Considering the amount of hatred directed towards this particular race...

Considering the amount of hatred directed towards this particular race, why do you think it attracts such and how would you go about fixing it?

Aside from the obvious removing 'edgelord' players, and balancing them to stop them being in the mechanical position as an inherently more potent choice compared to some other races, the same situation with elves and humans in 5th ed.

Say, for example, we refluff them as not hell birthed but rather the corruption of an individual who by choice or force exchanged their soul for immortality (the ageless kind, where entropy doesnt affect them but they are still reliant on their physiology). Instead of them being a race in this instance it would lead to a character goal, to become one as one can quest to become a lich. Once attained the effect could be increase the negative charisma modifier and prevent them from channelling divine spells, the offsetting factor being them gaining the skills, language, vision, cantrips and role-play oppurtunities of indenture to the being who performed the transposition upon you or the journey to whereversuch the ritual takes place (should it be self-adminstered). Being souless would also prevent you from becoming a vampire or a lich and going to an afterlife, not being able to become a spirit either some idea as to what happens post-death would also have to had. Although that may be perveived as a very gygaxian way of doing things and would trigger the hero-oriented normalfags, who get triggered at the very mention of consequences and sacrifices.

TL:DR I apologise for the verboseness but basically my fix is to make being a Tiefling a state similar to Lichdom.

I don't think there's really a problem with Tieflings, they might appeal to edgelords but not everyone who plays a Tiefling will be one. Veeky Forums is just full of really unpleasant people who love complaining about shit.

Pretty much.


You "fix" literally makes them MORE appealing to faggots.

The real fix is to remove them, or stop playing DnD alltogether.

I know that much, I was just offhanding the stereotype to prevent the thread becoming exclusively recountings of peoples encounter with those sorts of players.

I've only ever been in two campaigns of 5th edition, once as player and once as DM. Luckily, we didn't have any persons in either group that comformed to stereotypes, however I don't think the sample size of my closeknit rural surrounding is justification for not recognising what could be an epidemic problem elsewhere.

sexy demon ladies

The amount of hatred directed at them are based on a) the retarded 4e fluff and b) their blatantly overpowered special snowflake status. People don't play asasimar because it's obvious special snow fflake status, so they turned to tiefling for edgy tryhard special snowflake status.

Mind you that's specific to Veeky Forums. Most people don't actually care. OP just fell for memes.

>conflating a magical infusion into a singular individual with an infernal bargain

>The amount of hatred directed at them are based on a) the retarded 4e fluff

The 4e fluff for them was fine. Decadent, demonologist roman empire falling apart. Gave them an actual place in the world rather than 'Oh yeah, you are a unique special snowflake'.

It's called making infernal bargains and has nothing to do with specific races.

>People don't play asasimar because it's obvious special snow flake status.

Think he means that they are clearly special snowflakes and that playing Tiefling allows you to sneak in playing your special snowflake race.

It's become painfully obvious now that I've made a shitty thread. So, new thread question, if you could throw a new race into the kitchen sink what would you add?

Rather than add anything, I'd make half-elves more distinct and kind of their own thing, closer to Bretons from Elder Scrolls instead of just "LOL YOU'RE A HUMAN WITH A FEW ELF TRAITS TACKED ON!"

Bulky wise giantlike race.

A race I want to fuck more than gnomes.

Also made them look like cambions for some reason

Nah, instead I prefer Tieflings to be more directly influenced by a demon. You're of direct descent by one. This brings it's own plot hooks with it. You have a demonic parent that exists, and for some reason has decided to have you with a mortal. You may have mortal parents, but you are the result of a ritual performed by your parents to summon a demon, and your dad was a cuckold. Or shit, maybe you were born to a single mother after she had a particularly vivid dream fucking a powerful stranger. Point is, you were born for a purpose you don't understand yet by a terrible demon. Oh also, tieflings who go down to Hell can become full demons, and many are enticed to do so by their parent or other family members, like an uncle or sister.

