EDH/Commander General - /edhg/

"It takes a set that intentionally defies card design principles to make Rakdos alright" Edition

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>Thread Question
Now that Sheldon has made it super clear that this is a trial period, any un-cards gonna stick around in your playgroups?

Other urls found in this thread:


My rules remain. If someone wants to play an uncommander, they need to allow me to rip up a card from their binder of my choice. Fuck what Sheldon says, house rules trump his nonsense.

is a little extreme, but I agree. Fuck uncards. Allowing them is a mistake.

I certainly hope not. As fun as utilizing Infinity Elemental in Xenagod could be, silver-bordered BS should stay in its quarantine zone.


Man, mono B and izzet has spoiled me with card draw. My green/white deck seems so hit or miss. Either I get the right cards or I don't.

>New general to shit it up
>Fucking un cards
You get what you ask for

Duel commander soyboys are fucking furious and it’s hilarious. EDH was never meant for the likes of you

Repostan in the new thread.

>implying you can stick multiple anthems or a banner against GW toolbox before the early norn drop
Not reasonable to expect multiple anthems in every hand. Neither deck runs a large tutor suite, both rely on consistancy in curve to operate optimally and neither deck wants to play anthems that arent on sticks because the commanders pump. Anthems on sticks die to creature removal, which white has strong access to.

I'm pretty much forced out of the aggro archtype because of Norn in a toolbox deck. If its dropped early its a one sided board wipe. Looking into Mimeoplasm lists specifically to be more broadly effective.

Just straight reposting this:

I'm trying to build a Gayboys Good Stuff deck that's every fun multiplayer card I can find chucked into a deck. It's Group Hug, but I want things to benefit me the most, and I want to be able to win through alternate wincons like Azor's Elocutors or Mayael's Aria. Mostly just a turtling up deck with lots of fun interactions.

I'm even thinking of ordering a Stalwart Unity deck, since buying all the cards I actually want separately is prohibitively expensive.

What are some good suggestions? Looking for fun multiplayer shit.

I've got the Vows, Tempting Offers, Parley, Will of the Council, Council's Dilemma (as well as Brago's Representative and Ballot Broker), Assault Suit, Akroan Horse, Shizuko, Upwelling, Dictate of Karametra, Zur-Taa Ancient, Humble Defector, Temple Bell, Arcane Melee...

And a whole bunch of Pillow Fort effects that I *hope* are a deterrent:
Propaganda, Windborn Muse, Kazuul, Orzhov Advokist, Sphere of Safety, Palliation Accord, Ghostly Prison, Blind Obedience, Briar Patch (probably getting cut).

Honestly I might want to get rid of some of the stuff that gives people mana. Upwelling may be one of the cards that isn't proxied at the moment, but it's probably a bit unnecessary.

There are several Un cards that are more than reasonable, and I'd like to see them in black border (Do-It-Yourself-Seraph, or a version of Side Quest that targets another player in the same game, for instance).
>If someone wants to play an uncommander, they need to allow me to rip up a card from their binder of my choice.
I'll take "things that never happen" for 800, Alex.

>Now that Sheldon has made it super clear that this is a trial period, any un-cards gonna stick around in your playgroups?

thank god everyone in my group thinks uncards are lame as fuck

we've had to decline several people asking to join us at our LGS because of them.

Fuck you Sheldon.

I really don't see the problem with allowing un-cards. Competitive players should be happy, since un-cards are mostly terrible, and more casual groups wouldn't care, since they would house rule whatever they feel like.

The only possible way of someone getting mad over it is if he had no other choice but to play in a LGS, couldn't talk it out about the un-cards, thought that un-cards were strong and didn't want to invest in them because they would only be allowed for a single month.

>tfw this design will never be used again

>playing edh in a gameshop


>we've had to decline several people asking to join us at our LGS because of them.
And in the end, they played together a nice round of un-commander with several people!

Really, back with this garbage? How hard is it to literally take the pasta from the previous thread rather than cancer?

Full agreement though

>If someone wants to play an uncommander, they need to allow me to rip up a card from their binder of my choice.
>I'll take "things that never happen" for 800, Alex.
is also true.

