‘You have suffered greatly for mankind’s sake,’ said Sanguinius. His voice was beautiful...

>‘You have suffered greatly for mankind’s sake,’ said Sanguinius. His voice was beautiful. ‘You have won your rest a thousand times. Rarely has one man given so much, Luis of Baal Secundus. You have been a light in dark times. I would give you any reward. I would take you to my side. I would free you from strife. I would release you from pain.’
>‘Yes!’ said Dante. ‘Please. I have served so long. Grant me the freedom of death.’
>Sanguinius gave Dante a look of profound sorrow.
‘>I cannot. I regret that I can do none of those things. I need you, Dante. Your suffering is not done.’
>Sanguinius gripped Dante’s face in both hands. Strength flowed from the primarch, driving out death’s comfort and replacing it with pain. The scene rippled. He heard the shouts of Space Marines, felt the ghostly touch of living hands upon his armour. Sanguinius faded.
>‘Please, no!’ Dante cried out. ‘My lord, I have done enough. Please! Let me rest!’
>The light was dying; Sanguinius’ smile carried with it the sorrows of ten thousand years. Darkness was returning. The Great Angel disappeared into it, but his glorious voice lingered a moment.
>‘I am sorry, my son, that you cannot rest. Not yet. Live, my son. Live.’
>Dante returned to life screaming for the mercy of death.

Fucking hell Devastation of Baal hit the feels button a little too hard

Other urls found in this thread:


Jesus christ. That is depressing.

Read the book, READ IT
the fucking tension the first few chapters before the tyranids attack is palpable, and after that is a non stop funride filled with mountains of awesome and Xenos gore

I wonder how Sanguinius reacts to his sons suffering from the black rage.

Why must the Gay Space Vampires suffer so.

Is there link for it somewhere or is it not available yet?

There are links in the archive. They got posted like the day it came out.
But in the name of Sanguinius, I gift it to you....

many thanks kind user. I figured it was probably out there somewhere but didn't want to start looking if it hadn't been posted. Thank you for just going ahead and spoonfeeding me the link, didn't have to do that.

I need to know if my boys lived or not

What this just a hallucination, or...?

Thank you anons, and Sanguinius' Blessings upon you.

Real, likely.

Primarch souls are strong enough to linger in the warp and persist while most souls get sucked into it and become energy or worse, torn apart by demons.

Seems plausible than Sanguinius, the strongest Primarch barring Magnus, would easily be able to not only persist as a soul, but project himself/something into reality that is the Sanguinor.

So is the Sanguinor Azkaellon or is he an Avatar, like the Avatar of Khaine? Or is he both?

>Luis of Baal Secundus
Wait, Dante was Mexican all along?

Real. Sanguinius, more than any other Primarch, has acted as an avatar of the Emperor's will in Black Library a lot. Like in the Blood Angels Duology, Rafen is motivated by a vision of Sanguinius to murder his brother.

Lamenter bro here, I'm actually kind of surprised at how well written this is so far. I was expecting a pretty shitty book.

I'm digging the really descriptive, almost romanticized descriptions. Really fits the blood angels.

Luis was his original name, read the prequel novel

>When he looked to his side to see the person helping him he saw Albinus sometimes, but at other times he saw the Sanguinor, and once his own, long-forgotten father, his amber eyes perfect in a rad-ravaged face. Dante had those eyes himself, the sole reminder that he was another man’s son besides the Great Angel’s.
>‘Come on, Luis,’ said his father. ‘Not far now.’
‘Da?’ said Dante. ‘Da, is that you? Look at me, look! I became an angel, Da.’
>‘My lord?’
>His father’s face shivered away like a mirage over a desert.

Can you guys imagine being Dante's dad, waking up one morning to find that, not only have a bunch of your supplies is gone, but your son, your last remaining member of your family, is gone. And instead of telling yourself "I'm going to slap that boy silly when I find him." Or "I want my supplies back!", your first thought is just this:


You run out the door, and you look for your son. Maybe you spend hours, maybe days. Weeks. But you never find him. You've lost your wife, your second child, amd now you've lost him.

So then you spend the rest of your days, wasting away, like the planet that was your birthplace, and shall be your grave.

In the end, you don't know what happened to your son. You die alone, your last thoughts still lingering on that night, the last one you spent with your son. You wish your last words to him had been better. Kinder. You die, thinking your line dies with you.

You are wrong.

Your son lives. He traveled the wastes of Baal, passed the trials to become an angel, and not only became one, but became one of the greatest Space Marines of this age, and the next. Yet despite the passing of more than a millenium, as your son rises from near death, his thousand years of battles, meetings over strategies, and control over his inner demons, all give way to one memory.

You. His father.

Aren't you proud?

(Sorry if this bums you out, guys, I don't post here much.)

that hit me hard

>I became an angel, Da.
fuck, my heart

A couple pages in and I'm already hooked. This is neat

So this book is about how the blood angels are faring on the other side of the rift?