>why do you think it attracts such
Because humanfag brainlets.
>how would you go about fixing it?
Remove humanfag brainlets.

You know, demons are evil enough to rape mortals, user. Stick to the good fetishes instead of jumping to "uhhh demon cucked"

Rape is kind of the worst fetish.

I've never actually seen any edgelords playing tieflings. All the edgelords I've seen try and hack together some method of playing an undead, which no DM usually permits.

If your direct parent was a fiend, you'd be a half-fiend (Cambion). Your father would have to be a half-fiend for you to be a tiefling, even using the old Planetouched lore. Same for half-celestials and aasimar.

>you'd be a half-fiend (Cambion)

Or I could just not care about that at all and make Cambions either the kind of demon a tiefling becomes when they're elevated, or Cambions are tiefling babies who are subconsciously evil before being humanized, that wail and cry terror, and can increase their weight to drag people down into hell to meet their parent.

Demons have a hard time leaving Hell without being called or having permission by their jailers.

Does anyone really like Teiflings for any other reason than they're sexy?
>Teifling girl will never wrap her thicc tail around your waist


I don't dislike Teiflings, I dislike Tiefling players.

>What are Firbolgs
>What are Goliaths, to a lesser extent

Tbh i'm yet to meet a Tiefling played terribly. Maybe it's because i don't live in Murica, but here people actually play them subdued.

Most of edgelords i played with were human and elf players (and one kobold player).

Houri, good-aligned version of succubi.

"Special snowflake" is now the new "Mary Sue" that, it's become a meaningless term.

Get rid of the ugly paper mache eyebrow horns. Those have always been retarded. Give them something better looking.

That's literally all Bretons are.

That aesthetic came with fourth edition and was carried through to fifth iirc. In the original Planescape manual for second edition they looked like picture related, too akin to fey is the reason I believe they were redesigned.

I know. The paper mache eyebrow horns are fucking ugly and disgusting, they need to go. Doesn't matter what they get replaced with as long as it's not something that ugly.

It made them all look like Asmodeus, as he's the demon lord in the 4e setting that made the deal with them.

>Aside from the obvious removing 'edgelord' players

Too late. It's here to stay.

That's the shit Asmoedus though. Would have preferred if all tieflings followed this Asmodeus' aesthetic.

>he doesn't like the big chunky horns

How is 'Mary Sue' a meaningless term? It's prevalence as a descriptor doesn't signify that it's becoming overused, instead it indicates that in our current media we are consistently failing to create compelling flawed characters and are instead drawing appeal from a self-insertion standpoint. This is becoming a geniune issue in anime at the moment, this isekai craze is hell on earth. Say what you want about classic isekai featuring middle-aged men but it's better than the endless pandering trash that has infested the medium now. We all know this industry isn't going to die like it needs to, if anything we're going to get another inverse coup de grace like that one show from the nineties whose name I'm not going to say in order to prevent this thread becoming even more derailed. What I wouldn't give for a repeat for the death and rebirth of American cinema over the turn of the 70s but in Japan.

Special Snowflake I agree is becoming a vague term at best. To my knowledge though there isn't any other common comparison out there yet, so if you want to coin a new phrase right now be my guest.

I hate Dragonborn way waaay more than I hate Tieflings.

Thinking back to those games, exotic races weren't played in either. In the game in which I played the party consisted of three male humans, this was mostly likely due to the fact the gimmick to character creation was that we were to attempt to model a character from myth / legend, so we ended up with Goethe's Faust (Me - An Infernal Pact Warlock with a homebrewed rule where I could heal injuries by inflicting the same upon kidnapped victims before sending their souls to my patron), Samson from the Bible (A blind Oath Of Vengeance Paladin) and Odysseus from the Illiad (An intelligent, eloquent and cunning Fighter).
The game where I was the dungeon master the party consisted of two male humans, a male elf, a male gnome and a male half-orc. So I should probably count myself lucky I never had to deal with Dragonborn or Aarakocrat or Genasi or any other non-traditional race.