Despite some of the randoms being insufferable, it does add a nice twist to your groups games to have some new people hop in with you

Green has a ton of creature-based card draw and both green and white have ample enchantment-based card draw. You just gotta put enough in your deck user!

to spice it up from playing at my house

its nice being able to buy a card/packs with my pals, and its cool including strangers who might not otherwise have friends

unless they have uncards

I live in a big magic city, and MTG is absolutely hemoraging. 5 years ago all of the stores in the city were packed for all formats. Now even the most competitive stores in the area are struggling to host drafts on friday nights. I'm returning after a 3 year break and in terms of tournament headcount, its dropped probably 40% at every store I play/played at.

>We get 1 month of "Arena Brawl" in EDH to spice things up and let people try out crazy combinations and have fun.

>The Narset, Oloro and Atraxa players instantly get triggered and cry their lungs out when people are attempting to have fun in a casual multiplayer singleton format.

Meanwhile i'm having tons of fun wth my friends at my lgs with latenight crazy edh games with all the un-cards that we proxied out. And because my playgroup isn't degenerate, everyone agreed to not go deep into tryhard combinations and just have fun.

Not him, but at our lgs, there are many board games that we can just play there for free. And since my playgroup doesn't play exclusively mtg, it really is nice to have so many games to play. Also, since the shop used to be an old house, it has many rooms that we can fill with just friends.

Of course sometimes we just go to a friend's house to play a draft and drink, but there are pros and cons to every option.

The literal data from the company says differently.
Your anecdotal evidence means nothing.


The literal data isn't even put out you fucking belly bitch.

>LGS completely embraces the new uncommander rules
>EDH nights have become an absolute clusterfuck, but everyone is having a great time with it
>only one or two people have been killjoys by not letting people play games if they have uncards
>they were very quickly kicked out however, which is fine since they hyper spikes who always shit up EDH night anyway

They’ll probably be back when the trial is over, but I honestly couldn’t ask for a better LGS.

>Implying edh sets didn't produce the meme plasm

As hard as it is for you to take the time to make the OP.

i'd buy sheldon a beer if i ever saw him

enabling un-cards is honestly the best thing he could've done to filter out all the people without the spirit of edh

This guy gets it.

Sounds awesome user. What un cards do you run? My LGS has two spike shitters I'd like to see leave too.

There's always that guy who only enjoys EDH when they are the ones winning and sticking their infinite combo into people.

It's so satisfying to have a fun relaxed EDH night with amazing crazy games with the new interactions.

Hopefully they just ban some cards but let some un-cards in, would make the format a lot more fun instead of it being Legacy 0.5

They're pushing modern and EDH very hard, and standard is standard. I think more players are willing to shell money, but there's absolutely less players.

Innistrad/rtr had stores abaolutely packed with hardly room to breath, and now nore than half of the seats are empty. Half the stores cant run a sanctioned FNM because of headcount. Other half are running very small pods. Only the larger shops with established constructed playerbases are holding steady with modern.

Mtg is absoltuely proffitable, but its in a deep player dip

How does one play Mardu control?

>a n e c d o t e s

Sunforger package?

Kaalia with a package of value dragons, angels, and demons. Probably get a stax theme going too. Toolbox the fuck out of the deck with tutors, black has amazing access to cantrips.

You play the Queen and get your Crown and nuke everyone into oblivion until nothing stands.

Boardwipe, Discard, Exile and Sacrifice.

Nothing will oppose the crown.

I'm working on an Mayael the Anima deck and was wondering if anyone had any super secret tech they wouldn't mind sharing.

ARJUN user
I've done some testing, the deck is pretty good. I'll get my list up sometime before the end of the week. It's fun! Just those long ass turns are my only complaint - my build is consistently cycling the whole deck by turn 7/8 every game, with a wincon on the board. It's fun as fug

Ol’ buzzbark dice rolling tribal my man

Kys tryhard fagget

Let's see those opening hands boys

>Rashmi seems cool
>fuck you simic and your goodstuff I'll build ug elf tribal
>half of the 10 blue elves care about 1/1 counters
>ok cool I like Evolve I can work with that
>Read Ezuri's text after not knowing what it did forever
>well shit
>remember the new blue Conspiracy
>Remember all the stupid good Merfolk synergy Blue has and continues to get in ixalan
>simic merfolk no less
>Xenograft also exists
>All Merfolk are Elves and all Elves are Merfolk
>ElfFolk Tribal

Is this how deckbuilding felt before you learned about edhrec /edhg/

Sol Ring

Didn't they stopped releasing data after hasbro took over?