It's hits you harder if you read the "Dante" novel first. Dante's really loved his son.

Probably both but who the fuck knows

I think it's set before the formation of the rift, right up to when it forms. It's about Leviathan's final assault on Baal.

It tells the story of Dante from initiation through his service to the BA, and ends right before devastation of Baal begins(5 months IIRC)


user, I...

They got Primaris'd

>Q – So did you pitch The Devastation of Baal, or did you get commissioned to do it?
>A – I was commissioned to write Dark Imperium and The Devastation of Baal at the same time. But I was given free choice as to what they would be about. They both had to feature Primaris Space Marines in some capacity – that was the only stipulation.
>With Baal, I had to pitch quite hard. I persevered because I really wanted to write this story. I had intended to touch on the tyranid attack on Baal in a sequel to Dante. This was a great opportunity to immerse myself in it. We’ve been building up to this event in the game for years. It is a big deal. I thought it would be a shame to have it left at a few paragraphs in the main rulebook until someone got round to writing a novel about it. >Someone would, eventually, but I believed we should do it now because it’s a great bridge between the old background and the new.

>Q – Were there any problems in writing this book?
>A – There always are challenges, I’d say. I prefer that to “problems”. One was the sheer length of the story – so much happens that the novel just got longer and longer, reaching 500 pages in the end! But a big book is a fitting way to kick off a new series. Another was turning what could have been an incidence of deus ex machina into a legitimate subplot. And because this is part of the all-new meta-narrative of Warhammer 40,000, there was a fair bit of back and forth with the Design Studio. I even came up with a kill list for approval! Did I mention that a lot of people die?

>Another was turning what could have been an incidence of deus ex machina into a legitimate subplot.
I am not sure what this refers to, the khorneboy deus ex machina? How did he deal with it?

Khorneboy shows up towards the end and starts a threesome between the nids, and SM for shits and giggles and builds a several kilometre tall rune on Baal primus ouf of tyranid skulls
The knights of blood let in to the black rage and go out in a glorious last charge(bludgeoning their enemies with bare fists) and their chapter master challenges ka'bandha on a 1v1

I guess his was the idea to turn the khorne ex machina levelling away the hive fleet from orbit into it being a personal affair of khabanda and his jealously of the angels.

Otherwise I doubt there's any subplot involving how guilliman simply crossed over the cicatrix.

Well obviously, Haley is fucking dope. He managed to actually make me sad at the end of Shadowsword because of how well written the crew was, and how awful what they had to do was.

Really happy he and Wraight will deal with the Siege of Terra in the majority. Definitely not happy that Abnett will handle the end.

Replied to the wrong post, meant to reply to

>Based Haley coming to the rescue when he realises the main writing team fell short of their job when they left it at a few paragraphs

Truly a lad.

>Abnett will handle the end.

Dante is set before devastation of Baal and is more about Dante and his internal struggle
Halfway through devastation the rift opens and time gets slowed due to warp-fuckery, so the battle on Baal lasted 3 weeks but 70 years have passed in the rest of the imperium

>Abnett will handle the end.

>Q – Do you pitch books or are you commissioned to write them?
>A – You know, people ask me that a lot. I’m even asking myself! And that answer is: both. For a while, I was operating as the Black Library’s fixer – when a book went unwritten for whatever reason, like writers being suddenly unavailable, or squig infestations of the Games Workshop printatorium. Recently that’s changed a bit, and I’m finding myself still being asked to write specific books, but within a much looser brief.

Based Haley, climbing the stairs of success to become one of their main writers.

Isn't the black carapace under the skin?
I always thought that it was just under, but some books say yes and others no

It's under indeed. Visible because black, but under. Artistic license I guess.

I guess it's different with each chapter

Not even a passing mention.

No no, it's just an artists that didn't do his homework to respect the fluff.

I found it weird that in a book about tyranids fighting Blood Angels there wasn't much Blood Angels fighting tyranids.

I also found it interesting that Guilliman is just as much a dick as the Emperor and knowingly guilt trips a tired old man into being in charge of the defence of the entire Northern galaxy.

Doing the emperor's work user.

You were only expecting what should be expected from a 40k book

I find it amusing how he does exactly what he realises to despise in his father

Guilliman wasn't a dick, what the fuck are you talking about?

On the contrary, he was so nice to Dante he clared him an equal and said his only order to him will be to never kneel in front of the Primarch.
He doesn't guilt trip him, he says he needs him because he's so damn good. Dante wasn't exactly going to give the finger to a Primarch anyway.

The Sanguinor's identity is a dude from his sanguinary guard taking his place in a warp right or something apparently. Happens in "The Ruinstorm"

have you read any ann rice books?