Basically gorons, but more imperial. They're effectively immortal they live so long, subsist on rocks, need almost no water, sleep for decades at a time, and build the grandest, yet oldest and most-dilapidated empires in the most remote regions.

Their memories don't last forever, though. About 300 years ago is all they can remember with any clarity.

They are born deep underground. By the time they surface, they're already tens of thousands of years old. They are methodical, deliberate, slow to anger, but decisively brutal as well.

Terrible at stealth so nobody would ever play them.

I'm currently DMing a campaign where I have:
>human rogue
>wood elf druid
>rock gnome artificer
>merfolk wizard
>air genasi bard
>cor monk

Merfolk and cor are based on the Magic the Gathering races. The monk only bugs me because his AC is 19 after landing a successful hit. The wizard bugs me because her player decided to not use any attack spells, so instead lays waste with Grease, Web, and other such nasty AoE dex saving spells that make me roll saving throw after saving throw. Air Genasi is downright pedestrian by comparison.

>Special Snowflake I agree is becoming a vague term at best. To my knowledge though there isn't any other common comparison out there yet, so if you want to coin a new phrase right now be my guest.

Eh, in this context it works. Pre-4e tieflings are all one of a kind creatures (And would honestly work best as a template if D&D had ever managed templates that didn't suck) while 4e made more an actual race of them.

Your local group is typical.
The edgelord douchemongering is a rare thing that happens more in fiction made by people who don't actually play, than in games that ever took place.

The only "epidemic" is how many "cool stories" the brosephs around here make up.

I hate gnomes, but you don't see me posting in a thread unsubtley prodding for gnome related stories and antics.

still better than NTR

In my homebrew, tieflings and devas are the reincarnations of each other. I've always been slightly annoyed that fallen devas reincarnate as rakshasas, and the whole "angels who chose to become mortal = devas" is easily applied to "devils who chose mortality = tieflings" leads to a nice dramatic conclusion: tieflings can redeem themselves into becoming devas, while devas can debase themselves into tieflings. It led to a really interesting tiefling PC who was obsessed with earning her way into deva-dom and was even more LG than the paladins of Bahamut.
I prefer 4e, if only because I really enjoyed the Points of Light lore.

Also, it lead to great character moments where the tiefling admonished the rogue for doing roguish things and literally threw in "Don't you people care about your immortal SOULS!?!"



A friend asked for a troll race so I slapped something together (just now, actually). It's WoW as fuck,

>we are consistently failing to create compelling flawed characters
But why should it matter whether a character is flawed or not? Either they're entertaining (or thought-provoking or artistic or whatever the point of the work is) or they're not, and that's primarily a function of how well they're written. If anything, badly-written flawed characters are even more annoying than badly-written characters who actually are awesome in-universe, especially if those flaws are there just so the author can claim their char is not a Mary Sue.

If a character hogs the spotlight, give them your best lines.

>Tainted legacy is a fucking """"""""""""""""race """"""""""""""""
It's as fucking stupid as calling SURGE its own metatype in shadowrun.
Bring back tiefling trait roll table.

I dislike the oversized horns and exaggerated fiendish traits. I prefer oldschool ones.

>I prefer oldschool ones.
3e is not oldschool.
Oldschool tielings have rat tails, goat legs, lizard skin, frog eyes, mismatched antlers, sulphurous breath and sweat slime.

That's a funny way to spell Draenei.

Honestly, Dragonborn just become Firebreathing Godzillamen and Tieflings get retooled to be Oni or some kind of other magical race. Once made them four armed Blue Shiva people.


Play them like pic related.

Absolutely halal!

>Hellboy Tiefling

He'll be constantly telling every evil-aligned guy that he has enough of their crap.

There's nothing wrong with tieflings (although I preferred their pre-4E variety in looks and traits). The real reason people get pissy about them is that tieflings and dragonborn are unapologetically High Fantasy, which is seen as "less mature" by people who are insecure about their hobbies.

Their new appearance is disgusting and I miss the disfigured human aesthetic.

Absolutely and genuinely retarded.