Does anyone ever play monarch memes?

Command Tower

i wish dude, if it was supported even a little bit more it may've been edh viable

From yesterday but posted too late in the thread to get any replies. Let me tell you, this is one perfectly keepable hand if I ever saw one.

>Non-fullart non-foil lands
>UR, probably Mizzix storm cancer
>Most likely a ChinaMan The Dark Blood Moon
>2 Counterspells in starting hand out of 100

Do you even enjoy the game?

not super secret but illusionists bracers are good

if you're absolutely insane play force of savagery

0-2 locust god
3-5 erebos
6-8 sigarda
9 - all 3

I play Protector of the Crown in 8.5 Pillowfort.

What could it be /edhg/?

You silly people you

Bracers have been great so far.
I have no way of keeping Force of Savagery alive.

super sekrit tech like Penace have been stellar in my list. Setups a fatty and protects me


Dubs - You stop picking faggy commanders

GB Glissa


Funny enough, my GB deck used to be glissa, but it got torn apart for this new one

I run Thorn of the Black Rose in Shirei for constant Monarch status.

>Prairie Stream
>Gideon Jura
>Mystical Teachings
>Deadeye Navigator
>Muddle the Mixture

Fucking Google it.

Actually it's more likely that most people are either not the hardcore crowd or are playing online. People who like the story are also buying the FunCo Pop abominations and the board games and the action figures. Local Game Stores dying doesn't actually represent anything, and never really has, since they've been dying for years even as gaming in general has gotten more and more profitable.

But local game stores having trouble getting people to FNM (which personally hasn't been a problem at my local store in the month or two that I've been back) doesn't mean that the game is hemorrhaging and everyone should sell their cards. That's a myth that /pol/ shitheads and gator babies put forward because they, personally, are afraid of all the diversity that Wizards is pushing as their marketing strategy.

>Games category revenues for the year increased 9% to $1.39 billion. Hasbro's differentiated gaming portfolio drove growth across gaming formats, including face-to-face gaming, off-the-board gaming and digital gaming. Franchise Brand MAGIC: THE GATHERING revenues increased for the eighth straight year, along with growth in PIE FACE, DUEL MASTERS, SIMON, BOP-IT and the successful launch of the SPEAK-OUT game.
Magic revenue is increasing. Also what the fuck is a PIE FACE?


Got it!

What’s a not faggy commander?


>Tragic Lesson
>Reliquary Tower
>Engulf the Shore
>Kefnet the Mindful
>Gilded Lotus

>MAGIC: THE GATHERING revenues increased for the eighth straight year
So this just shows that reprinting the shit out of cards not only make them more accessible to players, but also increases their profits. Too bad we don't have mtg specifics, but that data is much more reliable than Maro's "We are growing guys, and our playerbase is very diverse! Just believe me and my hidden research data."

Pie face is literally pie face, a game that you press a button to not face a pie(just the cream) in your face.

>Can't contain blue, unless it's Mairsil
>Can't be GW
>Can't be a god, except Iroas or Scorpion
>Can't make infinites easy
>Can't be straightforward to build around
>No storm
>No stax
>No Eldrazi titans

>That's a myth that /pol/ shitheads and gator babies put forward because they, personally, are afraid of all the diversity that Wizards is pushing as their marketing strategy.
Look can you all just please make a fucking point without stopping halfway through to shove your own narrative into the works? I don't care about Skull&Bones faggy war against wizard Nazis. I just want to play cards.

Truth is you can do a lot of fucky things if you print your own artificial economy. I expect there will be more short term growth, and all manufactured drama aside I do hope that more women join the game, while also not re-alienating the social outcasts who had finally found their one home in Magic. This isn't helping.

>nerf wars get banned because people were using it to take $1-2k decks hostage to force a concede
i dont know if i should be mad at the snobby rich players or the spikes that exploit it for ez wins. no wait, the rich snobs for showing off their money at the store. if they can afford a vanity deck like that they can afford a non foil version or a chink proxy to play.

There is a surprising amount of pie faces. This is the one that I usually see being played.

