, right?

I know people thought that for a while, but didn't they decide it wasn't true after all?

Nope, it's officially classified as plain old autism.

I never bitched, I never backpedaled, I never said text was for social retards. It just happens that these two are social retards who can't do voice and are projecting their lack of social aptitude, or in this I guess a non-grating voice, onto others. Like you are projecting your anger onto me.

2hu posted this ( abortion of a blog post as 20 separate posts and the mods got fed up with trying to clean up after his shit and nuked the whole thread.

So why not just ban the guy while at it?

You're the one who responded to a post discussing text and, without any basis, accused the poster of social deficiency. Then, proceed to bitch and moan for multiple posts and when somebody is angry at you for blatant shitposting claim that they're socially retarded.

Kill yourself, voicefag.

Because that would improve our quality of life too much.


Inner Sea Gods outlined some special spellcasting rules for followers of different gods. One example is the Wizards and Sorcerers who worship Nethys can get Imbue with Spell Ability as a 4th level spell. But Imbue with Spell Ability has the following text: "Only cleric spells from the schools of abjuration, divination, and conjuration (healing) can be transferred."

Does that mean

1) Wizards and Sorcerers using Imbue With Spell Ability are limited to selecting spells that also appear on the Cleric list, so couldn't imbue something like Shield even though it is an Abjuration spell because it's not one that appears on the Cleric list

2) Wizard spells are Wizard spells and Sorcerer are Sorcerer spells, not Cleric spells. Like the old trick of using Eldritch Heritage: Arcane on a Oracle to get spells from the Sorc/Wiz list, it doesn't work. The spell is useless, unless you multiclass into Cleric to get a few Cleric spells.

3) The restriction was written with the Cleric in mind, and if other classes get the spell it should have the class restriction changed to their class. For a Wizard or Sorcerer, the spell should read, "Only sorcerer/wizard spells from the schools of abjuration, divination, and conjuration (healing) can be transferred."

I recognize this is probably a "ask your DM" question, but I'm curious how you would handle it. The only sensible way in my mind #1, although I think strict RAW says #2 is correct. Considering classes like the Spiritualist and Shaman, who don't use the Cleric list either, get the spell normally, I think RAI has got to be either #1 or #3. The best case that could be argued for #3 is that the spell was printed in the Core Rulebook and at the time was exclusive to Clerics. Similar to the FAQs suggesting Oracles should be allowed to use CHA instead of WIS for Spiritual Weapon and how Magi/Witches can leave open slots for later, this may be a case where a spell was first printed without considering classes that didn't exist at the time.

Should I start playing pathfinder? One of my friends runs a group and it sounds like it has more leniency with the class building.

From how it specifies nothing according to how you write it, it means one of the two:

1: Only if it's found on both lists
2: If they belong to the same school.

As long as the GM and the group are not big on going to forums or boards that discuss it outside of seeing if somebody can clarify something ,then go ahead if making stupidly complicated and usually uneffective or too effective builds.

If you want to. It's overly complicated and easily broken but it's fun when everything goes just right. Take a look and decide for yourself.

Seems pretty cut and dry to me: interpretation 3 is corret. The schools were meant to be the limitation, not the spell list they're drawn from. Just because the spell was made with Clerics in mind doesn't preclude its later inclusion for other classes (as in this case).

On a scale of Evangelist to Aldori Swordlord, how good is Ulfen Guard as a prestige class?

It's a 1pp class with no spellcasting, so what do you think?

He meditates, reads philosophy and poetry, practices his martial arts katas, and looks after the local orphanage.

You know that martials and casters are incomparable so how about answering the actual question instead of being smarmy about it, m8.

A little bit of everything. I made a character, not a caricature.

Middling to poor.

Does anyone just have a torrent of the largest Pathfinder repo? I can never get the whole thing to download through mega.

Write in her journal. Exercise. Write poetry.
Read up on various science publications. Listen to music. Tinker.
Write and play music. People watch.

Drinking, counting money, eating, drinking, hanging out with her boyfriend, and drinking.


Interpretation #3 is a reasonable house rule bu the only thing that's cut and dry is that #2 is the right answer by RAW.

>reading through Ultimate Wilderness
>find out barbarians can get Swallow Whole now through rage powers
>the same book also lets you get barb rage powers through a feat chain
>mfw characters who don't really rely on feats now have the option of straight up eating people

This is really dumb but I kind of love it. It's now entirely possible to make a discount Ungermaw in games that don't allow Gonzo.

Fuck off Kawase

Nobody made Ungermaw in games that allowed gonzo.

SwimmingEagle has thought about it, though.

Fixes villager homes, makes food for them, reads about the laws of other regions, paints.

Although he doesn't do any of these besides cooking because he enjoys them, he does it because he feels that's what's expected of him as a knight.

I'd honestly say it's one of the better prestige classes(Not that it's saying much). It's not as good as straight Barbarian, in my opinion, but it's definitely an option to consider, especially if you like the idea of protecting an ally or raging while running around in Heavy Armor.

Keep in mind you miss out on some Rage Powers and Barb's capstone, but if you have an Inquisitor, Cavalier, or anyone who gets free Teamwork feats, that's a definite bonus to consider.

Don't be a twat, RAW can and should be ignored when it doesn't make sense. The rules as written are explicitly guidelines and should be trashed when and where they're obviously flawed (and maybe a few other places besides). If a god grants a spell to his followers who couldn't normally get that spell, it shouldn't be literally useless to them. RAI is very clear here.

I've considered it but ungermaw is a bad class and I couldn't figure out a good way to make it work how I wanted.
You don't even get swallow whole until really late.

Yeah, it's kinda bare. The pacing of its ability acquisition and the strength of them relative to a typical martial feels off.