Draenei shouldn’t exist

It's a race that has only become a major playable race because of horny teenagers who let their fetish control them.
You fix it by not giving it as much attention.
Wouldn't say remove because planetouched by fiends has its place just like other planetouched races.

>Draenei shouldn’t exist
They should, but they should look like this

a That Guy is going to be a That Guy even if he can only play humans.

but at least he will be unhappy

my tiefling was the best.
29 year old tiefling girl who studied to be a transmuter to make big money, she was the black sheep of the family because her elder sister was a sorceress again motivating her to study magic. during the campaign, I played her in she managed to get 22 int though deck of many fates so I really enjoyed playing a shy hyperintelligent tiefling.

I have no idea why people need their tieflings to be edgy bois. I'm not sure these people know what it's like to be part of a race which has quite a few negative stereotypes surrounding them. it's not like tieflings are dumb like orcs, they're smart enough to try and defuse the obvious hatred they're going to naturally get due to their heritage.

>open mouth to say tieflings aren't 'mechanically superior'
>Doublechecks players' handbook
Huh... I guess they are kind of are.

I hold nothing against tieflings, though in my game's setting, they are pretty heavily hared by the colonial exiles because they were forced out from their old homelands because a decent bulk of the Black Emperor's army included summoned fiends.

the main problem with tieflings is that they are basically humans with horns rather than some truly fiendish creatures

And the problem with dragonborns is that they have no reasons to be. I'm pretty sure that some exec walked into a meeting conference and said ''The game is called Dungeons and Dragons so we have to have a playable dragon race or our audience will be confused''.

Just why

People love draconians that's why

See, I love their consolidated look because oh-so-random tieflings just ended up being another excuse for a table.

but no one does

And a lot of the problem is that GMs want draconics to be NPCs-

>Only the GM is allowed to use dragons, half-dragons, and kobolds in most eyes
>PCs are given dragonborn and GMs bitch about special snowflake characters.

My god, I'm suddenly aware that many GMs bitch because they are no longer the sole keeper of the special snowflakes.

More varied appearance.

GURPsfag go home.

After collecting all the books, there's a lot more variation than you think. The horns can be long or short, the color can be any normal skin tone but also red, blue, and black, and the eyes can be solid pools of any color, but can also have more human eyes with black sclera and they may or may not have a tail.

are you retarded. tieflings have the most varied appearance of any of the PHB races.

>different colors
>different horns
>different numbers of digits
>wings or no wings
>tail or no tail
>human facial features or more demonic
>goat legs or no goat legs

tiefling is 100% freeform as your look depends on your infernal background.

I've always liked Starbound's Novakid, and despite being sci-fi, I've toyed with the idea of trying something similar.

Just a being of energy that came into existence for no real reason, not because it was destined, but just because. I also like the laid-back nature they have.

I obviously couldn't do the wild west thing, but with some work I think they'd be fun

if my players wanted to play kobolds I would let them.

Now... I just need to figure out a class...

Ranger I guess?

The phenomenon you describe is an anti-sue, which is STILL a Mary Sue archtype anyway.

You coming from an inferior country doesn't mean you have better players, all of the tieflings I've seen in the heartland of the Midwest were alright...if a bit predisposed to be sexy.

Ranger monster hunter i'd say.
I had a had a person make a hellboi clone but they played barbarian. it's what all the uncreative people pick for their "guy who fights" clone characters.

IN THEE FIRST FEW POST SOMEONES SUPER COOL ABOUT SOMETHING. Just because edgelords can ruin something doesn't mean it has to be considered ruined.

Proud of you fa/tg/it

I play one and am generally not hated or mistreated and sneered at. No one sighs when I walk in.

Edgelords just need to stop being so 'dream-me, self inserty' about this shit and just play it cool. Like play a character not your idea of the most '13 year old-esque` shit you believe is cool'.

Using a friend's idea: storm elementals.

Basically humanoids of wind, lightning, rain, and ice. (and thus why it wouldn't work to just be a normal elemental)

Everyone hates gnomes.