>Now that Sheldon has made it super clear that this is a trial period, any un-cards gonna stick around in your playgroups?
literally nobody in my playgroup is playing any un-cards. the fact that it's temporary makes it unappealing and i don't think most of us would even want to play un-cards unless we knew our opponents were playing them too.

they should have just announced "un-commander" which allows silver border. people in my group already do planechase or kingdoms sometimes so people really have no qualms with variants.

i'm really tired of this trend

Remind me never to cross your waifu.

anyone else here have grimlock?

>Look can you all just please make a fucking point without stopping halfway through to shove your own narrative into the works? I don't care about Skull&Bones faggy war against wizard Nazis. I just want to play cards.

I point you to and . All of this is literally a response to someone else peddling their own "Magic is dying!" narrative first.

>Bounded by lots of arbitrary rules
>Calls other decks "faggy"
>muh "you can't play things that I don't like"

Imagine being so butthurt over so many different things.

>Can't contain blue, unless it's Mairsil
>mr. jank cage's wild ride memes
>not faggy
Post discarded right there.

people aren't even bothering to post pictures anymore its getting sad

You can easily mod a nerf gun to give it more power, since nerf guns, as the name implies, are actually nerfed to be more safe for kids to play. It could easily blow your whole deck all over the ground while doing basically your whole life points in damage, so I guess banning it was a decent solution, even because there aren't many people with that card.

How does this card interact with proliferate?

>they should have just announced "un-commander" which allows silver border
Or staggered it 50 cards at a time or something.

I think a lot of people like un cards for the same reason they like EDH and the older sets. They're creative and weird. Getting to play with creative, weird things is nice. Having to trip your way through hostile joke rules more than one game in a row is not so nice.

Meh. Kinda obvious who am i playing.

>easily mod a nerf gun
thats against the ruuuuuuruuus, besides mega darts cannon gets the job done.

richfags are being babies over their cardboard and spike ruin fun yet again.

Marchesa for card draw, then use all your removal, stax/punishment and pillowfort cards

>growth in duel masters
Duel Masters died twice in America and in Europe. That's a japanese only game.

We're also talking about the PLAYERBASE (as in the people that show up and play in LGS, not the buyer base, which includes casual and kitchen table numbers), not how much money mtg makes off whales. It feels less like you're actually defending the game, and just attacking /pol/ whenever possible.

Your grudge against /pol/ is staggering and annoying, no one is bringing up the diversity shit. What people ARE bringing up is lackluster product with below standard quality, fucked up flagship formats (standard being whack, modern being a bunch of boring linear aggro silverbullet sidedeck bullshit, legacy still costing the down payment of a good car), and developers with 0 idea of how the game works and what is actually good. Not to mention the playerbase itself is full obnoxious jackasses.

People don't quit because of one reason. But I guess it's just easier to blame /pol/ instead of realizing that mtg sort of sucks right now unless you're kitchen table focused.

exactly how you think it would.

stop using a toaster

Mines pretty unspecific.

Magic isn't a game for boys.
Also, two decks.

Magic is dying though.

It is also experiencing a boom. Both narratives are partially correct and people have a right to be confused and upset. Courting a new target audience can be done without actively insulting old customers, and when those old customers were bullied kids or social rejects, it kind of ruins any positive social message and makes it sad and ironic instead.

Likewise, some grognards are fucking gross and shitty and mean all at once, and should be told off, and the three potential female customers he scared off can and should be considered.

There has to be a healthier balance, and since there so obviously IS one we could go by, people are a little on edge right now, because things seem more manufactured to divide than unite. Someone, somewhere, wants to change the people playing this hobby instead of just politely nudging the real human beings within it in the right direction.

Fucking Australians.

Can you provide official numbers citing the decline in the PLAYERBASE, which apparently doesn't include people who don't play casual and kitchen table? No anecdotes, no """40%""" when that's already been debunked, just genuine official facts that say that the number of active FNM players has decreased, like you say it has.

Wotc doesn't release such numbers.

Anyone have any recommendations for a grimlock deck?

Well, the rules only talk about using foam darts, not that you can't just take out the air limiter for stronger shots. Although if there is already a gun that does the job, that is kinda moot.

>Fox only
>No items
>Final Destination

Not the best start