He admits that the Emperor was "right" to do so, because it's necessary. Same reason he lies to Frater Matieu in Dark Imperium where that point is thought upon, Guilliman does what the Emperor did, more or less, because it's necessary. If lies and deception are needed to ensure the survival of Mankind, then that's what it will be.

>On the contrary, he was so nice to Dante he clared him an equal and said his only order to him will be to never kneel in front of the Primarch.

Because he knows what he's about to ask of him. I admit, this was probably genuine though.

>He doesn't guilt trip him, he says he needs him because he's so damn good. Dante wasn't exactly going to give the finger to a Primarch anyway.

Exactly. He knows Dante is old and tired. He also knows how much sway he has as a legendary religious figure. Do you think if some Inquisitor came along after the battle for Baal and was like "Yo Dante, you need to be in charge of the northern half of the galaxy now" he would accept? Nah, Inquisitor would be told to shove it and told to get the fuck off the planet.

Guilliman can ask Dante to do it and knows that he'll acccept despite himself because who is going to tell him no? Guilliman has no qualms about asking either. He basically outright tells Dante that he's told old for that shit but still asks because he doesn't actually give a fuck about how Dante feels or what he wants, he just wants a good commander and just sees Dante as a tool.

>to old for that shit

What is this about? Who is that character?

I mean, he asks him BECAUSE he's the best, most noble, respected, yada yada. That's being sensible. After that, the way he gets to his goal might be debatable but it was still the right thing to do.

Guilliman doesn't want to be here either.
He's just roping in the best guy for the job.
I agree that G-man doesn't give a fuck what Dante wants but it's basically a case of "mate, I fuckin' know this is horseshit, but I gotta do it coz we both know I ain't got the option not to."

Go ask Veeky Forums

In an ocean of incompetent dickwads, Guillidaddy would take anyone that can do a job properly respectfully.

No, the right thing to do would be to offer him an actual choice instead of just saying "everyone else is incompetant and you're just the best and literally only you can do it and if you don't everything is fucked". Which is bullshit because theres a bunch of other Chapter Masters out there who haven't just had their shit wrecked and would be up for it and be just as capable.

I mean fuck, let Calgar do it or something then maybe he won't feel like such a failure.

>actually being this new

Are there any primaris marines in the book?

There are some at the end, none are introduced, just shown in formation and all that

>, the right thing to do would be to offer him an actual choice
He's a astartes, they are murder machines. What they want is really irrelevant

>Zyzz has left us 6 years ago
>75% of the site joined '12 or later
I don't know how to feel

You should feel like "has left us 6 years ago" isn't proper English, and drop the unnecessary auxiliary verb.

Luis is French

Louis is french. Luis is hispanic.

Ehhh I joined in '12 and I still know my Veeky Forumsizen lore and I look forward to the yearly Veeky Forums comic that comes out after every new year starts.
#NotAllAnons , user.

The art for the cover looks atrocious

Problem is, there are very few people like Dante. Calgar indeed, Grimnar as well, mayyyybr Tushan, and after that, even other 1st founding chapter masters like Shryke or the White Scars master, etc, aren't on the same level. Very often he's litteraly 3 times as old as them. He's the only one that managed to reconstitute the Legion by calling the Chapters of the Blood to Baal.

Tha side of the Rift (because that is also a problem, the galaxy is cut in half after all) he is the most qualified person, hence why he's now in charge of half the galaxy. Reluctantly so, but his Primarch told him he still had stuff to do and another Primarch asked him to do it. Sure, it wasn't really asking, but nevertheless here he is.

Let the new guard come.
Explain, nurture, for they carry the torch when we are gone.

>>Dante returned to life screaming for the mercy of death
>and then he just disband the whole chapter like a cuck

What happened to Abnett? Did he get worse over time, or is he just incapable of writing anything other than guard stories?

He's a one-note writer who got worse with time. Also his daddy issues are just dripping from his works.

To be fair, is it possible that we're just tossing 'daddy issue' accusations at everyone at BL at this point?

No respect for fluff, alway trying to push something new thay breaks it, his writing can be a slog, I just skip through his descriptions, I find them boring and useless (I don't give 2 shit about the style of the chapel the heroes are fighting in, nor that it has a special kind of windows and red wooden benches, to summarise). His absence of respect for fluff is what bothers me the most.

ADB has daddy issues, and sometimes it shows A LOT, but Abnett is fine on that point I think. At least ADB is really compelling to read, even if I do not always agree with what he writes.

He didn't disband his chapter dipshit


Thank you, I'm gonna enjoy reading this in a few weeks

Emperor bless you, user.

Why wasn't Dante's real name Luigi?

Yeah, he just give all legacy to Ultima Founding chapter.

Thanks man, I totally needed to get hit right in the feels. I'm going to go hug my son now.

How are BAs on the tabletop these days?

The worst primarch is dead, now the worst legion is dead! Based Haley


new codex has them very strong